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The Under

Estimated reading time — 7 minutes

Okay… erm… I don’t usually do this, but I guess I probably should just in case they ask for further evidence or something. My name is Graham Luciani. I’m 28 years old, living alone in my childhood home. I inherited it several years ago after both my mom and dad passed away. Separately of course. My mother died first, and a couple of years later, my father died and left the place to me. It can sometimes be quite difficult living there. I’m the youngest of 8 children, so you can imagine how big the house would have had to have been to accommodate that many people.
The loneliness is sometimes maddening, and it doesn’t help that my employment consists of me sat alone in a room inputting numbers into a computer. No human interaction there either. When I inherited the house, it wasn’t in a particularly liveable condition. I don’t know how my parents had managed it. Windows were boarded up, the garden was overgrown, and the houses interior was just dusty and dirty from neglect.

After about a week or so, I managed to get the place looking pretty decent, but after a while, the massive size of the house just proved to be way too much for me to handle and care-take. I decided that rather than selling up and moving out, I should convert the house into 2 smaller attached houses and rent one of them out. I wouldn’t have to clean as much, and I would be able to collect rent money from whoever moved in. The renovations would pay for themselves in no time that way. It sounded ideal.

In the town where I live, before making any major modifications to your lot however (having a pool fitted, demolition, building expansion etc.) , you have to first visit the City Hall, discuss your plans, and ask for permission. Most of the time it’s pretty straight forward and simple. Apparently, my case wasn’t though. I visited City Hall after making an appointment with a Mr. Alan Carter, who was the acting Lot Development Supervisor at the time. I took a seat in his office, and after I discussed my idea to develop my house into 2 attached houses, he used his intercom to ask for someone to collect the blueprints to my house from the records room so I could clearly explain exactly what I was talking about, and what I planned to do. After a couple of minutes of small-talk, a rather attractive young lady entered the room carrying a rolled up piece of A3 paper. She handed it to Mr. Carter, and after a smile at me, she left and didn’t return.


Everything was going fine, until Mr. Carter showed me the blueprints. I didn’t even see it at first, but after a little while, I noticed that there seemed to be a door leading to a small room with a set of stairs in what was at the time- my kitchen. I pointed it out to Carter, and he gave me an odd look. “Mr. Luciani, this appears to be a basement staircase.” I was astounded. I had lived in this house for almost 20 years altogether (born, left home and returned again) and I had never once known about any basement. I asked Alan Carter if I could take the blueprints home with me to investigate the new-found area, but he refused, stating that he couldn’t let me leave the building with the original. He did however give me a copy.

When I returned home that night, I made myself a cup of coffee, grabbed a flash-light and took a look around my kitchen around the area where the supposed door was. Mom and Dad had wallpapered the kitchen many years ago, and since it was in such good condition still, I hadn’t stripped it during my first decorating session. It was an ugly yellow floral pattern thing, and now that I was up close, running my fingers along it to find any sign of an indentation, I kinda wished I had torn it down before. After a little while of fumbling around with the wallpaper, I did indeed find a small area that seemed uneven. Now relatively excited to find out what was in this new room, I took a kitchen knife off the sink drainer, and hacked away at the area of wallpaper.

After some tearing and cutting, I eventually tore most of it off, revealing a door. I tore the rest off. The door was made of a relatively sturdy looking wood, and had no handle. Instead, it had an indent which allowed me to open the door in a sliding motion, similar to how an automatic door opens in supermarkets. The door opened into a cold emptiness. Judging by where this door was, the room was under my first set of stairs. I used the flash-light to look around. There wasn’t really anything interesting about this room. Or at least, there wasn’t anything to indicate any reason why it would be wallpapered up. There was a strange smell of dirt and earth, and it was at that point I realised, my parents must have known about this place, as they were the ones that had decorated the house before I was born. With the flash-light in one hand, and the kitchen knife in the other, I entered the room. Sure enough, there was the set of stairs. It led into what seemed like an endless, deep black abyss.

I wondered if I should turn around and go back, but the idea of having this mysterious strange area open to me while I would be fast asleep just upstairs was kinda creepy, and I just wanted to check it out before I did anything else. I went down the stairs. My footsteps were incredibly loud against the wooden stairs, and as I went further and further into the abyss, the air became more bone-chillingly cold, and the smell of earth became stronger. Eventually I reached the bottom, and discovered that I was now standing not on wood, or carpet, or what you’d expect in a basement, but mud. The flash-light revealed that I was now stood in a massively long corridor. Cautiously, I began to walk down it.

Eventually, I came across a room to my left, which was separated from the corridor by a thin, decaying curtain. I entered, and was horrified by what I saw. Inside the room, I found what appeared to be decaying human corpses. Each was completely torn apart, and left in an uneven pile. There had been a relatively mild earth smell up until now, but as I entered the room, the stench of meat had hit me. I immediately felt sick, and had to step out of the room for a minute to gather my senses. I panicked.

I was about to head back upstairs to call for the police, when curiosity got the better of me. I stepped back into the room, and took a better look around with the flash-light, while using my shirt to cover my nose from the stench. Inside the room were many strange items I didn’t expect to see, given the circumstances. There was a small, broken radio on a shelf, several small teddy bears strewn across the floor, and a rocking horse, which had been completely destroyed. Worryingly, I also saw a single bed. Had some kind of sick murderer been living beneath me this whole time? I caught sight of a small, worn book which was lying open on the shelf next to the radio, and I grabbed it and got the hell out of there. The police could check where else the corridor led. I wanted to get the fuck out of there before whatever got those people came back.


As I came through the sliding door, I tossed the book I found onto the kitchen worktop, and closed the door. I was absolutely terrified that whatever had killed all of those people would come back and somehow see that I had been there and come up after me. There was no way for me to block the door however, and so I decided to grab my cell-phone, call the police and sit across from the door with the kitchen knife. The police told me they would arrive as soon as an officer was free. I sat at my kitchen table opposite the new-found door, and tightened my grip on the knife. Eventually, after a couple of minutes, I realised just how filthy my hands and clothes were from being down there, and got up to just quickly rinse my hands under the tap. However, I caught sight of the book I had brought up. I picked it up and took a closer look at it. It was made of worn leather, and looked well used. It was also incredibly thick. I opened it, and immediately confusion set in.

There were strange childlike pictures drawn of a weird looking creature, and scribbling that I didn’t understand. It appeared to be a diary because there were dates on every page, and it seemed to be a diary specifically for 1978. Throughout the diary, the pictures of this strange creature, along with two other scribbles that looked vaguely human was a recurring theme, and occasionally, I saw the word “dUG” scrawled the pages. I was in the middle of trying to discipher one of these pages, when there was a stern knock at my front door. I got up, still clutching the kitchen knife and answered it. It was the Police finally.

They searched the house, and took me away to the Police Station. One of my worries was that they would think I had committed some kind of sick series of murders, but the police were actually quite open minded, and once I showed them the diary, they asked to keep it for investigation. Of course I let them. I was sent to a police half-way house until my home had been investigated, and when they called me into the Police station about 3 days later, they had some news for me. A rather chubby, yet stern looking cop (Officer… Beeves?… Reeves? I think?) informed me that the corridor beneath my house led to a small electrical shed quite a way away from my house, that had been forcefully smashed open- from the inside a few years ago and hadn’t been repaired.

He told me that someone had indeed been living in that room under my house, and after doing some DNA analysis of the hairs they found on the bed in the room, they discovered it to be a very similar match to mine. They also found that whoever had been living under me this whole time had been partially devouring the corpses in the room. He also told me that they had checked the previous medical records of myself, my siblings and my parents, and had discovered that my mother had in fact given birth to 9 children, the eldest of which was born in 1972, and had been diagnosed with an unknown illness which caused it to have several horrific mutations.


I was presented with a birth certificate of the said child also, and when I saw the name on it, it suddenly hit home, and my knees went weak.

Born 29th May 1972- DOUGLAS LUCIANI

I am the youngest of 9 children.

Credit To – Cooperwithacamera

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

49 thoughts on “The Under”

  1. RoseByAnyOtherName

    …..? AND? That was a great build up, but the end explained nothing, seemed more like a chapters end, not a story end.

  2. There is just one thing I don’t understand.
    The secret door was wallpapered, thus unaccessible, all the time that the narrator was alive, so at least 28 years. Doug was born in 1972, so we can even allow that the door was accessible for the first 13 years of his life (but it is unlikely, the other brothers would have known it existed in that case, and would have wondered why it was covered later). The electrical cabin was smashed “a few years ago”. So, in the meantime, how did Doug survive? He couldn’t drag people down there, and no one could go there to bring him food or anything else, so…?

  3. Okay but what happened to the other siblings? Why did the youngest get the house? That’s literally my only confusion with this.

    1. I don’t really have a reason for the youngest sibling having the house. Perhaps he was the only child the parents still had contact with.
      Perhaps none of the other siblings wanted the house, because they knew something that Graham didn’t…

      I would make a sequel answering all of these questions, but I think that might kill whatever intensity this story had. :/

  4. Great story. My only question is, what did the parents think would become of him when they wallpapered him inside the basement? Were they sealing him off to die?

    1. As I understood it, it was a sort of “out of sight, out of mind” matter. The parents figured that they’d abandon the kid down there with a few toys and a bed, and after a week or two he’d die down there.

      They papered over the door, so obviously they had no intension of ever going back down there again. They also chose to use a door with an indentation instead of a doorknob so that the entire surface would be flush with the wall, and no one else would have any reason to suspect it was there. They just wanted to forget about their first son, it seems.

      The shed at the other end of the underground corridor (which I assume the parents were not aware of, or just never properly investigated) was broken out of by someone from the inside, i.e. when the mutant managed to free himself

      The only problem I noticed was that the author never mentions the door being somehow locked. If it wasn’t secured in place though, all the mutant would need to do is haul the door to one side and tear down the layer of wallpaper – the only two things separating him from his parents and younger siblings.

      1. I never actually thought about the door thing… I guess I could mention here that the indent was only on the side of the door that faced into the kitchen? There was no possible way to open it from the inside because there was no handle or indent on the inside?
        You buying this? lmao :)

  5. I wish there was a little more exploration and explaination of the diary. That would have been real interesting. Then it would have been a 10 for me.
    But still, amazing writing, very impressed and creeped out.

  6. I absolutely loved this story, however, there is something bugging me…

    If the door was covered with wallpaper, how could have Douglas escaped without leaving any marks? To me it sounds more like he died trapped.

    1. It was said that an electrical box was smashed through the inside, so I assume he was able to leave through there.

      1. That’s definitely what I was going for with this story. There were two ways out of the underground area. The first was through the wallpapered door, and the second was through an abandoned electrical box/housing.
        As for why the corridor lead to an electrical housing in the first place, well perhaps the parents were embarrassed/ ashamed of having a mutant for a child, but didn’t have the heart to simply kill it/let it die.
        They could easily access the child using the electrical housing to feed it/ see it and the children living in the house wouldn’t be any of the wiser.

  7. Hey guys, I’m the guy that wrote this. I go by the name Elmarco as well as Cooperwithacamera.

    You’ll be surprised where the inspiration for this story came from actually. I know someone mentioned earlier there’s an independent film with this storyline. I have never heard of such a film lmao.
    The inspiration for this particular story was actually from a Simpson’s episode. A treehouse of horror episode in which Bart and Lisa discover Bart’s evil ex-conjoined twin Hugo in their attic. I changed a few details, added my own personal swing on things, but the basic “hidden weird-ass sibling” concept is still there.
    Thanks for the critique and more importantly, thankyou for taking the time to give me some advice. I appreciate it!

    1. I swear this is honestly what I thought of when reading this even though it isn’t all that similar and I haven’t seen it in years O_o That Simpsons episode

  8. The movie is called “The Pact”. I found it on Netflix. If it were an original story, it would have been awesome.

  9. This was amazing, one of the best creepypastas on this site
    it was confusing at first but then I figured it out :)

  10. Um. It’s a great story, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that I have a question.

    Did the eldest sibling break free from the corridor, and is now roaming around, or is he dead?

    1. Hey, I’m the one that wrote this! I go by the name Elmarco too.
      Since the electrical box was smashed open from the inside, and Graham didn’t encounter Douglas down in the room or corridor, It’s safe to assume the eldest sibling is still on the loose.
      However, you could consider he may have just been out hunting more people to stockpile at that point, so he may have returned.
      Where is he now? What is he doing? I’ll leave that thought with you! :)

  11. I think this story was well written (Other than the few grammatical errors I caught.) This story definitely gave me shivers.

  12. There is a movie with almost this exact story..for the life of me I cannot remember the name of it. It’s an independant film..a mother dies and her daughter (who inherited the house) finds a hidden room where her mothers murderous brother has been living.

    1. Oh yes! I know of this movie! Though what I remember about this movie is that yes, the brother was mutated, but it was because of the father conducting an experiment on the mother whilst she was giving birth to twins…? And few years after, the lead girl and a bunch of… Deaf or mute (?) stays at the hospital where the father used to work because the car broke down and they encounter the mutated brother there? Haha sorry it was an Indie movie that I wanted to throw away and I just remembered it too!

      Anyway, other than the movie, I like how realistic the story is, yes.!

  13. Alright so. The first thing I have to say is I really commend you for keeping things so realistic in this creepypasta. The whole concept of having to go to City Hall to be able to do a house renovation, and then not being able to keep the blueprint of the house was amazing accurate of how things would work in real life. That really made this for me.

    The ending was also surprisingly twisted, the way you brought up a 9th child when the reader knew of eight but completely forgot about them was such a good twist.

    While I think the writing style was well done, I do think that the writing could have used some proofreading and also a change of -some- word usage to make things smoother. For example:

    “After some tearing and cutting, I eventually tore most of it off, revealing a door.”

    You don’t need the word “eventually” there, because it’s already implied that some time passes when you use the word “after.” And then there was at least one spelling mistake (discipher = decipher).

    I also think the way you introduced the “pile of human corpses” was a little too straightforward. This is creepypasta, people are expecting scary stuff, so to do so obviously doesn’t work. This isn’t too big of a problem though, since the corpses weren’t the scary part of the story, but it could have been a little scarier of a story if the corpses weren’t flat out called “human corpses.”

    But all in all, the story was an enjoyable read, and the ending was excellent.

  14. only thing bugging me is – what is with his siblings? I mean they are 8 children plus a mutant brother, but he alone inherits the house? Somehow strange in my point of view

  15. I don’t see how this is confusing, it just means that his parents were hiding their horribly mutated child in a basement, and this guy found out about him. I really like this story.

  16. I think he meant for the bodies to be his siblings?But he doesn’t say this but I guess it’s implied in the end with the last sentence.It’s a alright story,could use some work though.

    1. It’s not implied to be his siblings, it’s that his parents locked his mutant brother in the basement. The brother escaped through the corridor and lived in the basement surviving off of people he killed.

    2. The bodies are victims that Douglas brought to his room to eat. There was no implication that the bodies are his siblings.

  17. lollipop_gestapo

    I’m so Happy our hero was smart about this! The story managed to be chilling while our hero didn’t go and do something stupid. Bravo. 8/10

    1. letting your “curiosity get the better” of you when you should be running for the hills, then waiting in the house for the cops instead of hiding safely at a neighbor’s, isnt dumb? That first thing is what gets you killed 9/10 in scary movies and books! Curiosity and not running away!

      it was a good story but I was immediately bothered by the lack of good sense there. also, it was almost funny how calmly the dead bodies were brought up. like, “I went through a corrider. I found a room to the left. In it were horrifying dead bodies. I noticed a broken radio.” Lol.

  18. Im confused , your the oldest or youngest of 9 children ? And is the point supposed to be YOUR the one living in the basement ? And Also , did you get ideas from Texas Chainsaw by any chance?

    1. No… he’s the youngest. It says that twice. It basically is saying he just now found out about his mutated oldest brother from the genetic matchup. It’s not him doing all that, it’s the unknowable, unseen oldest brother he never knew he had. It’s basically saying that the parents had one kid, but due to all the abnormalities, hid him behind a wall in the basement, but somehow he got out… and was very hungry.

      1. So, the eldest, like Cronus, ate his family members. The youngest was saved because of his parents hiding the door.

        1. Nobody said he was eating the family members, just random people that the mutated brother found. He broke out of the electrical shed, found people, dragged them back, and ate them.

    2. His long lost brother did it. In the beginning he said he was youngest of 8. It was at the end youngest of 9.

      The parents had locked him in the basement because he was all mutanty (X-men wouldn’t stand for this prejudice.)

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