
Latest Creepypasta Stories

A Germaphobe's First Love
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A Germaphobe’s First Love

Erica hated the lack of hygiene. Erica absolutely despised unhygienic people. Just thinking about the slightest chance of her physically touching a “dirty” person chilled her spine. She refused to drink from another person’s cup ...
Her Silence
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Her Silence

He turns the steering wheel in different directions, taking different roads when he needs to. He needs to go through the woods to get to his destination. He’s confused, but not about that. What confuses ...
World's Best School Psychologist
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World’s Best School Psychologist

When I was twelve, I came to the conclusion that everyone in the world, including my own family, was against me. I was never a problem child, but my parents sure treated me like one ...
Jesus Camp
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Jesus Camp

I was raised Evangelical. Miraculous healing, speaking in tongues, God’s voice speaking through people, Jesus Camps, and Christian School. Yep. Christian School. My. Whole. Life. These were all realities to me- and my faith never ...
The Spirit of Devil's Curb
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The Spirit of Devil’s Curb

This story happened when I was about 13 years old. It was a hot summer afternoon and my buddy and I were bored and looking for something to do. For the purposes of this story, ...
If a Child With Black Eyes Comes to Your Door Do Not Let Them In
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If a Child With Black Eyes Comes to Your Door Do Not Let Them In

It started with three light knocks on our door. Tap, tap, tap. We seldom had visitors to our small apartment, especially not at this hour. “Are we expecting someone?” my wife asked. “No,” I said as ...
The Dangers of Fame
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The Dangers of Fame

I awoke to the sun shining through the slit in the curtains and an odd feeling. When I sat up, I was struck with confusion when I saw my surroundings. This wasn’t my house. How ...
The Flasher
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The Flasher

Officer Sparrow walked down Jenkins street in a stride of confidence, though was trying to hide her strong authority beneath a mask of indifference. She was wearing her casual clothes and a thin face of ...
A Strange Device
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A Strange Device

My name is Erika Stanton. You need to understand why I am posting this. The following are replicas of two posts that a friend of mine by the name of Alex Garvey made on a ...
The Waving Girl
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The Waving Girl

I’m writing this tonight in desperation. I need help. I need answers. I have seen her for as long as I can remember. My earliest memory is even of her. I was gazing out of ...
The Late Show
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The Late Show

They move again tonight.  I lay and watch them, seeing as it’s all I can do. They slip and slide through the street lamp window curtain shaded light and I know my eyes have begun ...
King's Horses
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King’s Horses

I started working as a morgue attendant the same September that most of my friends entered college. I’d applied to a few public schools, but I had no idea what I wanted to do with ...
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