
Latest Creepypasta Stories

Eli Foster
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Eli Foster

Okay. Let's get this straight. I never wanted any of this to happen. I'm not who you all think I am. I promise that all those things he did - that was never intentional. Not ...
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No one knows why fireflies glow. There are of course a few theories, but there are good arguments for and against each. The first is the idea that the glow is a warning to other ...
The Tracks to Nowhere
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The Tracks to Nowhere

“Have you heard about the tracks to nowhere?” That’s what George Lovely asked me that morning at school over our brightly-colored, sugary cereals. I replied that I hadn’t, allowing him to proceed with his story ...
We Thought You Knew
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We Thought You Knew

The rental house exceeded my expectations. You may think $400 per month rent for a three bedroom, two bath, furnished house four miles from a state university suspicious, but having grown up in the foothills, ...
Wanna Play?
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Wanna Play?

Part 1 When I was about ten years old, my family moved. We ventured to a semi-suburban part of Georgia, where my parents opted for one of the older neighborhoods rather than the newer clusters ...
Warnock's Dilemma
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Warnock’s Dilemma

I don't know how to start things. Partly, I think, that's because I don't know where this all...started. Began? I'll start with me. I'm 25, working from home for a call center. It's an alright ...
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I’m posting this here, as well as on a few other forums, because I’m hoping that some tech-savvy user among you will be able to explain what happened on my iPhone a couple of nights ...
The Destiny Determiner
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The Destiny Determiner

He was rich, rich beyond his wildest dreams, with a beautiful wife by his side and two equally beautiful children. He had everything one could want in life: money, love, happiness. I should have left ...
Deep Into the Shadows
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Deep Into the Shadows

The following interviews were conducted with the foreknowledge that names and locations would be kept private. Therefore, they have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Every night before I went to bed, ...
Charles Bonnet Syndrome
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Charles Bonnet Syndrome

I suffer from a condition called Charles Bonnet Syndrome, or Visual Release Hallucinations if you want to get more technical. It’s a condition that’s far more common than you might realize — it’s estimated that ...
The Girl, The Woman, and The Creature
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The Girl, The Woman, and The Creature

She had no memory of how she got here. Deep within a labyrinthine dungeon, in a multitude of cold, rocky, undulating passages, intertwining and stretching in every direction, dimly lit with torches but still somehow ...
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The tall grandfather clock bellowed four times through the two-story house, as the county school bus pulled off from the driveway. A young girl named Jenna McLure sat on the carpeted floor of the second ...
No Such Thing As Ghosts
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No Such Thing As Ghosts

Jeremy Miller was never a man of God. Whereas all the other kids he grew up with spent their Sundays in their respective holy houses, Jeremy spent his Sunday mornings glued to the television. He ...
He's In My Head and He Won't Go Away
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He’s In My Head and He Won’t Go Away

[For what should be obvious reasons later in the story, I'm withholding my friend's name. I'll just call him Matt or Matthew for the sake of privacy purposes or whatever the whole thing is.] It's ...
The Man in The White Suit
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The Man in The White Suit

''What scares you?" Josh asked looking around the table. All other conversations stopped and the attention focused on him. He sat up a little straighter and grinned; he knew he had the floor. They sat ...
Father's Day
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Father’s Day

Father's Day Howard Simpkin was a quiet man, a nice man, everybody said so. Who could have foreseen the future? Howard grew up in the small town of Dakenby, the son of average parents of ...
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