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The Pale Girl

Estimated reading time — 3 minutes

I don’t know how it happened, only how it started. I thought it was just my overactive imagination, but then things escalated. I know for sure that I’m being haunted and it’s driving me off the edge. I’m overdrawing this; I’ll just tell you the story.

My friend has schizophrenia. Not different personalities, that’s called Dissociative Identity Disorder. Schizophrenia deals more with things like auditory and visual hallucinations. Depending on the severity, it can be treated with medication. Or so she has told me. The medication is actually the reason this is happening to me. Her doctors took her off of it to see how she would react. Three days after, she was over at my house watching TV with me in my room. I’ve grown accustomed to her disorder. How she would look around a room in the middle of a conversation or seem like she would be ignoring you when you spoke, because she would be looking at a hallucination.

During the time she was there, she gradually grew from flicking her eyes over to a corner in my room to intently staring at it. I asked her what she was seeing and she replied with it’s nothing. I went with that response until she started crying. I asked her again and this time she responded with “There is a girl in your corner that’s crying blood.” I told her that it was just a hallucination and she should ignore it. When I said that, she looked at me with such fear in her eyes that I was paralyzed. She said that I shouldn’t say that, that I was making the girl angry. I shook my head and smiled reassuringly that the little girl didn’t exist and couldn’t hurt me. My friend looked away from me and back to the corner, immediately starting to sob.


Later that night I lay on my bed, bored, unable to sleep due to obvious reasons. I was about to turn some music on when I heard my cat meowing from the living room. Needing something to do, I went out to see what was bothering her. I found her staring at a dark corner of the living. Her hair was on end and she was hissing quietly. I was creeped out by this and I bent down to pet her. But she didn’t react to my touch. She just stared at the corner. I started back for my room and she then let out an ear splitting shriek. The kind when a cat’s tail is stepped on or if one is surprised. I immediately turned around, my heart pounding to see…nothing. She was gone. What bothered me was that she would have run into the kitchen and I didn’t hear her hitting the hard wood that makes up the kitchen floor. I looked around the living room, under furniture, and then the kitchen. She was just gone.

As I left the kitchen the sound of a knife being pulled from its holster emanated from behind me. I turned and the knives looked completely untouched. I thought I was delusional from lack of sleep and went to my room. I was interrupted. There was a tapping noise in the living room that stopped me. As I stood in middle of the room, I looked towards the large window next to the front door. The curtains were closed, but slightly askew; which allowed me to see the pale white hand tapping on the window. I ran for my room, slamming and locking the door behind me.


I cowered in the corner of my bed, which was in the corner of my room. I sat with the blankets over my head, heart beating fast, my breath heavy. Then the thudding began. Quite, seeming far off, but got louder and closer. My back was to the wall of my room, that wall being the outside wall of the house, and that thudding increased till I could feel it right behind me. Silence. No noise besides my heart and breath. Next to my bed is another large window covered by a thick curtain. I gathered my courage and came out of my blankets, just enough to peak the curtain back and look out. It was pitch black and nothing was out there besides the bushes. I pulled the curtains edge back a bit more and then the thudding began again. So loud, drowning everything out. I looked back into my room to make sure I was alone and returned my gaze to the window to see the pale white face of a girl. Her eyes were large black voids with blood streaming down her face. I woke up the next morning, my cat sleeping next to me.


Ever since that night, I’ve seen her, over and over. She hunts me. Every night. Every dark space. I see her. And I know she’s real. Because she killed my friend, the one with schizophrenia. She was found face down in a of blood. She bled out from her eyes. I feel that the same will happen to me soon. I hope by reading this, she doesn’t latch onto you. I hope it ends with me. It’s 4 in the morning right now and she’s out there. The thudding is driving me to write this. The thudding never stops. And neither does she.

Credit To: Kyler Hughes

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38 thoughts on “The Pale Girl”

  1. Only thing is, the ‘she’s still watching me’ cliche and ‘creepy little girl’ cliche are way too overused.

  2. Left a bad taste in the mouth. Details were scarce, and it seemed like the only goal you had was to scare people. Admirable, but carried out in an extremely poor fashion. Words were confused quite often, there is no background or reason for a eyeless little girl to be in the house, the chain of events made no sense, and there was literally no plot other than creepygirlbloodcatdeath bloodhandknifedeathbloood. There is no logic to this, no reason, no organization. The knife makes no sense, the hand tapping the window makes no sense, the thumping MAKES NO SENSE. I’m surprised this made it to Creepypasta. Advice for you: edit. Edit again. Edit a few more times just for giggles. Strengthen your plot, add a background, build up your characters. Strengthen your word choice, add details, build up suspense. This wasn’t creepy. One more time, EDIT!!! 4/10. Don’t ask what the 4 is, I’m feeling generous.

  3. This is my first pasta and i just want to ask. Is this real because i’m terrified reading this outloud to my brother’s best friend.

  4. The bleeding eyes thing is really old. Maybe you should try a different disturbing detail, newer, not as worn out. That’s just me though.

  5. I can understand why CreepyPasta fans have used the bleeding eyes when they cry to show you are a CreepyPasta in their stories. XD

    It makes sense with the amount of BLUUD that appears in these things. XD

    Anyway, nice story. :) This is definitely a mini CreepyPasta. I think the story was okay. I’m not really very scared about anything with hauntings, death or psychic elements though, so I thought this story wasn’t very creepy, but I think this would be good for other people scared of ghosts and such things.

    The stories that get me are the gruesome, gory and uncomfortable circumstances. ;)

  6. I dont mean to be a dick but this was just too used. It was really cliche, with the whole bleeding eyes, little girl in the corner, knife being pulled out of the drawer, and of course the anonimous tapping at the window etc…
    This story dragged on like a long grocery list and really was plain and boring.
    Im not the best critic, but ive got to give this story a 3/10. I have no further thoughts.

  7. This girl takes privacy matters pretty seriously, killing people just because they’ve seen her.
    The whole “taking her off meds to see what happens” seems dumb, except we find out she’s not schizophrenic after all (she sees things that ARE there), but there’s not explanation as to why the girl didn’t do any harm until she was spotted (and when she was, she started haunting the person who DID NOT see her).
    Aside from that, the story is not too bad, but I feel it could have been much better.

  8. its good except for the last two sentences. “The thudding never stops. And neither does she.” Well no shit. she’s the one doing the thudding.

  9. Great pasta verry deliciuse but imma say this… Why is it all ways with the eyes yes is cool and everything but um why does ppl use it all the time? Its cool verry cool pasta.

  10. hmm… interesting one :-) I really like those haunting stories, the things that repeat over and over so that the character is going crazy^^ This isn’t exactly the same but however I liked it. I’ll stay with the average rating and hand it a 8.

  11. Im new to creepy pasta and I gotta say that really had me freaked out lol but I get creeped out easily so thats not saying much. But from what I’ve read so far that was really good I’d like to see another one from ya!

  12. Liked it, intriguing premise. Though I agree with the commenter above that the whole ‘being taken off meds just to see what would happen’ thing is a bit retarded. Also, I feel the ending seems hastily written and not really thought through, pretty much what Anonymous said.
    But I did enjoy it! The scene with your friend crying at the ‘pale girl’ in your room was nicely creepy.

  13. Oh for god's sake

    Boring. Plus, the suspension of disbelief was immediately killed with the magical schizo friend whose doctors took her off her meds just to see what would happen. Seriously?

  14. Not bad, but could be better. You had a few typos here and there, but nothing too immersion-shattering.

    The main problem I have with this piece is pacing. Your paragraphs are all roughly the same size, even at points where they shouldn’t be. For example, you could have made the scene that introduces the crying girl much more tension-filled and terrifying by just drawing it out, maybe adding some direct speech. Just coming out and saying that your friend told you about a girl who cries blood is a little bland and pretty much a cop-out.

    Another thing that feels like a cop-out is your final paragraph. The friend’s death could have been incorporated earlier on in the story for maximum emotional impact, but here it’s just an afterthought.

    Don’t do that thing where you hope the reader won’t be haunted by your ghost. It doesn’t fit this story and disrespects its own scares. It’s an afterthought that sours the whole thing.

    On the whole though, this was tastier than some of the other pastas I’ve read recently. Keep writing.

  15. Not a bad pasta at all! Though I agree with blah about bleeding eyes being over used. Also, could have done without the “hope it doesn’t happen to you” sentence near the end. Other than that, pretty tasty.

  16. I liked the story except for the bleeding eyes part every story I have read uses that and I just think its over done that’s just my opinion though.

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