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Estimated reading time — < 1 minute

She was holding his hand tightly when he heard a noise come from off in the shadows. Beyond the ring cast from the solitary light above he could see only darkness. She must have sensed his sudden distress as she placed her hand against his chest.

Again a noise, it sounded closer this time, they weren’t alone in this park. Her heart was racing now to match his. He didn’t speak as to hear better and gave her a look, her eyes were wide open now, she must have heard it too.

The noise came again, something was moving in the bushes. The glint of eyes caught the light for just a second, he turned to meet her stare, she must have seen it too. Doom came over her  in a wave, she tried to break away, to run, but he held her close. The noise of rustling leaves and movement came again as it came into the light.


The cat stopped and studied them for a second before it re-entering the darkness. He sighed with relief and tightened his grip on her throat as he slid the knife from her chest. Her grip slackened and he smiled as he watched the life extinguish from her eyes.


Credit To: LiamD

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

33 thoughts on “Noises”

  1. What a short pasta 2/10 why? Because I don’t understand this pasta and who is SHE and HE? I don’t even know who the writer is talking about and it’s just a cat no need to be afraid plus do NOT go with strangers because sometimes that stuff happens in real life

  2. i wish people would stop saying wut and who was. :) ik the comment section is supposed to be specialtarded but srsly.

    *insert fart joke*

  3. It’s weird that so many people say this is completely unpredictable. There are so many other stories like it on this site where the murderer, very specifically a murderer too, is scared of somehthing unknown whilst committing his or her crime. I remember one just the other day where two people kidnapped a man for ransom and when his family wouldn’t pay, they bashed his head in. It hard to ask for something original please?

  4. I actually had a feeling that would be the ending from the first line in the second paragraph. ‘m not saying it was predictable, but that I happened to guess right.

  5. Oh my God! Great twist! This is in my opinion exactly the kind of story Pasta needs. Perfect, short, well written, and with a devastating twist. Loved it. 10.

  6. I cannot deny that I love the idea of a scary murderer, being scared and paranoid as the victim is. I also enjoy shorter pasta’s that mislead me like R.L. Stine did to me, soooo many times in the past. 8/10

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