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The Alternate’s Death

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You know when you’re falling asleep, and you suddenly get the feeling that you’ve tripped? You’re body lurches forward in an instant, ready to protect you instinctively from injury. You can almost SEE the ground rising to meet you. This occurs when the boundaries between you and the “you” in an alternate universe are weakest.

This is the feeling that happens when another “you” dies.

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117 thoughts on “The Alternate’s Death”

  1. ~i get this feeling almost every night? does that mean the alternate me dies everytime? how?
    ~Why does this happens when the boundaries are the weakest? will the alternate me hurt me?
    ~What about the alternate universe?
    please help me

  2. You know how they said in that movie when the alternate you’s died they gained their strength? & another person said that the jerk you feel is believed to be your soul going back into your body? Maybe whenever another “you” has died in an alternate universe the soul from that you leaves and comes back to your body and makes you stronger so that you can live longer than the you that just died….Just saying, that kind of clicked in my head reading the comments.

  3. It’s kind of like when you are at the edge of sleep and your thinking about one thing or another and because you are half awake your body reacts, sometimes you can hear voices too while at the edge of sleep. this does not mean you are crazy only that you are “dreaming” before you are asleep.
    Freaked me out the first time it happened tho.

  4. ForeverMyMaster

    Theoretically, there could be an infinite number of other ‘you’s. Infinite alternate realities, infinite possibilities for you to die.

    And Thus the plot of Doctor Who is revealed! Rory Williams, Clara Oswald, and Jack Harkness say hello.

  5. I’ve experienced that, but not when in bed. usually when I’m standing up or walking somewhere.

    actually, maybe I did have that feeling in bed but only once or twice.

    I SWEAR, i’d think I would fall whenever this happens when i’m walking and it’s downright startling if you had a fear of heights like i do.

    after it happens I just stand in the same place for a few seconds like, ‘holy shih-tzu what the hell just happened’

  6. Ussually I don’t believe stuff like this but when reading this I remembered the multiple times I felt this after having life saving surgery. I guess I’m lucky to be one of the me’s that lived

  7. Anonymous:
    This never happens to me if I masturbate before bed.

    Does that mean that my masturbation saves another me’s life?


    Yes, oddly enough it does.

  8. Actually, it’s the brain relaxing all muscles, tricking itself into thinking you’re falling, and the brain forcing you to move.

  9. So wait whenever you go to sleep and you have a dream in which you fall and you jerk upright and alternate you dies? Ps. Everytime i do this i scream and get a sense of fear freaky eh?

  10. all my mes are still alive and kickin and we are going to take over the I hope that annoying orange has felt it every night of his god forsaken life.

  11. So…This is implying that I control other me’s when I sleep? Or I’m seeing what other me’s see when I’m sleeping. And wouldn’t the other me’s be able to kill me as we’ll, or see me die? I know this is just a story, a good one at that, but can somone verify my question?

  12. That used to happen to me a lot, sometimes multiple times in one night. I guess I can die really easily, or I’m just an idiot in alternate universes

  13. Ive had that happen to me almost every night one year and starting now as well… The ghosts that I usually see are all vanishing strangely

  14. omg this is so interesting to me, can anyone tell me mre about this, i kin of dont understand this but i do believe it is true (:

  15. Whoa… That’s actually very unsettling. Now after the mention of this, I keep feeling a pound on my chest every five seconds. You know, you didn’t have to necessarily murder all my other “mes” by telling me this… NOW I’M NEXT! DAMN YOU! D:

  16. Wow, just wow. I already found the whole “feels like you’re falling” when you’re sleeping thing unsettling. Now it’s ratcheted up to terrifying. The one who dies, I wonder if they can sense “you” as well?

  17. That feeling! To me it’s always as if I were falling off the edge of a cliff, then my eyes flick open and I find myself clutching desperately to the bed, although I’m right in the center.

  18. Okay so any tards who beleived that lemmings.jump off cliffs need to effing die. They were obviously herelded to the edge of the cliff by the makers of documentary

  19. usually when this happens to me i have a vision of falling off a bike or falling through the air right before i jerk. weird maybe thats how the other me’s die…..hmm this usually happens to me about once a week

  20. How many of mes has died?

    This makes rule #86 make some sense….that happens to me all the time, and one time happened to my friend at a sleep over…after she twitched, I got bitch slapped. :D

  21. What about those ones were, for a split second you feel like your falling and cannot move, just for a split second, I’ve had those sorts of dreams. For a split second after waking I’m totally paralyzed, it’s so weird.

  22. I’ll feel myself falling, and THEN experience the jerk…

    Funny how I want to teach rock-climbing as a profession at some point…

    My other me’s must be falling off cliffs left and right. DAAAMN.

  23. omg i had this happen when i was a young , my aunt had lifted me over the balcony of my appartment the fall would have killed me,, i fell of in my dream , i had died!!!! the next day this actualy happened in real life but i called out to my mother and she came and took me away from her supposivly saving my life,, i had this dream 4 times before i experianced it in real life. i think i may have died. weird ehhhh!!!!!!! well i must of pist some people to get thrown off a balcony

  24. Wow i used to have this happen when i was little, but only when i slept on this one couch. I would wake up freaking out. I actually almost believe this…. Amazing Pasta though i love it! <3

  25. It only happened thrice or maybe four times.
    But my alternate selves go forth and multiply, so we are gonna dominate the world!

  26. Usually when this happens to me I can’t tell why it would, but once I was dreaming I was walking through the woods and slipped in some mud, and that caused my leg to jerk me awake. Thought it was odd but kinda cool.

  27. This too is equally disturbing to think about, as I often have this sensation when dozing off. Yes, I’m sure there’s probably a scientific reasoning for this, as most argue that there are, but if you think of it from this angle, it’s actually rather spine chilling.

  28. I never thought of it this way. I had this feeling happen a few days ago…Probably 5 in total that I can remember. Woo! I’ve died 5 times in alternate universes =/…A rather unsettling feeling.

  29. Urh…I hate it when that happens to me. Nice idea.

    Great pasta is great.

    And, @11, suspend your disbelief for a second and enjoy a good creep-out.

  30. @ Frozen: LOL! honestly XD thats a stupid way to die.

    that mostly happens to me when im in my first sleep and in it I trip down stairs o.O ..and i think once wen i was youger it happened wen i dreamt there was a snake in front of me>< and wen it snapped at me I fell back and did the hypnic jerk. lol

  31. Theoretically, there could be an infinite number of other ‘you’s. Infinite alternate realities, infinite possibilities for you to die.

  32. Omg

    This happens to me all the time at night.

    Im sleeping then my upper body jolts up in a sit up fashion.

    i wonder how long before the only one in the alternate realities who doesnt feel this is me

    When i die :O

  33. so five of me died during my last “principles of aesthetics class?

    God I hope one of them doesn’t take Microeconomics!

  34. The feeling as, Falling from your bed then waking? It’s belived to be “Your soul re entering your body.” Normally these occur after Lucid dreaming or Out of Body Experiances and Astral Projection.

  35. “Hypnic jerks are usually felt once or twice per night. More regular, and usually less intense, hypnic jerks often occur during normal sleep. In extreme cases, this may be classified as a disorder called periodic limb movement. The person with the disorder will usually sleep through the events.”

    Once or twice per night?! Fuck, my me’s must be Lemmings.

  36. I’ve experienced this phenomena.

    By “other me”, can I assume it’s another me from another time-line (given you believe in the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics), or is it another me from a completely different universe, or both?

    p.s. @Dreamer, I mean absolutely no offense when I say this, but the story itself did say “This occurs when the boundaries between you and the “you” in an alternate universe are weakest”; which means that the creepypasta’s logic is basically saying that, even if another “you” were to die, you could “only” know when you in this state of sleep, making impossible to know during other times in the day whether or not another “you” died.

    Additionally, all of us are completely aware that this creepypasta is a lie that plays on our ignorance of common things, and most are. Nobody here is taking it seriously and the rest of us are simply talking about it hypothetically. However, I do agree with you; anyone who seriously believes in any of these creepypastas needs to be reminded that they’re all just scary stories and that any real phenomena like this probably wouldn’t be posted on 4chan. Thanks for explaining the phenomena to us, though.

    Thanks for your time.

  37. The person that made up this creepy wasn’t too bright, otherwise they’d have realized how stupid it is that the other you’s only “die” while you are trying to fall asleep.

    This is actually a very common phenomenon called a “hypnic jerk.” It’s a glitch in your brain, not a glitch in the matrix.

  38. This reminds me. Last saturday when I was driving home I saw a strange light in the sky. Soon I was surrounded in an orange light, and when I came to, I was home. Do you know what happened to me?

  39. “So…what happens when all the other “yous” are dead?”

    Well in that Jet-Li movie whenever he killed his alternates he became stronger, so maybe that?

  40. This happened to me last Saturday. I can kinda feel that feeling again right now.
    But, a question; this has happened to me dozens of times. What does that mean?


    I think it means that dozens of alternate “you”s have died in their alternate realties.

      1. Sour Skin Seamus

        Wrong. There are actually infinite different realities that are all shaped almost equally. The decisions we make in daily life affect our alternate realities, where if we say yes in this world, 99/100 times, it will be no in another.

        1. Almost every time someone makes a decision, a alternate reality is formed in which you make a different choice

  41. This never happens to me if I masturbate before bed.

    Does that mean that my masturbation saves another me’s life?


    1. Omfg I do dat to but the pasta is fake I can spasm my muscles in bed and after a while I have that feeling also I don’t believe in multiverse but it does make for some imaginative fanfiction

  42. This happened to me last saturday. I can kinda feel that feeling again right now.
    But, a question; this has happened to me dozens of times. What does that mean?

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