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May 2014 Discussion Post: Do You Wish Any Creepypastas Were Real?

Estimated reading time — < 1 minute

This month’s topic was suggested by Hawlucha – please leave any suggestions for future discussion post topics here if you have ideas, and thank you!

I see many comments come through with the author complaining that real life is so boring – they wish that [insert pasta ritual/creature/place] was real! Of course, similar to the people who pray for a zombie apocalypse but would probably be one of the first eaten, this always kind of makes me laugh – can you imagine how some of our favorite Creepypasta characters would react if they truly existed and were exposed to their internet fandoms? Or how dangerous life would be if the items from The Holders series were all being collected on impulse by, well, us? It’s both kind of funny and scary in its own way to think about the consequences of such wishes!

So this post is a two-for-one, in a way. First, which creepypastas do you wish were actually legit and why? Second, what do you think the end result of your chosen pasta(s) becoming real would be? Would Slenderman become terrified of all his fangirls and give up his skinny, spooky, stalking ways forever in order to run and hide from the fanfics? Would the smart(ish?) zombies of Persuaded take over the world so fast that you’d think we were in Marvel Comics’ Zombieverse? So on and so forth – I think this could be a very entertaining topic, so have fun with it!



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183 thoughts on “May 2014 Discussion Post: Do You Wish Any Creepypastas Were Real?”

  1. I feel like we’re forgetting that we already live in a goddamn horror show. The world is dying, everyone is in debt, and most terrifying of all, Trump (Hitler 2.0) is still speaking words. It’s already a horror show.

  2. I wish the Holder of Understanding is real. He sounds like he could be a caring dad. But maybe he is real already? I’m totally going to try finding him.

  3. Instead just base a creepypasta as closely as possible off a true event. Extreme or unexplained. Therefor terrifying.

  4. I wish Ticci Toby was real. I’d be so happy!Random thing, under the right training, I think E.J could make a grat surgeon XD

  5. Well, from one witch to another bless it be. Next they are all real, in the tulpa sense and in the sense of being physical, ect. Like you and me, in the eighth dimension, Ticci-san wanted me to post as a guest, so I agreed casually.

  6. There are a lot of them I’d hate to be real (NormalPorn for Normal People for one!) but I’d love for some of the creature pastas to be real, the idea of there being a Rake out there somewhere is a cool, if implausible thought.

  7. I wish I could experience most of the ghost stories and even though I would probably be scared shitless,I’ve always wanted to solve a ghost mystery or something, or go exploring somewhere haunted and something ghost-like happens. If any of that made any sense. Also, the zombie apocalypse would be cool.

  8. well probably jeff, becase it would be just s awesome, as an end result he would killl us all and i would wish i has said jane instead

  9. A lot of people on here say Jeff wouldn’t be awesome in the reall world… But I have to admit he’s one of my favorite pastas of all, and I think we’d get along good seeing as I have insomnia xD and his smile is just to die for :)

  10. Candle Cove!!! I love learning and reading about old and strange children’s TV shows and I wish so much that Candle Cove was real! The person who created that story was a genius.

  11. personally, I think it would be amazing to be involved in something super natural. If I saw a ghost I would be more amazed than scared, so no I do not wish for Jeff the Killer to come after crazy fangirls, but I just wish supernatural occurrences were more common!

  12. *nervous laugh* Nononononononono…

    … but I won’t lie, it would be pretty cool if Slender Man was real. I like to think he’s not too bad. Maybe he catches kids who are lost in the woods to help them find their way home instead of dragging them to hell as suggested by popular belief. Just a thought.

  13. Okay i kinda wish Jeff was real. Its really freaky how he kills. And i think he’d cause general panic

  14. A couple of years ago, before I even knew what creepypasta was, I found myself in the mood for a scary story. So after reading a few urban myths and such, I came across a story called ‘Barbie’. I was fascinated and I wanted to find out if there was any truth in the tale. I found the original post on a discussion site. This added to its realism as it was not wrote like a story and it was not posted on a site meant for creative -writing. It was wrote in a series of repllies to other users, and split up into about four or five sections, making it seem like someone was telling THIER story rather than just A story. Plus, I have heard that no one knows who the original author is. So maybe, just maybe, it is true. It is definitely one of the more plausible creepypasta’s.

    Barbie still remains one of my favourites, although these days I am quite convinced that it is not real, which makes me wish it was!

  15. Well, first I would like Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Jeff the Killer, Masky, Hoodie, and BEN Drowned to be real. The results would be a blood bath, heh-heh, and lots of kidneys would be missing. xD

  16. I wish Jeff were real. I’d like to meet him, aside from the fact he’d definiately kill me… And I think he might enjoy his fangirls

  17. All of them, anything to break the monotony of daily life. I especially like Slenderman though, since he’s more psychological with his victims than other monsters like Jeff the Killer, but he wouldn’t bring on the end of the world like the things in ‘Starlight’. He’d also be likely to come for me given the comes-and-goes obsession I tend to have with him. Speaking of, I also really like the idea of a Tulpa, but not necessarily the murderous kind, just a thought form of my own making to amuse me and be my companion.

    I think I could also have tonnes of fun looking for the abandoned Disney park, Room Zero, or the Candle Cove tapes.

  18. I wish a zombie apocalypse was real. Killing zombies, free supplies, living with my friends (assuming they are alive), killing anyone who bullied me before things went to shit and there’s no government, no one to tell you what to do. You can even go and live at a farm, start farming for the rest of your life. Plus, I’ve seen too many zombie movies and I’m fast so killing me would be like hell for the zombies, unless the disease is airborne.

  19. I’d think what you guys would need is for Tulpas to be real so you can have every one of these pastas come true simply by thinking really hard.

  20. I want ben drowned and homocidal ilium to be real……. oh thank death the rake and salvo aren’t. Real

  21. campcreepypasta

    Do you wish any creepypastas were real?
    Let me think about that ……. ummmm, no!
    I can barely hang in here knowing it’s microfiction. If this was real I’d be a wreck.
    It’s got me thinking though . . .
    I, as I am sure, you do as well, have a plan and a backup plan for the zombie apocalypse.
    But let me ask you this . . .
    How the hell would you kill slenderman? a sammich?
    And what? jeff the killer just needs a hug, right?
    Candle Cove is just a bunch of puppets, so you just burn them alive in a raging inferno, but then what do you do when they come back crispy and char-broiled and prolly mad as hell?
    Reading “my last meal” i realized i don’t have a clue how to kill one of these creepypasta characters.
    Ok great. Now I’m really freaked out again

  22. Skyler:
    How do we know that behind all the pastas there isn’t a creepy truth? Sure, like rumor, they might be distorted and twisted from the real true story. I know for sure Slenderman IS real, most of the photos are photo shopped, but I know Slendy, through my twin sister… don’t ask how.

    Yeah and I know Jeff the killer through my Uncle Bill.

  23. I WISH SLENDY WAS REAL! He was my first and favorite pasta!! Also, I mean, I love Jeff, but…. C’mon guys. We’d all die haha

  24. Jeff The Killer.. All the way.. xD That would be simply perfect! Just imagine, “Go To Sleep.” He would tell you at midnight one night.. ” OH.MY.GOOOOD! JEFF! YOUVE COME FOR ME!!!” xD xD Love it <3 xD xD

  25. Death with a model face

    I kinda wish Lost Silver was real. He would probably spend more time hiding than killing, haha.

    I’ll stop before I get yelled at…

  27. How do we know that behind all the pastas there isn’t a creepy truth? Sure, like rumor, they might be distorted and twisted from the real true story. I know for sure Slenderman IS real, most of the photos are photo shopped, but I know Slendy, through my twin sister… don’t ask how.

  28. I would want jeff the killer to be real.
    I hate you jeff!

  29. Jeff The Killer would be mad as fuck because of how kawaii those fangirls make him.
    I think ‘Chalk’ would be pretty cool, seeing grotesque chalk art on walls and roads would make me smile a bit. (I know that sounds fucked up, but I’m smiling because I know it’s the story but a majority of people won’t.)
    The Rake or the Skinwalker is one of my favorites, though I wouldn’t want him to be real because I have a problem with being ripped into shreds.
    The eyeless angel from a recent story would be quite interesting. I don’t have any younger siblings, and I’m not young enough to believe angels are talking to me, so I would be fine by all means. But imagine when you die, you see that weird ass thing hovering over you, reaching out their hand and seeing everything but their eyes. (If you believe in Heaven, that is.)
    Smile dog is a total no. His picture scared me shitless when I first saw it. I’m not a dog person either, so.

  30. I hate to see people thinking that if zombies were real then we would have billions of people die and a total loss of humanity do they find that entertaining

  31. I wish Slenderman was real. I also kind of wanna see the devils game to be real. I wouldn’t do that myself but would love to see it happen.

  32. Phone. I would like WHO WAS PHONE to be real.
    We could finally make a thorough investigation and dictate a final verdict as to who the hell phone IS and end this nonsense, finally.

    I would also like Julia Legare’s story to be true…I would like to make a habit of leaving flowers by her grave periodically and say a small prayer for her lost soul.

    perhaps more poignantly: I would like a scenario like “In the Land of Black and White” to play out for all children with terminal diseases… one last bedtime story by a man with ash in his lungs, all to the tune of Brian Eno’s “By this River”

    1. I actually listen to Brian Eno while reading submissions rather frequently, I’ll have to try that particular story/song pairing sometime soon!

      1. Oh, ummm… I don’t know that the song would fit a reading of the story itself. I mentioned it because a song starts playing inside my head whenever I read something that correlates with the feeling of the song itself.
        (i.e. Tony Hatch’s interpretation of “Sad Sweet Dreamer” when Allison and Yorick part in “Y the Last Man”)

  33. I think that it would be funny to see what Slender man, Jeff, BEN, E.J., L.J., and all the others that get some sort of fan girl type fan base, would do with their fans. I mean what if they weren’t weird-ed out by them or wanted to kill them? What if they actually used it by making this total fan girl minion army? Then have them run rampant around their cities bringing people to them to kill. Then we would have our favorite pastas and a zombie apocalypse. I can just see a ton of fan girls just frothing at the mouth taking people while murmuring, “Jeff-kun, Slendy, kawaii, anime, I ship it, let me tell you about Homestuck.”

  34. I would love for two main pasta groups to be real

    1st: The Holders: I would definatly try one of those, if not more, and most likely, all 538 would not come together and bring out the destruction of the world, at least, not in our lifetimes XD

    2nd: The Slenderman: This would include the parodies such as Splendorman and Trenderman, etc. xD And all of his Proxies would also be real, really, if this was real, lots of child abductions, stalked people, and murders by this thing would happen, and I would love to study and analize him, figure out what the fuck he is xD and I’d love to be a Proxy.

    And also, you never know, some pastas may become real through all the people who believe in them…

    …remember…The Tulpa Effect, hehehe.

    1. First of all, he is real… I know him and he is much more quiet then people say he is. My sister told me he is a demon. So don’t question Emmy, She knows lots about that type of thing.

  35. I would like The Devil’s Game to be real, and perhaps Nyx, so as to provide a sense of comfort. Maybe smile.jpg… Since, ya know, sometimes I want to give people horrible nightmares through email

  36. Honestly, I hope that 11 Miles and Psychosis were both real, except for the last part of the latter. I could get a suit of armor that protects against all paranormal and physical damage, except the Dark Lord’s (Hey, gotta get it from someone) and then explore the globe, stopping by that poor chap’s house, and talking him out of his insanity. I’d like that… a lot… mhhmhmhmhmhmhmhm

  37. Some of those ritual pastas seem like they’d awesome to try out. I want to imagine myself summoning and fighting demons or going on epic quests through dream worlds to recover lost items. Realistically though, I would be dead within minutes if I even managed to find the courage to do anything cool or heroic. So I should definitely stick to reading stories for now.

  38. I kind of wish that the rake was actually legit and real…it would be fun seeing it if you ask me.

  39. Well Slenderman is real. Not only has he appeared in legends as far back as the Ancient Egyptian times, but he’s also been around LOOOOOOONG before the internet. So no one can say he has originated on S.A. Forums. I know because my great grandma used to tell me stories of Der
    Grosman as well as my best friends German mother…. Before I even read it on the internet. His Legends have been around pretty much since human history began. So I know slenderman is real.don’t try to tell me otherwise.

  40. I really wish The Cellphone Game was real. I mean, who doesn’t want to play that game and curse your friends and family in exchange for some more time. You probably going to die anyways, why not take as much of your loved ones as you can before you’re dragged away violently. But hey, that’s just my opinion. ^_^

  41. I personally wish The Cellphone Game was real. I mean, who doesn’t want to play that game and curse your friends and family? But probably the whole world population would probably decrease rapidly due to the whole “cursing” thing. But that is just my opinion. ^_^

  42. It would be interesting in Slenderman was real, mostly for the implications. Instantaneous teleportation, telepathy, the unique physiology/biology. Of course, if he was real, thee would be evidence that he was real, so he’d be tracked down and studied.

    Same with Jeff the Killer: he’s far too incompetent to be an actual threat to anyone, but the extreme mental break likely results from a de novo mutation. Locking him up wouldn’t be a problem, but then we could study the mutation and get a better understanding of the human brain. If Jeff the Killer was real, we would likely be able to develop new treatments for those suffering from mental illness.

    Actually, that principle in general works quite nicely: let whatever creepypasta be real, and human curiosity will poke it, prod it, dissect it, understand it, and eventually master it.

  43. Honestly, if I had a chance to start a zombie apocalypse, I would do it without hesitation because real life is boring. It would be pretty awesome to be in a zombie apocalypse.

  44. Personally, I wish that the famous, “Bedtime” series were real. I’ve always thought about other-wordly beings, or perhaps something paranormal, being real. Often I, and I’m sure many others, think to myself, “That isn’t scary. I would do this and that if that thing were real, or if it happened to me.” But when I reflect on the story, I realize I would probably be scared shitless if a possible paranormal or demonic being such as the one portrayed in “Bedtime” were to attack or progressively mentally, and physically, torture me in the midst of the night. I would be helpless, and I’m sure my parents wouldn’t care less and just give me the usual, “It was just a bad dream; a nightmare.” If I, even though I am old enough to look after myself responsibly, were to face that thing today, while only having myself and the belief of protection from another person, I would dread the knowing of what was out there. Especially if it’s intentions were specifically set on constantly scaring and haunting me. Knowing what was there, but still fearing it’s unwavering attack. I believe something of this nature is dwelling on this Earth, but I have yet to confirm this to the point where I fully understand it. Although, even if I were to find realistic evidence, I probably would not be able to comprehend what exactly it was.
    Returning to the story.
    It really frightens me when I know something like this may exist. Was the whole idea of “ghosts” created by the fact that one cannot seem to find a logical explanation of an event? Or was it recorded, somehow, by the real experiences of a person? How far back do ghosts appear in historic writings and artifacts? I’ve found that possibly some 3,000 years ago- in the Bronze Age, there was a recorded event of a deceased man’s spirit haunting a Greek man. (I don’t know many details, though the structure he had lived in was deserted for a very long time due to the rumors of the event). Way back then, they did not have anything near the technical equipment that we have now. The human race has evolved so much from then, and now we have discovered possibilities that could explain most strange events such as this. Although- we weren’t there, so how could we know for sure? Back then the thought of “gods” still strongly existed, 1,000 years before the Christ had come into existence.
    My point is, I would love it if this story were real. I would feel worried about the man in the story, though. There really isn’t much to fangirl about this story, (although I’m sure somehow they could find a way), and that’s what makes it unique. The thought of the being- the situation, more or less, is implanted into the back of your head, and when you’re laying in bed at 3:00 a.m and hear a tiny noise, probably the house settling, the nagging thought surfaces. Soon, you become terrified of every little sound, movement, shadow- anything you could lead to the thought of a ghost, demon, entity, or creature. Now that you were in a similar environment it could become likely that you were being haunted, and the thing wanted you specifically! The fact of knowing what was in the story (or something like it) could possibly be real chills me to the bone. Of course, since you aren’t for sure, it might just be paranoia. What would you think if you had never read any pasta, or that one especially? Would you be wondering if these things were real? I wouldn’t suspect a thing.
    “You’ll never know for sure unless you’ve seen it for your own eyes”, that’s what I always tell myself.
    So I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

  45. I do feel that having some of these stories become reality would not just open up that pasta but it would also create the opening for other supernatural events. In reality if the opening and realism of one supernatural event cannot sustain off a one chance or thing. If one were to be real then, in theory, all would be possible of becoming real. So having said that, I would love to have supernatural phenomena happen only for the adventure and distraction from my boring daily routine.

  46. KILL THE KILLERS parody just because of the time traveling dad and it would keep fanfics off of these websites

  47. To be honest, most pastas would have to be elaborated on a great deal for them to become real, in my opinion at least, and the thought of any of them becoming more elaborate, just brings me to a new level of fear all together…

  48. Personally, I would like for ritual pastas, and only those, to be real. Because then people can choose if they want to step into that world, and have the option of actually doing so if they have the guts for it.
    Pastas of people, creatures and whatever that just happen to people randomly are definitely better off being made up, because there’s already enough to worry about as it. But it would be interesting if people actually seeking those things were really able to summon whatever they want by going through those complex rituals.

    Things like haunted cartridges and tv that just scare you off and don’t actually do any harm in the real world might be interesting too.

  49. I believe that some pastas, no offense, are already real. Like The rake, there have been sightings of him since before Chistopher Colombus, The Wendigo, who has also been reported since before Colombus, and maybe, slightly, Slenderman, because why would Nazi soldiers make up a story about a tall, pale, thin man, with many arms, no face, and kills people?
    But if I had to choose one character it would be Tails Doll or Sonic.exe. I have always been extremly fond of Sonic and if I could just see a creeper side to him then he would be a little more realistic. They both would be fine in this world, I’m just worried about the people who would be unlucky enough to get a hacked Sonic R, or e-mailed Sonic.exe, worst would be if you played that Sunshine track while you were in the bathroom, and there was a power outage, but that’s just my two cents.

  50. Do i wish any of these fables were true? Oh hell yes.
    Would i prefer any specific one? Not at all, in fact, all of them would be fun.
    The world we persist in is dreadfully boorish, and a little dose of petrifying fear keeps things amusing. I’d revel in the glory of life while in a world where every shadow wants to kill you.

    1. Result offered by Google’s dictionary search function:

      “Boorish: rough and bad-mannered; coarse.”

      You were going for “boring”?


    Do have ANY idea how many Jeff the Killer fangirls you’ve awoken?
    In all seriousness, if Jeff was real, I’d imagine him trying to kill but his victims are in love with him. And Slenderman would be the one being stalked.
    As for the intruige of which ones would be real, the realistic ones really. 1999, Candle Cove, Where bad kids go, NormalPornForNormalPeople are all goodies

  52. I personally wish The Holders and Slenderman were real. Slenderman simply because I’d want to study him and determine if he was a demon or not and if so is he the type you can make a contract with. The Holders I wish were real simply because I want to know how many of their trials I could handle.

  53. I think I would like Candle Cove and BEN Drowned to be real. Candle Cove didn’t kill anyone and I think it would be pretty cool to find a person (however psychotic and maniacal) in a hacked game cartridge. Maybe not after a while, but at first ^_^

  54. Jeff the Killer. I don’t know why I want him to be real, but I really, really do. He’s my favorite creepypasta. I liked him so much at one point, I thought that if he was real, I would be the one who could change him, haha. Oh sometimes… Anyway, out of all the creepypastas in the world, I would want Jeff the Killer to be real.

    1. Oh and the end result for him being alive? Probably many people killed. Or he sees his pictures and stories on the internet and gets really weirded out. He might even try to recruit one of his fans, haha!

  55. I would love laughing jack to be real I don’t know why but I find him extremely attractive. (I know I am weird) And also because I think what he does is legit he kills kids(I see them as brats who want absolutely everything and when they don’t get it they make life a living hell). There just a bunch of brats and with him around omg life would be so much easier. (right now I( probably sound like a jack ass lol.

  56. I really liked the 11 miles ritual pasta. If I didn’t die, it would be cool to get what I want.

  57. there are scary things in the real world, As I have mentioned in the past I have lived in three different haunted dwellings so I know the metaphysical is a fact. Black eye children are sighted all over the world. Shadow People have been reported since before the radio was even invented. I have a friend who is doing research on the Myths that Slender was based on. So that which bumps in the night has always been present, we have simply not had the poor fortune to have experianced it.
    To be on topic with this group I would have to say I’m a bit ashamed, but I like the stories of the Lost towns and parks that seem to move about and claim ne residents. None of the stories make out that the people are harmed, just that they are stuck living in a somewhat pocket universe inside said odd place. I think the outcome of them being real would be a calm but fearful acceptance that a shifting land based Bermuda Triangle had appeared. people would try to proove it either real or fake, in the end “Science” would find an excuse *cough, methane pockets sinking boats, strong magnetic fields confusing experianced pilots,cough* but in the end do we ever really know the truth?

    1. The Bermuda Triangle has no unexplainable phenomena going on. It is just a section of ocean people have drawn a shape around and everything that happens there, from a plane crash to Grandma losing her dentures, is made out to be “supernatural”. It isn’t any different from any other section of ocean.

  58. Did you guys know that there was a Jeffery Woods who was the only survivor of a tipple homicide that included his mother, father, and older brother Lu. I kid you not. There was a newspaper article about it.
    (Article) [Derp edit – you posted a cut-off link to Google search results, so I’m just going to remove it since it was incredibly long and didn’t actually go anywhere.]

  59. I wish any creepypasta were real like; Jeff the Killer. Slenderman, Ben Drowned, Lost SIlver, Sally, Pokemon Ghost, suicide mouse, etc. Also kid shows with creepypasta would have been way more interesting to watch. OwO Which will also cause nightmares. Plus there would have been lots, and i mean LOTS, of murder occurrences. But why not, am i right? :3

  60. I don’t think I’d want any of them to be real. It’s fun to sit in a dark room and scare yourself with these stories, but in the back of your mind you always know that that’s all it is; a bit of harmless entertainment. Having unstoppable, supernatural killing machines parading about would probably not be fun.

    If I had to choose, though, I’d say Jeff. This is going to make me sound like a really awful person, but I find serial killers and the crimes they commit incredibly interesting and I love following such cases in the news. Although, as far as murderers go, Jeff is a pretty lame one. He’d probably keep a low profile after reading even a fraction of the fanfics posted online, maybe even hang up his knife and hoody for good.

  61. I’d wish that all of the “main creepypasta characters” such as Jeff The Killer, Slenderman, BEN Drowned, Masky and Hoodie and Sally were real.

  62. I love creepypastas. But then again, we all do, yes? I think it would be my Dream to have a couple pastas to come to real life.

    My biggest one, in all honesty, is Jeff The Killer. Since I first learned what a “creepypasta” was, I have always found Jeff simply amazing.

    But looking at it a certain way, Jeff already exists. Sure, the boy in the white hoodie who went nuts in a fight with a boy named Randy does not exists, but think about all the murders and actual Serial Killers there are in the World. Just the other day, I heard about some police arresting a guy who said, apon being caught, “You can’t arrest me yet, I have more killing to do.”

    Jeff? Not quite. But the same Insane Killer concept.

    The other Pasta I would bring to life would be the one and only Slenderman. While most people do not fan over this supernatural creature, Slendy could quite easily “take care” of the fan girls that would drive him nuts. His exsistance would also hugely decrease the overpopulation of the world.

    Those two, possibly the most popular Pastas, would be my choice to bring to life. 11 Miles would be rather cool too,though I feel like it would spoil the already spoiled people of Earth.

    The Pastas I would NOT bring to life would be The Rake (For obvious reasons, as he is one of the only pastas that completely freaks me out), Any type of Devil/Demon Summoning, Smile Dog, The Holders, and any type of Zombie Apocalypse, even though it would be a bit fun to live in.

    Thats my Argument, have a nice day fellow Pasta lovers.

  63. Ickbarr Bigelsteine.
    I made a plushie of Ick for my niece after she was born, and it made me think: What would it be like to have him be real? Granted, it would be terrifying, but how would he choose different victims and where would he get his teeth from? It’s an interesting concept.

  64. KuroNekoChan696

    My sadistic blood-lust side want them to be real but if they are real I cant and will not sleep! I mean, imagine, you were sleeping then slenderman just pops out and kill you =_=

    1. Me either. Especially not Jeff the Killer or Slenderman or any other creepypastas like that. I’ll just be satisfied with the pastas.

  65. For my inner cynical sadist, I would love to see a real life Candlejack (oh no I’m dead). I just sort of imagine him as some average boring hipster who just wants a normal life but is always like “shiiiiit” whenever he has to be inevitably summoned to murder yet another moron who says his name. Even funnier, he has no way of teleporting back, so he just has to take the bus home. Lord forbid some jackass in Tibet says his name, think of all those flier miles!

    He’d probably lose his job since he can’t maintain steady hours, maybe he’s summoned in the middle of naughty time with his girlfriend, he’s like “every time!” And takes a cab home, his girlfriend has already left him for smile dog, then he gets evicted cause he got fired from another promising accounting firm since he always leaves work.

    Desperate, he becomes initiated to the Gambetti crime family as a top class hitman, this combined with his already consistent stream of ritual executions beforehand rapidly declines his sanity. He eventually goes postal on that accounting firm, costing Wall Street billions in lost paper funds. This initiates a worldwide financial crisis, and the Nazi party rises again in Greece taking advantage of their already crumbling financial status. Russia joins them and bonds a socialist-fascist geopolitical alliance that initiates World War III!

    Also I want to call him Candlejackass, it’ll be funn

      1. duuuuuuuuuuude
        i so agree with you ohmigod
        Yeah, saying Candlejack is fine, but Candlejackass shoul

  66. I’m a writer for the Holders, so it would kind of be cool if they were real. If they were real, I really don’t imagine the world would change much. Its pretty much impossible to get all 538 of them, so anyone smart enough not to attempt a test would be safe. However, I’d imagine several thousand people would be driven insane, tortured for an eternity, ect. A few of the really lucky ones might even walk away with a dark, accursed trinket to show off at parties.

  67. I wish “The Pregnancy” was real so I could borrow the protagonist’s turkey baster for next Thanksgiving.

    The end result would be me being entertained as the turkey and glazed ham battled for control over my relative’s souls.

  68. Secretly I am Great

    I would like to see both 11 miles and The Devil Game in real life. That would be goddamn amazing

  69. The creepypasta “An Egg” would be so awesome if what it were saying was true. The concept alone would make your head spin. Just think about it for a sec. I am you. You are me. But at the same time, there really is no you or me. We are all one, and someday we we will become god and create a new universe with a single entity in multiple bodies. Holy crap, if this was true, I bet it would make each and everyone of our boring little lives a bit more interesting.

      1. ”I am you. You are me.” Seriously First episode of Persona 4 came into my mind, so Jade-san, let us create an universe together!

  70. Masky and Hoodie. SO, I can actually figure out the hell they are! I have no idea what there result would be, but when I find out you’ll be the first to hear it!

  71. Never Again is one of my favorite pastas :) I would consider Lacy Morgan existing in real life. Child abuse isn’t cool

  72. Mr.Manslaughter

    I would love for any of the pokepastas to be true because I have been a fan of pokemon ever since I was four and I love being scared! Coming across these hacked cartriges would be both haunting and an exciting experience; one to brag about to other poke-fans until the day that I die.

  73. Hey,I suggested the topic!I would wan’t the rake to be real!Probably a bad choice for a creepypasta but, what could go wrong!

  74. I would love a zombie outbreak but doesn’t everyone? My favorite pastas are the one based on true killers and almost death experiences, all those are already some what real though…

  75. I don’t think I’d like any creepypasta creatures to be real. I mean, things like Van Ness Asylum probably would just confuse people, black eyes kids kind of things seems to be happening more and more (there are legit reports of these things happening), but if something like the watchers were to be real, that’d be horrible, the story ends with them coming down to kill us all.

  76. The Seeker of Truth

    i would like to see jeff the killer because i think he deserves a chance to redeem himself because he is terrified of the fangirl menace. well im done time to go back to writing a pasta about fangirl fanatics…

  77. Not at all, the point of scary stories is to scare you into what your imagination will let it do. If these stories were real, then your imagination would have no place to go. The human mind is more terrifying than any tangible thing.

    When I read a scary story, I love how my mind takes it and runs with it. If I wanted to read a story of a real serial killer I would re-read my book on them.

    I don’t want Jeff the Killer/Slenderman/The rake to be real. I want my brain to add its own twist to the story, and I want the creativity of not knowing for sure what is real and what is fiction.

  78. Fortunately no. If any creepypastas were real there would be more to be scared about. Even if some of them are poorly written or poorly told if it was real life it would still be creepy. If one was real it would be phycosis because there is nothing that could harm any of us, just paranoia

  79. I would never want any creepy pastas to be real, when your going to bed what keeps you alright is that you know in the back of your head they are fake. But if I knew Jeff The Killer was real I would never sleep!

    1. Well, It would be nice to think of Jeff going around and killing people, Why, You might laugh if the person you hate was told to go to sleep… >XD

      1. I feel that your “comment” is very offensive to this gentlemen and his opinion on the monstrous genocidal maniac “Jeff the Killer.”

  80. 11 Miles should definitely be real. I like the fact that you can go through the route as many times as you want, and get as many things as you desire. As long as you don’t fail.

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