Creepypasta Stories Sorted by Author

One More For The Orphan
In a small orphanage in a small village in Russia, there is a young boy. His hair is jet black, and messy, and he tattered jeans and an old dingy grey shirt. Nothing is known of ...

White with Red
A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there ...

This Is Just A Test
You'd fallen asleep to late-night television, but curiously woke up to the sounds of the static playing on the T.V. As you sit up, rubbing your eyes, you read the scrawling words of the Emergency Broadcast ...

The Tattoo
You wake after a wild night of partying to find that while you were wasted, for some reason you had a crude smiley face tattooed on your foot. You write it off as a lesson to ...

Watch Out For The… Wait, What?
Driving home at night, you notice that all the lights in your house/apartment are on. As you park the car, they all turn off at the same time. The house is empty and the doors are ...

The Alternate’s Death
You know when you're falling asleep, and you suddenly get the feeling that you've tripped? You're body lurches forward in an instant, ready to protect you instinctively from injury. You can almost SEE the ground rising ...

Negative Gate
Look behind you. What do you see? Invariably, there will be a wall somewhere in your view. Now stare deeply into the space on the wall that lines up best with your eyes. Nothing will happen, ...

The Smiling Man In Black
When I was younger, I lived with my father and his mother. I was the only child, a girl at that, and my father was very protective of me. My grandmother, on the other hand, hated ...

The Freak Show
A young man and his new bride were honeymooning in Paris when his wife went into a restroom and didn't return. With time the man began to fear the worst and went to the police. The ...

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away
Have you ever heard the expression "an apple a day keeps the Doctor away?" Most assume, with no reason to think otherwise, that it is simply an easy-to-remember rhyme that stresses the importance of eating healthily ...

The Hole In The Wall
I'm hoping at least /x/ will enjoy this because it's probablt fucked me up for life. It's seeming a lot more absurd as time passes (12 days since I moved my shit into my friends place), ...

The Unremarkable Service Station
In Central Australia, there is an unremarkable service station along a straight and barren stretch of road. If you walk straight in and ask for the key, you will be given an unremarkable key attached to ...

There it goes again. Something definitely moved this time. It was very brief, but out of the corner of your eye, you saw something. But wait. All the doors are locked, no pets, and your parents ...

Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv
There is a video on YouTube named Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv. If you search this, you will find nothing. The few times you find something, all you will see is a twenty-second video of a man staring ...

The Soft Places
There is a special word in each holy book of all the great religions; The Koran, The New Testament, The Torah, The Bhagavad Gita; and nine other forgotten books spoke of in the Dead Sea Scrolls ...

The Glacier Canyon
If you travel to the furthest glaciers in the south, it is said you can walk into the canyons of ice there. If you find the junction of two canyons that form a perfect square, you ...

His True Name
Although the Jewish omnipotent entity we refer to by tradition as God was first called Yahweh (I am) by the Israelites, legend has it that the high priest of Israel passed from one to another his ...

Deeper Darkness
There is a moment each leap year, at exactly three minutes past three on the morning of February twenty-ninth. If you possess the courage, await that moment in darkened room, with no other present. At that ...

The Mirror
The next time you're alone in your room, turn down the lights. Think of something on your body that varies in length, such as hair. It must be clearly viewable from your perspective. Grab a ruler ...

Sarah O’Bannon
Coffins used to be built with holes in them, attached to six feet of copper tubing and a bell. The tubing would allow air for victims buried under the mistaken impression they were dead. Harold, the ...