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The Origin…

Estimated reading time — 3 minutes

You hate your brother. Dylan is a jerk all the time. Any opportunity to annoy or ruin your life he’d take with both hands and run. And running literally. As soon as he’d managed to get you in trouble, he would sprint, leaving you to stew. He is always watching you. Trying to find out any embarrassing secrets to spread quicker than a disease through flesh. He once told everyone your favourite animal was a unicorn, and that same day, broke Mom’s favourite vase, and guess who he blamed for it? It’s so annoying. He’s always watching you.

You walk up the stairs to get a shower, you get a towel ready outside the curtains, and put all your clothes on the washing basket. You turn the water on, wait till the temperature is warm, and place you head under, water flying everywhere. You pull the curtains half closed, due to your paranoia, always thinking someone is behind it, watching you…

…hold on, someone IS watching you! It’s Dylan, holding his phone, about to take a picture! You yelp, but hear the click. The photo’s been taken.


“Now I can show everyone your small junk!” He sneers, and runs away.

You quickly turn off the shower, get a towel, and run to his room.

“Delete it now!” You growl.

“Oh I have.” He smiles sweetly. “But I bet Melinda won’t.”

“Melinda? The girl in your class?”

“Oh didn’t I say?” He sarcastically mocks. “I sent it to her, and I bet she’ll spread it to someone else, and they will spread it someone else…”


“I’m gonna tell Mom!” You cry.

“What proof? Photo’s gone remember?” He smirks.

You can’t believe this, this is the worst prank yet. You’ll have to go to school, everyone seeing the photo. You go to bed.

You wake up in the morning, and groan, today is going to be awful. When you get off the bus, you are greeted to mocking laughs. You sigh and hastily walk into the field.

It’s been 5 hours of non-stop mocking and laughing, feeling miserable and it’s finally last lesson, science. You are doing a methane gas production experiment. Although you aren’t, you’re standing up with your hands in your pockets, you couldn’t do this experiment. You had been pre-occupied and not paying attention, ignoring all the spiteful comments around you. You manage to do this all lesson, until Mr. Monney (the science teacher) looks at you.

“What happened to your experiment?” He asks you.


“I, uh, didn’t do it sir.” You admit.
“Well.” He smiles. “You can do it after school today then.”

The class cackles cruelly at your punishment. Your heart sinks. You want to go home as soon as possible.
5 minutes later, you’re alone in the class with Mr. Monney, grumpily fiddling with the experiment.
“Unfortunately I can’t leave you un-attended.” He starts from the doorway. “So Mr. Franklin will watch you.”

You sigh, Mr. Franklin was the old, overweight, Spanish caretaker. He waddles in, hating this as much as you. You peer down the vial in your experiment. You’d make Dylan pay for this; you’d get your revenge. You’d get back at all the crap he’s done to you. Get even, one day. You peek at Mr. Franklin. He’s pulling out a cigarette, and is about to light it.

“Sir, teachers don’t allow smoking.”

“I am teacher.” He grunts in his deep, strongly Spanish voice. He raises his lighter to the tip of the cigarette.

You remember! Methane is highly flammable!



But it’s too late; a huge, flaming fire ball leaps out of the air, the flames licking at your flesh. It’s hard to describe, the fire is rushing through you, the intense heat overwhelming. You can feel your skin melting, and dripping off, your limbs becoming weak, your muscles and skeleton exposed.

The accident had removed you of most your skin and muscle leaving bitty, dangling remains of flesh off you. You were presumed dead, but you aren’t. You are watching your house from a distance. The pain you went through was all Dylan’s fault! Your body wasn’t found, because you escaped. Although the anatomy of the situation was impossible, you should have died, every agonising moment as you crawled away, was a reminder of your hatred towards Dylan. Inch by painful inch, you managed to live.

You’ll get revenge; you’ll do everything he did to you. You’ll watch him in the bathroom., tell everyone what his favourite animal is, you might break something and say it was you! And there’s NOTHING, HE CAN DO TO STOP YOU, AND GUESS WHAT?




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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

27 thoughts on “The Origin…”

  1. i thought it was going somewhere else. i didn´t really like it, it wasn´t funny or scary it was just a story i guess. Sorry but i gave it a 5/10

  2. A Zerg Hydralisk (wearing a tophat)

    just another day in Dick Country illustrated by YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE USERNAME

    1. no:
      “Methane is not toxic; however, it is extremely flammable and may form explosive mixtures with air. Methane is violently reactive with oxidizers, halogens, and some halogen-containing compounds. Methane is also an asphyxiant and may displace oxygen in an enclosed space. Asphyxia may result if the oxygen concentration is reduced to below about 16% by displacement, as most people can tolerate a reduction from 21% to 16% without ill effects. The concentration of methane at which asphyxiation risk becomes significant is much higher than the 5–15% concentration in a flammable or explosive mixture. Possible health effects of breathing in methane at high concentrations, resulting in oxygen deficiency, are increased breathing and pulse rates, lack of muscular coordination, emotional upset, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, respiratory collapse and death.[52] Methane off-gas can penetrate the interiors of buildings near landfills and expose occupants to significant levels of methane. Some buildings have specially engineered recovery systems below their basements to actively capture this gas and vent it away from the building.”

      From wikipedia:

  3. It kind of made me uncomfortable and was hardly even funny. No offense. I suggest adding something more over the top or atleast making a satisfying ending instead of “then you died because of your annoying little brother who took naked pictures of you. The end.” I never went through anything like that, but the guy who said it disturbed him, that makes sense to me. You probably aren’t a terrible writer, I can’t judge that, but this really wasn’t that good of a parody. Keep writing though. :)

    1. Yeah, I’m new to creepypasta and wasn’t aware of the whole dead skull thing. This creeped the shit out of me. Creeped it right out.

      1. A Zerg Hydralisk (wearing a tophat)

        don’t worry, I think it was good! teachers blow up school classrooms all the time in Dick Country!

        1. POWER LEVELS!!!

          my mom always believes my brother instead of me, i have been bullied since i can remember and i have had a couple near death experiances that had to do with my brother messing crap up

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