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Sever The Cord

Estimated reading time — 2 minutes

Many have speculated that the plane in which we live is not the only plane in existence. Those who say this will usually then go on to ponder realms of mystery and wonder. The truth is, there is a second plane, but it is not filled with the euphoric images that most people conjure up. However, it is not filled with horrors, either, rather, it is a perfect emulation of our world. There is no difference at all. Whatever exists in our plane also exists on the Second Plane. Even you exist on the Second Plane. In fact, those “copies” of ourselves, those extra-dimensional clones, are bonded to us. Whatever action we take, they take, and vice versa. That means that, in the other plane, that other you is reading this right now.

In this Second Plane, there is only one difference. A God resides there, though some may call him a Devil, watching over the mirrors of those in Our Realm. This God has no mirror. He resides only in the Second Plane. Our “Copies” cannot see him, either, for unknown reasons. But he can see them. He knows what they are doing. Therefore, he knows what YOU are doing. There is only one way to escape this constant watching, but it could come at a terrible price.

Stand before a mirror. You see your reflection? That is your Copy. Look him straight in the eye, and will with all of your might that what you see before you is not YOU; rather, it is a perfect emulation of you. As soon as you have made this mental breakthrough, turn off the lights. Wait a while, about two minutes should do. Then, turn them back on. Your reflection will be gone. You have just severed the bond between you and your Copy. You can no longer see him, but he exists. Now, however, you will be free to do as you please, without your Copy mirroring it, and without the God knowing what you are doing. You could murder a thousand people, and walk without fear of retribution.


However, it is not recommended that you do this. As you sever the bond, the same decay that effected the bond will eat slowly up the remnants of one side of the “cord”. As it reaches whichever you was on that particular side, it will begin to eat away at its soul. Whichever version of you is effected will become sicklier, paler. It will stink of death, its movements will become stiff. As it nears the final stages of this illness, it will become merely a shadow of itself.


It becomes a ghost. Cursed to forever roam whatever existence it resides in, a shattered soul and lost cause. However, if it is not you that is affected by this illness, but your Copy, you will walk free. You will walk without judgment. You will be a God among men.

But be careful, for if that disease eats up your side of the cord, you will fall prey to its effects.


Trust me. I know.

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82 thoughts on “Sever The Cord”

  1. This kinda sucked
    It was bland and wasn’t scary at all. One of the worst pastas that I have read ever

  2. If the “me” from the second plane does exactly as i do, wouldn’t they try to sever the cord at the exact same time? What happens then?!

  3. wait so you no longer see your reflection and become a god among men i see this as a subtle hint to becoming a vampire or something

  4. I don’t know if this was mentioned previously, but I’d mirror us read the EXACT creepy pasta saying tgere is god or devil thing in he alternate universe, how would we know if we were the mIrror and wether that thing is watching us? And if both the mirror us and us us read the article stating that this thing is in the other mirror dimension, then is it possible that there are two things, each with its own fashion of judgement, and should this god/devil thing be omniscient, that means he knows that we are within the process of doing said “ritual of severance” and punish us accordingly? Sorry for all the mindfaq but when you think these things through, you have to think about the paradoxes and possibility we are not the original. Like the movie starring Arnold Swartzenager who turns out to be a clone of a man but he thought he was the real guy. Don’t remember the name of that movie but it was a good one. Either way such a severance would probably cause the mirror to become a wormhole to the large and stunning amount of dimension bullshat that would go down by cutting your mirrors cord from yourself. Besides, all he ever sees me do is spend my summer watching YouTube, read creepy pasta, and jerk off all day. I’m sure it is bored unless it likes genitals.

  5. Not possible. You will always see your reflection. There is no way around that. I don’t really like alternate mirror stories. Because mirrors are man-made inventions, and have evolved over time. Early mirrors were just polishes sheets of copper. There is no other wold. It’s just a reflection.

    Spoiled pasta.

  6. I already hate mirrors, THANK YOU?! D; Besides, I’ve already decided, for myself, that the other “me”on the other side of the mirror is, in fact, not me but a simple copy with a few knicks. So, this “creepypasta” is obviously not “yummy pasta”. At least, it isn’t to me. :)

  7. One thing bugs me about this (albeit amazing) pasta. If my ‘alternate me’ is reading this in the Second Plane, and it (she?) is an exact copy of me, that means that it/she also believes that it/she is not in the second plane, but in the original. Which means that it/she believes the God is in THIS plane, since to it/her, this IS the second plane where it would reside. So which plane does the God actually reside in?

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I think my head is about to explode from trying to form that thought into coherent sentences.

  8. One thing bugs me about this (albeit amazing) pasta. If my ‘alternate me’ is reading this in the Second Plane, and it (she?) is an exact copy of me, that means that it/she also believes that it/she is not in the second plane, but in the original. Which means that it/she believes the God is in THIS plane, since to it/her, this IS the second plane where it would reside. So which plane does the God actually reside in?

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I think my head is about to explode from trying to form that thought into coherent sentences.

  9. So.. two me’s? I’ll never look at my reflection the same again. *Looks at mirror* What’s cookin’ sexy beast? ;)

  10. So I would either be able to live in privacy as a normal person or live in privacy as a twilight vampire. I don’t think I wanna take that chance.

  11. OK Sorry but this is a good example why horror stories involving “god” are lame.

    “You could murder a thousand people, and walk without fear of retribution.”
    So it makes you immune to LAW or what?

    Seriously, try to keep themes like god, hell or “THE evil” out of those stories, they tend to just be lame.

    1. well if you consider it your reflection is gone by legend you would be a vampire so killing 1000 people isn’t that outrageous

  12. wait if the other self is reading this wouldn’t they think we were there copy if so whos the copy us or them? O.O

  13. DON’T DO THIS If he knows and he’s severed the tie then this must be the copy world (Because the copy no longer copies so if this was the ‘real world’ he wouldn’t feel the ill effects etc.). OH NOES IM A COPY… *sob* *sob*

  14. Wait, So if you and your other-mirror-self do the same thing, If you did it, Then wouldnt that mean that the other person did it to?

  15. Why would I want to sever that cord? I don’t give a shit if the mirror god wants to voyeur over my life.

    Definitely not worth a 50% chance of croaking myself.

  16. “So if an alternate dimension me (ADM) reads this then I too read this.If I do this ritual (which I think is stupid) so will the ADM.The two of us would simultaneously ’sever the cord’.Both of us would be ‘free’ and neither of us would be that shattered soul.”

    That’s exactly what I was thinking

  17. I like pastas that at least make sense. In this case, it made sense for the most part (as much sense as you can make while creating an alternate universe). The only problem I have is this, the god is watching me…. So what?

    I mean, it’s not as if he’s going to kill me. He’s just some god looking to watch me? The most I’m worried about is some god starting to jack off from watching me. And I can handle that. Who really cares? So… What I’m saying is, the god should be more threatening OR ELABORATE on why he is more of a DEVIL.

  18. I’d totally do it. If only i didn’t LOVE my reflection. Due to me being totally hot and awesome and a life without being able to see myself. that would suck so much it’d hurt.

  19. @16(Someone is here now): firstly they’re our ‘reflections’ not the other way around and secondly if they wanted to do it, you’d have to stand in front of the mirror for at least two minutes, immobile staring in your ‘reflection’s’ eyes. =) does that answer your rant/question?

  20. All this shit before not to mention that severing this bond would lead to the two people doing two different things at different times, which would inevitably lead to everyone else doing different things at different times, and the worlds would not be perfect mirrors.

    Also, not a very good pasta. Didn’t creep me out at all.

  21. Does this mean that there is no such thing as luminal reflectivity? What about your reflection in hub-caps? Water? Does this mean that when you see the reflection of a bird in a store window that you are really seeing the alternate plane bird? I will try this tonight.

  22. While there are a few problems I can find with this pasta, it’s neat if you squint (in a manner of speaking, of course).
    The concept that another you is doing the same thing, at the same time, and the same thought pattern… I find it interesting to contemplate.

  23. Wouldn’t the people on the second plane be reading this, too, thus meaning that this plane also has that God, and the whole “sever the cord” thing would be completely pointless?

  24. So does the second plane call this plane the second plane? In that case, the god is in both planes isn’t he? So severing the chord would do nothing, it would just make you either dead or exactly the same as before

  25. “The reward doesn’t justify the price, 50/50 chance of having your soul slowly coagulate, and even if you win, you just get to be a dick within the constraints of human law.”

    And, apparently, never be able to properly add make-up or do hair, as you cannot see your double in any mirror.

    And yes, I’ve read this exact same pasta earlier, though I’m not sure if it was on this site. It seems possible.

  26. If the decay chose you and you became a cursed spectre, I doubt very much you could write this story. The last line, which you probably intended to be a twist of some sort, didn’t add ending and so sucked.

    Otherwise, pretty standard. Didn’t really scare me, as I’m not going to go around fucking murdering people even if I could anyway.

  27. Problem. If the god does not exist in this universe, and other me is reading this, what is he reading about? Because it couldn’t be that the god doesn’t exist in his universe but it does in ours because that would be wrong, so the pasta proves itself false.
    This pasta has gone off.

  28. So if an alternate dimension me (ADM) reads this then I too read this.If I do this ritual (which I think is stupid) so will the ADM.The two of us would simultaneously ‘sever the cord’.Both of us would be ‘free’ and neither of us would be that shattered soul.


  29. Mirror pasta like this, shows no interest to me.

    If it involves with a trick then yes. But Ridding of your reflection then it serves no purpose.

  30. I agree with Caedus. There is a pasta on here almost exactly like this, if not the same. But I do seem to recall a few differences.

    Disappointment. :<

  31. Blah Blah Blah….
    Mirrors smirrors:/
    No matter if you cut off the other copy of you,
    God see’s anything.

  32. all of it was meh. :( ahh this just doesn’t scare me anymore hallp >.< i’m losing my childishness

    ehem, yes as i said all of it is meh and OLD.

  33. So what, human laws would somehow not apply either? If I murder one thousand people, this seems to guarantee I do not ever see Hell, but I’m still getting the death penalty when I am inevitably caught. The reward doesn’t justify the price, 50/50 chance of having your soul slowly coagulate, and even if you win, you just get to be a dick within the constraints of human law.

  34. Terra Obscurum


    Dittoing Caedus – I’m pretty sure this one (or one insanely similar) has been posted here before.

  35. For all the ontological pastas going around, this one isn’t bad. It struck me as odd, though, that a link between this and another reality, connecting elements of ALTERNATE DIMENSIONS, just snaps like a twig if you stare at a piece of glass and then flick the light switch.

  36. Lol i’m sorry but the whole “cord” thing reminds me of ‘bleach” and the whole “hollow” thing..

  37. Highlordmugfug

    Moderately okay pasta except for the shitty and completely unnecessary last line. I wish there was more of a point other than that some random motherfucker in what may be the other place (if you aren’t in the copy world that is as from this you have no idea which one you’re part of) can’t see you anymore.

    GIR also puts it very well.

  38. i was intrigued about the mirror god but then it seems to disappear from the narrative. does he cause the decay? is he some kind of judge? basically what i am trying to say is, then who was god?

  39. Wait, if we do that then couldnt they do the exact same thing to us? They could be wondering right now if they should try this out. In this case if the cord is broken on their side you could still kill a thousand people and not fear retibution.

    someone answer that question i put somewhere in that rant please

  40. Nehh. Traditional nasty mirror pasta. Never been a fan of mirror pasta, but I suppose this is decent as far as they go.

    It was OK, I guess, but the concept of being able to do anything without punishment kind of fails when doing the ritual causes you to die horribly anyway.
    Unless this IS the second plane :S

  42. So… you realize that your mirror you is really a “mirror you” and not a reflection of light, and you’re doing this because you don’t want this god from this other world knowing what you’re doing even though it apparently can’t do jack shit to you… and the only reward you get is the mirror world not knowing what you do, but the rest of OUR world apparently still does and this not only makes you a god among men but it’s totally worth the risk of a slow, grinding death?

    *head explodes*

  43. Not terrible, but it suffers a bit from trying too hard to be spooky mysterious. It would work better in a more clinical tense, e.g. notes from a thought experiment, or else take it the other way and gussy up the language so it sounds like a page of the Necronomicon.

  44. MisterVercetti

    …so, wait a minute, if my Copy Self is reading this exact same thing, how do we know for sure which one is the Copy and which plane is the Second Plane?

    Obvious paradox is obvious.

  45. This is very interesting; I almost want to try it. I’m not going to, seeing as I’m a complete wimp [I can’t even do the whole ‘Bloody Mary’ thing in the mirror], but I would have a fearless friend give it a go. I’ll do so later, perhaps.

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