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The In-Between

Estimated reading time — 9 minutes

It started when I was nine. I had always had an active imagination, making up stories to get attention. One time when I was five I had been playing outside and I ran in and told my dad that a man had pulled up and asked me to get in his car. This quickly unraveled when my dad pointed out that I had been playing in the fenced in back yard. Another time when I was eight, I said I had seen a wolf in the woods behind my house. Yeah, I was literally the boy who cried wolf. No, no, even better… I was the boy who lived in Orlando, FL, where no wolves were anywhere to be found, who cried wolf. So it was no surprise my parents didn’t believe me when I started telling them ghost stories. The only thing was, this time, I wasn’t lying. I remember going to the bathroom once, and this figurine my mom had on the back of the toilet slid off the tank and literally hovered off the ground just in my peripheral vision, and then right as I fully looked at it, it dropped. I came running out of the bathroom, pants still around my ankles, screaming the whole way. My mom said I was bored and trying to “create excitement”. My dad said I was trying to find someone to blame for breaking the figurine.

Maybe two months later my mom came flying into my room, anger visible on her face. The picture frame on the counter had been knocked over and the head of the little decorative mouse had broken off, and was now gone. She demanded to know when I broke it, and for me to give her back the head. I denied having anything to do with it, so she grounded me indefinitely, saying I would be out of trouble once I gave her back the mouse’s head. I was grounded for two weeks before she gave up. She was angry, but said she had to hand it to me. I was very stubborn. I laughed, but it was not stubbornness. It was the fact that I really hadn’t done it, and was just as confused as my parents were. Years later, looking back at this event, I know what broke the frame. It was the same thing that knocked over that figurine.

Things like this continued for several years. Stuff would randomly go missing, or move from where it had been. It wasn’t always small things, either. I used to sleep with my bed pushed up against the wall. I liked sleeping right in the corner made by my bed and the wall. I remember one morning I woke up and my bed was pulled two inches away from the wall. By the time I was twelve, I was used to things disappearing. I knew not to stress it, because ultimately they would come back. But then the voice came. I would lie in bed at night and I could hear a voice talking. It sounded like it was coming from behind a window; in fact at first I thought it was my neighbor sitting on his back porch. Often he sat outside smoking a cigarette, relaxing in the cool night breeze. But when I had heard it every night for a few nights in a row, I finally looked outside and realized there was no one there. I couldn’t locate the source of the voice, and I couldn’t fully make out what it was saying. It was like a low murmur. All I knew was it was only audible from my room. I knew it was crazy, but it sounded like it was coming from within my wall. I would also get the feeling that I was being watched. I could actually feel someone right in my face. It wasn’t like I could feel them breathing, or anything, I could just, you know, feel them. I knew they were there. But I couldn’t see them. This went on for years. Another thing was I started craving chocolate. Like, a lot. If I wasn’t a boy, you could chalk it up to having my period or something. But I was a boy. And the cravings also lasted for more than a few days. In fact, couldn’t shake the cravings.


One night I was listening to the murmuring. It had gotten louder over time, but that night it was also noticeably clearer, as if the sound was somehow closer. Then all at once, it went silent. Then I heard a thump. Then another. And then one more. It seemed to be coming from under the bed. I know, right? How cliché. A monster under the bed, oh no… right? This is why I was slightly smiling as I leaned over and slowly pulled the bed skirt up. The hand grabbed me so fast that I was under the bed before I had even stopped smiling. My scream was muffled by another hand clasping my mouth, and I felt myself being pulled down and through the carpet into darkness. I became extremely nauseous and then passed out. I came to in complete darkness, not even able to see my hand in front of my face. The only thing I could see was the flames of a fire in the distance. Somehow, as big as the fire appeared to be, I noticed it wasn’t casting any light. But it was emitting heat. Even though the flames were still a good distance away, I could feel it on my face, like when you’re sitting too close to a bonfire. I walked towards the flames, almost instinctively, like a moth drawn to a bug zapper. Once I got closer, I was able to see that there wasn’t just one fire, but dozens of them. No, hundreds. I suddenly came to the realization that I wasn’t afraid, and that in itself unnerved me.

“John,” a voice called out. “Welcome.” I looked around and suddenly could see. It wasn’t any less dark than before, but yet I could see clear as day. And I also abruptly became aware of my own being. I felt, different. Malevolent. Looking around, I could now see that each fire was being stoked by someone. I was surrounded by hundreds of people, each one shoveling what looked like ash into their fire. The ashy material seemed to be endless. Each shovelful of ash lifted up was immediately replaced before the shovel was barely even off the ground. “I see you’ve noticed our fire chamber,” the voice continued. I turned and saw a huge man sitting on a throne. That hadn’t been there a second ago.

“Who are you?” I asked. “Where am I?”

“The In-between,” a new voice answered. I turned and saw another being. This one was smaller. “And he is our king, the King of the In-between.”

“In-between? In between what? What is this place?” I continued pressing for answers. I didn’t want to know the name of the place; I wanted to know what it was.


“Have you ever had a bad dream? Or felt afraid for no reason? Have you ever felt watched?” This one got me. “Well those feelings come from here. We are the embodiment of all things evil. We are not dead, and we are not alive.”


“So what do you want from me? Why am I here,” I asked.

“You’re to be my replacement.” I didn’t like where this was heading. “I once walked above like you. I was young when I first noticed something was weird. I would see shadows with no one there to cast them. I would hear voices with no people around to talk. Things would happen around my house, things I would get blamed for, but didn’t do. By my teens, I could virtually feel the presence of someone around me. And I started craving chocolate. Really badly. To this day we still don’t know why that happens. One night, my closet slid open, as it had been doing for months. I got up to close it, and was pulled inside, through my clothes, through the wall, to this place. I’d been here for 27 years, 27 long, hard years. But after you’ve been here long enough, after you’ve done your time, you can begin looking for a replacement. I looked for years, but couldn’t find any openings. I even went back to my old room, but that opening was long since sealed. You see, openings aren’t attached to locations. They’re attached to people. They start as a weak point between the Above and the In-between. Then, with careful attention and constant prodding, the weak spot becomes an opening. After years of looking for a weak spot, I stumbled onto you. I immediately went to work. And now, after I show you the ropes, you’ll replace me and I’ll finally be free to return to the Above.”

Down here, the concept of time is lost. I spent the next few days, or maybe weeks, or months, learning how things work. The first few years you’re here, you do nothing but keep the flames going. You’re assigned a fire and you have to keep it burning. These fires are the lifeblood of the In-between. After a while you’re promoted, for lack of a better word, to Dream Dweller. You are responsible for nightmares. You inhabit the dreams of young and old, and fill them with horrors. The Dream Dwellers work in a room with a big screen in front of us that looks like a giant galaxy. Within this galaxy is the mind of every sleeping person in the world. We choose at random some poor soul, and then fill his slumber with fears. A few more years and you get to be a Dark Monger. Your job is to cast fear onto people, causing anxiety. You make people nervous, and give them that feeling of unease. That job was almost fun. You know when you have to check your alarm 10 times before finally going to sleep because you’re positive it’s somehow set to the wrong time? That’s a Dark Monger at work. Or when you are in the shower and feel like you’re being watched even though you know you aren’t? Thank a Dark Monger for that one, too.


Finally, you’re at the highest job. You’re a Luna. You now have free roam of the Above. Well, you’re still tied to the In-between, so when you’re in the Above, obviously it’s as a Luna. You’re still not alive, you still can’t be seen, or clearly heard. But you can roam freely in the Above, moving from place to place, free of the confines of the worldly body you had when you once resided there, all those years ago. All chaos, disorder, or otherwise negative things in the Above are caused by people with this job. That man that went crazy and shot everyone he lived with? One of us was whispering in his ear, “Do it. Pick up the gun.” The lady who jumps in front of a train? We might as well have pushed her. All insanity is caused by us. All irrational anger, our doing. And we also do small things. You ever forget a word you know that you know? Just can’t think of it, even though it’s on the tip of your tongue? That’s us. Ever know you heard one thing, then have it turn out to be false, like you know you’re supposed to meet up at noon, but then you get there to find out it was really 1:00? And you know they said noon, you just know it, but everyone else says it was always 1:00. Yep, that was us, too. As a Luna, each time you return to the In-between, you almost crave your next time wreaking havoc in the Above.

Finally, after an eternity down here, they told me I could begin looking for my replacement. It took 4 years before I found a weak spot. It was so faint I hardly noticed it. I began to work it over, using all the tricks I knew. With every deed I do to the opening’s host, the opening itself grows stronger, the barricade between our worlds, weaker. I made things disappear all around the house. I caused trouble to no end. Fear weakens the gap between our worlds, loosens the locks keeping the weak spot closed. Sleepless nights when there was no chance of getting even an hour’s rest. Homework randomly going missing. Strange voices. The fear slowly taking its toll. It’s been 7 years, but I’m close. Tonight, I should be fully broken through. Tonight, all of my work will have paid off. So why am I writing this? Well, a part of me has grown accustomed to my new life. I’ve grown to almost savor the chaos I can cause with just a snap of my fingers. But part of me, the part still left over from when I walked the Above as one of you, the part of me that still longs to once again return to the Above and be fully alive once more; part of me knows what I do is wrong. Yes, this is my job- no, more! This is my life! But I still have an awareness of guilt. So I guess you could say this is my attempt to clear my conscience. But this is also more than that. You see, to most of you reading this, this will just be another scary story. But to one of you, this is my warning. So here we go: You are my replacement. The culmination of all my efforts will be coming together tonight. The weak spot is almost broken through, and I can practically smell the fresh air of the Above. Tonight, Dear Replacement, will be your final night in the Above for a very long time. I didn’t feel right pulling you under without at least giving you a chance. But now as I sit here watching you come to the end of this story, my story, I feel I have done my duty to adequately warn you. As I watch you reading my words, I know that the time has finally drawn imminent. So, how do you know if you’re that one unlucky person to whom this is more than just a story? How do you know if this warning is meant for you? Well, you just have to ask yourself one question. Do you ever crave chocolate?

Credit: Metal_Leg

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

17 thoughts on “The In-Between”

  1. Deadlynightshade

    Cuz he wants his old life back and since he knows of everything that goes on its not gonna bother him like it does live humans.

  2. Deadlynightshade

    Reminded me of “the further ” at first in the Insidious movie. Great read!! A sequel would be dope af. 9/10

  3. So like I missed it do you get chocolate? Like hey your trapped but here is some chocolate. Now go cause some mass chaos.

    You get a little demented when your hungry. Have a snickers.

  4. Blatant plagiarism from a short story I read as a kid sometime in the 90’s. Can’t remember the name of it, but to summarize: kid thinks monster is under his bed, monster pulls kid under bed and tells him he is going to replace the monster as deliverer of nightmares. Kid does said job for years, story ends with kid finding new “weak spot” and warning readers that one of them could be his replacement. The reason the chocolate craving thing sounds so out of place is because it’s the only non-plagiarized part of the story. Other than that, nice job.

    1. I based this story off of several things. The first bit about crying wolf or the man asking for me to get in the car were all true stories from my childhood. Same with the figurine falling off the toilet or the mouse head picture frame. The idea for the In-Between was based off a few movies… Little Monsters (Fred Savage movie from 1990) gave me the idea for an underground network that allows creatures to come in and out of people’s bedrooms. Drop Dead Fred gave me the idea for kids getting blamed for bad things that otherworldly creatures actually did. The name “In-Between” was even based off one of my favorite movies “The Invisible” where a kid finds himself in between life and death after a classmate beats him half to death and leaves him in the woods. The names of the job titles were pulled out of my butt. “Dream Dweller” was because they do dream work, and “Dark Monger” was because it sounded cool. “Luna” was because my kid as watching Sprout on TV and they were teaching Spanish during The Goodnight Show and said that “Luna” was “moon” in Spanish. This was said as I was trying to think of a name for that highest position. Lastly, the ending where the whole story ended up being a warning for one person, and the whole “do you ever crave chocolate” thing were based off a stupid movie I had to watch in Baptist school in the third grade back in 1998 called “Crime of the Ages” where a book about how to be a Christian goes missing at a Christian summer camp days before the camp opens to the children, so they call in a detective to find out who took the book and therefor had only been pretending to be a Christian. The only clue they had was a pile of half eaten carrots left at the scene of the “crime” so the detective goes around asking the entire faculty that was present if they liked carrots. Then at the very end of the movie the detective says that anyone can be pretending to be a Christian and that it could be anyone on the planet who claims to be a Christian but really isn’t. He then breaks the
      fourth wall and looks straight at the audience (by looking at the camera) to
      ask “Do you like carrots?” I’ve always remembered that at 8 years old I thought
      that was so cool that he pulled us into the movie and asked us a question that
      had been a main plot point for the whole movie. So I based the “Do you ever
      crave chocolate” off that. There might be a similar story out there that seems
      somewhat like mine, but that is pure coincidence and I personally haven’t ever
      read it.

  5. I assume that you wouldn’t publicly accuse an author of plagiarism without being certain, so please use the contact form to send me the name of the book in question.

    I tried matching the text using both Google and a plagiarism check service, but this post seems to be the only result. So I’m afraid that I do need to ask for a bit more proof before taking any action – I hope that you understand.

    1. There’s at least three people here already saying the same thing. I can remember the whole story, albeit not verbatim, nor can I remember the name of the short story, but it was part of a collection: possibly goosebumps. I tried finding the story via google, but all of the tags I could think of took me elsewhere.

      1. My comment was in response to the first allegation. Time-traveling Dad jokes aside, I cannot actually foresee and respond to other comments before they exist ;)

        However, the statement remains. You’re actually putting out a guess at a possible source, which will help me considerably more than prior comments – I’m sure that plot summaries of the Goosebumps series exist online, and I will attempt to check this out when I have a moment. I will admit outright that I have a lot of other things on my plate at this moment, so if someone has a specific book title that would sure save me a lot of time and prompt a quicker resolution.

        Particularly as the author has weighed in above, I feel like I owe it to them to make sure that the accusation is validated before I take this down – you see, if it turned out they’d stolen this, I’d also ban them from future submissions, so I’d feel pretty shitty pulling that trigger without 100% certainty.

        1. I can give you the full synopsis, but I can’t find the title, and i’m not even sure it’s goosebumps:

          The MC is a boy who is scared of sleeping with any part of himself hanging over the edge of his bed, for good reason, as anything that goes under his bed disappears, and he ‘knows’ that there is a monster taking them.

          Eventually, he gets a kitten, and either a sibling or a bully-‘friend’ or relative or something comes over and puts a sock on the kittens head and holds the boy down and watches while the kitten gets closer and closer to the bed and disappears under it.

          The cat comes back but it’s evil/possessed, but i’m not sure it does or says anything, but it was the final ‘breakthrough’ for the monster under the bed to grab him and drag him under, revealing a dark land underneath with a ‘king of nightmares’ type figure that enslaved these children. The monster is revealed to be a boy who had also been kidnapped like this one many years ago. He ‘trains’ him to whisper nightmares from under the bed while people sleep so they’ll dream the nightmare. The story wraps up by saying some part of him feels guilty for doing this, but his time is up and he’s looking for a replacement: ostensibly, the reader.

        2. I see.

          While I do see some similarities, they’re not particularly unique ones – no offense to our author, but the personification (for lack of a better term) of nightmares and evil urges is, quite literally, an ancient trope. So is the concept of someone being trapped in an underworld; more specifically, the notion of a trapped spirit freeing itself by swapping with a living person is incredibly common as well.

          I would have to actually read the story for myself to see if it really crosses over from “some similar elements” (think how many stories here alone share very similar setups, twists, elements) into outright plagiarism as originally accused. While I’m not trying to cast aspersions on your memory, as mentioned before, outright story theft does result in the submitter being banned. So if it’s an issue of “this story has some similar themes and twists” versus “this is totally a copy of this very specific story” – I need to be able to decide firsthand which side this situation falls on, you know?

          Blame all the people who use the contact form to attempt to troll me in every way possible, and the commenters who try to harass other commenters and authors, but – while I’m not accusing you of this – such experiences have made my stance evolve into requiring proof before acting on accusations like plagiarism.

          At this point, unless someone can refer me to the actual story that this is supposedly copying, I’m afraid we’re not going to get anywhere.

          I hope that you understand.

        3. The story people are referencing is most assuredly There’s Nothing Under the Bed, by Bruce Coville. It’s in a collection called Bruce Coville’s Book of Nightmares. If you go to the author’s personal website, you can preview the first few pages of the book.

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