
Creepypasta Stories Sorted by Category

Average Rating:


He was running. He had to avoid detection. He was Test Subject 27-B. Heading back was no longer an option. His name was Daniel, but that didn't matter, no one ever used names, not even the ...
Willow Lake
Average Rating:

Willow Lake

So, three friends and I decided we were going to camp out in this 30 acre sanctuary down the street from my neighborhood. It’s paralleled by railroad tracks and a road on one side, and then ...
The Cry
Average Rating:

The Cry

She lay still in the darkness, not daring to make a single sound. For hours she had lay awake in her pitch black room, shivering with terror. She held herself tightly as to not ruffle the ...
Closet of Skeletons
Average Rating:

Closet of Skeletons

"Goodnight, son. I'll see you in the morning." "But, Mom, what about the shadow man?" "Derek, we've been through this. There's no shadow man in your closet." "But..." "Go to sleep, now. And don't think about ...
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For you, gaming is about escape. When you push the button on the console, switch the PC on, you are switching the real world off and escaping to somewhere else for a while.  Recently the bright ...
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It was 4:03 in the morning and I woke up screaming. It was my dream. In my dream, I watched everyone I ever knew or loved be killed by the creature. It had a short fat ...
Modern Monster: Frankenstein
Average Rating:

Modern Monster: Frankenstein

Kurt Atkinson was an average college student with a knack for anything science-related, and had wild dreams of one day being celebrated as a hero in the science field, even though he knew that was too ...
The Danger and Cruelty of Hope
Average Rating:

The Danger and Cruelty of Hope

Hope. It really is the most powerful yet dangerous and cruel of human traits. It forces us to defy logic, sometimes at great cost. Other times it guides us through treacherous waters and back into the ...
After Hours
Average Rating:

After Hours

It was around midday when the call came. My manager at Target was asking whether I could work that night. The store had been understaffed recently since many of my co-workers had left town. I didn't ...
Déjà Vu
Average Rating:

Déjà Vu

Almost everyone has had a moment of déjà vu. Going about your business, you travel to school or work, or are simply strolling through the place you call home when something catches your attention. You're sure ...
It's Not About You
Average Rating:

It’s Not About You

You and Sarah rush through the doors as Rachel screams. Her cries abruptly cut off as the stone doors slam shut, though you can still hear a faint grinding coming from behind you. At the beginning, ...
The House on Harbor View Road
Average Rating:

The House on Harbor View Road

I think it should go down in law that all small towns need an urban legend. Nothing ushers in excitement to a dull, lackluster town like a good ol’ fashioned ghost tale. Or monster tale, or ...
The Maid
Average Rating:

The Maid

January 21, 1922 I reached the farm just a few hours ago, and it is more than I could have possibly imagined. I knew as soon as I arrived that I had made the right choice ...
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Dear Hannah, I’ve been doing a lot of running lately. It’s an excellent way to stay in shape. Obviously. But that’s not really why I do it. Mostly I just like the fresh air and the ...
One Hour
Average Rating:

One Hour

Today was perfectly normal to begin with, nothing out of the ordinary at all. The same old droning of daytime television and cars, the occasional bird just loud enough in the backyard to make itself heard ...
Trust Me
Average Rating:

Trust Me

"I will not cry." That was my silent mantra as I sat, staring straight ahead, doing my best to show no reaction in response to the bitter hatred pouring from their mouths. This can't be right ...
Where A Kid Can Be A Kid
Average Rating:

Where A Kid Can Be A Kid

When I was a child my father owned a janitorial company that worked almost every night at our local Showbiz Pizza Place/Chuck E. Cheese’s. He would often bring me to work with him so I could ...
Tran-Siberian Express
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Tran-Siberian Express

Day 1 After stowing our luggage away under the bottom bunk and taking a few moments to adjust to our new ‘home’ for the next seven days, we turned to face our travelling companion or the ...
Dream Awake
Average Rating:

Dream Awake

When people are born blind, their minds never capture the visual stigmas that are necessary for dreams to be created. As a result, these individuals are eternally destitute of sight and stricken to experience only their ...
Blue Light Special
Average Rating:

Blue Light Special

Like many couples, we too enjoyed partaking in the night frolics and witching hour adventures (as she and I called them). Simple little outings done together in the dead of night. This added element of danger ...
Average Rating:


My sister always screams in the middle of the night. Horrible, blood-curdling screams. And I cannot get her to stop. I lie in my bed, away from the earth, dreaming in mist, and her screams penetrate ...
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