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Keeper of Eternity

Estimated reading time — 5 minutes

Over the past millennium, science and medicine has advanced so far as to put miracles in the hands of men. Many of the diseases that were fatal merely five hundred years ago now have cures or at least treatments thanks to the brilliant minds of man. That being so, there’s still one fatal infirmity humanity has yet to overcome, and that’s mortality.

For those devoted enough, however, there is yet a way. Located just off the East Coast of North America somewhere is a shrine dating as far back as the earliest recorded civilizations. Lost to the ages now, there is but one path to this shrine, and it still sends its call, as if daring the hardiest of man to make that perilous voyage.

If you find yourself in Savannah, GA someday and think you’d like to play your hand at immortality, simply hop in your car and continue east out of town along E President Street and continue along it until it turns into Islands Expressway. If the forces deem you worthy, or if they’re simply in the mood to watch in amusement as you throw your life away, the sky will darken with rainclouds–even if it was clear and blue only moments before–and the forest about you will seem to glow. Keep your eyes peeled and you should see a turn-off into the woods a few minutes after this happens.


Now if you’re carrying a map you’ll probably notice this path is not indicated anywhere on it, but pay that no heed. Continue along the tight and densely overgrown path at a slow pace, for if you go off the road here, you’ll have no hope of ever finding your way out of this forest, and no tow-truck will ever find the turn-off to come retrieve you. Simply follow the path before you–for while there are many bends, there are no turn-offs from this one. The trees will only grow denser as you progress, until the limbs scrape like fingers along the top of your vehicle (you should probably note that it would be a very bad idea to undergo this journey in a convertible).

Eventually, after approximately forty-five minutes to an hour of driving, you should come to a dead end, where the trees tighten about you like a noose around a doomed man’s neck. If you have a GPS system in your car it will proclaim that you’re about fifteen miles into the Atlantic Ocean. Do not attempt to reverse at this point, for you’ll find that the path is no longer there. Check your watch, or your phone, or your car’s read-out for the time, for regardless of the time of day not a single ray of light will spill through these densely packed trees. If it is dark out, or if it will be dark out within the next few hours do not open your door, and do not turn off your headlights. You may turn off your car every so often to save gas, but you’ll want to crank it up again periodically to keep your battery from dying. If you let down your guard in this forest at night, you’re as good as dead.

If you were wise enough to start this trip early enough, and it’s still light out, you may exit the car at this point. You’ll notice the trees around you leaning in your direction, as if peering down at you curiously. In a loud assertive voice proclaim, “I am here to claim my fate, and none here shall stand in my way.”

You’ll hear a sound behind you. When you turn to look you’ll notice a small path that hadn’t been there before. Do not hesitate, do not question it, simply walk purposefully forward and start down the path before you’re trapped in that clearing indefinitely. The path may wind drastically, depending on which way you were facing when it was created, simply continue walking and do not look back, no matter how loud the rustling gets behind you.


You’ll soon find yourself ankle-deep in a swamp, and you may find the sound of frogs croaking a soothing change from the forest’s lively rustling. It would be most wise at this point to find the longest thickest branch you can, for the marshes of Georgia can hide the nastiest creatures in only a foot of water, so you’ll need to feel your way along like a blind man.

Only about 10 yards from the forest-line the land drops off into the ocean, and unless the forces are feeling particularly cruel you should be able to see the log poking up out of the water right away. If not, you’ll need to search, and it may take a while but once you’re near it there’s no mistaking it. Walk until you feel the ground break away beneath you, then get into the water. When you’re touching the log, you’ll want to take in the largest lungful of breath you can manage, then dive under and swim to the bottom as quickly as you can. It will be a long swim but do not turn around, even if you think you’re about to faint. Swim as fast as you can and keep going down, keeping a hand on the log until you come out the other side.


You’ll resurface in a pond in the middle of a dark forest much similar to the one you just exited, only just at the edge of the pond will be an ancient building of indeterminable origin. Go inside. Fires will be lit, marking your path to the shrine of the Keeper. A large statue, the likeness of the Keeper, will stand at the far wall and at his feet will be an empty bowl. Address the Keeper in a loud, confident voice, saying “I’ve come very far, and all I ask for is something to drink.”


His response will be a single, very personal question, and he will speak it directly into your mind, so listen carefully. When he has asked his question, do not take too long to answer, and answer only in the truth. BE VERY PRECISE WITH YOUR ANSWER. He will know if you’re trying to hide something. Once you have answered him completely, the bowl at his feet will fill with a strange liquid. This liquid will reflect the entire rainbow’s spectrum of colors, and it will bear no scent. You must drink this liquid, or you will never leave the forest alive. Depending on whether or not the Keeper liked your answer and deems you worthy, the liquid may be plain tap water, or a lethal poison. If it is the latter, you will only know once the symptoms begin to take hold. If it is the former, you will be free to leave.

The forest will part before you, showing you the exit, much like the years will part before you, leaving you alone to endure the eons. You will see your family and loved ones die, and you will see wars begin and end, but you will never die. You will see the sun explode and the earth burned to a cinder, but you will never die. You will know the true meaning of eternal life.

Credit: Chris Phoenix

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

122 thoughts on “Keeper of Eternity”

  1. Wow this is possibly the greatest one I’ve read this year, and the song that was I in the room above me was awesome for this

  2. @ZalgotheGreat No, you wouldn’t stop at one point there’s no gravity or anything in space to make you stop unless you crash into something in space and that just shoves you in a different direction. And everyone else that still wouldn’t be fun drifting through space because you would be choking and suffocating for eternity

  3. This was the best pasta I’ve read it was amazing and it kept my attention, but I wouldn’t wanna try it immortality has more cons than pros in my opinion

  4. 15,000 years and you’d think your grammar wouldn’t suck ass

    Living forever is not fun take it from me you will never have kids and to live forever is to me sad ive been alive for 15,000 years and i cant find a reason to live anymore i need to face off against another immortal to be able to die

    Methos: Now if you’re carrying a map you’ll probably notice this path is not indicated anywhere on it, but pay that no heed. Continue along the tight and densely overgrown path at a slow pace, for if you go off the road here, you’ll have no hope of ever finding your way out of this forest, and no tow-truck will ever find the turn-off to come retrieve you. Simply follow the path before you–for while there are many bends, there are no turn-offs from this one. The trees will only grow denser as you progress, until the limbs scrape like fingers along the top of your vehicle (you should probably note that it would be a very bad idea to undergo this journey in a convertible).

  5. So uh, I got to the end of the forest, never looked back btw. But all I saw was a pedestal….on the pedestal was a coupon for a free pizza at any Pizza Hut? wtf man, you said there’d be immortality

  6. I particularly liked the flavor of this pasta. It had a different texture than the rest of the “The Holder” series. 7/10.

  7. Cap. Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood knows what this feels like. And I imagine it’s hell. I mean, imagine being alive forever, everyone you know dies, everyone you love, and you will always be alive, you will never escape Life. It would suck.

  8. Living forever is not fun take it from me you will never have kids and to live forever is to me sad ive been alive for 15,000 years and i cant find a reason to live anymore i need to face off against another immortal to be able to die

  9. Whoa that’s a lot of comments… But yeah I’mma back up this guys story. I’m 160 years running and don’t regret it yet.

  10. Probably one of the worst and least creative stories I have ever had the misfortune of reading. Do this stuff really appeal to people?

  11. I rather enjoyed this ritual pasta, I find most of it tiresome at best but this I truly enjoyed.

  12. ”If you should find yourself…”, ”Now if you were this and if you were that…”, ”If you should find that…”. Holy fuck, is it me or do all pastas like this sound like the start of an episode of Desperate Housewives?

  13. “23. If you like to plan ahead and have some money, buy your auntie and
    uncle a house in Bel-Air. Nothing can harm you there no matter how
    scared your mother is.” That is my motto now! xD

  14. I’d get a a car boat and hermetically seal it and just take that through the whole thing.
    Seaker’s question: “Did you really DRIVE here? Through WATER?”
    My answer: “Hell yes!”

  15. Build up was way too long for a banal pay-off. Not terrible, but in the end, who cares? I agree with most posters. Ritual Pastas need to go or at least become somewhat interesting.

  16. “Yeah Victor, you’re missing something. You can still see the time. So regardless of how it looks outside, you can tell if it’s night by the time.

    “Check your watch, or your phone, or your car’s read-out for the time””

    I was about to explain this, thanks You Hep Cats.

    & @MrSkary LOLWUT

  17. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that regardless of whether it is visibly night or day to you, whatever is out in the surrounding area would still be a threat during the nighttime hours. If that makes sense. That is what I took from it anyway. Keep in mind that this is supposed to be in a ritualistic manner.


    That was pretty good. My only advice to the writer is the drop the word “tap” when describing the water. As much as I hate these nitpicky comments I see in the comments section of good pastas, that one detail sort of removed me from the story, and it’s fairly late in the story so it didn’t really have time to recover for me. But please, please, keep it up!

  19. Wow I didn’t know that the earliest civilizations had running water. This pasta was pretty good, but the ordinary tap water thing threw me off a little. Lol, I guess even the governments of the ancient civilizations were fluoridating their people’s water supply.

  20. the only qualm i have with this is:
    “for regardless of the time of day not a single ray of light will spill through these densely packed trees. If it is dark out, or if it will be dark out within the next few hours do not open your door, and do not turn off your headlights. You may turn off your car every so often to save gas, but you’ll want to crank it up again periodically to keep your battery from dying. If you let down your guard in this forest at night, you’re as good as dead.

    If you were wise enough to start this trip early enough, and it’s still light out, you may exit the car at this point

    so…if it’s really dark because of the trees, how could one tell if it’s light out? wouldn’t it be dark eitherway?

  21. I don’t believe I’ve ever enjoyed a ritual pasta before. Very well done! I was actually genuinely creeped out for a moment, as there was a strange noise in my house I could not discern the origin of conveniently timed with the part where I should “never EVEREVEREVER look behind you, no matter how loud dem dar noises ‘er gettin.”

    I liked it, well done. But still ritual pasta. Eww. 8/10

  22. Richard Dawkins

    Also, if obtaining absolute immortality is as easy as drinking tapwater from some ridiculous ocean temple, shouldn’t the universe/Earth eventually/already be filled with hot immortal people for the protagonist to love after their worthless non-immortal family dies?

    1. Well the water could be magic. Or it could be you’ve already /gained/ immortality just by being there and if you are ‘deemed worthy’ the god thing will let you leave with his blessing (the water) so you won’t die and are able to get back to the real world but if you aren’t your not allowed to get back out with this gift so he/she/it kills you .

  23. Richard Dawkins

    Holders stories are almost always super shitty pasta and this is no exception. Go to [location] do [nonsensical thing] then tell the Holder [something entirely unrelated to the object of your quest] BUT FATES PRESERVE YOU IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS YOUR DOOM IS UNIMAGINABLE (so I will not even bother to describe it)

  24. Good story, perfect for a ritual pasta…and this is nothing like the holders. He isn’t collecting sacred objects, he isn’t going to a place found anywhere in the world, he isn’t having his soul eaten and intestines used as a jump rope for breathing at the wrong millisecond, etc.

    If you think it’s just like the Holders, then the only ritual pastas you have ever read are the Holders and this one. Wipe the retard drool off your chin, click rituals at the top, and then see for yourself that they have nothing to do with each other, besides being the same genre.

  25. @Victor: the concept is based off other such literature in which nocturnal creatures who live in darkness in fear of the sun still sleep during the day, and hunt during the night. I’m glad people who have imaginations at least enjoyed it. :]]

  26. @ Victor

    Oh I get it, you don’t understand the relevance of it being too dangerous in the night when they say it’s dark anyway?

    I have an answer to that too:

    This pasta is fucking stupid.

    Does that answer it nicely?


    “You Are Now Fifteen Miles Offshore From Little Tybee Island. You May Now Inflate The Weighted Safety Rafts To Help Prevent Death By Excess Water Exposure.”

    GPS WAS GLADOS!!!!!111cake

    …Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

  28. Well if it was dark I don`t understand how it would matter if it was dark because it is night time or because the trees block the sun.
    Dark is dark.

  29. i was reading this on my ipod, and the text was big on my screen, and i scroll down and i see Savannah, GA


    btw this was good to me.

  30. Poorly written, unoriginal, boring pasta. I’d chalk this one up to a meth head’s rambling, but that would be insulting to meth heads.

  31. “If you find yourself in Savannah, GA someday and think you’d like to play your hand at immortality…”


  32. Yeah Victor, you’re missing something. You can still see the time. So regardless of how it looks outside, you can tell if it’s night by the time.

    “Check your watch, or your phone, or your car’s read-out for the time”

  33. you know at the end of the world when the sun explodes or what ever and the earth is reduced to cinders the immortals will walk the earth

  34. Rape My Shitter

    I wonder why no one ever considers that maybe our solar system isn’t the entire universe? So what if our sun implodes? Couldn’t you just float onto someplace else? And with all the knowledge you’d be accruing, maybe you’ll figure out how to go faster than light and find some intelligent life to dick with and become their alien space god. Or something. And if you keep going ’til heat death, I’m sure one can figure out ways to stop it. If not, hey, you have googol years to entertain you until then, and you can sit there and contemplate your vast mental experiences when you’re floating about in the photons for the rest of the universe’s existence. Or maybe that’s not how the universe “ends”, or maybe you go to some other universe and do it all again.

    1. actually, i would love to be immortal, when you put it that way. like maybe after long enough, you get Doctor Manhatan powers with all you knoledge, and eventualy create the universe as you see fit.

      … or screw with people, whichever you preffer…

    2. without propulsion, you will drift in one spot, eternally in space. just something to chew on ;3 even if you were pushed forward by an exploding star, you’d eventually stop.

  35. “””“for regardless of the time of day not a single ray of light will spill through these densely packed trees.”

    “If you were wise enough to start this trip early enough, and it’s still light out, you may exit the car at this point.”

    Am I missing something?””

    Yeah WTF.

  36. Umm…Is it just me, or did was this one not very good?
    It was well-written, but not scary or interesting at all.

  37. “for regardless of the time of day not a single ray of light will spill through these densely packed trees.”

    “If you were wise enough to start this trip early enough, and it’s still light out, you may exit the car at this point.”

    Am I missing something?

    1. He said to check the time on your phone. Basically, if it’s night time, you’re screwedm but if it’s like 3 pm you should be alright.

  38. Okay, so the forest parts before you, you live forever, you see the sun blow up…
    But do you ever find your huge SUV you left in the forest?
    The suspense is killing me…

    1. well, your GPS did say you where several miles into the atlantic. im guessing it the relevance of land mass biomes is more or less irrelevant at that point.

  39. What rolls down stairs
    Alone or in pairs
    Rolls over your neighbors dog

    It’s great for a snack
    It fits on your back

  40. Nice. I am an avid fan of the Holders series (the good ones, mind you) and this sounds like it could easily be converted into that format. However, I’m glad you didn’t.


  41. Hah, It would REALLY suck if you had to live through the suns demise… One of the many reasons why I do not want to live forever. Very nice pasta.

        1. Don’t you know that you can still die, you just don’t age? Immortality is no death by age, not invincibility. You can still be shot, stabbed, beaten, whatever and die. You just won’t age.

  42. MisterVercetti

    Glad I’m not the only one who was reminded of a Holders story.

    Still, as these things go, this one was actually pretty good.

  43. Feaster of Fear

    Hrm…..ritual pastas have, over the course of the years, lost much of their once bold flavor. Every now and then, however, it is pleasing to taste something so reminiscent of the past world of creepypasta. However, you may wish to change the title of your story, so as to avoid confusion with the “Holders” series of pastas.
    Overall, not a horrible meal. A pervasive, musky taste with a hint of reality spashed in. I would eat again – 6/10

  44. Playing off the “horrors of immortality” at the end? Those sorts of horrors are probably true.

    I’m surprised it didn’t use the super harsh (and tiring, given the tens of them) “SCREW UP AT THIS POINT AND BE SUBJECT TO FATE WORSE THAN DEATH” language/formula the whole “Holders” series uses.


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