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Jeff the Killer

Estimated reading time — 23 minutes

Jeff the Killer Origins and History

Jeff The Killer

You wake at 3AM. Disturbed by some subtle shifting sound within the room, just on the edge of hearing. Propping up on one arm you survey the room looking for some source for the noise, hoping beyond hope that you won’t find one. At first, your hopes are raised, everything seems to be silent, everything seems to be still. But it isn’t. 

From behind the long concealing drape of the curtain a voice, with flickering serpentine hiss whispers

“Go to sleep…”. Suddenly, you know what’s about to happen and exactly who is waiting to meet you.

As recognizable and widely known as he is feared, Jeff the Killer, the eponymous villain of numerous stories littering the internet is one of the best-known and most widely referenced Creepypasta characters to have emerged from the shadowy corners of the web over the past few decades.

But exactly who or what is this infamous denizen of the darkness? Where did the character come from, how has it evolved, and from which horrific pit of hell or the internet did ‘that’ haunting image emerge? 

Overview and Synopsis of Jeff The Killer at a Glance

Firstly, for those unfamiliar with the character ‘Jeff the Killer’  the most widely known Creepypasta on this character can be found here. The story is usually linked to a version of this image in which the character is shown to be noseless, with bleached white skin, a leering permanent grin and lank black hair. 


For those wanting a quick overview, the story of Jeff Killer goes something like this:

At thirteen years old Jeff ( Jeffery Alan Woods or Jeff C. Hodek depending upon who you ask, but more on that later) moves with his parents and brother Lui to a new town. Here, Jeff and his sibling encounter three bullies and are threatened with knives. 

Jeff beats these bullies badly, with Lui taking the blame for the assault and being carted off by the ever-reliable police. Guilt-ridden and depressed at having let Lui take the blame for his actions, Jeff’s day gets even worse when he meets the bullies again and is horribly burnt in an attack with alcohol and bleach. 

This burning results in Jeff being permanently disfigured, his skin bleached white,  physically whilst his mind ‘snaps’. 

Upon being discharged for some reason (his doctors apparently attributing Jeff’s insane behavior to the painkillers he is taking) Jeff arrives home and proceeds to make a bad situation worse by purposely mutilating his already disfigured face, cutting a permanent smile into his mouth and cheeks and burning of his eyelids so that he can always see his face. 

Jeff then goes on to kill both his parents and his brother Lui, meeting him with the instruction ‘Go to sleep’ before stabbing him and disappearing on a wider and less discriminating killing spree, which it would seem, continues to this day. 


Jeff The Killer Appearance and Origins

According to the Creepypasta explanations Jeff’s fixed grin is due to scarring he inflicted upon himself, his eyes stare widely because he burnt off his own eyelids, and his skin is lilly white as a result of having been horribly burnt by bullies with a combination of alcohol and bleach.

The ‘photograph’ that accompanies the many Jeff the Killer stories and which looks like a cross between Micheal Jackson and a demented dolphin, is widely known not only for the many derivative creepypastas using the character but due to its widespread use in screamer videos alongside Jeff’s famous catchphrase ‘Go to sleep’.

However, it seems that the details of exactly how Jeff The Killer ended up with his hideous appearance corresponding as they do to this image, were retrofitted, the rationales being written to match the image, rather than the other way around…

Jeff Photos and Folklore

As with many creepypasta characters, there seems to have been an ekphrastic element to Jeff the Killer’s Creation. What the hell does ekphrastic mean? Well, basically it means ‘based on or inspired by a work of art’. 

Now, whilst most wouldn’t look at the image of Jeff the Killer and regard it as ‘art’ it is commonly agreed the image upon which the story of Jeff the Killer is based actually predates the words making up his story, meaning that the creators began with the creepy image and went from there. The story was written to fit the picture,

Therefore to really get a handle on the origins of Jeff the Killer it is first necessary to divide the investigation into two parts. First, we need to look at the origin of the image of Jeff The Killer that accompanied the original story, not to mention the many derivative stories and memes that have evolved from it, and then look at where the story that grew out of the image came from.

Interestingly, the original ‘Jeff the Killer’ image and its origin have developed a mythology all of its own, with various competing theories and bogus explanations being put forward. Let’s have a go at unpicking them.

The first noted appearance of the famous image is from way back in 2005 on a Japanese message board. 

The image later appeared in a Japanese YouTube video “NNN臨時放送”, a clip identified by some as scary film project, in which names and ages of future victims are listed. The video was uploaded in August of 2007  and features a fleeting glimpse of the Jeff the Killer image which can be seen on screen at the 4 minutes eleven seconds mark followed by the words ‘good night’ which may be an early incarnation of, (or the inspiration for) the famous ‘Go to Sleep’ catchphrase with which Jeff is associated. 

That this video without a backstory or explanation existed before the story or even the name ‘Jeff the Killer’ surfaced seems to confirm that it was indeed the image that came first.  The association of the image with the name ‘Jeff the Killer’ or any related title came in 2008 when a user on the forum Newgrounds uploaded the image using the name Killerjeff with the somewhat dubious claim that the image was a self-portrait depicting him.

 Shortly following this first association of the photograph with the name, the first incarnation of anything resembling an actual story for Jeff The Killer (and featuring the now famous image) was a video uploaded by Sesseur on October 3rd 2008, with some sources claiming Sesseur and the previous Newgrounds uploader ‘Killerjeff’ to be the same person.

This original video which notably contained music by Pixies (which may have been the reason that the video was eventually removed) has been claimed by its creator as the original Jeff the Killer origin story and indeed does predate the more well known Creepypasta version of the tale.

Additionally, it is worth noting that Sesseur ( consequently cited by most sources as Jeff’s creator)  has been critical of the details given in later incarnations of the story, insisting, presumably in reference to his original conception of the character, that bullies were not involved in the accident that led to Jeff’s altered appearance, but rather that he slipped on some soap whilst carrying acid he intended to use to clean the drains in his bathroom. Sesseur has also pointed out in his version Jeff does not kill his parents and brother and even has a different real name ( Jeff C. Hodek rather than Jeff Wood).

The later Creepypasta incarnations of Jeff The Killer, upon which the above synopsis is based, also have a somewhat convoluted history. 

Despite being very popular, the original version uploaded in 2011 was derided by many as being weakly told and of low quality with many insisting that the story did not meet the quality assurance standards of the site. 

It was eventually moved from Creepypasta to a sister site dedicated to badly written Creepypastas. However, owing to the popularity of the character this removal prompted many users to simply reupload the story. In an attempt to placate these fans and to establish a ‘better’ version of Jeff’s story a competition was launched in 2015 to create a ‘re-make’. The winning story,  which exists in an uncut longer version and a shorter version (edited to fit the constraints of the competition’s word limit) was written by K Banning Kellum is the version with which most people today are familiar. 

Jeff The Killer Creepypasta Story

Excerpt from a local newspaper: OMINOUS UNKNOWN KILLER IS STILL AT LARGE.

After weeks of unexplained murders, the ominous unknown killer is still on the rise. After little evidence has been found, a young boy states that he survived one of the killer’s attacks and bravely tells his story.

“I had a bad dream and I woke up in the middle of the night,” says the boy, “I saw that for some reason the window was open, even though I remember it being closed before I went to bed. I got up and shut it once more. Afterwards, I simply crawled under my covers and tried to get back to sleep. That’s when I had a strange feeling, like someone was watching me.

I looked up and nearly jumped out of my bed. There, in the little ray of light, illuminating from between my curtains, were a pair of two eyes. These weren’t regular eyes; they were dark, ominous eyes. They were bordered in black and… just plain out terrified me. That’s when I saw his mouth. A long, horrendous smile that made every hair on my body stand up. The figure stood there, watching me. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he said it. A simple phrase, but said in a way only a mad man could speak.

“He said, ‘Go To Sleep.’ I let out a scream, that’s what sent him at me. He pulled up a knife; aiming at my heart. He jumped on top of my bed. I fought him back; I kicked, I punched, I rolled around, trying to knock him off me. That’s when my dad busted in. The man threw the knife, it went into my dad’s shoulder. The man probably would’ve finished him off, if one of the neighbors hadn’t alerted the police.

“They drove into the parking lot and ran towards the door. The man turned and ran down the hallway. I heard a smash, like glass breaking. As I came out of my room, I saw the window that was pointing towards the back of my house was broken. I looked out it to see him vanish into the distance. I can tell you one thing, I will never forget that face. Those cold, evil eyes, and that psychotic smile. They will never leave my head.”

Police are still on the look for this man. If you see anyone that fits the description in this story, please contact your local police department.

Jeff and his family had just moved into a new neighborhood. His dad had gotten a promotion at work, and they thought it would be best to live in one of those “fancy” neighborhoods. Jeff and his brother Liu couldn’t complain though. A new, better house. What was not to love? As they were getting unpacked, one of their neighbors came by.

“Hello,” she said, “I’m Barbara; I live across the street from you. Well, I just wanted to introduce my self and to introduce my son.” She turns around and calls her son over. “Billy, these are our new neighbors,” Billy said hi and ran back to play in his yard.

“Well,” said Jeff’s mom, “I’m Margaret, and this is my husband Peter, and my two sons, Jeff and Liu.” They each introduced themselves, and then Barbara invited them to her son’s birthday. Jeff and his brother were about to object when their mother said that they would love to. When Jeff and his family were done packing, Jeff went up to his mom.

“Mom, why would you invite us to some kid’s party? If you haven’t noticed, I’m not some dumb kid.”

“Jeff,” said his mother, “We just moved here; we should show that we want to spend time with our neighbors. Now, we’re going to that party, and that’s final.” Jeff started to talk, but stopped himself, knowing that he couldn’t do anything. Whenever his mom said something, it was final. He walked up to his room and plopped down on his bed. He sat there looking at his ceiling when suddenly, he got a weird feeling. Not so much pain, but… a weird feeling. He dismissed it as just some random feeling. He heard his mother call him down to get his stuff, and he walked down to get it.

The next day, Jeff walked downstairs to get breakfast and got ready for school. As he sat there, eating his breakfast, he once again got that feeling. This time it was stronger. It gave him a slight tugging pain, but he once again dismissed it. As he and Liu finished breakfast, they walked down to the bus stop. They sat there waiting for the bus, and then, all of a sudden, some kid on a skateboard jumped over them, only inches above their laps. They both jumped back in surprise. “Hey, what the hell?”

The kid landed and turned back to them. He kicked his skateboard up and caught it with his hands. The kid seems to be about twelve; one year younger than Jeff. He wears an Aeropostale shirt and ripped blue jeans.

“Well, well, well. It looks like we got some new meat.” Suddenly, two other kids appeared. One was super skinny and the other was huge. “Well, since you’re new here, I’d like to introduce ourselves, over there is Keith.” Jeff and Liu looked over to the skinny kid. He had a dopey face that you would expect a sidekick to have. “And he’s Troy.” They looked over at the fat kid. Talk about a tub of lard. This kid looked like he hadn’t exercised since he was crawling.

“And I,” said the first kid, “am Randy. Now, for all the kids in this neighborhood, there is a small price for bus fare, if you catch my drift.” Liu stood up, ready to punch the lights out of the kid’s eyes when one of his friends pulled a knife on him. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, I had hoped you would be more cooperative, but it seems we must do this the hard way.” The kid walked up to Liu and took his wallet out of his pocket. Jeff got that feeling again. Now, it was truly strong; a burning sensation. He stood up, but Liu gestured him to sit down. Jeff ignored him and walked up to the kid.

“Listen here you little punk, give back my bro’s wallet or else.” Randy put the wallet in his pocket and pulled out his own knife.

“Oh? And what will you do?” Just as he finished the sentence, Jeff popped the kid in the nose. As Randy reached for his face, Jeff grabbed the kid’s wrist and broke it. Randy screamed and Jeff grabbed the knife from his hand. Troy and Keith rushed Jeff, but Jeff was too quick. He threw Randy to the ground. Keith lashed out at him, but Jeff ducked and stabbed him in the arm. Keith dropped his knife and fell to the ground screaming. Troy rushed him too, but Jeff didn’t even need the knife. He just punched Troy straight in the stomach and Troy went down. As he fell, he puked all over. Liu could do nothing but look in amazement at Jeff.

“Jeff how’d you?” was all he said. They saw the bus coming and knew they’d be blamed for the whole thing. So they started running as fast as they could. As they ran, they looked back and saw the bus driver rushing over to Randy and the others. As Jeff and Liu made it to school, they didn’t dare tell what happened. All they did was sit and listen. Liu just thought of that as his brother beating up a few kids, but Jeff knew it was more. It was something, scary. As he got that feeling he felt how powerful it was, the urge to just, hurt someone.

He didn’t like how it sounded, but he couldn’t help feeling happy. He felt that strange feeling go away, and stay away for the entire day of school. Even as he walked home due to the whole thing near the bus stop, and how now he probably wouldn’t be taking the bus anymore, he felt happy. When he got home his parents asked him how his day was, and he said, in a somewhat ominous voice, “It was a wonderful day.” Next morning, he heard a knock at his front door. He walked down to find two police officers at the door, his mother looking back at him with an angry look.

“Jeff, these officers tell me that you attacked three kids. That it wasn’t regular fighting, and that they were stabbed. Stabbed, son!” Jeff’s gaze fell to the floor, showing his mother that it was true.

“Mom, they were the ones who pulled the knives on me and Liu.”

“Son,” said one of the cops,” We found three kids, two stabbed, one having a bruise on his stomach, and we have witnesses proving that you fled the scene. Now, what does that tell us?” Jeff knew it was no use. He could say him and Liu had been attacked, but then there was no proof it was not them who attacked first. They couldn’t say that they weren’t fleeing, because truth be told they were. So Jeff couldn’t defend himself or Liu.

“Son, call down your brother.” Jeff couldn’t do it since it was he who beat up all the kids.

“Sir, it…it was me. I was the one who beat up the kids. Liu tried to hold me back, but he couldn’t stop me.” The cop looked at his partner and they both nod.

“Well, kid, looks like a year in juvie…”

“Wait!” says Liu. They all looked up to see him holding a knife. The officers pulled their guns and locked them on Liu.

“It was me, I beat up those little punks. Have the marks to prove it.” He lifted up his sleeves to reveal cuts and bruises, as if he was in a struggle.

“Son, just put the knife down,” said the officer. Liu held up the knife and dropped it to the ground. He put his hands up and walked over to the cops.

“No, Liu, it was me! I did it!” Jeff had tears running down his face.

“Huh, poor bro. Trying to take the blame for what I did. Well, take me away.” The police led Liu out to the patrol car.

“Liu, tell them it was me! Tell them! I was the one who beat up those kids!” Jeff’s mother put her hands on his shoulders.

“Jeff please, you don’t have to lie. We know it’s Liu, you can stop.” Jeff watched helplessly as the cop car speeds off with Liu inside. A few minutes later Jeff’s dad pulled into the driveway, seeing Jeff’s face and knowing something was wrong.

“Son, son what is it?” Jeff couldn’t answer. His vocal cords were strained from crying. Instead, Jeff’s mother walked his father inside to break the bad news to him as Jeff wept in the driveway. After an hour or so Jeff walked back into the house, seeing that his parents were both shocked, sad, and disappointed. He couldn’t look at them. He couldn’t see how they thought of Liu when it was his fault. He just went to sleep, trying to get the whole thing off his mind. Two days went by, with no word from Liu at JDC. No friends to hang out with. Nothing but sadness and guilt. That is until Saturday, when Jeff is woken up by his mother, with a happy, sunshiny face.

“Jeff, it’s the day,” she said as she opened up the curtains and let light flood into his room.

“What? What’s today?” asked Jeff as he stirs awake.

“Why, it’s Billy’s party.” He was now fully awake.

“Mom, you’re joking, right? You don’t expect me to go to some kid’s party after…” There was a long pause.

“Jeff, we both know what happened. I think this party could be the thing that brightens up the past days. Now, get dressed.” Jeff’s mother walked out of the room and downstairs to get ready herself. He fought himself to get up. He picked out a random shirt and pair of jeans and walked downstairs. He saw his mother and father all dressed up; his mother in a dress and his father in a suit. He thought, why they would ever wear such fancy clothes to a kid’s party?

“Son, is that all your going to wear?” said Jeff’s mom.

“Better than wearing too much,” he said. His mother pushed down the feeling to yell at him and hid it with a smile.

“Now Jeff, we may be over-dressed, but this is how you go if you want to make an impression.” said his father. Jeff grunted and went back up to his room.


“I don’t have any fancy clothes!” he yelled downstairs.

“Just pick out something.” called his mother. He looked around in his closet for what he would call fancy. He found a pair of black dress pants he had for special occasions and an undershirt. He couldn’t find a shirt to go with it though. He looked around and found only striped and patterned shirts. None of which go with dress pants. Finally, he found a white hoodie and put it on.

“You’re wearing that?” they both said. His mother looked at her watch. “Oh, no time to change. Let’s just go.” She said as she herded Jeff and his father out the door. They crossed the street over to Barbara and Billy’s house. They knocked on the door and at it appeared that Barbara, just like his parents, way over-dressed. As they walked inside all Jeff could see were adults, no kids.

“The kids are out in the yard. Jeff, how about you go and meet some of them?” said Barbara.

Jeff walked outside to a yard full of kids. They were running around in weird cowboy costumes and shooting each other with plastic guns. He might as well be standing in a Toys R Us. Suddenly a kid came up to him and handed him a toy gun and hat.

“Hey. Wanna pway?” he said.

“Ah, no kid. I’m way too old for this stuff.” The kid looked at him with that weird puppy-dog face.

“Pwease?” said the kid. “Fine,” said Jeff. He put on the hat and started to pretend shoot at the kids. At first, he thought it was totally ridiculous, but then he started to actually have fun. It might not have been super cool, but it was the first time he had done something that took his mind off of Liu. So he played with the kids for a while, until he heard a noise. A weird rolling noise. Then it hit him. Randy, Troy, and Keith all jumped over the fence on their skateboards. Jeff dropped the fake gun and ripped off the hat. Randy looked at Jeff with a burning hatred.

“Hello, Jeff, is it?” he said. “We have some unfinished business.” Jeff saw his bruised nose.” I think we’re even. I beat the crap out of you, and you get my brother sent to JDC.”

Randy got an angry look in his eyes. “Oh no, I don’t go for even, I go for winning. You may have kicked our asses that one day, but not today.” As he said that Randy rushed at Jeff. They both fell to the ground. Randy punched Jeff in the nose, and Jeff grabbed him by the ears and head-butted him. Jeff pushed Randy off of him and both rose to their feet. Kids were screaming and parents were running out of the house. Troy and Keith both pulled guns out of their pockets.

“No one interrupts or guts will fly!” they said. Randy pulled a knife on Jeff and stabbed it into his shoulder.

Jeff screamed and fell to his knees. Randy started kicking him in the face. After three kicks Jeff grabs his foot and twists it, causing Randy to fall to the ground. Jeff stood up and walked towards the back door. Troy grabbed him.

“Need some help?” He picks Jeff up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door. As Jeff tries to stand he is kicked down to the ground. Randy repeatedly starts kicking Jeff, until he starts to cough up blood.

“Come on Jeff, fight me!” He picks Jeff up and throws him into the kitchen. Randy sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Jeff’s head.

“Fight!” He throws Jeff back into the living room.

“Come on Jeff, look at me!” Jeff glances up, his face riddled with blood. “I was the one who got your brother sent to JDC! And now you’re just gonna sit here and let him rot in there for a whole year! You should be ashamed!” Jeff starts to get up.

“Oh, finally! you stand and fight!” Jeff is now to his feet, blood and vodka on his face. Once again he gets that strange feeling, the one in which he hasn’t felt for a while. “Finally. He’s up!” says Randy as he runs at Jeff. That’s when it happens. Something inside Jeff snaps. His psyche is destroyed, all rational thinking is gone, all he can do is kill. He grabs Randy and pile drives him to the ground. He gets on top of him and punches him straight in the heart. The punch causes Randy’s heart to stop. As Randy gasps for breath. Jeff hammers down on him. Punch after punch, blood gushes from Randy’s body, until he takes one final breath, and dies.

Everyone is looking at Jeff now. The parents, the crying kids, even Troy and Keith. Although they easily break from their gaze and point their guns at Jeff. Jeff sees the guns trained on him and runs for the stairs. As he runs Troy and Keith let out fire on him, each shot missing. Jeff runs up the stairs. He hears Troy and Keith follow up behind. As they let out their final rounds of bullets Jeff ducks into the bathroom. He grabs the towel rack and rips it off the wall. Troy and Keith race in, knives ready.

Troy swings his knife at Jeff, who backs away and bangs the towel rack into Troy’s face. Troy goes down hard and now all that’s left is Keith. He is more agile than Troy though, and ducks when Jeff swings the towel rack. He dropped the knife and grabbed Jeff by the neck. He pushed him into the wall. A thing of bleach fell down on top of him from the top shelf. It burnt both of them and they both started to scream. Jeff wiped his eyes as best as he could. He pulled back the towel rack and swung it straight into Keith’s head. As he lay there, bleeding to death, he let out an ominous smile.

“What’s so funny?” asked Jeff. Keith pulled out a lighter and switched it on. “What’s funny,” he said, “Is that you’re covered in bleach and alcohol.” Jeff’s eyes widened as Keith threw the lighter at him. As soon as the flame made contact with him, the flames ignited the alcohol in the vodka. While the alcohol burned him, the bleach bleached his skin. Jeff let out a terrible screech as he caught on fire. He tried to roll out the fire but it was no use, the alcohol had made him a walking inferno. He ran down the hall and fell down the stairs. Everybody started screaming as they saw Jeff, now a man on fire, drop to the ground, nearly dead. The last thing Jeff saw was his mother and the other parents trying to extinguish the flame. That’s when he passed out.

When Jeff woke he had a cast wrapped around his face. He couldn’t see anything, but he felt a cast on his shoulder, and stitches all over his body. He tried to stand up, but he realized that there was some tube in his arm, and when he tried to get up it fell out, and a nurse rushed in.

“I don’t think you can get out of bed just yet,” she said as she put him back in his bed and re-inserted the tube. Jeff sat there, with no vision, no idea of what his surroundings were. Finally, after hours, he heard his mother.

“Honey, are you okay?” she asked. Jeff couldn’t answer though, his face was covered, and he was unable to speak. “Oh honey, I have great news. After all the witnesses told the police that Randy confessed of trying to attack you, they decided to let Liu go.” This made Jeff almost bolt up, stopping halfway, remembering the tube coming out of his arm. “He’ll be out by tomorrow, and then you two will be able to be together again.”

Jeff’s mother hugs Jeff and says her goodbyes. The next couple of weeks were those where Jeff was visited by his family. Then came the day where his bandages were to be removed. His family members were all there to see it, what he would look like. As the doctors unwrapped the bandages from Jeff’s face everyone was on the edge of their seats. They waited until the last bandage holding the cover over his face was almost removed.

“Let’s hope for the best,” said the doctor. He quickly pulls the cloth; letting the rest fall from Jeff’s face.

Jeff’s mother screams at the sight of his face. Liu and Jeff’s dad stare awe-struck at his face.

“What? What happened to my face?” Jeff said. He rushed out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the cause of the distress. His face. It…it’s horrible. His lips were burnt to a deep shade of red. His face was turned into a pure white color, and his hair singed from brown to black. He slowly put his hand to his face. It had a sort of leathery feel to it now. He looked back at his family then back at the mirror.

“Jeff,” said Liu, “It’s not that bad….”

“Not that bad?” said Jeff,” It’s perfect!” His family was equally surprised. Jeff started laughing uncontrollably His parents noticed that his left eye and hand were twitching.

“Uh… Jeff, are you okay?”

“Okay? I’ve never felt more happy! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaaa, look at me! This face goes perfectly with me!” He couldn’t stop laughing. He stroked his face feeling it. Looking at it in the mirror. What caused this? Well, you may recall that when Jeff was fighting Randy something in his mind, his sanity, snapped. Now he was left as a crazy killing machine, that is, his parents didn’t know.

“Doctor,” said Jeff’s mom, “Is my son… alright, you know. In the head?”

“Oh yes, this behavior is typical for patients that have taken very large amounts of pain killers. If his behavior doesn’t change in a few weeks, bring him back here, and we’ll give him a psychological test.”


“Oh, thank you, doctor.” Jeff’s mother went over to Jeff. “Jeff, sweetie, it’s time to go.”

Jeff looks away from the mirror, his face still formed into a crazy smile. “Kay mommy, ha, ha, haaaaaaaaaaaa!” his mother took him by the shoulder and took him to get his clothes.

“This is what came in,” said the lady at the desk. Jeff’s mom looked down to see the black dress pants and white hoodie her son wore. Now they were clean of blood and now stitched together. Jeff’s mother led him to his room and made him put his clothes on. Then they left, not knowing that this was their final day of life.

Later that night, Jeff’s mother woke to a sound coming from the bathroom. It sounded as if someone was crying. She slowly walked over to see what it was. When she looked into the bathroom she saw a horrendous sight. Jeff had taken a knife and carved a smile into his cheeks.

“Jeff, what are you doing?” asked his mother.

Jeff looked over to his mother. “I couldn’t keep smiling, mommy. It hurt after a while. Now I can smile forever.” Jeff’s mother noticed his eyes, ringed in black.

“Jeff, your eyes!” His eyes were seemingly never closing.

“I couldn’t see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself; my new face.” Jeff’s mother slowly started to back away, seeing that her son was going insane. “What’s wrong mommy? Aren’t I beautiful?

“Yes son,” she said, “Yes you are. L-let me go get daddy, so he can see your face.” She ran into the room and shook Jeff’s dad from his sleep. “Honey, get the gun we…..” She stopped as she saw Jeff in the doorway, holding a knife.

“Mommy, you lied.” That’s the last thing they hear as Jeff rushes them with the knife, gutting both of them.

His brother Liu woke up, startled by some noise. He didn’t hear anything else, so he just shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. As he was on the border of slumber, he got the strangest feeling that someone was watching him. He looked up before Jeff’s hand covered his mouth. He slowly raised the knife ready to plunge it into Liu. Liu thrashed here and there trying to escape Jeff’s grip.

“Shhhhhhh,” Jeff said. “Just go to sleep.”

Remember to check out the Jeff The Killer Reboot of this creepypasta classic.

Dark Images and Darker Stories

Whilst the above explains the backstory of the Creepypasta tale itself, the question remains, where did the image come from in the first place? Here is where fact and fiction begin to blur with even the photograph’s origins being obscured by half-truths and myth. 

For some time it was believed the photograph was a photoshop manipulated image of a girl identified as Katy Robinson. The story went that this young girl, who was considered by some internet trolls to be overweight, was eventually driven to suicide by online bullies. Her image was then photoshopped and used as the basis for the most widely known Jeff the Killer image. 

It’s a tragic story which though it exists entirely separately from the Jeff the Killer Creepypasta lends Jeff’s image of the bleach-skinned wide-eyed smiler, an even more sinister aspect and a legitimate reason to find the image unnerving, depicting as it did not only a deceased girl, but a victim of the same species of bullying that the fictional character endures. Unfortunately, this story also turns out to be nonsense. 

The Katy Robinson story and the entire idea that the Jeff the Killer image used the photograph of a deceased girl as its basis has been debunked. The girl featured in the photograph alleged to belong to the unfortunate  Ms Robinson is actually a girl named Heather White, who has confirmed that the images alleged to have been manipulated have nothing to do with the famous image of Jeff the Killer. 

Another theory that has gained traction in recent years is that the original photograph was of an unnamed stickam girl. This girl, who is alleged to have been crying for attention, was said to have used images in which the flash from the camera or monitor illuminated and overexposed her face giving it the bleached-out white appearance familiar from the Jeff Killer images. 

Her image was subsequently screenshotted and adopted by another anonymous user who then posed as her using her photograph to ask “Am I pretty?” 

Responding to what seemed to be a naked self-promotion or hunting for sympathy clicks, viewers of the image gradually added to a thread in which they manipulated the image so that it gradually became more and more distorted. These photoshopped images are believed by some to have evolved into the original Jeff the Killer photographs. Well, that’s one theory at least and currently, the one that seems to be given the most credence. 

Other theories as to the image’s origin are that the root image is in fact simply a manipulated photograph of Jeff The Killer’s original poster Susseur wearing a latex mask. This is actually what he claimed, though the fact that the image has been identified in videos and other sources a number of years before he posted his story makes this claim seem somewhat unreliable. 

As is the theory that the image is a manipulation of the ‘overly attached girlfriend’ meme because of the similarly wide-eyed and smiling pose. This theory can be debunked almost immediately owing to the fact that the meme in question (based on an image of Laina Morris) features an image from 2012, meaning that it came into existence long after the earliest known version of the Jeff image and indeed the original Jeff the Killer story.  

So far the farthest back anyone has been able to trace the image is to a Japanese site called where two versions of the image were found, both faces are noseless, though one has added contour shading around the eyes, and the area where the nose would be. It has also been noted that the two images have different eye shapes, with one looking more like the eyes of a stuffed toy or cartoon character.

Other Possible Jeff The Killer Influences. 

Though they seem to be less widely acknowledged a number of other pop culture characters have clearly influenced the evolution of Jeff the Killer 

Most prominent amongst these is the DC villain and Batman arch nemesis The Joker. Not only does this character share the clown-like combination of a white face and maniacal smile, but in Tim Burton’s version  (as played by Jack Nicholson) his face is disfigured by an accident with chemicals, a trope which is also present in various versions of the Jeff the Killer story.

In Christopher Nolan’s version meanwhile, the noticeably scarred Joker (played by Heath Ledger) is thought to have deliberately mutilated his own face in order to create the fixed grin, telling various conflicting stories throughout the film as to how he was scarred in the first place. Again this is a trope employed in the Jeff the Killer stories. 

Both The Joker and Jeff The Killer can trace their origins further back to the early black-and-white classic The Man Who Laughed in which the tragic hero has a fixed maniacal smile throughout. 

Even less discussed is the obvious influence of the Japanese manga (and later movie) character Ichi the Killer who not only shares virtually the same name as Jeff but has a fondness for knives and homicide and also sports a badly scarred mouth twisted into a permanent smile.  

Why is Jeff The Killer So Popular?

Credit for the Jeff the Killer character: Sesseur (DeviantArt)

Publisher’s Note: According to the character’s original creator, Sesseur, he is not the author of the tale featured here, and claims this popular version of the Jeff The Killer story is “fan-fiction” written by a follower of his earlier work, which has since been lost. For the original story of Jeffrey Hodek, per the vision of the character’s original creator, you can visit Sesseur’s DeviantArt post here.

Remember to check out the Jeff The Killer Reboot of this creepypasta classic.

More classic Creepypasta stories can be found here:
Slender Man
Ben Drowned
Jeff The Killer vs Slenderman

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

2,651 thoughts on “Jeff the Killer”

  1. I hear a lot of complaining I think your just jealous that you can’t tell a story better than this guy/girl whatever there gender is the point is start thinking about the good side of the story which is most of it and stop thinking about the bad side

  2. I remember hearing this for the first time! I fell in love with the story, and I read every once in a while.

  3. So two kids have a brawl to the death in front of a neighborhood party being held hostage by two kids with guns… yeah. Let’s not forget they entered the party by jumping the over the fence on their skateboards because this kind of stuff happens.

  4. Okay to all of those who are dissing this story i just want to say that just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean others don’t. The writer worked hard on this. SO don’t make them feel bad just because of you opinion. Just because you have an opinion doesn’t mean that you have to share it.

    1. Oh, so is that why you are sharing your opinion about people not sharing their opinion? In my opinion, critisism is nothing but healty

    1. no the photo is scary but through the story you start to feel sorry so after you read it all the picture just looks sad

  5. You know whats funny? I hear a lot of complaining, but let’s not forget, Jeff is one of the most popular pastas of all time. That’s impressive for having a “Crap” story.

  6. You broke the biggest rule of writing: show, don’t tell. “What caused this? Well, you may recall that when Jeff was fighting Randy something in his mind, his sanity, snapped. Now he was left as a crazy killing machine, that is, his parents didn’t know.”
    Just awful. You could let these things play out through events, and then the audience could tell for themselves that Jeff lost it.

  7. This is the worst story I have ever read in my entire life. I do not understand how this got so populair. I get scared easily, like some of the stories here make me cry bc they r that scary. But this, this was hilarious, ridiculous, a pathetic attempt at writing horror. I do not understand how anyone can find this even the slightest bit creepy. This is crap.

  8. i was listening to a jeff the killer theme song while reading this listen to painted smile and read this totally fucking creepy

  9. The fact that he was immediately sent to juvie is very unrealistic. The cops don’t decide who goes to juvie, the court does

  10. I actually like that this child at the beginning used such advanced language, contrary to popular beliefs, children actually do use such vocabulary.
    I am proof.

  11. the picture at the end freaked me out even though the story was not that very scary . but i liked the story. it was fun to read

  12. I honestly feel bad for Jeff. it wasn’t his fault and if someone had stepped in to help him he would have been fine. I know it’s just a story but still.

  13. Why isin’t This on a book so I can buy it? I mean this story is perfect I have a fictional crush on Jeff and it’s enough to scare someone. I also have images to kill someone me it actually makes me happy but I wouldn’t❤️

  14. I’ve FINALLY gotten around to reading this story, and I can’t believe the praise this shit gets.
    You know that horrible, disfiguring burns don’t make people’s hair, skin, and lips magically transform into emo versions of the Joker, right?
    The lips and hair are the first thing to go. About the only thing that would have changed color would be the skin, and it sure as fuck wouldn’t turn white. It’d go from a sickly brown, almost like cooking meat, to horribly blistered, and maybe one day something that resembles flesh again, albeit stretched taught over the effected areas depending on skin grafts and any other necessary reconstructive surgery.

    This is so stupid I can’t even begin to describe the potential YEARS of physical therapy, mental testing, and rehabilitation someone would require before being released back into the world.

    I’m assuming you probably saw that one scene in “Batman”.
    You know. The “give me the mirror” scene everyone under the age of like 25 just pretends they remember, and figured it would make a cool story to have someone get horribly disfigured and become insane.
    Only that story already existed. For the better part of a century at this point…and it wasn’t even original then.

    Not that any of this matters. Even if this comment gets posted, criticism isn’t something these “authors” take very well and I’m sure people half my fucking age will tell me what a hipster I am for hating the saddest excuse for a new horror icon.
    An icon and origin that wouldn’t be worse unless you just decided Jeff was the fucking demon lovechild of Freddy Kreuger and the Joker.
    Who knows! Freddy could have appeared as a woman in the Jokers dream, fucked Joker, and got dream pregnant!

    Sorry. I just have honestly no clue what I’m supposed to think here.

  15. i am sorry it was a very good pasta and all, but every picture i find of Jeff has no nose but yet they never say anything about him doing anything to his nose

  16. Oh my gosh.
    How is this number 1 on the website?
    This is so trash…
    I feel like a 4th grader wrote this.

    Please someone explain how this is number one.
    It’s just sad.

  17. That was absolutely AMAZING! Anonymous, the use of such brilliant words that were used would be a dream, if in reality. The storyline as well. Thanks for the link Sir Spooks!

  18. The ending was the only cool part, the rest was drawn out,unrealistic and overly reminiscent of every super human based movie ever created. More action/thriller than creepy if you ask me.

  19. I have an idea of another Jeff the Killer story. After a few years, when he killed his family and burned down his house, he’s been going throughout the country, killing anybody he sees doing something “horrible”. However, one day, painful memories of his past life start flooding back in his mind and he starts to realize what he’s been doing after his first murders.

  20. Does anyone friends with jeff and slender man because i
    am i really have proof on my phone they come and see me at midnight so i can tell them who i want them to kill :) i miss them the have gone back to there home placec

  21. I liked the story but it didn’t really scare me. Then I scroll down to read the comment and I get the shoot scared out of me by that picture. *Heart flipping stopped*

  22. Could be a good story, but needs rewriting in my opinion. I know its supposed to be a short story, but things escalated way too quickly. In fact, this seems like the idea of a good novel, but completedly rushed to fit a short story.

  23. I am so disgusted. this story is so forced, SO CONTRIVED! I cannot believe this was loved by many people. speaking of being forced. I spotted some bad spelling. here’s an example. there was one i saw. it said Rushd, rushd… WTF. and Jeff would be dead. burning would kill you and have your skin look like Freddy Kreuger! How did he burn his eyelids without burning his eyes?? and he gets the powers of a superman. don’t give me an excuse that he is a psychopath, here, listen to this! ” You are rather born a psychopath, or become one after traumatic events. “. Jesus. this is worse than everyday people.

  24. Luka Skočibušić

    I actuallly felt sorry for Jeff while reading the story and listening to “Sweet dreams are made of screams”. Check it out on youtube.

  25. Anonymous_Critique

    This story is unrealistic.

    A 12-year-old with a knife or a gun? They just happened to have the weapons on them? Most of all, 12-year-old with a gun. Where would they get that? Nobody has common sense! Cliches are used way to much.

  26. BOI it’s night for me and I’m reading this like what am I doing god damn it how am I gonna sleep now and the picture oh yeah I covered them cause HELL NAH BISH

  27. GardenOfNightmares

    I’m trying to figure out why the hell this bag grammar short story is so popular. It’s not scary at all. And also kinda bad written. BUT, good character development. Good idea, bad way of portraying it. Honestly, I think Jeff’s a bit overrated

  28. For the most part i can agree. But jeff did not however do that to Liu. And what about their sister Rika? No ackowledge ments of her either. In fact, liu changed dramatically from juvy, he himself was like jeff when he came home. And Rika was like jeff from witnising her brother be dragged away by police and the other kill people.

  29. I love jeff he is the best and I love Nina they seriously need to set a date I mean there made for each other.

  30. Other than the obviously too big of words for a small child in the beginning of the story, I still enjoyed this. I had heard of Jeff the killer but didn’t know anything about it. Now that I’ve read your story, I love it. I might even have nightmares tonight, but whether I do or not I enjoyed this thank you for this.

  31. I love this story but I wish I could draw jeff it’s the same problem I have with the joker I can’t draw the smile

  32. A lot of people have said that they were terrified by the picture of Jeff’s face when they got to the end of the picture, I thought it was Uncanny Valley, creepy, but not horrifying.

    I have seen real pictures of burnt victims. Both from accidents, and from girls who have been attacked with acid for perceived crime against honour, nothing is more horrifying.

  33. It is unfortunate to me that people can’t be somewhat nice — or at least not super rude — with their criticism.

    Anyways, this was an overall solid story.

  34. I was actually listening to ‘Painted Smile’ while reading this for the first time. Truly, this is one of my favorites.

  35. Wait, so a rich neighborhood has children going around mugging/assaulting people in front of adults? What!?

    (Also sorry for how incredibly late I am to comment on this piece of crap.)

  36. I loved this story! I have never heard of anything like it, however the gore (if you would call it), and the wording was very descriptive and made me feel like i was in this horrifying tale! Regardless I enjoyed the story nonetheless, and I rate this a 10/10!

  37. Wow, you put in every single detail great. It takes a sick-minded genius to describe every moment of the fight, with enough creativity to make seemingly pointless violent choices so crucial to the story, capture every moment of Jeff’s sick and twisted mind. But not only did you capture every sick and insane moment with perfection, you left enough for the imagination to make this story move to a new level of true terror.

  38. Geometry Dash Utopia

    So that’s how. He went nuts. He was insane…because of the nurse. The nurse gave them too much medicine. Now he is a mad killer out of loose. Everyone Run. We have a psychopathic criminal out there…possibly watching you in your sleep.

  39. My favorite thing is the 12-year-old, whom you might remember was just doused in bleach and struck in the head with a towel rack, bleeding to death, smiling and saying “(…) you’re covered in bleach and alcohol.”, followed by the ceremonial throwing of the lighter. This kid is clearly more badass than Jeff, or Rambo, Marv or fucking John Mcclane put together for that matter.

    This story should be called “Keith, the Bad Motherfucker (and some guy named Jeff).”

  40. I can officially say this is one of my favorite pastas.The ending was surprising and not something you would predict.He fought for his brother and then became the murderer of his brother.

  41. How is this story so popular??? Not trying to bash the writer, but I wasn’t impressed at all. I understand a lot of stories out there get a little out there… but this took “absurd” and ran with it. There is a much more detailed process in indicting children for juvenile prison that would involve courts and lots of people (not the police FYI). This whole story was completely bizarre, no parents would be as passive as the parents in this story. Never in the history of man have a few kids “jumped” into a yard party with their skate boards (including a very fat one…) and begin fighting a kid and get to the point of breaking vodka bottles on each others heads while the parents just stood and watched. I’m imagining these kids all being around 10 years of age or so and they start pulling out guns and the parents just watch? This story was a waste of time honestly. I can’t believe it has such a high rating, are a bunch of 12 year olds rating this or what???

    1. Depends on what you mean by normally and where the damage occurs. One very famous case that is relevant is Phineas Gage (other people have also had nails and other things though their skulls, including stabbing injuries). He had a railroad iron driven through his skull during an accident. He survived and lived independently for a while, but had (according to reports) major personality changes and impulse control issues. So yes, someone can survive and function independently depending on where the injury occurs. Also depending on the location/severity of the injury, they may have anything from no significant issues to personality/behavior changes to functional impairments to death.

  42. “Honey Jeff’s gone insane!” “Should we take him to a mental hospital?” “Nah let’s just kill him” #mlgmom

  43. Wassil Sharifzad

    Omg I read the whole thing and one question what happens to lui ? Anyway I read the STORIE in my room wit lights off and doors locked and I’m now scared

  44. Bob the Friendly Titan

    The tug that he has in the beginning and middle of the story, does that mean he was always ment to be a pycopath because the first “pull” came before he hurt any one. Jeff was…relaxed when he first felt the itch to kill but what was the trigger? Not getting what he want? It was very unreallistic but I think it gave it more humor, its when u giggle at a horror story that u know its good.

  45. Eh…honestly not one to go on my top ten list. Very unrealistic and frankly unbelievable. For me the whole frighr factor comes from a touch of realism; being able to believe that the events maybe, just maybe, could have really happened (ignoring the fact that obviously everything on the site is fiction). This story didn’t hold that for me. Sorry but this one is a loss in my books.

  46. After re-visiting this pasta, I realized how AWFUL it really is. Several reasons:

    1: He has no motivation to kill his parents. “He’s insane” is not an excuse. Because not everyone who is insane just randomly kills people.

    2. This work is a swirling storm of angry flaming cliches.

    3. The picture is kinda crappy.

    4. Nothing about it is really scary. The story loses all traction when a young kid preforms expert level break-ins and murders. Once I locked myself out of my house on accident. I could not break into my own house with anything I tried.

    5. The police would easily be able to take this kid down. They have GUNS.

    Anyway, because of those reasons… I find this story to be COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS!

  47. i thought it was interesting and the fact that i have not read it before hand made it a creepy felling in my spine the creepypasta it self was ok but everyone already knows the infamous jeff the killer and what is face looks like but not knowing how it looks like that its diffrent which is what i like and i thought that i already knew who jeff was but now i have a new site on him.

  48. Honestly, if I were to say anything is that this is the least scary creepypasta. I know where the people got the image from as well, I hope that these people are proud. ._.

  49. In the picture it looks as if he has no nose, but it never said anything about his nose. What it burned off or what happened? I also like this story a lot!

  50. Well… This turned out to become standard level. Still an good creppypasta. But also Jeff is immortal.

  51. That picture makes Jeff look terrible. I loathe that picture but I think I’m in love with the anime version of Jeff the killer. Makes him looks intriguing and mysterious like a serial killer should be and not some creature from another reality as the picture above looks like

    1. “Intriguing and mysterious like a serial killer should be”? Brief reality check. Let’s all take a moment to remember that actual serial killers are scary and dangerous. Because they kill people. Lots of people. They are cruel and violent. That is the definition of a serial killer. You may now return to your normally scheduled bizarre romanticization of a fictional character.

      1. I’m not talking about real serial killers, plus a mojority of people who read creepy pasta’s or watch anime are free to romantacise with the characters so it wouldn’t be ‘Bizarre’?

        1. Glad you understand the difference, but there are so many misconceptions about serial killers out there (and in this community) that I like to spread accurate information whenever possible. But, remember, just because a lot of people do something (I’d argue the majority, but will give you many), that does not make it any less bizarre! It is still a strange feature of certain humans’ natures. Cheers!

        2. I guess it’s websites like this where most people can come to express their hidden desires no matter how bizarre it may be. It would be a place where no one could easily judge them because there may be others who share the same views

  52. Blissful Terror

    I really enjoyed this pasta although I found the fight scenes, especially the second one, to be highly unbelievable. I can’t imagine a fight between teenagers with young children watching without any adult intervening. Great story though.

  53. When I see the picture suddenly appear, I jump, but, when I look at it closely, I laugh at how shoddy the picture is zD

  54. In a house filled with adults, that fight scene went a little too balls to the wall lol. Sounds like a story written by a kid, bc an adult would never have written that scene that way. Kids with guns, getting revenge to Save their egos, at a young child’s bday party, while all the parents did what? Hid in the other room out of fear of some tween juvenile delinquents? Ridiculous

  55. Honestly. This is a pasta that is praised by most. But it kind of… sucks. Poorly written, totally unlogical behaviour by the adults and so on and so on. Seriously, since when do cops take a child to juvenile detention simply by a confession, and leave the second suspect at home? Arresting, interrogations, eventually courthearings, a sentencing. Kind of missed bits. Jeff would have been taken in to custody, interrogated, both kids would have had physical examinations. And the parents. No, this really sucks. A lot.

  56. Damian the Reaper

    i loved this story personally it inspired me to make some work of my own good job and keep at it ive read all the spin offs of this as well absolutely amazing

  57. Kayleigh Hawley

    This is absolutely terrible ? the lack of research is dumbfounding. I have never read a short story that was so horrendous, I couldn’t even make it to the end. Oh my god, I figures it would be good considering I’m still hearing about it years later, but no it’s not.

  58. How can he pronounce consonants without any lips?! Never mind, that’s the least of this story’s problems.

  59. Ohhh boy I completely died when he wrote “Troy and Keith both pulled guns out of their pockets” I was like “how the fuck can they just pull out guns like that! wtf man!” and the thing is, how are adults ain’t doing shit are they just standing there like nothing is happening, like there just a coulpe of fucking kids man wtf! I don’t know man I know I’m a couple years late but how is this pasta still up why didn’t he just rewrote I mean im pretty interested in this man come on.

  60. .Ryan.The.Human.

    This pasta is bad, but Jeff is the reason this got popular, no on cares about the story.

    im giving this pasta an -3/10

  61. Just a terribly told story. There were whole paragraphs that did nothing to further the story along. The dialogue was unrealistic. The characters actions were unrealistic. Even the part where his hair was singed black was unrealistic. In what world does hair burn but remain intact? This seems like it was written by a tween.

  62. I’ve been hearing about this story for ages and finally decided to give it a go. Its very well written for a non published author (which I’ve been attempting to achieve ) and I think more credit should be given to this author. The story is great, yes there are some plot flaws and characters need slight enhancing, such as the young boy using such adult vocabulary when describing his assailant to police.

    Remember ppl, plot base and character enhancement is tricky with the word limit in here.

    But overall, for an amateur author i was thoroughly impressed. I read 1000s of short horror story anthologies by published authors and this is waaaaayyyy better than a great deal of those.
    From what I can tell, this story has become a legand on the net.

    So…to the author Sesseur, ignore ALL NEGATIVE COMMENTS in this discussion and please keep writing.

    Im a 40 yr old Literature teacher and i fully believe you’re a beginning YET, very talented writer. I’d certainly like to read more of your writing. In a situation where word limit is vital, such on this site, you did remarkably well to develop the main character. Given time and a longer word limit, this story could become even more popular than it is.
    WELL DONE !! And KEEP WRITING Sesseur.
    Remember self publication is quite easy on Amazon OR send your stories into online short story based horror anthology magazines. I think you’ve got what it takes.

    1. This has got to be the most head-scratching comment I’ve ever seen on this site. I simply can’t imagine any true literature teacher making some of the grammatical/spelling mistakes that you’ve made, and that’s before your glowing praise of this POS is factored in. Anyway, where did you get the idea that there’s a word limit on this site? There’s not.

      1. I’m afraid to tell you, but there IS a word limit to some extent on lists included on this site.
        Also, considering that this is merely a comment section on the internet, I do not;
        A. Really put that much effort into ensuring my comments be perfectly written using precise language, grammer etc. I wasn’t aware that comments here by considered not need by considered at an academic thesis level.
        B. A complete strangers opinion on what I do or do not enjoy reading on this site, is of absolutely no consequence to me.
        Nor do I give one care in the world what you, (again, a perfect stranger) think of my literary prowess.
        This is an Internet comment section. If you think I or many others, give much thought or a rats arse, to the content of my comments, you take life way too seriously. Lighten the f**k up and allow others to simply enjoy the banter we post in here. These comments will not be reviewed by those who actually buy and publish my short stories. Those publishers seem quite happy with my use of language. Happy enough to pay me to continue to send them my work. I doubt a comment section, where enjoyable debate and fun banter occurs, will be make or break or break for myself as a published author.
        Seriously…lighten up and enjoy these lists rather than thrust your negative opinions upon those who simply don’t give a flying f**k on what random trolls think of them :D

  63. The idea is good but the plot is so dumb xD first of all, they’re all 12. Also, it makes no how he became a ninja or went insane. Someone needs to do a rewrite

  64. The context of this is very unrealistic. Although the events in the story are ridiculous alone, where you are mainly let down is by the fact you’ve attempted to write in the style of a newspaper. If the newspaper article writer knew the story in this much detail, then surely the police would too, because the article writer would get his information from what has been discovered, most of which probably by the police, because the police investigate murders. If not, then it’s extremely likely the police were informed, and by knowing this much information, Jeff would’ve been found and jailed or killed. The information itself highly consists of dialogue, so it would be impossible for anyone to know every single event in the story anyway (particularly at the end where everyone in his house was killed by him, who was witnessing and knew everything that was said?) Although I understand it would make a boring ending because Jeff still isn’t “out there”, it would wrap the story up and make it more realistic. You could’ve ended on the same cliffhanger but more vaguely with less dialogue provided in the style of a legitimate newspaper article.

    Also, the young boy at the beginning makes this excerpt unrealistic, If a young boy had gone through this trauma, he would require years of therapy before being able to talk about what happened without some sort of panic attack, hallucination or other mentally unstable occurrence (considering his dad got stabbed in particular, but Jeff himself would’ve also traumatized him hugely). Especially since he uses such complex vocabulary when he is talking – someone of such a young age wouldn’t know those words or their meaning. The actual experience itself is also impossible, because a young boy would not be able to fight back from a viscous killer, The length of the newspaper was also unrealistic, but this is a creepy-pasta so I don’t really see much of an issue with it’s length.

    Overall, even though the idea of a serial killer is overrated, you could’ve pulled this off if it was more realistic and better or more appropriate vocabulary was used. You were let down by your execution and writing style.

  65. Gaby Estabrooks

    Good storyline, obviously Jeff the killer has gotten pretty famous. It was a good plot but one of my biggest pet peeves is the tense changes. Some of the grammar could use a little editing, and it was slightly unrealistic. Other than that, pretty good.

  66. I just wanna know how in in hell the kids know how to use guns or maybe more how a few 13 year olds have fucking guns!!!

  67. Am I the only one here who thinks the author needs to take lessons in writing? In my opinion, this story was awful. There are actions and words that don’t fall into character, there are loose ends in the story that don’t make sense. On a lighter note, it is intricate, however, a bag of garbage can be as well.

  68. Omg so freaky and if he was my son I would probably run out the house into the car TO GO TO FRANCE but that could be a bad idea cause he could sneak into the car and kill me and even if he did try I would grab my shotgun and shoot him lol

  69. Absolutely horrendous. How did this get so popular. An incompetent, poorly written story over shadowing other better stories.

  70. The main problem I have with this Pasta is that none of it makes any sense. Like, at all. Yes, CreepyPastas are unrealistic, but why on earth would kids coincidentally have knives? Why on EARTH would parents threaten to kill people, at a party (that’s meant to be family friendly), over scuffle? Why would Keith go to the absolute extremes of throwing bleach and alcohol on Jeff? How could Jeff suddenly turn insane, just because Keith burnt his face? It does not make sense.

    And one more question; why is it portrayed that Jeff has inhuman superpowers? That he suddenly knows how to fight like Liam Neeson? It’s just a pathetic Pasta. It really is. Fangirls will tear me a new one, but I don’t care. I am speaking my opinion on this overrated Pasta.

  71. 8.7 out of 10

    I want you all to just absorb that…

    8 point 7…


    That’s actually more disturbing than anything in this story

  72. Cheyenne Harris (cheytownUSA)

    I agree! This made me sit on the edge of my sit through the whole thing,thanks to this story,I now know the background of Jeff.

  73. Heard about Jeff the Killer from all over the internet. I’m disappointed, is this fanmade or is this the original piece?

  74. Natalija Pajevic

    it was actually really goos, except of the start were the little boy uses such big adjectives… but the story literally mad me cry… thats why i HATE bullies

  75. I don’t get it. Isn’t he gonna go blind without his eyelids? And how is he gonna eat or drink? Wouldn’t the food just fall out of his cheeks? Unless he’s some kinda wizard or something…

  76. This is a kinda decent story. The plot is good. But scary?? No. This has nothing to do with the writer, but it’s sad this is suppose to the scariest story on the web by readers. The concept of this story is great. I give the writer kudos for writing what could be an even greater story if re-done when the writer gets more experience and develops more creatively. Sorry, but I was expecting something as good as Stephen King or something the trumps him. I’m disappointed.

  77. The Plague Doctor

    I don’t understand this story nor how it became so popular. Fuck this story man. Nothing can fix this story unless you change the whole concept. A teen who out of nowhere and for no good reason gains SUPAH POWAHS! Seriously. No revisions will change this story.

  78. This story is bad in so many ways, First who are the Bullies and why do they have knives? The Pasta does not explain nor give any character backstory into why these characters became the people who they’re today, not only do they unholster their knives in front of people twice but did not get arrested that’s a plot hole.

    And also what’s this “burning sensation” Jeff’s having? it just comes out of nowhere and it’s never explained.

    There are other reasons why this story is shit but i will just leave it at that if anyone wants to know more why this story is horse shit you need to read it yourself.


  79. i really wonder if i can use the character (or at least get a permission) for my second book, i find this character really interesting, but want to add some paranormal additions.

  80. Shall we talk about the bearlluminati AKA Berenstein Bears and Berenstain Bears argument because the first time I saw BearenSTAIN Bears was in September 8th 2011 but most people saw it change after august 7th 2001 … also the first saying of jeff the killer was on newgrounds

  81. I have a question. How old is Jeff? I don’t think it’s verified, and I’m just curious. Most of the Creepypasta fandom seems to think he’s 17, but I got into a fight with someone on YouTube who seems to thinks he’s 14.To me, I’m stuck in the middle, because he seems like he would be, but the fandom also seems to think Toby loves waffles, and if you’ve watched Ask Ticci Toby, you’d see he doesn’t. That’s only because Toby is an OC. A very, very popular OC. But Jeff isn’t an OC, he’s just Jeff. So if any one knows, can you please tell me?

  82. I loved this so much, Jeff is my favorite creepypasta. I was listening to scary music the whole time which made me even more scared. It was mostly Halloween sounds that was named killer on the loose which reminded me of him

  83. OK this in my head makes no sense for some reason but I am reading this around 12 ish and it might be that I’m a bit tired so I’ll probably read it tomorrow morning

  84. I ENJOY Jeff the Killer! I just wish the story was better written! The concept of Jeff is really good though. He’s one of my favorites.

  85. please tell me im not the only one who doesnt find this scary at all… i mean its hard to take a story seriously with so many errors; then on top of that it just seemed like a typical psycho story. smh.

  86. I dare anyone to stare into Jeff’s eyes for a good 30 seconds. Lets see how quickly you start to shiver, and if you don’t feel a chill down your spine after 30 seconds than that is an accomplishment

  87. This was the worst creepy pasta that I have ever read! The grammar, the spelling, the plot, everything. I don’t know why this is such a famous creepy pasta because it sucked. It was hard to follow. 90% of a paragraph would be written in past tense & then the last 2 sentences would be written in present tense. I was really excited to read this one because of it’s rating & that it is one of the most talked about creepy pastas ever but it was disappointing. And seriously, don’t call me a hater because I didn’t like this creepy pasta, that’s ridiculous. I like a lot of the creepy pastas I have read but this one does not hold a flame to most that I have read. When I read, I like to read stuff that has style, that flows, that is put together nicely and has correct grammar. & I’ve seen some of you “Jeff lovers” go off on people who have a different opinion of the story, always defending the story & usually saying “it’s just a story.” Well this “just” my comment. And FYI – I do write (just not this genre) so I do know it’s hard but I also don’t just put whatever I write out there, I check it, recheck it, get an opinion or two, have others edit it & run spell/grammar check beforehand.

  88. I love this story its great I have been a fan sens 2013 can you make another and remember he needs to be even more crazy please.

  89. So Jeff punches this Randy in the chest till his heart stops beating and he dies. And when Jeff comes out of the body cast Randy has gone tI the police and confessed ? The dead guy. This pasta is shit. Badly written. Not creepy at all 0/10

  90. When the story starts, my first thought was “This might be real.” then, when i finished, it was visibly fake.
    To all the people that think he’s real, read it 50 times, then you’ll get it.
    P.S. Nice work Dylan Roberts.
    Just one mistake.
    When you burn your hair with bleach, even when its your official color, and burn it, it wont turn black.
    Just saying
    badass story
    Love et.

  91. How did this get an 8.7 rating. I just don’t understand.

    Hey fangirls! Jeff the Killer is a bad pasta! A very bad pasta!

    1. How many times did you use the word ominous in the story?
    2. What kind of kid (the boy from the interview) talks like that?
    3. He was mugged once and went insane. Wow.
    4. Not creepy.
    5. When you catch fire, you don’t turn white. Your hair doesn’t turn black. Google it.
    6. Wouldn’t he go blind? that kind of defeats the purpose…. Jeff is dumb.
    7. Why do you people fawn over him? He’s 13 years old. He’s insane. He’s fictional. Jeff could never love you people.
    8. Why did he kill his brother?
    9. Some background information on his brother would have been nice.
    10. His parents are wonderful. “Honey, get the gun….”
    11. Did anyone call the cops when the fight was taking place (the birthday)?

    Fangirls: what are you talking about? The story was posted several years ago. Jeff is older now.
    Me: I can let that one slide, but-
    Fangirls: He IS creepy.
    Me: No, not really. A three year old could-
    Fangirls: These people attempted to kill Jeff. That’s why he went insane
    Me: He went insane right after he met them! Wow, 12 year olds are SO SCARY.
    Fangirls: They could be.
    Me: Are you scared of 12 year olds?
    Fangirls: His parents were scared of him.
    Me: You didn’t answer my last question!!!

    Fangirls. Irrational. Can’t be reasoned with. If Jeff was real, he’d probably be scared of his own fangirls.

  92. whoa pretty cool story but i agree with them v but i would have liked to continue because ive seen pics showing that he regretted wht he did afterwards and he kept apologizeing cause i mean he kills his only brother who has always been there for him so pretty crazy ending.

  93. MenFearTheUnknown

    I just looked at the pic and I said “hey” in my mind and nodded at the same time. I was like what da fuck did i just do.

  94. awesome literally sent chills up my spine and my annoying little brother is freaked out (he may be a little annoying but I still love him)

  95. interesting topic. Especially for a parent. This shows the extremes of bullying and the effects if can have on the kids that are getting picked on. People don’t like talking about that, but I think this story embraces it and does rather well. I do agree some of the dialog seems unnatural, however very well done over all. 8/10 from me.

  96. the jeff the killer photo is actualy a photoshopped picture of an obese girl who killed herself cuz she was bullied on 4chan, so he made her soul live on known as something terrifying. how does anyone feel about that

  97. What I want to know is why the internet has 500 tonnes of anime-fied fan art of this character, and enough self-insert fan fictions to last a lifetime. Why is this story so popular? What makes people so drawn to Jeff? I wasn’t into CP at the time this story was originally posted, so was it just something ‘new’ at the time? Was it this bizarre new concept of story that somehow dives deep into the realm of twisted psyche? Eh..

    Excluding all possible grammar flaws, he-said-she-said or whatnot for a second, I’m taking a look at the actual story, pointing out one of my worst peeves for this: Code: PLOT DEVICE – INSANITY.
    The structure for whatever reason he actually went insane for is weak.
    We know he ‘slowly’ starts to go insane, the first hint being the “feeling” he gets when he goes up to his bedroom.. Okay. Why does he get this? This is my problem because it’s not even explained in the end. Just a random thing that happens huh..? We don’t get a backstory, possibly leading or connecting to some traumatizing event that happened in the past that could’ve triggered the “feeling” and made this more interesting? Nope! Well then, our reason?

    After a day or two at his new house, he and his bro beat up some (apparently) kid versions of every 21 jump street criminal ever, the cops come to take his bro away, his parents send him to the party, he gets beat up by the 21 jump street kids and set on fire. He’s hospitalized for a couple of weeks, aaand then.. BOOM. Instant insanity! Yay!

    Looking at this from a different POV, most people (the jeff fangirls ahem) wouldn’t necessarily CARE about fact, and reality, and REALISTIC OUTCOMES. No, they come for a juicy story and a cool character that they can somehow feel “connected” to. Ok.
    But there’s some of us who just can’t enjoy this type of story. Why? Some of my nit-pick reasons:

    *The parents have no personality and may as well be cardboard cutouts. They don’t even give a damn when their son gets taken away. It’s basically just a, “oh, well, time to get Jeff ready for the party~~”
    *The most stereotypical bad-guy-criminalized 21-jump-street ganged-up prepubescent teens carrying knives and guns around. yeahh..
    *Grown adults with children. At a children’s party. Sit there silently watching a defenseless kid get beaten up by 3 other kids with knives. And a gun…. just. stop.
    Reality things that are real:
    *When you get burned that much, they literally need to REPLACE YOUR SKIN. They don’t LEAVE the burnt skin on you because that part of your body is just welcoming all incoming infections. It won’t heal on its own. Look it up.
    *His mom makes him put on the clothes he almost died in… yeahh i bet THAT was nice.
    *Prepubescent kid with burnt skin takes on 2 adults with a knife. KiIlls them both.
    *ayeeee lez go kill muh brotha that i luv so damn much and even got in a fight for cuuuuuuuz…… ??????????????
    *Burning your eyelids off and not being able to blink – Within a day your conjunctiva would dry up and die. Your cornea would also dry up and start to shrink – leading to some serious loss of vision. Dust and grit would cloud your eye – even more vision loss. Bacteria would cause inflammation to the rest of the eye. So his eyeballs would literally get eaten away and rot.
    Unless he stops to use eyedrops every.. 20 minutes? Seriously, these skips and loopholes just destroyed all enjoyment I could’ve had for this story.

  98. Hello there,not looking for a fight or anything :3
    Being The first Cp I have read I have looked into many different things
    But I have some things to say…
    1)When did Jeff become a professional Eye Lid Burn-Offer?
    2)Shouldn’t Jeff be blind from the dust particles in his eye?
    3)His cut will most likely be infected,and he would look like a clicker from the last of us
    4)What Mother would shoot her own son?
    5)No Bullies act like that,I’ve been bullied since 1st grade and the closest I got to that was this one guy who didn’t shoot me infront of people or anything
    6)Adults would call the police and stop the fight…
    7)Fire doesn’t work like it does in the story,and his hair should be gone not singed.
    8)Newsflash,You don’t randomly get the power to beat kids,I can’t break or twist anyone’s wrist!My frienew cant,my bullied cant,and my parents can’t…
    I’m just staying a few flaws.I’m not relying to be rude but I want to give my OPIONION .-.
    Fyi That Picture Of Jeff is a Photoshop of a girl who uhh,died.Sick sick people….
    Also My Texting Skills Suuuck ;-;

  99. I still love this pasta, it’s perfect. Love jeff. I can relate to a weird feeling and suddenly becoming oblivious to everything except hurting my opposer

  100. I rate this story 3 stars out of 10. But before I get into why – I would like to start by saying that that the overall story-line for this… is not bad. And obviously Jeff the Killer is pretty huge on the internet, so I know i’m not the only one who thinks so. “A bullied kid who starts to feel strange urges to hurt people, he doesn’t understand the urges and they scare him. One day he snaps and he can no longer suppress the urges, and he kills. He deforms himself, cutting off his eyelids, carving a smile into his face because he can’t control the disturbing thoughts in his own head. The young kid turns into a killer.” It really isn’t bad. I like the idea, it’s just that the delivery of the idea could have been done much better. And i’m going to assume that you are a young writer ( around Jeff’s age), and so a lot of these mistakes are totally understandable and you just need some feedback from others so that you can improve your writing abilities :) and all the people in this comment section being super rude and saying “This story is shit!” and then not providing any sort of constructive criticism… are assholes. Ignore them. Now…

    There are a lot of issues with this story, but probably my biggest issues are the parts when Jeff gets lit on fire and doused with bleach; because science. If you were drenched in flammable fluids and were then ignited… you would not be running around for several minutes and going down the stairs. You would actually die in less than 2-3 minutes, and you would pass out long before that (after only a few seconds). Even if Jeff managed to survive – his hair would not turn black; his hair would be gone. His hair would have been burnt off pretty much instantly.

    I still don’t understand how he has turned white. If you poured bleach on yourself, it would have a similar effect to burning yourself with something hot. The skin would get itchy/painful, irritated, It would turn RED, and cause chemical burns. You would not turn white.
    I wish the author would have done some research on these things before writing/posting.

    NEXT. Pretty much everyone else has already mentioned this – but a lot of the dialogue in this story just feels very forced and unnatural. The parents calling their children “son” instead of using their names. (My parents have never once said “daughter” to me, and I don’t know of any other parents who have), When Jeff and Liu first meet the bully’s and they call them “fresh meat” – I was bullied in school and have never heard anyone say that outside of cheesy movies.

    The fight at the party when NOBODY did anything. No one called the cops, no one tried to stop it, no one even said anything. If a kid was getting hurt (especially my child), I would not be afraid of some 12 year old with a gun. Little shit probably doesn’t even know how to use that thing, let alone aim correctly and hit a moving target. (which was proven by their inability to hit Jeff after several shots – fucking fail)

    The newspaper article at the beginning – my first issue (which others have already mentioned) is the little kid who has the greatest vocabulary in the world. A child does not use words like that, someone being interviewed does not speak in such detail as “there, in the little ray of light, illuminating from between my curtains.” If you want that level of detail given, then don’t make it a newspaper interview – I would just narrate that like the rest of the story. I also would have put the article at the end of the story instead of the beginning.

  101. In a way it does help clear up SOME things, but it doesn’t even fit his character. He is somwhat bipolar and just flat out crazy. And what is with the neighbor? A neigbor dosn’t just get up one night and say “there is a killer next door, im going to call the cops” it does not work like that! I cant even express how many things are wrong with this. And who has vodka at a kids party? I mean sereasly (sp)?

  102. This is bad because why wold he were something destroyed and stitched when he has other cholthes but I like the story. Thx for the scare

  103. No problem. That really was one of the few things I’ve read on the net lately that just made me laugh. The end of that comment was so unexpected and masterfully written.

  104. i literally laughed out loud when jeff admits to starting the fight and the cops just go “welp 1 year in juvy it is!!!” like what????? WHAT?? what? ugh and not to mention them pulling guns on him, literally what the fuck, they can’t defend themselves against a small boy with a knife without guns? THEY’RE GROWN MEN!! GROWN MEN TRAINED IN HOW TO HANDLE THESE SITUATIONS, WHERES THE DANGER?! and then the mom just lets them take liu (stupid spelling) without fighting back or questioning or going down to the station with them? i know my mom would fight like HELL to defend me, but then again she’s not a horrible idiot. and where was his trial? what were his charges?

    absolutely horrible, horrible story, after the cop visit i just laughed the whole time at how ridiculous it all was.

  105. i like the story anyone who goes there being burned like that would never be the same anyone put threw something that horrific would have ptsd and they most likely have a change in personalty/character a lot of people would become insane

  106. I’ll be honest with you, if you’re going to use those already established characters, then you’re facing an uphill climb. If you search through the stories on this particular site, you’ll find that a VERY small percentage of them feature Slenderman/JTK/Freddy. Of those that you do find, half of them will be parody pastas. I don’t think those characters even make it onto Crappypasta anymore. The creation of new characters and new ideas is what gets you noticed on this site. I encourage you to try writing your story using completely original personalities. Let’s say Leon is reading a creepy book that has entirely fresh characters, then he gets sucked into that creepy world after someone grants his wish… go with that and see where your mind takes it. That said, if you’re still hellbent on writing about already overused villains, my guess is that it won’t be approved for this site unless it’s pretty much the best thing ever written. That’s not meant to be an insult, just the honest truth based on my observations over the past two years. Spinpastawiki would probably accept a story based on your original idea, btw.

  107. Nicola Marie Jackson

    Good idea! But let’s stick with the shitty badly written characters and then when they are in one place, we can send in a drone strike and save the world from Fangirls and boy who think JTK is THE last word in horror.

  108. Nicola Marie Jackson

    You have got to be shitting me? I totally thought Mr Mental McBleachface was real. You should use your deductive skills to solve crimes, Sherlock who? they will say. Proud of you xxx

  109. It’s not the first time I read this creepypasta and I really like it. After all Jeff the killer is one of my favorite creepypastas. The only thing I don’t understand is the fact that Jeff’s face lacks of nose in the picture which is super weird. other than that it is a great story.

  110. Easily the most overrated creepypasta out there. The plot has no arch; the characters have no dimension. The story is poorly executed and doesn’t grip the reader. It’s medically inaccurate, as well. Your face wouldn’t turn white, your hair would singe off instead of turning black, the ‘smile’ would get infected without treatment, and you would go blind without eyelids. The only appealing thing about this is the depiction of how someone can very easily turn into a monster. Maybe if it was developed more, it’d be better. Otherwise it’s just a half-baked cliché. 2/10

  111. Yeah, I’m sorry, but I just don’t get the hype on this story. Maybe its aimed at a younger audience, but the glaring plot holes and lack of continuity just make it borderline unreadable for me.

    If some genuinely enjoy it then I’m glad, but its a long way off the standard of a lot of the tales on here.

  112. Wow, this is really it? This is really where Jeff the killer comes from? I’m so confused, why is this famous? There’s really nothing about this that’s interesting, creative, original, scary, or fucking anything. What the fuck?

  113. This story……this isn’t a story, this is terrible self-insert fan fiction for psychopathic teenagers.


  114. I’ve tried writing a lot of stories. I fancy myself a decent writer, but many times, the stories don’t make sense, sound ugly, or fall apart due to their flaws. So, I would never post anything like that on here, my own self, unless it was good. This really wasn’t good. It was over-simplified and silly, and the way it was put together just sounded ugly. If it’s someone’s first story, or their 50th, I’d say put the same effort into it all of it. Don’t excuse lazy writing because it’s as popular as this or because it did an ok job at freaking people out. The reason to write on here would be to create something new, cleverly written, and above all, interesting. And that is genuinely hard. But that doesn’t mean you sigh and push something mediocre out.

  115. Wait didn’t the story say that jeff killed randy before jeff was in the hospital? How would Randy have confessed to attacking jeff and lou or however you spell his name if he was dead? Lol that doesnt make sense. There are some things in the story that make no sense, but i did enjoy reading it.

  116. Still think that ‘the Jeff the killer series’ are a little better than this…less cliché more creepy and I tried to put the stories together but…I can’t.

  117. This is my favorite story Jeff the killer has always been my favorite creepy pasta and forever will be come on who with this is a very great story who would not like this story……❤

  118. The reason this is so popular is because this story is not written in a creepy way, it’s written in a way to make people feel sorry for jeff. As much as I hate this creepy pasta, I hate the fangirls even more.

  119. I resent the ten minutes I spent reading this poorly written drivel. I can never get it back and time is precious. If I should happen to die today, I will come and haunt you as punishment for depriving me of my time.

  120. BriBris_Beauty101

    I love jeff, i kinda feel bad cause the only reason this happened to him was because of jerry and btw that doctor is a sure idiot, i mean jeff saying “my face its beautiful hahahaaaaaaaaa” if that doesnt sound sicotic to u then idk what does???

  121. Didn’t jeff did something to jane too? and at school jane left a note to jeff… why didn’t you add that? i have read jane the killer’s story. Don’t go to sleep liu

  122. That totally creeped me out I was up almost all night checking the side of my bed it gave me nightmares for a whole week. Jeff is coming for me???

  123. This might have been the stupidest creepypasta i have read yet. How is this popular? The story… I’ve read fanfiction better than this. I’m sorry to be harsh, but i was hoping for more from a creepypasta that is so well loved. It wasn’t creepy. It wasn’t even believable, which is part of what makes creepypasta well… creepy. If there hadn’t been random thug children with knives and maybe some real look into mental illnesd that do cause people to do horrible things, then maybe i could have gotten behind it. But the continuity… horrible. HE WAS ON FIRE. HOW DID HE HAVE CLEAN, SEWED UP CLOTHES? I can’t believe this is popular. And the photo… just a photoshopped lookalike of Marilyn Mason. Lol. I laughed.

  124. I know it’s probably been said a hundred times over, but this pasta is so overrated. So much. The beginning of the story sounds like a fanfiction. None of the key ‘scary’ (if you could even call it that) aspects of the story are not only unrealistic, but they’re cliche, overused and over-done. The family was too unnatural, the bullies were unrealistic in the way that they were some 12 year old boys who somehow were able to have access to weapons, and they used those weapons to kill a kid in front of an entire party of adults who somehow were unable to stop them. The whole story was just so… meh. Maybe it would’ve been better if it were more about Jeff being a murderer from the beginning instead of making 90% of the story about his development as a psychotic killer. Maybe. But even then, it needs more aspects of realism.

  125. OMG, I always though “Jeff The Killer” was a really good creepypasta, it’s one of the most popular ones. But reading this is dissapointing, I mean, nothing of this is something you can believe (especially the fight on the party -full of adults-) So bad at so many levels… Just so dissapointing…

  126. It was amazing I love everything about it great word writing I’m also creepy pasta author to keep writing.?

  127. Irene Washington

    I like the story. But I’m wondering, did he become the killer that tried to kill him in the beginning? What was the connection there? I could see one but it wasn’t clear.

  128. The story of ‘Jeff’ is truly horrifying…but the plot of it was so…suspense that I couldn’t stop. Wow. Also the pic is not the right one. He does not look like that….he looks different. His face is more normal and he’s alot more….handsome (accept not really….if you get what I mean)

  129. I loved it!! Guys stop with the hate it is really thoght abot so what!! If you hate it……..GO TO SLEEP!!!

  130. I really liked this one!!! You had me caught the whole time and I constantly wanted to see what happens next!!! I like the way the characters talk, it gives a feeling that the family is a very fancy family exactly how they are supposed to be perceived!!! I love everything about it and I can’t find anything wrong with it, so I am giving it 10 stars!!! Honestly one of the best I’ve read.

  131. Jaedyn English

    I really love this story. Jeff has always been my favorite CP, and I haven’t read this in so long, it was like I’ve never read it before, and it was nice to see it again. I really love in the beginning, the young boy describing the face he saw, was as detailed as it was for a young child. All in all, I love this story, and I love Jeff, and I love CreepyPasta

  132. i still don’t get why he killed his brother, wasn’t he trying to protect/save him in the first place?

  133. Nonofurbusiness

    It’s impossible for jeff to see without he’s eyelids but he burnt them , hundred % he is blind
    Plus he cut hes lips to a wider smile like he will bleed that he will pass out this story isnt real

  134. disqus_Iu8EdYBSlH

    I’ve read many fantastic horror stories on creepypasta and reddit so naturally i’ve heard of Jeff the Killer but never got around to reading it. I finally did and I seriously don’t understand how it got so popular. I’m sorry but I thought it was poorly written.

  135. Izel Montano-cole

    When my kid starts bullying I’m gonna tell them this story and tell them it’s a true story. lol

  136. How does any of this make logical sense. Isn’t Jeff the one who wanted his brother out of JDC and then he kills him at the end. I would rate it 10/10 if it weren’t for that.

  137. shauneemarrero

    Keith and troy had guns. … went up stairs and had knives…… and Randy died. …..then confesses? I didn’t even read the rest of the story

  138. Wait… This is the highest rated pasta on the site? You’ve got to be kidding me. From beginning to end I thought this was a parody pasta, but once I read the comments I’m not so sure anymore. I mean, I literally laughed at certain spots because of how ridiculous some of it was. I just… I just don’t know anymore.

  139. The Creepypasta complainer

    You better hope that Jeff Mhannass’ Ambruillus makes this story shine a bit brighter.

  140. The Creepypasta complainer

    Lets just start by saying one thing, SONIC.EXE WAS BETTER THAN THIS CRAP!

    1.This is one of the best. For Christ sake people The Harbinger Experiment everyone, that story was incredible and you don’t pay attention to that?

    2. Jeff killed all three kids and the police didn’t do jack about that?

    3. His mum told his dad to get the fucking shotty? Really? Did they not think they should call a doctor because he might be insane?

    4. Jeff was trying to defend Liu, why the fuck did he kill him?

    5. These turds that are about 9 to 10 and they pulled out guns. Where the fuck did they get guns from?

    6. Jeff piledrives Randy to the group, who does this kid think he is, Owen Hart?

    7. Fire doesn’t dye your hair that’s like saying water makes you dry!

    8. That picture you have at the end of the story is fucking terrible, also why would Jeff take a picture of him self? #Justfinishedmurderingmyfamily

    9. Cutting your mouth, would result in it getting infected, and burning your eyelids will make you blind almost instantly, but Jeff must have been born with the gift from god.

    10. I put this at number 10 because I personally think this is seriously fucking stupid. The first ever Jeff the killer picture was actually a photoshopped picture of a girl called Katy Robinson who killed herself, after being bullied on 4chan.

    1. I agree. As I already said, I honestly though this was a parody pasta. Somebody please tell me that it is…

      I mean, punching a kid in the heart so hard it stops it? Bunch of kids with guns, throwing and pile driving each other, snapping wrists and ripping fixtures from walls…? Hilarious stuff.

  141. This story is just SO forced, and overrated, that I hardly believe anyone enjoys it. I mean, who can make sense into a boy, a NORMAL boy, randomly gets a murderous feel?!

  142. this is sooo good i also loved Jane the killer as well.This is the second time i have read this and it took me less than an hour soo good tho =^-^=

  143. What the crap is wrong with you? Why did you make such a graphic story? Get a life! and don’t spend your time writing such crap.

  144. yeah I agree no kid speaks like that but it is a horror story you know you haft to think about that to you know , just saying. And Jeff actually sounded like a good kid at the begining but “the fealling” took him over.I see your argument about the story and all the over the top things they put in the story.

  145. Asia The Magic Giraffe

    I believe this all, and its because there if proof about creepypasta, slenderman, everything

  146. CreepyPastaMan5563

    OMG that is creepy I didn’t know the story about Jeff but now I do Im friggin scared man HOLY CRAP!!!!! Im scared

  147. Nathan Kincaid

    Personally, I think that the story has a lot of potential, but was executed very poorly. The characters seem very cliché, which in and of itself wouldn’t be a problem if it hadn’t been every character. The bullies, the parents, Liu, even Jeff himself, they were undoubtedly the most stereotypical lot of characters I’ve ever encountered. Yes, kids are violent, but this takes it to an absurd height. I won’t trash the vocabulary of the kid at the beginning other than it sounds more like an author’s description, from the third person with a clear head, rather than the memoir of a young boy who was attacked late at night, and surely deeply disturbed. I don’t doubt that he knew those words, only that he could remember a traumatic event that happened only a minute or two after he woke up so vividly. My major issue with the story was the lack of grammar and mechanics. There was a boon of spelling errors, and the tense changed from sentence to sentence at times. Overall, the story was unbelievable to the point where it’s almost ridiculous. Before I get jumped on, I know that creepypasta doesn’t have to be realistic, given that it’s fiction and all, but this wasn’t a sci-fi or fantasy story; it was set in the real, modern-day world. Even fiction has to maintain a realm of believability based on the setting. I give it a 4/10, because it wasn’t an utter atrocity. I recommend that the author revise the story, improve the spelling, grammar, etc., and resubmit. I think Jeff the Killer has some serious promise, and given some TLC he could rightfully be one of the scariest and most well-known pastas out there. Additionally, to the attackers I will undoubtedly get, just as you have the right to like this pasta, praise it, and express your high opinion of it, I have the right to dislike it and address what I think needs improved. No one here has the right to curse at someone or ridicule them just because they have different opinions. This is a site for mature stories, so let’s be a mature audience, fanbase, and community, shall we?

  148. how did this ever get popular??? the author couldnt even be bothered to make a character thats apparently supposed to be mentally ill seem… actually mentally ill. they went the lazy, boring “this character just randomly went CrAzY!!!1!11!” with no type of explanation besides some weird feeling he got when some dumbass kids pick fights with him. congrats on showing absolutely no understanding on any mental illness of any kind. this thing is riddled with plot holes. everyones tone was horrible and made no sense, especially the cops who obviously put no effort into any kind of investigation, and some kids who repeatedly stole from people trying to use the bus (????) managed to skew the whole situation to the police? its complete bs and i dont even know how i got to this point. got to this point where i read one of the absolutely worst pieces of fiction ive ever had the displeasure of encountering. how am i ever supposed to be able to trust again when out of 15,683 people, enough gave a high vote for it to reach an 8.7/10

  149. really people? Really? You’re going to actually judge this story so badly that you don’t get the storyline? Jeff got a “feeling”, which probably meant that it’s not him feeling this. It’s something else. I honestly wish people would overlook any mistakes and just get to the bottom of the story. Jesus Christ. Plus, this story is now acclaimed and honorably placed in the Metaphorical Book of the Greatest Creepypastas ever created.

  150. Jeff the killer is my favorite, I liked the story to it. I didn’t get the stuff before the story but after I got it.

  151. TheFemaleSniper

    This is the worst creepypasta I’ve ever seen.

    Horrible grammar, unbelievable characters, a stupid story, and the least sense and worst logic I’ve ever seen.

    Also, you see that picture of Jeff? That’s a Photoshopped picture. Of a girl who killed herself because of bullying.

    So many people apparently love this. I don’t understand it. I don’t intend
    on ever praising Jeff the Killer on anything, there are literally no redeeming
    factors in this story. Its not scary, even. Its fucking ridiculous.

  152. meow meow kitty

    well jeffary ( his full name ) had no choice to hurt those guy because they would have ether kill jeffary and lui or would have hurt them badly so jeff did the right thing, and i have alot of respect for jeffary cuz he loves his brother so very much. and he protected lui from those mean guyz so jeffary get all of my reapect and please dont kill meh jeffary :D

  153. They would have found Liu’s wallet in Randy’s pocket proving that Jeff and Liu were the victims. Also, as a mother…I find it hard to believe that Jeff’s mother would not have put up a fight when they took Liu. Correct me, but are half of these story’s written by children? If so, props on being so young, and maybe I need to find a more mature website.


    Who puts full stops on headlines? Why would use the word “Ominous” in a headline?

    “the ominous unknown killer is still on the rise.”

    Literally he was JUST described as an ominous unknown killer.

    The newspaper doesn’t mention any of the people’s names, which seems like a pretty important detail.

    “they were dark, ominous eyes.”

    We get it! He’s fucking ominous! Literally the third time that word’s been used to described him and it’s the second paragraph.

    “He pulled up a knife; aiming at my heart.”

    Semi colons don’t work like that; it would have worked if it said “he aimed it at my heart”, but you didn’t, so it doesn’t.

    “The man probably would’ve finished him off, if one of the neighbors hadn’t alerted the police.”

    Incredibly contrived, seeing as there was no way for the neighbours to notice any of this and Jeff only just turned up a minute ago anyway. Yet the police are already there!

    ““Hello,” she said, “I’m Barbara; I live across the street from you. Well, I just wanted to introduce my self and to introduce my son.” She turns around and calls her son over. “Billy, these are our new neighbors.” Billy said hi and ran back to play in his yard.”

    Exposition, exposition, exposition, rush it out ASAP.

    ” he got a weird feeling. Not so much a pain, but… a weird feeling. He dismissed it as just some random feeling.”

    Literally the worst prose ever; the word “Feeling” is used three times in as many sentences.

    ” It gave him a slight tugging pain”

    Sounds like he was in pain while having a wank.

    ” As he and Liu finished breakfast, they walked down to the bus stop.”

    No new paragraph for new location, which is just sloppy.

    ““Well, well, well. It looks like we got some new meat.””

    Terrible cliches and awful dialogue. I thought this was meant to be a well of area anyway? And if these three goons steal the kids’ money every day, where the hell is everybody else? Why has nobody grassed on them? Like, literally no kid is stupid enough not to grass on being mugged.

    “The kid walked up to Liu and took his wallet out of his pocket.”

    Which he had on him, apparently, for no goddamn reason.

    “Troy rushd him too”


    ““Jeff how’d you?” that was all he said.”

    Nobody has ever spoken like that.

    “They saw the bus coming and knew they’d be blamed for the whole thing. So they started running as fast as they could.”

    Wow, this couldn’t be any more contrived. They have NO reason to run except to advanced the plot.

    “As Jeff and Liu made it to school, they didn’t dare tell what happened.”

    Made it all the way to school without the bus? Wha? Why didn’t the school do anything about the fight?

    ” It was something, scary.”

    It was, unnecessary commas.

    “in a somewhat ominous voice,”

    Why is everything he does described as ominous? Use a different word for fuck’s sake.

    “Jeff knew it was no use. He could say him and Liu had been attacked, but then there was no proof it was not them who attacked first. They couldn’t say that they weren’t fleeing, because truth be told they were. So Jeff couldn’t defend himself or Liu.”

    You know, normally I’d give this negative points for handholding, but frankly this plot device is so confusing that it doesn’t make sense anyway. Why can’t he just tell them what actually happened?

    “The cop looked at his partner and they both nod.”

    Self explanatory, really,

    “They all looked up to see him holding a knife. The officers pulled their guns and locked them on Liu.”

    Where the hell did they get that from?

    ““Jeff please, you don’t have to lie. We know it’s Liu, you can stop.” Jeff watched helplessly as the cop car speeds off with Liu inside. A few minutes later Jeff’s dad pulled into the driveway, seeing Jeff’s face and knowing something was wrong.”

    Yeah, they instantly arrest him and don’t bother even contacting the dad at all. This makes no sense.

    “Son, is that all your going to wear?” said Jeff’s mom.”


    “Randy, Troy, and Keith all jumped over the fence on their skateboards.”

    Having all magically healed from their injuries, they proceeded to magically know where Jeff was.

    “As he said that Randy rushed at Jeff.”

    Literally the third time he’s been attacked by “rushing”

    “Troy and Keith both pulled guns out of their pockets.”

    What? Where’d they get those from? Why are they murdering someone in broad daylight?

    ““No one interrupts or guts will fly!” they said. Randy pulled a knife on Jeff and stabbed it into his shoulder.”

    Terrible dialogue. Why does everybody get stabbed in the shoulder and turn out to be perfectly okay?

    ““Need some help?” He picks Jeff up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door. As Jeff tries to stand he is kicked down to the ground. Randy repeatedly starts kicking Jeff, until he starts to cough up blood.”

    Why are we suddenly in present tense? Why isn’t anyone else doing anything?

    ““Come on Jeff, fight me!””

    How does he know his name?

    “His psyche is destroyed, all rational thinking is gone, all he can do, is kill.”

    See, I can believe this can happen to people in the spur of the moment, but not permanently. That makes no sense.

    “Troy goes down hard”

    THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID- But seriously, he never turns up again. What, did he die in the fire or survive? We never know.

    “A thing of bleach”

    You’re not even trying at this point.

    “As he lay there, bleeding to death, he let out an ominous smile.”

    How is he bleeding to death from being smacked in the head with a towel rack? Concussion or fracture skull perhaps, but not bleeding to death. Also, fucking ominous. AGAIN.

    “While the alcohol burned him, the bleach bleached his skin.”

    Okay, the prose has somehow gotten worse.

    ““Oh yes, this behavior is typical for patients that have taken very large amounts of pain killers. If his behavior doesn’t change in a few weeks, bring him back here, and we’ll give him a psychological test.””

    I give up. This doctor is a total fucking idiot.

    ” “Honey, get the gun we…..”

    They’re awful quick to murder their son.

    “That’s the last thing they hear as Jeff rushes them with the knife, gutting both of them.”

    This pretty much sums up the whole thing. Constant changes of tense, terrible prose, people getting “rushed” AGAIN, and the level of description is so low and terrible it might as well be off screen.

    “His brother Liu woke up, startled by some noise. He didn’t hear anything else, so he just shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.”

    “Screams from the next room? Probably nothing, back to bed.”

    ” He slowly raised the knife ready to plunge it into Liu. Liu thrashed here and there trying to escape Jeff’s grip.”

    Literally put a hand over his mouth and now he can’t move? Makes no sense.

    Story: A convoluted mess with a lot of holes.

    Grammar: Terrible. Constant tense changes, speech marks missing, and just all around awful grammar.

    Prose: It’s basically just a running commentary of events rather than prose. It sounds awful and clunky.





  156. This was amazing. I like the way that it flicks. You know, Jeff, starting out being all normal, but then turns to be the famous Serialkiller From Milwaukee. its amazing. The real story is a bit diffrent though.. But this is way better! THUMS UP FOR YOU!!

  157. Wow, I can’t believe this has such a high rating. Is it just because of the picture? Because the weiting style is bad. Like really bad. Nobody talks that way, the scenes don’t make any sense at all or progress in any logical way. I can only assume the writer is very young and inexperienced, and doesn’t know how things work- like fights, and the legal system, and hospitals… writing…

    I see a lot of overly defensive comments, too. If you can’t handle critique, don’t post it online. Also, ‘let’s see you write a story and post it!’ is a really stupid defense. Thousands of people do that everyday without getting comments about how bad the writing is; if your work doesnt hold its own against those, that’s not the readers’ fault.

    If you do revise, please rewrite from a blank screen, don’t try to edit this one. You need a freash start. And really think about things, like why on earth the adults would let this happen, or wtf would they pull a gun and then go back to knives? I also recommend waiting at least ten years, so you know more about the word.

  158. nightmare moon

    its amazing that jeff killed his brother after liu got send to jail but it was really good to know that HE had not been killed but who was the person jeff saw as a kid?

  159. creepy emo girl

    OMG!!!!what a realy cool story! why did he killed his parents? what happened to liu? can someone awnser me?

    1. LemonLimeLord`

      he killed his parents becuase they lied about saying he was beautiful, and that they were gonna ‘put him down’ and whenever he tells someone to go to sleep, that means he is about to kill them – so u can now guess what happend to liu

  160. One of the worst pastas I’ve read… I don’t see how it’s so popular. It’s terribly written and unbelievable.

  161. jeff the killer

    why do yal care about what the little boy says? yal should care that yal might be next to go to sleep! oh and you see this photo? look at liu put him in real life vision and look for him for me ok thx now go to sleep!

  162. Seriously? This is the most popular pasta on the Internet? Fuck. You didn’t do this picture justice. I wrote better stories than this in 4th grade.

  163. Ok, here is the thing, I read a LOT of creepypasta’s, and to be honest this is literally the WORST one I have read. The beginning was descriptive, the one where the kid is describing Jeff, but then the rest is just lazy. It sounds like the writer took time at the beginning then just let it all fall down. The writer gets the first person and third person mixed up, and everything is just SO unrealistic! I mean, I know the stories here aren’t supposed to be real, but you can at least make them seem real. 12 year old kids having knifes and guns? I really dislike this story, I’m probably going to get a LOT of hate, but I don’t care, people who think the same as me need to see that there is someone who has the same mind set.

  164. I think it was a pretty good story. Not the best but it’s way better than I could do so no one to judge anything

  165. This is just my two cents worth, but I think, for the length of the story, it was a bit rushed, Perhaps if it had a slower pace to it, it would be much more enjoyable. Don’t take my opinion the wrong way, it was a very good read for me, Just a bit rushed in some parts.

  166. I’ve heard a lot about Jeff the Killer over the past couple years, and finding myself on creepypasta I was looking forward to reading what all the fuss was about. It was a complete let-down, I don’t understand how such a poorly written horror (?) story could even be enjoyed or considered popular when there are so many better stories on here. I have yet to find one that really gives me chills but this one just felt like I was reading the tryhard ramblings of a 14 year old.

  167. totally agree with you dude, like the fighting, what is this… Mortal Combat? His mind is full of killing and fighting so much it is kind of ridiculous.

  168. Amelia the Killer

    I think that you made the kid at the start say too many complex words. Also, I don’t know about you, but I have never met a twelve year old with a gun, knife and lighter. And who would pull a knife on somebody that quickly, never mind kids. Nevertheless, I quite enjoyed it.

  169. this is demented so many illogical sequences… someone needs their own psych eval. Some girl obsessed with this site read this as a report to her fifth grade class and my kid hasn’t slept in his bed for a week, he wakes up every night shaking and terrified… why do you guys thrive on this dark stuff. Althought they have a “age content disclaimer” it doesn’t cut it,,, not a healthy site for undeveloped minds. It is irresponsible not to turn back on their block for under aged audiences.

    1. Nicola Marie Jackson

      I think it just blocked everyone, no what age they typed. Even with the age block kids can get on it by lying about how old they are, I doubt any child who saw the age blocker thought Oh No, I’m Too Young. The people who run this site can only do so much. I hope your kid is ok now and I’m sorry that they were so upset xxx

  170. How could Randy confess to attacking them after jeff is in the hospital if he died at the party? Loophole


    1: Grammatical Issues

    2: Flat Characters

    3: No Motivation (e.g. Why does he get this random feeling? Why does he burn his eyelids? Why does he get superpowers to be able to kill people? Why does he turn clinically insane? Why does he clit his mouth, ear to ear?)

    4: Nothing is logical (e.g. If he burned his eyelids, his eyes would burn with them. When one of the three “Bullies” (At the second attack AKA the party) Throws a lighter, IT WOULDN’T STAY LIT! The three skateboarders wouldn’t be able to jump a fence that was most likely 4+ feet, They also wouldn’t be able to make a ramp in over a week, The bullies didn’t even know that Jeff was going to the party! A bathroom rack wouldn’t be able to knock out someone in one hit by a 13 year old. Burning your eyelids would cause in dust and particles getting into your eyes causing almost instant blindness. Cutting your mouth would cause in infections. Fire doesn’t make your skin turn white nor does it turn your hair from brown to black, it would burn the hair off if anything.)

    5: Jeff gets into two fights with three bullies and his brother gets locked up in jail, is that what makes him turn insane? That is fucking inexcusable.

    6: A 13 year old is most likely not going to be able to hold a gun.

    7: You went over the top with the bullies personalities, I am pretty sure that all three bullies don’t have shitty personalities.

    8: No adults get in between a fight happening right in front of them with knives and guns? Not likely, It is VERY Unbelievable.

    9: Worst parents ever. Instead of getting help for your obviously insane child, ask for a gun instead right in front of him. Also, it sounds as if when Jeff attacked his parents, they didn’t restrain AT ALL. Liu at least restrained a tiny bit…..

    10: The stupid decisions the characters made.

    11: Not creepy at all.

    12: Too many cliches.

    13: Too much unoriginality.

    14: The characters speak unnaturally.

    15: At the beginning of the story where the cops got to Jeff’s house, The cops and the parents (As soon as Liu said that he did the stabbings) sounded as if they KNEW that Liu did it.

    All in all, this story is VERY poorly written.

  172. It bothers me on how people think Jeff’s such a douche. Like, no… Does “Kay mommy” sound like a douche? No. His actions he does not know are mean, obviously since he’s insane, and he didn’t say anything rude after the incident. Maybe you’ll say “But before the incident he was mean!!”
    Okay, well every teenager boy may act like that. A lot do. Plus he obviously wasn’t happy with moving.

    I’m just asking, why do people think Jeff’s a douche?

  173. I finally read this and I am like “No way! Why Jeff, why?” I love the anime pictures that people draw for Jeff, but the picture the person added was really interesting.

  174. Dane DeHaan is bae

    OMG I feel exactly like Jeff. I have been feeling like this for a while and I found this and I was like “same!” Should I be worried?

  175. This was sad and at the same time very great. I felt bad for Jeff when those bullies were picking on him and his brother, but I just couldn’t stop reading. This is very well written. I love it.

  176. i know it is so creepy like who would do that i mean i would if i was mad at that person id do the same cause i would kill that person for saying stuff about me and spreading rumors

    1. Rochester Hills is not in Detroit. It’s a completely different county!! It’s 30 minutes north of Detroit. There are no fancy neighborhoods in Detroit except for maybe a few apartment buildings downtown. Other than that, we all live in a different county so we can live in the nice neighborhoods & drive to work in Detroit.

  177. This is THE worst thing I have ever read, unless it was set in opposite land…..
    for all the people that rated this above 1 star I would like you to ask yourself why?
    When the cops came the day after (the day after….lol mmmkay) and pointed the gun at the kid with the knife, why wouldn’t they take both of them for questioning instead of taking the word of one of the suspects and totally rejecting a confession? (Cops are lovely people aren’t they)
    why would his mother be smiling and happy both on party day (shortly after her son had been taken away) and in the hospital when she tells jeff that his brother is coming home (the son she is talking to has been mutilated beyond recognition by fire and she is smiling because the other son is coming home? Does she even like jeff?) And it says the hospital washed and stitched his clothes (so they washed all the blood out of the burned and melted white hoody with magic detergent)
    and he killed his brother (his supposed “feelings” started when his brother was in danger so surely protecting his family was imortant to him, why kill the family?)
    there are plenty more things I could pick on within this story but other people have already commented on them and this dreadful tale has taken enough of my time already.
    if I could give this zero stars I would, it reads like a 10 year old wrote it.

  178. I’ve seen alot of pictures/cosplays of Jeff The Killer but i’ve never actually read it and its a really interesting Creepy Pasta – … Well, very creepy :) – I have one question though, How did the Bullies (Troy,Keith and Randy) Know he was going to Billy’s Party ? – If anyone can tell me please ? :)

  179. This story requires far too much suspension of disbelief to really be called a good story. As another person commented, many of the characters do not come across as realistic at all. Most children do not have an extensive vocabulary as is portrayed by the introduction, and the bullies were reminiscent of comic book villains, so much so that they were far more humorous than frightening.

    I would also like to point out that psychopathy and other mental disorders do not lend its victims the skill of a professional boxer or black belt, so having Jeff fight three other boys – who are armed with knives, mind you – and winning with naught a scratch is quite frankly ridiculous. Liu being sent to Juvy just like that is a stretch as well, as Jeff – being a “witness” – was involved in the fight and would most likely be questioned, as well as the bullies. I don’t see why neither boy claimed self-defense, either.

    When the bullies tried to get revenge on Jeff during the party I laughed. It seemed so strange and unrealistic that they would care that much; wouldn’t sending Liu to prison for years mean they won? Besides, they sure recovered quickly from their supposedly grievous wounds.

    Now, I’m no medical expert, but Jeff would not turn out looking anything like he does in the picture. One, his hair would have been burnt off and two, he would not be so white; he would be covered in burn scars. After he burns off his eyelids (Why didn’t that happen when he was set fully on fire?) he’d have to find or steal a lot of eye-drops, and I doubt even that would be enough to stop eye irritation and drying. How is he, a thirteen year old boy on the run, know how to properly prevent infection from his Glasgow Grin? I would say he would need proper medical examination at some point.

    Also, his parents are questionable. Jeff’s mother sees that her son is off his rocker, and rather than try and help him through it and get psychological help she asks her husband to kill him. Wow. She didn’t know he would try to kill them; all she knew was he was mutilating himself.

    The idea of Jeff is neat in a horror kind of way, but this story does not deliver and could be improved. It’s not the worst story I’ve read, but I’ve also seen some more believable stories on Crappypasta.

  180. As an English major and sometime writer, I would advise choosing past or present tense and sticking with it throughout. Going back and forth in tense, especially within a single paragraph, is poor writing and should generally be avoided, unless you are moving back/forward in time (in flashbacks) and using present tense in the present and past tense in the past.

  181. xXAnn The ProxyXx

    I believe this is a very good pasta, it just needs a bit of work. It seems Jeffs blood lust is fueled by lying which is actually very realistic. Though I don’t think you would still have your hair after getting burnt like that, even with bleach.

  182. I don’t know if anyone posted anything about this but this story reminds me of the Joker from Batman. Mainly the one from the Dark Knight, especially with that creepy picture.

  183. Nicola Marie Jackson

    He isn’t real. Why make a deal with the devil when you can just get some good eye spray? Keeps his eyes hydrated without having an eternity in hell. Just a suggestion xx

  184. I love this story of jeff the killer although when I first read the story I did get really bad dreams to the point that I would not sleep. I got over that and now i love creepypasta. So… GO… TO… SLEEP. :-] sweet dreams

  185. i thought that you said that they moved into one of those nice neighbourhoods. like where people don’t bring knives to school?

  186. Best story I’ve ever read (apart from Eyeless Jack.) Even though there are some flaws helpfully pointed out by the people down below, this story still makes me fear the night


  188. Nicola Marie Jackson

    Yes Hon, I agree with you, Creepypastas can be very unrealistic but with a good author, they can still be a great story. I think a lot of people who have a problem, including me, with this one, is not just the premise but the dialogue, the police being the arresting officer, judge and jury without hearing any evidence and take Lui off for a year in juvie, the unrealistic child bullies who act like gang members Columbia and the parents who stand by, doing Jack shit as the hail of bullets fly over thier own kidneys, the flammable bleach, hair dyed black with fire, the hospital performing surgery on Jeff’s clothes (he was burning like a touch and his clothes were cut off him and yet the hospital staff washed and stitched back together again. Considerate! The way his mum, his MUM! wanted his Dad to shoot him after seeing his attempts at facial reconstruction. I’ve recently read one about a Helium miner in outer space that was unlikely as JTK and yet it was beautifully written with characters acting like you would expect, even in that unlikely situation. But what really gets me ate JTK fangirls and thier stories were they hook up with Jeff and go on a romantic killing spree. I worry for the world, I really do Xx

  189. well.. i found it pretty awesome.. except.. i love the anime version of Jeff the killer.. since this one is scary, if you were to see it in real.. :P i think he’s kinda cool but yet a creepy psychopath.. ~

      1. Probably but he didnt have to kill his family like that its harsh if i went crazy like that i wouldnt kill my family cause what did they ever do to ne?

  190. This Creepypasta was ironically bad if it was to be considered a Creepypasta. However stories are just stories, and this was meant for pure entertainment. Knowing first hand how difficult writing any story is – the time it takes to plan all the characters, to plan the plot, to imagine the setting, even finding a voice – the asshole comments critiquing this piece of WORK even hurt me slightly. If all the authors in the world didn’t write one piece of shit work, they wouldn’t be accomplished because no one is perfect, and no one writes a bestseller the first time they are in the rodeo. Every author has a couple hundred, or dozen in some cases, pieces of paper they throw in the trash because they know it’s just simply not a good story. But the fact of the matter is we try, very hard to entertain individuals, and we get shit for it. It’s just not okay, constructive criticism is the way to go. If the story is bad don’t complain about the shitty parts, take part in trying to make it better and fucking give ideas or hell even edit it yourself and send it to the person who wrote it (I have had that happen to me it’s HELPFUL in every aspect of the word) so that they can better their own story and make it just its cause. Long story short, you don’t have to be a dick about it.

  191. I only read this because one of my friends kept making references to it. I now regret it as it was a waste of my time. It could have been better but the writing and cheesyness of it all… it shoulf come with crackers

  192. *Reads two comments then looks away* …Omg, okai sorry if it’s nor that realistic but it’s a story! I mean hello, take Holly Black’s The Tale Of A Modern Faerie for example, you don’t see tiny winged faeries, green pixies, kelpies, or trolls roaming the towns and cities do you? No. Do you want to know why? Because it’s a story!! And another thing, I do understand the whole forced phrases thing but really…the person who made this story ((And sorry if it’s not original thread, I think it is…but I’m most likely wrong)) is amazing. Whenever you look up ‘Creepypasta’ on Google there are five main ones that come up.
    2) Eyeless Jack
    3) BEN Drowned
    4) Smiled dog

    and five, oh wait. Who is this, that’s right JEFF THE KILLER!!

    I apologize for this short rant, but I had to defend one of the most iconic pasta’s there is…that’s all for now…


  193. I was keen to read this after hearing about Jeff on sites like Listverse. I am so disappointed. It was just awkward. It just sounded like a poor budget slasher film. It jumped from one scene to the next, at times went into details that didn’t even matter. Why did I have to read about his mother telling him to change for a party, then read about his selection of choosing pants. Like, why. If there were so many adults around how did the fight escalate to that level. I imagined Jeff having a much better legend then this.

  194. The end is nearly flawless, as is the picture…but everything leading up to that needs to be re-worked – especially the dialog. 5/10

  195. This story isn’t creepy, nor is the writing any good (which adds to the fact that it isn’t creepy). I wouldn’t wipe my ass with this fucking story its so bad. The writing fluctuates between tenses and is immature and awkward, the writer uses phrases and words that seem to try to hard, the plot is gimmicky and unrealistic (It’s possibly the worst plot based around this picture I’ve ever read.) The mediocre dialogue makes me want to print this thing out and piss on it. I’m sorry was this written by someone with English as a second language or a 10 year old? Because that’s what I thought. Or just someone who never refined their writing skills or realised that proof reading is key. Get this shit off of this website ffs.

  196. Elizabeth Garnet

    Although a few phrases are impractical, as already mentioned in other comments, I can at least follow the story. I, for one, am greatful that someone presented it in a way that was easy to read, and near riveting. The story is an interesting one.

  197. I disagree with Anonymos. I use such terms all the time. Expanding your vocabulary is good. The younger you start; the better you become.

  198. I tried, I really tried to read it but I had to skim. This is the only story I have read where I was editing it in my head as I went. It reads like a jr high kids revenge fantasy on bullies. how is this not a 2 star. even Mcdonalds was better than this.

  199. Instantly bleeds fake ( you need to make it believable) when a young boy uses words like ‘illuminating’, needs a better character awareness. Children wont talk the same way as adults, even if they are intelligent and talking about an experience in a police report.

  200. This website is God but someone should Roth more creepy pasta about Jeff the killer like jeff is back pleas somebody right it

  201. Someguythatishere

    Not a good story at all. You had very uncreative names (THE CREEPYPASTA’S NAME IS JEFF FOR GOD’S SAKE) and how would I be scared of him? You’re not scared of a freaking kid that is blind (don’t forget, he cut off his eyelids) that is just going around your room like “IM GONNA KI- OH JESUS THAT’S A CHAIR”. It’s stupid. And honestly, what kind of young kid says illuminating? Honestly…None of the parents stopped the fight? ALSO! How did preteens get freaking guns!!!??? How did this Creepypasta get so big!? I DON’T UNDERSTAND! There are WAY better creepypastas than this! Now, I understand, it’s hard to write a story! I’ve written 3 creepypastas, Gray Leak, Story Of Soulfire, and Backstabber, and I’m still waiting for the approval or disapproval of it! BUT….honestly…How did this make it onto Creepypasta? And before someone comments a mean comment, saying “THIS ISN’T A PLACE FOR YOU TO CRITICIZE SOMEONE”…Yes…Yes it is a place for that. It’s the comments section.

  202. I enjoyed this! Ignore all the hateful comments, remember that you have a character that thousands, millions, trillions, love. Its hard to write horror, and to those who say “Why would a kid stab someone? Or, when does bullying get that out of hand,thats not real!” They forget there are kids that take guns to school, make bomb threats, takes knives with the intention to hurt someone. Jeff’s story is just proof that bullying can lead to this.

  203. In my opinion I think this is quite a tasty pasta this is my sixth time readying it and I’ve heard Mr. Creepypasta read it quite a few times. I’ve already had my share of helpings but I can’t get enough. 9.9/10

  204. IDontWannaPickAName

    Yes, the story is unrealistic. No burn victim would heal that easily nor quickly(he still had hair???). However, even though it is badly written, this is the most discussed pasta on the site and maybe its only most discussed for its errors, or because Jeff’s facial features seem to horrify people, or maybe because it was actually enjoyed by readers, but the author Sesseur is probably proud of it and the fact that his creation is so popular.

  205. God, the writing in this piece is very poor. The tense randomly changes from past to present in between. There is no ‘plot development’ to speak of. The characters have no personality, the dialogues are plain unreal and…nope. Nope, I”m out.

  206. some say he is still out there being seen on cameras but the news never says any thing about this so is he or not

  207. omg i was reading on my tablet and then i went to the bathroom so my brother got on it i zoomed in his eye so when i got back i jumped

  208. Jeff The Killer is indeed fake. I know this because of what information has been provided. If he had really cut his eye lids off, then he would have died from sleep deprivation by now. Also, it would have been on the news and internationally been a crisis.

  209. This….was just bad….it felt so rushed and to top it all off, how in the hell could kids fight like that? or even do something as stupid as pull two guns at a party filled with adults, this to me, was just terribly done, I’ve honestly read crappypasta version of Jeff The Killer, and they were ten times better than this.

  210. Nicola Marie Jackson

    I’ve been face painting at a baby and toddler show and was approached by a grandma and grandson. Can you paint him as, what did you want again darling? Oh yes, right. Can you paint him as Jeff the Killer? He was 7 & it’s his favourite story. I see Dr Phil in his future…….

  211. Honestly, I read this because I was excited to see what the whole fandom was about. I’m sorry that I didn’t read all of it, but I lost interest at the, “I’m not some dumb kid.” Reading some of the comments, I don’t think the others thought much of it either. I was really expecting something amazing, but I’ve drawn to a conclusion that this pasta is extremely overrated.

    1. Yes. The writing is decent, and the story itself feels far more like a action story than a horror story, but it’s definitely not scary at all and doesn’t deserve its ridiculously large cult following.

      1. I agree. As a story, Jeff The Killer always seemed like a thriller or a murder mystery, not really scary though. I think Jeff’s story got a lot better after Jane came around. But the thing with Jeff is that he was one of the first stories to be called a creepypasta. So, part of his fame and popularity kind of stemmed from the fact that he’s just a classic pasta.

  212. ThisIsANameForAComment

    Wow. This is the famous pasta that started it all, correct? I can see what people mean when they say the writing had issues. Usually I can ignore the tense changes, but, omg, this one was insane in that regard. I’m not sure I can think of JtK as something remarkable other than as a weird phenomenon now that I’ve read this. The bullies, are perhaps, the most unbelievable part of this story. Not to say that the rest was particularly believable. So I guess I’m wondering, is this seriously the original? And, if so, why is this so well liked? Genuinely curious about the popularity factor here…

  213. EmeraldDragon1LDR

    That Face, Its So…TERRIFYING D=
    Because of this guy who wrote this, ill be fucking terrified of my closet XD…

  214. This was VERY, VERY good. I loved it! I never noticed how long it was, i thought it was kinda short. And the ending….oooooh, the ending! It was great! “shhhhhhh, Just go to sleep.”. Yeah, it was great.

  215. I know this is from 2 years ago, but I thought I’d still write this.

    Great story – no doubt about it!
    What I am going to tell you next, is NOT a criticism. I simply want to let you know.

    There are some simple errors. For example; you keep writing in past- and present tense. (Past- and present tense are not really my strong side, since English isn’t my mother tongue, and I therefore can’t be sure whether I am correct in this theory or not)
    There are some spelling errors as well.
    I have found 3 examples. Number 1 is with a simple spelling error. Number 2 and 3 is an example for present tense, when the rest of the story is in past tense.

    1: “when Jeff is woke up by his mother” 2: “She turns around and calls her son over” 3: “”Wait! Says Liu.”

    For number 2 and 3 – Again, I’m not sure about this – but wouldn’t the correct sentence be “She TURNED around and CALLED her son over”?
    And: “”Wait! SAID Liu.”” … or “Lui SAID.” – You have used “said” everywhere else in the story, so I’m assuming that this wasn’t on purpose.

    Again, this was not ment to be mean or anything.

    I absolutely loved your story! I hope you wont take my corrections in a bad way – I just wanted to help.

  216. Jeff the killer may be my favourite pasta along with Ben Drowned, but certain things about this one I just didn’t like but it was still cool :)

  217. Me as i read the story:

    Doctor: Alright Jeff, it seems like you are suffering a minor mental dissorder that may cause you to go on a killing spree and maybe, just maybe kill your entire family.

    Me thinking: Strap him to a chair?

    Jeff: Can i leave now?

    Me hoping: You ain’t goin’ nowhere!

    Doctor: Sure, the door is right there.

    Me doing: *Facepalm* GAWD!!

  218. I’m still confused why this was so highly recommended to me. 12 year olds with knives and guns, really? I hope the creepypasta fandom has more to offer

  219. Wow. This may be one of the best creepypasta stories I’ve read so far. It starts out all tragic and gradually turns horrific. One thing I want to point out: the author took a big artistic license by saying that Jeff burnt off his eyelids; without your eyelids, your eyes dry up and you go blind. Yes, I know this is a work of fiction, but did he already have powers or something to compensate for that? It seems very realistic up until that point.

  220. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

  221. i like the plot but the story can be rewritten. i remember hearing how amazing this is and i dont know what i was expecting but this certainly wasn’t it. if you rewrite this it can be really good. first i don’t get why he killed his family or why the mother was instantly ready to kill jeff. even if i ignore that, why did jeff kill liu? liu was fast asleep, he didnt do anything. and how did 12 year olds get guns? weren’t their mothers there? i think you can change it up a little. first step could be to replace the bullies with roughnecks. the brothers could be walking to school since they missed the bus when they took a wrong turn and came across some assholes who after seeing how they are dressed (they live in the fancy part of town so they must be well dressed) demanded that the brothers hand over their money or wallets or whatever. roughnecks can pull knives and unlicensed guns, its more believable. plus i think jeff shouldn’t kill his family how he did. he went psycho so he could maybe want them to be like him and he could have burnt off tehir eyelashes as well. it wouldve beeen creepier as well as far as im concerned. and i think you could just improve your style a little. overall the story is great and i think its so loved by the crepypasta community because jeff is an ordinary boy who goes crazy. if you work on this it could be absolutely perfect. i like the storyline however so good effort though :)

  222. oh my god. Do me a favor and go criticize someone’s writing elsewhere. I’m sick of pricks who think they are so much better at everyone else. WANNA CRITISIZE SOMEONE!?!?! Go write your own!!! Obviously you can do way better!!! This may not have been the best Pasta, but I enjoyed the unrealistic effect it had on me!!! Do me a favor and read like ten Pastas and ask your self. Is this completely realistic? No? Didn’t think so

  223. Lol wtf, I think this definitely belongs on I can’t believe I even read the whole thing, it was more than ridiculous.

  224. I would just like to clear a few things up. There are a plethora of complaints about how unrealistic this story is, however, I feel I can explain why this story is “unnatural.” First off, I believe the place where they live could (and probably should) be based off of a small town on the East-Midlands of England called Worksop. I doubt any of you will have heard of it, however, I just so happen to live there and let me tell you, this place is more dangerous than a minefield. It wouldn’t be too unrealistic for pre-teens to be having guns and getting into some really fucked up fights. In fact, here in Worksop, it happens so often that it is almost expected. Because of this, it is quite likely that there are several “Jeff the Killers” roaming this God Forsaken town. Only last month, a woman got stabbed to death and raped (in that order) in the neighbourhood I live in, despite the neighbourhood being “posh.” Also, about 2 years ago, Worksop was crowned the heroin capital of Britain (Whoopee Doo!)
    Secondly, I would like to focus on the newspaper excerpt. There are complaints saying that young boys don’t speak like that and quite frankly, they don’t. However, the newspaper is the most realistic part of all in my mind, since the newspapers in Worksop ALWAYS over exaggerate. The journalists will most likely have a double life, their second being the editor. As they have this double life and an “important” role, they will likely feel as if they are super secret spies that work for the government. This makes them snobby and egotistic, thus them copying the exact words of each interview and then flicking through a thesaurus to “poshify” the report so that nobody in Worksop except the super rich twats can understand a damn thing they say.
    Then there is the thing about none of the adults at the party breaking up the fight or calling the police. Well, would you approach an armed and violent trio of zitty pre-teen “men” who are angry because their mum didn’t buy the right tampons? Didn’t think so. Anyway, somebody probably did call the police, however the story was focusing on the fight rather than some half drunk fool who grabbed at the phone to get a team of SWAT dudes to flex their muscles in their Kevlar full body armour and beat the shit out of the boys.
    Finally, I would like to conclude on the point of Jeff killing Liu. May I remind you that Jeff had been through so much at this point that he was now completely insane (or as we Worksopians say, utterly and literally batshit whacko) and had also entered a blind rage where all he could see was red. There are reports of many people with mental disorders or drug addictions (99.99% of the druggies living in the delightful town of Worksop) who have killed loved ones in a blind rage. Also, there is another Creepypasta about Liu. It’s about Liu surviving Jeff, but going utterly and literally batshit whacko afterwards, to the point where he gouges out a nurse’s eyes and cuts her up. Liu is covered head to toe in scars and suffers from a disorder where he has a second personality called Sully. Both Liu and Sully are looking for Jeff- Liu wants to forgive him while Sully wishes to kill him.
    If you made it to the end of this rant, I’d like to thank you for actually reading it and not just thinking I’m an utterly and literally batshit whacko fangirl (which I kind of am) who wants to defend “the hot, sophisticated, wonderful rouge killer and the only guy on this planet who understands me” (yeah right). Anyway, rant over. Bye!

  225. Terrible… written by a child, enjoyed by children. If you’re older than 16, I pity your taste in entertainment. Seek things with substance. This is not it.

  226. The whole point of this website is to submit good, scary fictional stories that are believable, and also for people to leave feedback on the stories, whether good or bad. This story is actually so shit. It’s unrealistic and the bad grammar and improbability of the whole thing makes it very difficult to enjoy and find scary.
    Do you know what this comment section is for?
    It’s for people to say their opinion about this story. How they found it. Not just for those people who somehow found this story good to get wet over Jeff and torture everyone with their shitty roleplay.
    You can’t get cut at someone because they don’t like the story. “You can’t say anything because YOU haven’t written anything. I’d like to see YOU try”. So, with this logic, anyone who has ever written a story, fantastic or terrible, is immune to constructive criticism and should only be showered with praise for their writing? Interesting. And many people on here actually have written creepypastas. Good ones. That’s how they know how shit this one is.

  227. All the hate on this story. I personally dont like to criticize Story. You like it then you like it, if you dont then you dont. I dnt like to pick at things wrong with storys. Yea it was extremely violent for 12 year old but honestly in this day and age, anythings possible. I personally liked it.

  228. This is my favorite creepypasta because it incorporates original creation . it has a very amazing plot .. and the thought of a psycopath in your neighborhood is teriffyingly awesome XD

  229. well this story is more believable then others I mean I could picture a boy being burnt alive by some bullies and going insane I mean its more believable then a tall faceless figure that has tentacles that stalks people wearing a suit and tie (so it has some sort of intelligence) and you also hear and see static just by looking at it

    im not trying to ate on slender don’t worry he’s 1 of my fav creepy pastas

  230. Man all you guys need to not criticize other peoples work. Believe it or not stuff like that can happen. I wish some of you guys would just back off and enjoy the story.

  231. well he had that potential from the start -o- at first i thought he was like snow white or something but… nope

  232. You switch between past and present tense way too much. That’s stuff we learn in 9th grade English. Lots of redundancies, like “pair of two eyes…” The dialogue was also very unconvincing. If you’re a person in high school that’s writing this, I say good job keep going, if you are older than that, I’d say read more books. Reading makes your writing better. You write like a person who doesn’t read, and there is nothing worse than that.

  233. I did not like this story. I think the main problem was the characters. These are all little kids ~13 right? Then why are they acting like gangsters in a turf war? This was just so unrealistic including Jeff’s “transformation” in the end. Also note each characters vernacular. Far too sophisticated in some paces for KIDS that age. A good horror/murder story needs to be believable but this was way too silly/boring. Even with all the blood spilled it just wasn’t scary, not creepy enough, and this Jeff character…fangirls I tell you. Plus this was like a bad slasher story attempt. Hollow violence. In the FAQ’s it says nothing legitimately disturbing and “graphic depictions of abuse with no further plot or moral” will be posted anywhere soooo? I guess I don’t get it? My advice is read more Stephen King for inspiration. Amount of blood and violence doesn’t determine quality.

  234. Jessica The Killer

    They will never remember… huh oh that’s right I was his twin.. I also got the same thing… But still you know I still love him and he loves me. I can’t see how its gonna be but oh well. I’m gonna have my own story someday.

  235. One of my favorite stories. Yet I still can’t understand at their age why they would have access to guns and/or know how to use them. Other than that, the twisted insanity is perfection. It doesn’t take much to go insane and when you do there are endless possibilities. Amazing.

  236. Idk why Jeff The Killer is so popular this is written SO badly. No kid would use the words like “illuminate” and “ominous”. Lol listen to how the “12 year old” bullies talk, like seriously? Their whole dialogue and demeanor is just so unbelievable it makes me cringe. I mean come on sit down for a second and give this a good think, these are little kids who probably don’t even have pubes yet and they are fighting to the death at a public place, and no cops showed, nothing happened. No 12-13 year old kids would be carrying guns around or have the balls to actually use them. The whole fighting part is just like WTF?? Like if a 12 year old kid was about to die he wouldn’t be laughing, he wouldn’t be noticing the flammables on Jeff and he sure as hell wouldn’t be plotting his next move to throw a lighter at him. He’d be crying for his mom and would probably be in shock. This hollow-head of an author has these kids engaged in a gruesome fight that even the toughest of adults wouldn’t be doing. Whoever first said that these kids are fighting matrix style is absolutely correct. I always read online “Jeff the Killer was my first creepypasta and I couldn’t sleep for months!!” It really makes me ashamed to live on a planet where people are actually scared of this, its a shame that there are some good ones out there but this is one of the popular ones. And then the end, ok so the kid carves a smile into his face… Hmmm where have I heard of that one before??

    1. Goddamn it. I actually had a whole review planned out, but I guess my slippery fingers pressing submit before I had actually written it made me comment just the first line. Well, there goes that, I guess.

  237. slenderman:
    I think that your COMMENTARY IS LONGER THAN THE STORY AND BY THE WAY, I would LOVE to see you write a story! It is HARD. Even harder, writing a Horror story! So go along, write a story or get lost!

    Really?I mean REALLY?By far one of the best!?Sit down and start reading then, because this ‘creepypasta’ is the worst I’ve ever read.It belongs to the crappypasta section.I only finished it because I kept expecting it to get more and more ridiculous, and it did.Okay, I got past the thing that there are 12 year olds who carry knives and mug people on the street in broad daylight IN THE FANCY PART OF TOWN.Also, why do they look like cartoon characters?A fat and a skinny goon and the boss…That is how I imagined bad guys until the age of 5…Then the next day police came.Sure, nobody witnessed the actual fight or anything, but them running away, that’s something that ‘witnesses’ remember.Okay, no problem.Jeff admits it, then comes Liu(WHAT KIND OF A NAME IS THAT!?) holding a knife, and the policemen PULL THEIR GUN ON A 12 YEAR OLD WITH A KNIFE.He’s not threatening anyone, but two adult policemen who actually have a strict protocol restricting them when and where to even TOUCH their pistols.Two officiers aiming a gun at a kid for no reason at all could put their badge down for a lifetime.Then comes the party and the fight.Remember the first one?Randy’s wrist snapped, the other guy stabbed in the arm?They magically healed.In like a week.No need to plaster a broken hand, you can hit people with it.Okay, so these twelwe year olds decided that they’ll murder somebody who beat them up.If you think that’s how the world works, then you watched way too many action movies(instead of reading books).12 year olds beat eachother up constantly but they don’t bring guns to some party with 50 people to murder another kid in front of a crowd of people.What 12 year old would have the guts to do that anyway!?Again, we’re in the fancy part of town.And this is where we have to go back to the beginning of the story..A kid wakes up in the middle of the night, finds a monster in his bedroom, the cliché story we all know.In the middle of the night they start fighting the ‘monster’, but they are interrupted by the police who were called by a neighbour.So you’re saying that a neighbour was watching over their house all night waiting for the chance to call the police?They arrive pretty fast too, since it would have been easy for Jeff(he’s supposed to have super fighting powers fueled by some dark thing in his brain but the writer ‘forgets’ to mentoin it) to finish them off after he stabbed the kid’s dad in the shoulder.So again, when there was supposed to be no witness at all, someone called the police in the middle of the night, but NOBODY called them when they were fighting at the party?Jeff’s face was burnt and he spent time in hospital.Even though he ‘turned into an inferno’ right after he regained conciousness he could sit up and so on.Actually it takes months to heal from that.Without therapy you can’t even raise your hands and even if you could it would hurt like a bitch…And don’t even get me started on the face and the hair..Burn victims don’t have any hair left…Miraculously, his clothes were sewn back together as well, even though they are supposed to be burnt(they throw those clothes away in reality but whatever).So we arrived at the ending, he went nuts, okay.But why did he kill his family?Just because you go insane you won’t try to murder the people you love.He wasn’t a particularly evil kid or anything, nothing indicated that at least(maybe inserting stories about Jeff torturing helpless animals or some shit, jesus..).And when his mother found out about his insanity she immediately wanted to kill him.How does that make any sense?I notice that someone from my family is crazy and I shoot him/her?!What kind of a MOTHER could do that?This whole story is a ridiculous pile of steaming garbage, it’s so horrible I don’t know how can anyone write something this bad.It’s clearly a ‘Hmm, I wanna write something cool so I’ll just throw in some bloody scenes, fake psychology and shit I saw in horror movies and then I’m done before I get bored with it’.Obviously written in one sit.Horrible, just horrible.And the reason I’m so upset is that this is actually a famous creepypasta.

    With all the news stories about police who have wrongfully pulled their guns out and shot kids I find your comments to be completely ignorant. It’s not some fairy tale that kids commit crimes and police think they’re above the law. It’s unfortunately everyday life. Kids cary weapons and now more than ever they do not fight fair. On another note this pasta although dramatic wasn’t that bad. The execution could be improved but the concept was interesting .

    1. No. That’s all I can say. There aren’t stories of cops pulling guns on kids. There are stories of cops being racist and etc. But never about kids. Kids don’t carry weapons on them. No. They don’t.

  238. pretty poor story. switching between past and present tense, unrealistic vocabulary for a 13 year old, or for anybody really, nobody speaks like that. hard to believe something so poor is the highest viewed thing on here

  239. There are plenty of lame ass stories on this website, but why in the world is this so popular?

    Revenge on the bullies, some kid looses his mind and goes on a killing spree? Yawn.

  240. im not gonna be an ass here like some people, but yes, it has flaws and unrealistic events, BUT, its only a story. a horror story at that. this is as likely to happen as freddy krueger, or jason.? no one needs to be a dick about this story and how much it doesnt make sense because its just that. A STORY. the idea of it is creative and personally, i like jeff the killer even though the story has its many flaws because alot of people can come up with some neat stories about him. so yeah, thats just my opinion on this.

    1. just wanna add another quick thing. you have to give this story credit because it is the most viewed and most discussed pasta on here.

  241. I really want to criticize this story in minute detail but I won’t or I’ll end up writing a very long essay. Besides, my complaints have all been said in other posts.

    But what i will say is this: it was so bad. Don’t believe the hype. I really don’t understandably why it’s so popular. The only redeeming feature is the idea of a young boy becoming a deranged killer. I like that.

    Some of you people here are so extremist either for or against this story. Wow!

    Overall, a crappy pasta with potential.

  242. I think it had an A in it

    No please people don’t fight please this world doesn’t need anymore hurt ok,
    you all have a right to give your own views on this story but don’t abuse that power if you don’t like it say it nicely like I think this could be better just be nice and the world will be a better place

  243. Just a slight bit insane

    I’d love a remastered version of this story, along with a drawn version of Jeff. With like … Bigger eyes and scars up his mouth for that beautiful smile.

  244. I have seen anime drawings for this guy and when i first heard about him is that he resembles both the Joker and L from Death Note

  245. Wow this is a great story remarkably scary I had chills good job for my first time on the website you made me want to see more

  246. Don’t creepy pasta’s have to be creepy? I didn’t get a single chill down my spine when reading this.

  247. Honestly the first time I read this, I loved it (I was 12 mind you). Looking back on it, I realize it’s not really well written and could use a lot of improvement. Although that’s not to say it’s a bad idea. After all, it’s become a classic.

  248. Carl The Llama

    This one is getting a lot of bad comments, and I know that’s just your opinion, but here is my opinion: IT WAS AWESOME <3 I agree, that at the beginning, the young boy telling a story was a bit too good at telling a story, using all proper grammar, and stuff like that. But I liked the rest. And I like how the only bad guy wasn't Jeff, those 3 kids were assholes. In fact, if it wasn't for those 3 kids, Jeff wouldn't have become Jeff the Killer. Seriously…

  249. The potential to make a great story out of this plot exists but sadly is not taken. Sorry to say but this story just has way too many errors when it comes to psychopathy, the decent to madness and such. I won’t even begin to comment on the police though, but seriously bro wtf? If you’re writing a story that involves so many different aspects of the mind, why don’t you investigate it beforehand? Part of a good story is keeping such parts realistically; reactions, the human behavior and mind along with the justice system – just my opinion.
    And before anyone begins raging on me because they love this story just remember that constructive criticism should always be welcome if anyone chooses to publish their story. Oh and yes I could have just stopped reading but if you don’t like my comment then why don’t you just stop reading it?

  250. Jesus, I had read the story a few days ago and nearly shit myself when I saw the picture. I was this close to getting over it and I just had to scroll down. FUCK MY LIFE.

  251. how come jeff is known across the entire world even kids know this story but he is the most horofiing fail but the most scary pasta and longest pasta story(aside from slender man) hes so popular he used to have his own anamay show gg jeff

    and I wonder if ben is a dude or a dudet no one knows

  252. Guys,stories are the product of one’s imagination and everyone has a different kind of imagination. Instead of blabbering shit about the story, why not write one of your own? You should write your own story because you think that you have better comphrehension than the Author. Try to make a story that will be more famous than Jeff the Killer and I’ll salute you for it. This is one great pasta and you should know it. As for me, I give this pasta a rating of 100000/10 :D

  253. Serously the comments really are longer than the story. If you didnt like it then dont fucking comment and its just a story why is everyone getting so worked up over this ied like to see them write a good creepypasta. and who gives a fuck if it makes sense its a good story

    1. The problem is its not even a good story, If I handed this into a grade 6 teacher i would get a c at best.
      every other 9/10 creepy pasta I’ve read sent chills down my spine and was genuinely creepy.

  254. the pic is a photoshop of overly attached girlfriend. but before i knew that the pic gave me the creeps too but i still had no trouble going to sleep. LOL

  255. This is one very poorly written story. The picture is pretty creepy, but the story was really hard to get through. So many flaws, both in the grammar, and within the story itself. I had heard about Jeff the Killer so many times before and was excited to read this, but ended up quite disappointed in the end. 5/10 at best.

    1. Really this story was awsome but it was a little disapointing but still you gota give it some more love so i gave it 10 if we could rate as high as we want 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 get it

  256. “Jeff popped the kid in the nose”
    “Randy punched Jeff in the nose, and Jeff grabbed him by the ears and head butted him”
    “No one interrupts or guts will fly!”
    “I’ve never felt more happy! Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa, look at me”

    Did a 9 year old write this? I kept reading in hopes of it getting better, but I was sadly disappointed.

  257. Past tense or present tense: you gotta pick one. Also, realism is a good thing. I’m twenty-six and college educated, so maybe my expectations are too high, but if I had turned this in to my high school English teacher, I would have failed. Seriously? “A thing of bleach”?

    1. How about “…. the bleach bleached his skin.”. It’s called a Thesaurus, and that guy needs one.

  258. Just a connection I made and it may not be a very good one, but the character Jeff reminds me of the “Joker” from DC comics. A traumatizing event causes a crack in his psyche, his skin bleaches and other features are changed in a horrible accident, and the eerie desire to always smile (going as far as cutting a permanent smile into his own face). Just seems like the two are one in the same, minus the stabbing people in their homes and the lack of a certain man dressed as a bat.

  259. I read this story and I loved it this story was like no other creepypasta I have ever read thanks for the scares and laughs hope to read more of you creepypasta’s in the future

  260. Ticci,laughing, eyeless, slenderJeff.exe

    I read Alexander’s comment and wondered if he was cinema sins from youtube. Not everything has to be realistic dude. I however, think that this pasta is the freakin’ best.

  261. This story will give me nightmares. In fact, I’ll be lucky if the poor spelling and grammar don’t traumatize me for life.
    Since I’m sure this story has been done to death, here’s an idea (being shared with everyone b/c I have little interest in using it myself): Reboot the story with a twist ending. Everyone thinks Jeff will be the killer. Jeff is killed… by Liu. Liu calls himself Jeff. “Jeff the Killer” is really Liu.

  262. hey dude, come on.. . Cut me some slack!!! Jeff the Killer is one of the most popular creepy pasta character.
    your story was fine but seriously, man Jeff is perfect. please don’t tell me this is his story. It just can’t be this way. Never.

  263. wow I have to agree a little with alexander but I mean its just a frickin story for a young readers entertainment you don’t have to get so worked up

  264. Jeff the killer is the best creepypasta person i don’t give a fuck what u say he is the best one!!!

  265. Sorry but I really didn’t enjoy this. I’ll be honest with you, I thought I would enjoy it much more for all of the hype that it got.

    Uninteresting, not too descriptive. A bit dull overall, really.

    A lot of it didn’t make a lot of sense. Like, the group of punks that suddenly jump over the fence out of nowhere. They’re 12, and they have knives, AND guns? And this is the fancy, good neighborhood? I found that to be pretty ridiculous.
    That fight at the party made me laugh at the sheer abssurdity of the whole situation. Jeff punches a kid in the chest and makes his heart stop, then KILLS HIM and the parents and everyone there at the party is just standing there watching the whole scene play out, grabbing some popcorn or something? Like, Jeff runs up the stairs and he’s dueling with the other two kids, and nothing is done about it, like really? They’re middle-school kids, not crazy muscular 7 foot tall men.

    And the whole Jeff’s appearance type thing changing. Given the description of the whole thing, none of it would make sense in an actual situation.

    And why does Jeff all of a sudden now start having these crazy feelings inside of him, even before the fight started? Nothing really triggered it, and you’d think it would be something that he’d have had for much longer.

    The whole insanity thing just seemed a bit random. As much I enjoyed his scary laugh.

    I don’t see why his family would be his first targets. Especially his brother, who covered for him and was willing to get sent to juvy because of it. It just didn’t make sense.

      1. Not bad. At one point near the end, you spelled ‘torture’ as ‘torcher’ though. I’m not quite sure I liked the whole “deal with the devil” aspect. I did like that he carves smiles into the faces of other people, and the origin of his “go to sleep.”

  266. this wasn’t that bad of a story to me i enjoyed it. my advise to the author is to make the story a little scarier then its perfect! just my opinion.

  267. chesire charlie

    Okay, what the hell??? All of you people calling out about how crappy and unrealistic this pasta is up here, just so you know, most of you are asses. I mean, some of you up there were nice about it, giving helpful criticism and all that crap, but the rest of you could at least be NICE. Yeah, its sounds a little fake, but its cool as fuck and it is a CREEPYPASTA. If you idiots hadn’t noticed, most of them are actually fake. So you can go ruin someone elses fucking life but, BTW, its really hard to right a story like this, and I have a feeling that any of you complaining bitches would fail horribly if you even attempted it. Thank you. Have a nice day. Love the story. TEN FUCKING STARS ^-^*

    1. The thing that’s so bad about this pasta is that it’s obviously meant to be put in a realistic setting with realistic characters, then all the sudden, the author throws in physically impossible outcomes in the middle of a psychological “horror” without anything to back it up. You can’t do that, it doesn’t make any sense, and it makes the whole storyline look ridiculous.
      And yeah, 99% of the pastas on this site are fake, but at least they have a sense of realism behind what happens. I’m not sure how this story ended up on Creepypasta instead of Crappypasta, but the world is full of mysteries.
      No, it’s not very hard to write a story like this. It doesn’t look like a whole bunch of effort was put into it. The adjective “ominous” was used too many times, for one. Go ahead, count ’em. Also, he made a young kid sound like an English major in their mid-30’s. That’s nowhere near realistic.
      This story lacks all the basics of story writing. I’m a pretty low self-esteemed and shitty writer and I know I could top circles around this shit, man.
      If you can’t handle criticism, don’t post shit. Simple. (And I mean CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.)

  268. Just recently watched “Hobo with a Shotgun” starring Rutger Hauer! The “fancy” part of town in the story is pretty much the setting in the movie.

    2nd why did Jeff kill Liu wasn’t he defending him?
    3rd how is Jeff so overpowerd
    4th go to sleep? WTF

  270. DetectiveRanay

    im not sure if anyone else said this, but all the nasty comments about the clichés and stuff is getting old. you are missing the point. the story is not about what the parents call their son, or how many bullies there are. the point is that Jeff went insane and made himself a killer. you guys need to focus on the main point and not the other details….

  271. I feel like his descent into madness should have been longer than it was? I did listen to Mr. Creepypasta read this on Youtube, but I was a little busy so I might not have heard all the details. And I think the bullying should have gone on longer as well to build up to doing all those extreme things that just suddenly happened at the party. And maybe not have Jeff so strong, because he does just break someone’s wrist. I like the idea, certainly, but it does need a revision of a few details and really I’d mostly just like to see it be something that happens over a stretch of time not so fast paced.

  272. story 4/10, how did Jeff rip the towel rack of the wall? How strong is this kid?

    grammar 4/10, before submitting your pasta or pastas, can you check for any mistakes?

    Thank you ;).

  273. Sentence structure very basic; no sign of suspense and grammar very poor. I couldn’t read this to the end and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen scarier My Little Pony episodes than this story.

  274. Yes Entropy Temporal, your write. But seriously your telling me that if you read these reviews as the writer that you would feel good?

  275. Hello my name is Mad madi I am thirteen(mad madi is just an alliteration I came up with). I have read over all the reviews and I would like to speak directly to Anonymous. I wondered while I was read your reviews, what stories and books do u normally read?

  276. Who ever wrote this story has probably got ten times more guts than any of you including me! This person wrote a book a put it on a website were anyone could see it and instead of telling the person how brave they are u sit on ur phone, computer or other electronic device and criticize this person for growing a set of balls, unlike u haters. And by the way, yes it has flaws but u people could tell this person in a lot nicer way than how u are.
    P.s.please forgive grammar errors I’m typing fast in a small phone. And my hands are shaking from how annoyed I am with some reviews I have read.

    1. Entropy Temporal

      Well, we did “have the balls” to post criticism on a website where everybody can see it, soooo….

    2. It’s not that hard to post stories on the internet. Someone with balls or what other stupid metaphor can take criticism and use it to help them! The author of this story now just sits on youtube making fun of bronies. Yeah, he has ‘guts’!

    3. 1) Even the harshest of criticisms can sometimes be beneficial.
      2) If I put a story up on a website, I want people telling me “this is how it’s good, and this is how it sucks.” Not “You’re incredibly brave!”

  277. OKAY LISTEN UP! I have read every review from all of you and guess what your all fucking up the jeff the killer story for me. PEOPLE IT IS A FICTIONAL STORY IT IS NOT REAL! It was created to entertain. I am thirteen years old everyone at my school loves jeff and has read this exact story and either loved it or hated it. Yet even though w are middle schoolers we understand the phrase ,”if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.”
    Also I have never heard of a more insanity stupid argument in my life. ITS A FICTIONAL STORY ITS NOT GOING TO BE LIFE LIKE IN JUST ABOUT ANY WAY!THAT’S WHY ITS CALLED FICTION INSTEAD OF REALISTIC FICTION!Now please for God’s sake either write your own”better” freaking story or shut up about it’s flaws!

    1. Yeah, and everyone at my school like Grown Ups 2. It doesn’t mean it’s good because a bunch of kids like it. It might be fictional, but a huge part of horror is believing it could happen to you. Since Jeff the Killer isn’t realistic it falls short in the horror department. Logic can easily destroy a horror story entire drive.

      I can be scared by Jaws because “Fuck sharks are in the ocean and I go to the Ocean a lot. I’m going to die.” Demon and ghost horror movie are popular because a large population believe them to be real(At least here in the states) Jeff the killer isn’t scary because I can think “Oh, this can never happen to me because cops don’t pull guns on kids and if someone cut off their eyelids they would be dead!” No need to fear something that would never happen.

  278. in all honesty the people who are hating on this story i would love to see you write a story like this one but i guess you couldn’t and that’s why you are hating on this

  279. hi jeff can I tell you something.WHAT THE FUCK THAT IS ONE SCARY PICTURE DUDE. oh and guest what someone toll me the you are not sexy anymore and he said that offenderman is sexy. so you better exsersise more ok

  280. The cops in this story, I tell ya!

    In the beginning:

    “Hey, I heard some noises over at my neighbor’s house, no idea what’s going on to be honest, can you check it out?”

    Cops show up in less than 30 seconds.

    Towards the end:

    “There are 4 kids fighting! 2 of them have guns, they all have knives, and OH FUCK! One kid just threw another one threw a door! HOLY FUCK! One kid killed another…and another! Now the killer is on fire! AAAHHHHH!”

    “Sir, calm the fuck down, we’ll get there when we get there.”

  281. as i sigh when i go to sleep
    i hear a sudden creek and creep.
    and the shadows on the wall, slowly start to creep and crawl,
    i swiftly sunk into my bed
    my heart hevy, filled with lead,
    and when im about to weep
    i hear a voice…….”GO TO SLEEP”…..

  282. do u all realize ur going into the future while commenting, i saw 2012 2013 and quot at the top. u guys are going in space!!

  283. Conqueror Worm

    THEN WHO WAS grammar, tense agreement, spelling, punctuation, continuity the actions of the police officers and the parents were so wrong and poorly written that I can’t even. I feel like less of a human for having read it. This is the first terrible, nigh on unreadable story I’ve read on Creepypasta. Take some remedial English Composition courses and try again. My brain hurts.

  284. as i sigh when i go to sleep,
    i hear a sudden creak and creep,
    i hear a scratching on the walls’
    nothing else i can hear at all
    as i stay stiff in bed,
    my heart slowly filling with dread,
    i hear a creaking of my door
    i have never heard that before.
    and when i hear footstepps comeing to me,
    a sudden voice shakens me.
    as i cry when i am about to bawl,
    forgetting about it all
    when i am about to weep
    i hear a voice…..”go to sleep.”

  285. Richard the infestor

    one night someone was about to fall asleep, when he heard a thump. he disregards it, until he hears something screech into his ear; “GO TO SLEEEP!”
    he punches the screeching asshole in the face, turns on the lamp, and yell;
    “The fuck you god damn moron! some people are trying to sleep here! and while were on the sleeping topic, “go to sleep” is your catch phrase or whatever? well i COULD have been asleep, until you broke in and screamed so loud a banshee would be proud! i mean, don’t you have any god damn respect?! like i said, im trying to fucking sleep! your catch phrase is pretty ironic to what you do, jerk.”
    jeff, eyes widened in suprised, scratches the back of his head backing away a little
    “wow… er.. you actually make a point… umm… sorry, heh… i will… just get going?”
    jeff quickly turned and jumped out the window, cursing at himself in realization of what a dumb shit he has been all these years. he then quit the killing thing, and now works a new job selling flowers.
    (i mean really, give a killer who wakes people up and kills them the phrase “go to sleep”? author, i know your already a stupid shit for causing one of the worst fangirl outbreaks and crappypasta outbreaks ever, but still, next time how bout you actually put effort into a pasta! this could take 30 minutes to an hour, and considering what else is on that site, thats like 5 minutes.)

  286. This is very well written. There isn’t any love bullshit, and it is a badass story. Now, to all the people who think Jeff doesn’t have a nose, you are wrong. It never states that Jeff doesn’t have a nose. Also, to all the fangirls, STOP FANGIRLING! I’m pretty sure if you saw this guy’s face in real life, you would freak out. And to all the people that make “hot” or “sexy” Jeff The Killer fanarts/manga’s, STOP THAT TOO! You’re fueling the fangirls and causing them to believe what’s not true. Jeff looks like the picture in this story, no more, no less. If you want to go and retard yourself with fucking animes and mangas (believe me, I love anime and manga, but making a CP manga/anime is unacceptable) be my guest. But know what you’re writing/drawing is not the real thing. These stories are meant to be badass, and the fact that you’re creating bullshit on the internet is embarrassing this website. If you’re like that, I suggest you find a wannabe horror story site. This is the real deal, not some shitty short story website. Now that that’s cleared, time to actually say my opinion on the story
    I didn’t have to get pissed about spelling or grammar which is good. (I’m a spelling/grammar Soviet)
    It was unrealistic at some parts, but they weren’t that big. Out of some stories I’ve read like Eyeless Jack where Mitch didn’t even know he was holding part of his kidney till he got to his car, this story had minor unrealistic events. (E.J was really unrealistic, especially on the part where his brother’s body is still in the house.)
    With that aside, this story was pretty cool. It was badass and had a good plot. It also wasn’t long-winded, which made it even better. Terrific job

  287. Richard The Infestor

    this is the logic of all the fangirls here;
    *slams head into desk a few times before falling flat on floor, unconscious from the beating*

  288. I read this story a while ago, and I swear that it used to say that Jeff was 13, and that Liu was 12… Did someone edit it…?

    … Not important.

    Anyway, I do think that there are numerous errors, and that the story could have been written a bit better. But, I think the story itself is a really fantastic idea. 9/10

  289. I hope you all now that Jeff the killer was real. This probably is not that accurate but Jeff the killer was very real. Jeff’s killer was a women who wanted to get revenge on Jeff for killing her family (I think it was a woman police officer not sure and i’m not so sure about the family thing i think she just wanted Jeff gone). What happened was she broke into Jeff’s house and shot Jeff but Jeff managed to stab her in the process wounding her badly but not killing her. That’s what happened people. So stop saying this was a fake story because its very real. Remember……Just go to sleep.

  290. Jeff the Killer I personaly love your story and I want to be like you but that’s just me same with Jeff The Killer you guys should be greatful for his story its a good story to scare your friends with on a sleepover so be greatful!And 2nd Jeff the Killer I love you I would be your bride so even if you are dead come over to Montana and see me :D Your biggest fan,Me :DDDDDDD P.S Ill be waiting for you in my sleep

    1. um,bro? im….not interested at the moment,i am on the run sooo……staying away from montana.

      P.S. GO TO SLEEP F****

  291. jeff is my friend.he likes to play soccer.he is a little bit crazy but genius

    last 5 years,jef was 7 years old and he killed his dad because he hated his dad and now :P
    he was 12.and polie was arrested him lol

    (sorry for my english) just a short story :D

  292. Wait If 50 People Were at a party why the fuck did no one do anything? They see 4 kids beating the shit out of each other and they just watch like its a movie no one comes in to break up the fight or call the cops or anything? its one thing or another. 1. Those People Are Fucking Dumbasses 2.Whenever Jeff gets that weird feeling he goes hulk mode.
    Any Why Would Jeff Murder his family?! His Parents take him to the hospital and his brother protects him then Jeff Kills his brother?! What the fuck is wrong with u people! I Mean sure his parents did nothing to break up the fight but they took u to a hospital so u wont die! god damn fucking people. I Bet Jeff regrets it And I Hope he does


  294. The story line had so much potential but the writing was so horrendous I couldn’t get into the story at all. Since it’s so popular I was expecting a much creepier story, one that was actually enjoyable to read, but it definitely didn’t live up to all the hype. Who ever wrote this should pick up a thesaurus and pay better attention in english class.

    1. The problem with iconic horror characters is they grow in popularity but they aren’t all that frightening. The fandom that follows Jeff isn’t really making him frightening either.

  295. i heard a lot about this story and about how scary it was and the like but after reading it im disappointed. its just plain bad.

  296. I think people have the right to show their opinion about the story,but not go too far and say insulting things about the story.It has its flaws,and can be made into a much better story.But nevertheless,i respect the author,and think he worked had on this.So please,no hatred.Just advice and encouragement.Also,you might want to remember that this story was not created by this particular author.No one really knows the origins of this legend.So hes getting insulted and offended for a story he did not create?My opinion on all these fights going on in the comments.Good day to you all.Hope this will prevent any more fighting and hatred :)

  297. I think people have the right to show their opinion about the story,but not go too far and say insulting things about the story.It has its flaws,and can be made into a much better story.But nevertheless,i respect the author,and think he worked had on this.So please,no hatred.Just advice and encouragement.

  298. UM Jeff im alive. You just stabed me lol i went to da hospital after that ,……wen u left i took mom and dada ‘s money so ……ha Nice to see u bro :/

  299. These comments have got to be some sort of a troll that’s went way over my head. It’s beyond dispute that this story is trash. First off, the spelling and grammar of the story are both terrible. Throughout the story the author regularly switches between tenses (past, present and future) as well, and the wording is awkward and out of place (a ‘thing’ of bleach). Now this is just the technical side of things – the premise and story itself are both terrible.

    Jeff the Killer supposedly takes place in a world that’s very much like our own, yet they have suburban preteen kids randomly trying to rob and kill people with guns and knives (where’d they get the guns?), police officers that can arrest and imprison people all at their own whims in a day’s notice with zero evidence and also show up in a second, and burn victims that have their hair change colour and body structure change as a result of fire and chemical burns.

    Also, ‘Jeff’ is a complete Mary Sue.

    This story is terrible and you’re obviously all children if you think otherwise.


    1. Well, it really shouldn’t be a surprise that there’s a lot of kids here. Obviously the author is a really young person himself, no offense. It’s not too cool from an adult to bash the story like that, but on the other hand it’s not fair either to let the author think that this is an objectively good story. It’s not, because of reasons that have already been stated. Nevertheless this story obviously has succeeded in giving some people chills, no matter how young they are. I remember when I was a kid myself and made my friends crap their pants by telling them just as silly horror stories I made up. It was an awesome feeling. So, this is not any diamond, but the author shouldn’t stop writing. Just try to learn from the criticism and practice.

    2. Although I agree the story isn’t the best you clearly are pretty desperate to bash something. My dislike for this writing has driven me to rewrite and improve, but sitting around bitching and yelling at those who do like it is more childish than the fans of this story. Obviously, you know very little about troubled kids. Hell, not even last year I met a boy who got a hold of a gun in real life and I live in a little country state known for farming and produce. They get it from their parents /obviously/. Now when you unwad your panties please move on to something you possibly enjoy rather than feel the need to bash.

  300. This is just awesome! I’ve always loved the creepypastas about killers more that ghost or creatures. But, the kid in the beggining is smarter than me, other than that this is really cool.

  301. A Zerg Infestor (wearing a Tophat)

    Because only in Dick Country, the neighbor calls the cops to a scream muffled my distance and walls and ect. but completely ignore the screams of multiple kids and adults, threats from a group, and gunfire.

    I hate living in dick country…
    how is this not in the undercooked section or one of those places on Crappypasta?

  302. I personally love horror/creepy stories, so when I kept seeing ‘Jeff the Killer’ as I was browsing for stories through Google, I knew I had to read it. My curiosity was piqued, and when I saw that it was the most viewed pasta, as well as the most discussed, that basically sealed the deal. However, I was somewhat disappointed with how the story turned out, especially with all the hype it has managed to garner.

    As most of the comments stated, how could a young boy be already knowledgeable enough to know the words ‘illuminating’ and ‘ominous’? I doubt even a child prodigy could use such words easily. And this line: “Finally, after what seemed like forever, he said it. A simple phrase, but said in a way only a mad man could speak.” I mean… what. If one were to read only these two sentences, I’m sure what would come to mind first would be an adult saying them, and not a young boy. This is only the very beginning of the story, and there’s already this kind of inconsistency. I want to enumerate the ‘errors’ that I noticed one by one. Please bear with me, as I’m sure this will be quite long.

    The name ‘Liu’, where did it come from? I thought it was a Chinese name of some sort. Maybe ‘Lou’ would have been more preferable.

    I agree that the bullies in this story were way too cliché, with the badass leader and his two sidekicks. Just Randy would have made enough of an antagonist, to be honest. And did they have to characterized in such a way that makes them almost similar to a group of no-good thugs? A kid in possession of a knife. Really? I just can’t wrap my mind around it. Also, during the party, the scenarios that were described just doesn’t add up at all. It’s like those extreme action films, when really, they were just a bunch of kids. How could they have had possibly gotten the guns? Where were all the parents? I’m sorry, but it just sounds really ridiculous. And wow, Jeff was able to “rip” the towel rack off the wall. The part where the police point their guns at Liu and send him to prison also leaves one to wonder even more about the sanity of the people in that neighborhood.

    A thing to remember: Bleach can blind a person. Even if Jeff was able to wipe it quick enough, his vision should have been seriously blurred or damaged already by then. Also, fire cannot, and will never be able to, change someone’s hair color to black. Try burning a strand of your hair. What happens? It gets singed.

    And throughout the story, I can see that he was slowly becoming more and more deranged, but what’s the main reason behind it? Because when I look back, it just seems so shallow. He even killed his “bro”, as well as his parents by gutting them. Speaking of his parents, how could a mother even think of shooting her own son? Yes, he looked pretty disturbing, but that doesn’t mean he has to be killed. Ever thought about therapy or rehab, maybe? As they say, violence solves nothing.

    Anyway, it was an average story. I mean no offense when I say that I honestly don’t understand why this story has accumulated so much popularity. The photo at the end also leaves much to be desired. It doesn’t even look the least bit scary, and resembles more a badly parodied make-up of the Joker’s face. We all have our opinions, so I hope no one would bash. I’m a college student taking up Literature, so just think of this as me giving constructive criticism. I get that it’s Creepypasta and most of the stories are fictional, but that shouldn’t be a reason for some to be posted just willy-nilly.

    I would have loved it if you had explained how Jeff became the way he did, and expanded his character more. The story wasn’t that horrible to a point that it had to be called ‘garbage’, though. It’s not crap either. That’s just plain demeaning, and one example of bashing. Writing a story is a lot of work, and I hope people would think before they lash out.

    Readers become more engaged in a scary/creepy story if it’s somewhat realistic. You know that feeling like you’re actually the character in the story? Yeah, that’s what people like. That’s what brings out the scare factor. Overall, I give this 4/10 stars.

    1. A Zerg Infestor (wearing a Tophat)

      sorry about not reading your whole comment before replying, but I just couldn’t hold back the urge to say that your probably one of the best constructive commenters here. you went through and tore out each little bad detail and explained why it was bad, along with some extra and legitimately believable points along with those extra comments within your criticism.
      you did a great job! im glad a number of people here still have intelligence!

  303. Anonymous:
    I can’t believe you made the young boy at the beginning use words like illuminating, ominous, horrendous, and the lest goes on. No kid talks like that, especially a young one.

    You had all your characters speak in ways that seemed unnatural. You either used formality (e.g., the parents calling Jeff “son”) or cliché phrases (e.g., “and that’s final”), and there were things of this nature I don’t feel like finding. It seemed forced, particularly the “son” part. It reminded me of being a little kid and playing pretend, and forcing the words to make it feel more real when it only does the exact opposite. Nobody talks like that. Or at least rarely.

    The three bullies. Wow. You went so over-the-top with their personalities. I just don’t believe all three were such awful, violent kids and that all three were up for pulling out their knives on other people so readily. And to do it twice. In front of people.

    And that’s another thing. You’re trying to convince us that none of the parents stopped the children fighting at the party? That’s retarded.

    Still more, you had these four preteens (well, one’s 13 but still) fighting in this fantastic combat that even most adults wouldn’t engage in? Lol. That’s not believable at all. It’s not believable in general, but to make them so young makes it all the more dumb and all the less plausible.

    The way he became crazy was so silly. And for him to kill his brother too, it made no sense. Psychopaths can care for a handful of people. And you made him care so much about his “bro,” only for him to kill the kid so soon.

    I thought this feeling you kept making him have was whenever he felt annoyed with someone, and that you’d expand on that as the foundation for his mentality, rather than: four kids battle Matrix style, three killed, none of the numerous adults step in, and one goes crazy. Lolwut.

    By the way, you could’ve just had his eyelids burn off. And his hair would not singe to another color; it’d burn off.

    I could go on, but you get the hint.

    Jeff being an enigma is creepier. If you were successful at executing this, it would’ve been fine though. However, you were not.

  304. A Zerg Hydralisk

    *insert the reader (yourself) standing on the edge of a volcano next to a hydralisk with a tophat (don’t judge me)*
    here we are, the beginning of the end; the original jeff the killer.
    never liked the story way too much, was an interesting concept though, until… “it” happened.
    fangirls came screaming and pouring out of this very volcano and spread in all directions, fiery paths of illiterate rage, fanfics, and so on… the gates to crappypasta, the last line of defence to creepypasta, were breached and now is filled with jeff fanfic….
    that’s where I was “born” in a sense- what I mean is I began commenting on pastas, starting in crappypasta- of course my reading of them started here. back on topic…
    horrifying “X the killer” and fanfics and such spread everywhere, females with a fettish for a bleached and burned plus ugly serial killer, making self insert “romances”…
    and it all began here… sure, in reality this is just a page, but in this comment, I control everything in this comment, so I represented it as a volcano; building up over time- the writing of this story- and its eruption- the release. magma did not spew, but swarms of fangirls and ashes made from awful literature.

    im sure the original jeff and the author here realize what they have done to us all…
    can we stop it?
    I don’t know…
    im just a Hydralisk wearing a tophat…
    you should move on to a new pasta now… no point in staring into the endless void of ohgodno that this pasta has held up… we should really go before another eruptions…

    shall we see eachother again? I don’t know. just beware;
    do not fall to the fanbase of jeff…
    or else you intelligence and everything you once were will be turned into horrifying jeff thoughts, and those thoughts will evolve into fanfics and so on…
    goodbye… for now…

  305. Alexander:
    Really?I mean REALLY?By far one of the best!?Sit down and start reading then, because this ‘creepypasta’ is the worst I’ve ever read.It belongs to the crappypasta section.I only finished it because I kept expecting it to get more and more ridiculous, and it did.Okay, I got past the thing that there are 12 year olds who carry knives and mug people on the street in broad daylight IN THE FANCY PART OF TOWN.Also, why do they look like cartoon characters?A fat and a skinny goon and the boss…That is how I imagined bad guys until the age of 5…Then the next day police came.Sure, nobody witnessed the actual fight or anything, but them running away, that’s something that ‘witnesses’ remember.Okay, no problem.Jeff admits it, then comes Liu(WHAT KIND OF A NAME IS THAT!?) holding a knife, and the policemen PULL THEIR GUN ON A 12 YEAR OLD WITH A KNIFE.He’s not threatening anyone, but two adult policemen who actually have a strict protocol restricting them when and where to even TOUCH their pistols.Two officiers aiming a gun at a kid for no reason at all could put their badge down for a lifetime.Then comes the party and the fight.Remember the first one?Randy’s wrist snapped, the other guy stabbed in the arm?They magically healed.In like a week.No need to plaster a broken hand, you can hit people with it.Okay, so these twelwe year olds decided that they’ll murder somebody who beat them up.If you think that’s how the world works, then you watched way too many action movies(instead of reading books).12 year olds beat eachother up constantly but they don’t bring guns to some party with 50 people to murder another kid in front of a crowd of people.What 12 year old would have the guts to do that anyway!?Again, we’re in the fancy part of town.And this is where we have to go back to the beginning of the story..A kid wakes up in the middle of the night, finds a monster in his bedroom, the cliché story we all know.In the middle of the night they start fighting the ‘monster’, but they are interrupted by the police who were called by a neighbour.So you’re saying that a neighbour was watching over their house all night waiting for the chance to call the police?They arrive pretty fast too, since it would have been easy for Jeff(he’s supposed to have super fighting powers fueled by some dark thing in his brain but the writer ‘forgets’ to mentoin it) to finish them off after he stabbed the kid’s dad in the shoulder.So again, when there was supposed to be no witness at all, someone called the police in the middle of the night, but NOBODY called them when they were fighting at the party?Jeff’s face was burnt and he spent time in hospital.Even though he ‘turned into an inferno’ right after he regained conciousness he could sit up and so on.Actually it takes months to heal from that.Without therapy you can’t even raise your hands and even if you could it would hurt like a bitch…And don’t even get me started on the face and the hair..Burn victims don’t have any hair left…Miraculously, his clothes were sewn back together as well, even though they are supposed to be burnt(they throw those clothes away in reality but whatever).So we arrived at the ending, he went nuts, okay.But why did he kill his family?Just because you go insane you won’t try to murder the people you love.He wasn’t a particularly evil kid or anything, nothing indicated that at least(maybe inserting stories about Jeff torturing helpless animals or some shit, jesus..).And when his mother found out about his insanity she immediately wanted to kill him.How does that make any sense?I notice that someone from my family is crazy and I shoot him/her?!What kind of a MOTHER could do that?This whole story is a ridiculous pile of steaming garbage, it’s so horrible I don’t know how can anyone write something this bad.It’s clearly a ‘Hmm, I wanna write something cool so I’ll just throw in some bloody scenes, fake psychology and shit I saw in horror movies and then I’m done before I get bored with it’.Obviously written in one sit.Horrible, just horrible.And the reason I’m so upset is that this is actually a famous creepypasta.

    Actually, there are witnesses, if you read Jane the killer you would know that she sees him fight through her window.

  306. I hate the argument that people constantly field when they protect something like this. “well, you can’t write any better” or “it’s hard to write good horror”. That’s like digging at film critic who doesn’t like a film by saying “you can’t direct/act better.” You don’t need to be a five star chef to say that a meal is awful.

    1. While you have every right to like something you can’t say there is nothing wrong with it. To truly love art you must accept it’s flaws. Bedtime has almost no chacter development, it takes the cliche of kid getting scared at night, the second part is kinda just a waste of time, how does fire kill a spirit especially when drowning failed. I love bedtime and I see it’s flaws. Jeff the killer has about 100 times more reasons TO DISLIKE IT.

  307. Listen how can I read more of this ends at go to sleep… Is that the end of it or is it more I need answer please ……quick I wanna read more

      1. Richard the infestor


  308. Doesn’t anyone else think it’s weird that the parents come out to see the fight in the yard at the party and don’t do anything about it???????!!!!! What the heck! This is so horribly written! The stinking fight goes into the house and up the stairs and still none of the parents do a thing about it! They actually just look at him after he murders Randy, and still they do nothing haha! The story started out okay but got more and more ridiculous. Wasted my time reading this one that’s for sure lol.

    1. his sidekicks pulled out guns and if any of the parents tried to break it up they would get shot so they stayed out of fear

      1. Richard the infestor

        listen, both of you, anynomous and alex, i think any GOOD parent would atleast try to break it up or call the police when they were distracted. they werent aiming at the parents and kids the entire time, moron. plus, i would think an adult could overpower some stupid little brat who has a gun, and lets not forget the fact these kids probally wouldn’t have pulled the trigger, and the fact that they would probably suck at shooting. also, what criminal insane or not is dumb enough to pull guns in front of 50+ WITNESSES, in BROAD DAYLIGHT! i mean, would you really give yourself a one way ticket to jail just to beat up a guy you just me?!
        i mean, thats like going all out “Burn Jita” except you only have 3 people with pistols, and NO PLAN AT ALL!
        (for those of you who do not know, burn jita is a yearly player made event on Eve online where thousands, and i mean THOUSANDS like over 15,000 people group up with cheap ships into massive fleets, and all at once go to Jita, the highest security and highest population trade station, and go batshit crazy killing EVERYONE and EVERYTHING to destroy the Supply and Demand system of economy that EVE online uses, then get killed themselves. this is done either for making statements against something the playerbase finds incorrect, the purpose to cause those guys flying supercruisers and other expensive ships flip the table in rage, or simply griefing. whatever the reason, whenever Burn Jita is scheduled, you better make sure you are nowhere near Jita, because when they warp in they make sure no one, and i mean NO ONE comes in or out. i participated in it once, and IT WAS AWESOME! back on topic)
        these “bullies” are just some shitty characters shoehorned into the story to give jeff a reason (?) to go”crazy”.
        either way, fangirls like yourself alex can NOT come up with a legit argument to support Jeff, and will just squeal and wet their pants in excitement on the first mention of Jeff the Killer.

        if you wish to continue this confrontation, spare Derpbutt your stupidity and E-mail me.
        [email protected]
        this email IS LEGIT, its my E-mail i use for gaming and stuff like that.

  309. Skylar:
    I absolutelyagree but I still injoyed it. This inspired me to take all the criticism from theses comments and make a better version of this story. Its going to be a lot longer but Im hoping when its finished I can upload it and it’ll be better than the original. I’m also calling it just “Jeff” and Liu’s name is being changed to Louis. Lou for short. So I’m hoping for the best and I hope you guys are to.

    1. alex_cannible_unknown_story

      Because it’s awesome now stop hating on this story I’m pretty sure the author took his time to create this story. Wouldn’t everyone love to be criticized horribly on something that probably took them forever?

      1. Richard the infestor

        thirty minutes to an hour is not long enough for a great 10 star pasta. this earns about 3-5 stars, part of that reason is the fact it spawned one of the worst fangirl and shit pasta outbreaks ever. you support these awful outbreaks, so fuck you.
        “because its awesome” is not a reason for it to be a popular pasta. its obvious your some strange middle school kid whos got a weird thing for bleached to hell, burned alive, lipless, eye lidless, and insane psychopaths whos catcphrase is pretty damn ironic.

  310. Thathorrorchick23

    While I enjoyed the concept, the writing needed some work. I get it though, sometimes you can write too much. Explain things in too much detail, or add things that really don’t need to be there. This can happen when you have a great concept in your head. Doesn’t always translate well into written word. Jeff the killer is a very interesting and creepy fella.

  311. This was probably my favorite small story ever! I loved it! It went from being a 13 year old who just moved to a nice neighborhood, to having sudden urges to hurt people, to being set on fire, all the way to becoming a psychopath!

  312. I know you probably got this questions many of times but i was wondering if i could make your story jeff the killer in a manga, even if your answer is a no could you please contact me at [email protected]

  313. I have read a lot of hate towards this story and I can understand where you are all coming from, but at the same time some of you need to realize that this has taken off for the better. I, myself, have spotted many flaws in the story, but who cares? Most good books have typos and what not, it’s the story that’s supposed to draw you in. I admire Jeff, not because I fan over him, but because of his behavior, his actions, his twisted mind. All of it is what makes this character terrifying. You’re thinking that of course, this character is just fictional, but they are painting a picture for you as if saying.. “What if..?” What if this character was real and he stood over your bed at night, watching you sleep as he thought of hundreds of ways to kill you with a simple knife? The eyes, the smile, everything is down right disturbing. Of course over the last few months, most do not find him as disturbing and that can only be blamed on the “fan girls” that want to marry, kiss, hold and touch Jeff. They have made him into an emo cupcake and that is by far not terrifying… at all. If you learn to look past the fan art and just use your imagination, which this story was made for, you’d see the real horror. A thirteen year old boy slicing open his cheeks, burning away his eyelids and asks you a simple question? “Am I beautiful?” Hell, that’s pretty fucked if you were the one who had to answer that, especially if the boy was holding a weapon. You’re all being uptight and really need to have a lamp shoved up your arse to lighten up a bit. I personally enjoyed this story as many others have, and if you don’t like it. Hey? That’s your opinion. Insulting the others who like it or the writer of this is what royally ticks me off. Until you can come up with something better that actually ‘takes off’ you have no room to really judge now do you?

  314. Huh.

    Given how often this pasta is referenced and ripped off (or so I am told), I was expecting something far better. However, it is hard to argue with that many strongly positive ratings, and the associated feedback. I guess it’s a little like Twilight in that regard (in that “doesn’t really matter what I think, the author’s laughing all the way to the bank” sort of way, not in the “Jeff is sparkly” sort of way).

  315. ayo! to the person who said a 13 yr old doesnt call their mom “mommy” I am a 23 yr old who
    STILL calls my mother mommy!

  316. I Say Almost Better Than The Ones I Killed Seeing The souls leave Their Eyes While I Shove My Cold Hand Down Their esophagus And Rip Out Their Stomach

    1. A Zerg Infestor (wearing a Tophat)

      please read whats contained in that link before reading this comment further.

      this is the result of people like you.
      please tell me how a crispy-faced (burned and stuff, y’know?) bleached eyelid-less lip-less maniac could be in ANY way in romantic interest to ANYONE?!
      good lord, whats been put in the water these days?

  317. jeff i need a friend. you seem suitable. please be my friend we will kill and be happy together. this is not a threat just fantasy

  318. GREAT pasta <3 it but… A couple fails first the kid in the beginning uses more big words than I do and it's a little long i usually don't read long pastas but my cousin told me it's AWSOME it was not as good as I thought it would be but it's still one of the best pastas I've ever read

  319. i love this pasta its amazing, i plan on writing one, but not yet. ive been looking up other good pastas to have ideas and this is just perfect! EVERYONE LOVES YOU JEFFEY

  320. tbh most points alexander makes are pretty good, like the fact they are 12 and 13 (?!) makes it a bit silly, I think this would be better if it was in a less *fancy* neighborhood and if the kids were like 17 or 18..
    But yeah this is a really good creepypasta and it is famous for a reason, I think it actually makes you feel bad for Jeff, which isn’t what I expected. tbh I would be on Jeff’s side and be a psycho with him.. It has faults but then so does everything..

  321. This is my favourite Creepypasta. It may need some improvements, yeah, but the plot seems well thought-out and I loved it! Writing a story takes a lot of work so I think this is awesome. ^_^

  322. This is a good creepy story, but does need to make a liitle more sense in the fact he just plain out goes crazy. I think more than a fight would have to break you like the joker. I mean smile cut into face laughes all th time. It still is a good story though. Dont send one of those wright your own thing because i am and it involves jeff the killer vs my own creepy pasta so just next time have it make more sense than them fighing all crazy in impossible ways, but i doo like jeff the killer.

    1. A Zerg Infestor (wearing a Tophat)

      you make a pastaVSpasta you will see only the “AAAAND IN THIS CORNER!” section of crappypasta.

  323. Gosh guys just because the story has a few spell check errors doesn’t mean that it is a bad story and with the hair thing yes your hair can get burned black but it would break off or begin to curl not stay strait, kids are this violent especially if they have issues and I call my mom mommy moma ma mother mama ect and so do like all of my friend I loved the story and was so n to it that I didn’t notice the pic until I waz done reading and I had to cover the screen because I was about to pee my self
    It was a good imaginative story and I have read way worse creepypastas that got less hate and more love comments I I’ve this story a 8/10 so there :p

    1. Yeah, those aren’t just a few “spell check errors.” The dialogue tags alone are enough to give an editor a heart attack. But, to be fair, this story clearly strikes a cord with a lot of people, so it seems to be able to rise above its unrefined origin.

  324. Dudes it’s fiction FICTION fake chill out. And have you all been to newalbany Indiana or Louisville Kentucky. Kids ther be like okay I’m 11 time to get a nine. And maby the kids are in a gang I mean they recruit at what 12-13 I mean for real chill I know of 13 yearolds that sell drugs and a 15 year old who could knock anyone I know out with one hand tied behind his back. Fire can actually cause verry random injury’s it’s verry unpredictable. And where I live a 16 yearolds would pull a gun on you for 25 cents and if somebody had a loded gun pointed at your face with several young children present wouldent you comply? Yea you would. Either that or let your 6 yearold son watch his dads brain blown all over a wall. I mean do you know how hard it is to remove a gun from somebody’s hand let alone from 20 feet. I mean for real think before you hate

    1. A Zerg Infestor (wearing a Tophat)

      Whats funny is that your the only one here who is “verry” incapable of doing real research and disarming.

      I’ve known how to disarm a gunman since I was 8-9 (unsure, I’m older now of course. I’m not some kid anymore)
      as much as I would hate to force a 6 year old watch his dad get his brains blown out, I wouldn’t want to be seen surrendering to a guy with a little “loded” handgun. I would take that fucker out (disarm/knock unconscious, not kill)
      why the hell would someone pull a gun for 25 cents?! that never happens these days! if someone is mugged, its for a bigger amount- I mean if I was to rob someone I would shoot for the hundreds! or at least 50$ and up.

      by the way, who is Injury’s? does being on fire make this Injury person poof in from thin air?
      also, the injuries from fire aren’t random. they are extremely predictable. sure, the secondary damage might be random, but still predictable. we know FOR SURE that fire does not change hair color. it singes it.
      please do your research/gain intelligence before commenting again.

  325. So im not saying that this is the worst creepy pasta ive ever read. in fact, i just read one about a kid whos dad left, was found in a nearby lake without eyes and fingers, and then found the eyes and fingers in a crows nest outside his window. SURE, if that was real life, completely creepy, scary beyond all belief just to see human body parts in a nest outside your window, but not creepy pasta worthy. Anyways, back to my point, there was a lot that you could have done with this already. Consider it your rough draft that you posted too early. But a helpful tip for all writers and not just you, write your story, read it and if it doesnt seem believable to you, its not going to be believable to your audience. So, read it, edit and revise it, read it again, if any changes need to be made, edit and revise again, and usually after the third time of edit and revising your story, it should be acceptable for all to read and enjoy. This story had a bunch of creativity in it but it just needs to be focused better. Since this is the first time ive read this, i can safely say i understood everything that happened in the story, i understood what you were trying to conceive with Jeff and his descent into madness. But just an opinion, maybe when he saw what his face looked like at the hospital is when he finally snapped. But even then, the human psyche needs a lot of things either simultaneously to happen or collectively clumped to break the psyche. Taking this to a dark place now, someone who is suicidal doesnt just commit suicide when one bad thing happens. if they did, the pop rate in america alone would deplete greatly. it takes several things to bring that person down to a feeling of self worthlessness to finally want and try to commit suicide. remember that when it comes to Jeffs madness. **Long story short, great try, swing and a miss, read it again, revise it, and repeat that a couple of times, and just try to make it BELIEVABLE. **

  326. That is not how it happened at all! First of all, the way you describe my face is not accurate! You described it in a negative tone, when really my face is the best! I can smile forever! Isn’t that GREAT! See you tonight!

  327. alex_cannible_untold_story

    i hate all the negative comments on this story. i freakin love it and since i knew about it before i was fangirling in the epic parts. everyone who hates this story can shove their complaints up thair a**es.

    1. Richard The Infestor

      *jabs a neural parasite into your head*


      *removes parasite and drops you on the floor*
      God damnit it hurt my head so much to do that…

  328. I can’t believe this is such a notorious pasta. I wouldn’t be so offended by the indigestion this gives me if it weren’t so damned famous. It’s a pitifully farcical attempt at “creepy” and I sincerely hope that whomever submitted this did so under the impression that they WEREN’T accidentally submitting the first draft of something with months of revisions necessary before it was ready for consumption.

    I’d give in to my primeval desire to rant and rave about how angry I am, in fact, that it is such a frequently-viewed pasta. But I won’t; in a sense, it deserves the recognition. William Hung, a singer featured in the first season of American Idol, got famous because he was just such a horrifyingly bad singer. It takes a special kind of “disgustingly awful” to become well-known in that manner. This pasta, in my admittedly subjective eyes, has acquired that species of fame in a relative manner.

    I’ll deign myself to toss this literary abortion 1 star, maybe 2, out of 10. That’s just because you took the time to type so many words. I don’t want to declare it a zero-star submission because, frankly, I don’t want to offend the sensibilities of anyone who has even a mote of sincere appreciation for whatever this is.

    By the way- I’m not the only one thinking this. Take a gander through the hundreds of other comments existent regarding the galling mediocrity of this piece and open your eyes to the fact that there are pastas out there that deserve the fame and attention that this tripe managed to nab.

  329. “You wanna know where I got these scars?”

    Wait, no, I’m thinking of the other psychopathic murderer who carved a smile into his face. Crazy how often that happens these days, isn’t it?

    1. alex_cannible_untold_story

      yay! finally a good comment on this story!! i hate everyone complaining about this. it’s my most favorite creepypasta!!

  330. It’s kinda funny how at the start he beats Randy and his gang up for the wallet but run away and don’t even take it!! XD so retarded

  331. This story is so shit! I’ve actually found this whole
    website crap it’s called creepypasta, I’ve not been scared once

  332. To everyone saying that this story is fiction so stuff can happen: That may be true, but this story isn’t written about ghosts or monsters, it’s written about stupid serial killer who burns his eyes off. This isn’t supernatural fiction, this is somewhat realistic fiction. P.S Sessuer, make this story better, please.

  333. There is only one problem with this amazing story. It says Randy confessed on attacking Jeff, but Jeff had already killed Randy. So did Randy confess before he was killed?

  334. Every one who has be posting stories about jeff where he is drinking because of griff jeff doesn’t feel griff he is a remorseless killer it just not logical that he cares at all that his family is dead so give up the hole softer side of hem in the area if you wanted a soft side of jeff look to bewhar of thoughts who may harm you. The writer did it very nicely and I need them to finish up the story with a 4.0 fast.

  335. Alexander:
    Really?I mean REALLY?By far one of the best!?Sit down and start reading then, because this ‘creepypasta’ is the worst I’ve ever read.It belongs to the crappypasta section.I only finished it because I kept expecting it to get more and more ridiculous, and it did.Okay, I got past the thing that there are 12 year olds who carry knives and mug people on the street in broad daylight IN THE FANCY PART OF TOWN.Also, why do they look like cartoon characters?A fat and a skinny goon and the boss…That is how I imagined bad guys until the age of 5…Then the next day police came.Sure, nobody witnessed the actual fight or anything, but them running away, that’s something that ‘witnesses’ remember.Okay, no problem.Jeff admits it, then comes Liu(WHAT KIND OF A NAME IS THAT!?) holding a knife, and the policemen PULL THEIR GUN ON A 12 YEAR OLD WITH A KNIFE.He’s not threatening anyone, but two adult policemen who actually have a strict protocol restricting them when and where to even TOUCH their pistols.Two officiers aiming a gun at a kid for no reason at all could put their badge down for a lifetime.Then comes the party and the fight.Remember the first one?Randy’s wrist snapped, the other guy stabbed in the arm?They magically healed.In like a week.No need to plaster a broken hand, you can hit people with it.Okay, so these twelwe year olds decided that they’ll murder somebody who beat them up.If you think that’s how the world works, then you watched way too many action movies(instead of reading books).12 year olds beat eachother up constantly but they don’t bring guns to some party with 50 people to murder another kid in front of a crowd of people.What 12 year old would have the guts to do that anyway!?Again, we’re in the fancy part of town.And this is where we have to go back to the beginning of the story..A kid wakes up in the middle of the night, finds a monster in his bedroom, the cliché story we all know.In the middle of the night they start fighting the ‘monster’, but they are interrupted by the police who were called by a neighbour.So you’re saying that a neighbour was watching over their house all night waiting for the chance to call the police?They arrive pretty fast too, since it would have been easy for Jeff(he’s supposed to have super fighting powers fueled by some dark thing in his brain but the writer ‘forgets’ to mentoin it) to finish them off after he stabbed the kid’s dad in the shoulder.So again, when there was supposed to be no witness at all, someone called the police in the middle of the night, but NOBODY called them when they were fighting at the party?Jeff’s face was burnt and he spent time in hospital.Even though he ‘turned into an inferno’ right after he regained conciousness he could sit up and so on.Actually it takes months to heal from that.Without therapy you can’t even raise your hands and even if you could it would hurt like a bitch…And don’t even get me started on the face and the hair..Burn victims don’t have any hair left…Miraculously, his clothes were sewn back together as well, even though they are supposed to be burnt(they throw those clothes away in reality but whatever).So we arrived at the ending, he went nuts, okay.But why did he kill his family?Just because you go insane you won’t try to murder the people you love.He wasn’t a particularly evil kid or anything, nothing indicated that at least(maybe inserting stories about Jeff torturing helpless animals or some shit, jesus..).And when his mother found out about his insanity she immediately wanted to kill him.How does that make any sense?I notice that someone from my family is crazy and I shoot him/her?!What kind of a MOTHER could do that?This whole story is a ridiculous pile of steaming garbage, it’s so horrible I don’t know how can anyone write something this bad.It’s clearly a ‘Hmm, I wanna write something cool so I’ll just throw in some bloody scenes, fake psychology and shit I saw in horror movies and then I’m done before I get bored with it’.Obviously written in one sit.Horrible, just horrible.And the reason I’m so upset is that this is actually a famous creepypasta.

    Alright. I understand that it was unrealistic, but this goes a bit over the top. Now you’re just plain hating. If you don’t like it, you can either GTFO, or actually give some fucking helpful advice. The only thing one achieves by whining about how stupid and unrealistic something is would be looking completely immature. Also, I cannot even begin to comprehend how many mistakes you made in that post, and it amuses me that you really do think that you’re smarter and greater than everyone else. We get it, alright? Now please, shut up and go do something with your life.

  336. Rachel (Maximum Ride) Tapp

    Hey could anyone upload a video for everybody to watch cause the story doesn’t cut it. I can’t wait till the movie comes out.

  337. This was really good. but a couple things….. his hair didn’t singe it would burn off. I thought he didn’t kill lui

  338. Eyeless Jack:
    How come people think these story’s are fake? We’re real, so watch out, You might want armor for your Kidney, cuz i’m coming for you. Jeff, want to hang out Saturday night? I have a HUGE gift for you. Come and get it Saturday….

    Hahaha I would love to but I like having 2 kidneys and no stab wounds or cuts and bruises

  339. Alexander:
    Really?I mean REALLY?By far one of the best!?Sit down and start reading then, because this ‘creepypasta’ is the worst I’ve ever read.It belongs to the crappypasta section.I only finished it because I kept expecting it to get more and more ridiculous, and it did.Okay, I got past the thing that there are 12 year olds who carry knives and mug people on the street in broad daylight IN THE FANCY PART OF TOWN.Also, why do they look like cartoon characters?A fat and a skinny goon and the boss…That is how I imagined bad guys until the age of 5…Then the next day police came.Sure, nobody witnessed the actual fight or anything, but them running away, that’s something that ‘witnesses’ remember.Okay, no problem.Jeff admits it, then comes Liu(WHAT KIND OF A NAME IS THAT!?) holding a knife, and the policemen PULL THEIR GUN ON A 12 YEAR OLD WITH A KNIFE.He’s not threatening anyone, but two adult policemen who actually have a strict protocol restricting them when and where to even TOUCH their pistols.Two officiers aiming a gun at a kid for no reason at all could put their badge down for a lifetime.Then comes the party and the fight.Remember the first one?Randy’s wrist snapped, the other guy stabbed in the arm?They magically healed.In like a week.No need to plaster a broken hand, you can hit people with it.Okay, so these twelwe year olds decided that they’ll murder somebody who beat them up.If you think that’s how the world works, then you watched way too many action movies(instead of reading books).12 year olds beat eachother up constantly but they don’t bring guns to some party with 50 people to murder another kid in front of a crowd of people.What 12 year old would have the guts to do that anyway!?Again, we’re in the fancy part of town.And this is where we have to go back to the beginning of the story..A kid wakes up in the middle of the night, finds a monster in his bedroom, the cliché story we all know.In the middle of the night they start fighting the ‘monster’, but they are interrupted by the police who were called by a neighbour.So you’re saying that a neighbour was watching over their house all night waiting for the chance to call the police?They arrive pretty fast too, since it would have been easy for Jeff(he’s supposed to have super fighting powers fueled by some dark thing in his brain but the writer ‘forgets’ to mentoin it) to finish them off after he stabbed the kid’s dad in the shoulder.So again, when there was supposed to be no witness at all, someone called the police in the middle of the night, but NOBODY called them when they were fighting at the party?Jeff’s face was burnt and he spent time in hospital.Even though he ‘turned into an inferno’ right after he regained conciousness he could sit up and so on.Actually it takes months to heal from that.Without therapy you can’t even raise your hands and even if you could it would hurt like a bitch…And don’t even get me started on the face and the hair..Burn victims don’t have any hair left…Miraculously, his clothes were sewn back together as well, even though they are supposed to be burnt(they throw those clothes away in reality but whatever).So we arrived at the ending, he went nuts, okay.But why did he kill his family?Just because you go insane you won’t try to murder the people you love.He wasn’t a particularly evil kid or anything, nothing indicated that at least(maybe inserting stories about Jeff torturing helpless animals or some shit, jesus..).And when his mother found out about his insanity she immediately wanted to kill him.How does that make any sense?I notice that someone from my family is crazy and I shoot him/her?!What kind of a MOTHER could do that?This whole story is a ridiculous pile of steaming garbage, it’s so horrible I don’t know how can anyone write something this bad.It’s clearly a ‘Hmm, I wanna write something cool so I’ll just throw in some bloody scenes, fake psychology and shit I saw in horror movies and then I’m done before I get bored with it’.Obviously written in one sit.Horrible, just horrible.And the reason I’m so upset is that this is actually a famous creepypasta.

    Look if you didn’t like the story than keep your DAMN opinion to yourself.You may have the right to post that shit you call a comment but that doesn’t mean you have too.He is the best cp to ever and your fucking stupid to write some shit like this knowing your gonna get hate.Most of Jeff’s fans are dedicated and I’m sure if they were killers they would all come after your ass.If you can’t respect someone’s story than why do you have a fucking account?To make fun of others’ stories?People like you make me sick in the stomach.I can’t stand it that you TRIED to pull some shit like that.Now that everyone is open to see this ‘comment’ of yours,good luck with the hate your stupid ass is gonna or already getting.

  340. Anonymous:
    I can’t believe you made the young boy at the beginning use words like illuminating, ominous, horrendous, and the lest goes on. No kid talks like that, especially a young one.

    You had all your characters speak in ways that seemed unnatural. You either used formality (e.g., the parents calling Jeff “son”) or cliché phrases (e.g., “and that’s final”), and there were things of this nature I don’t feel like finding. It seemed forced, particularly the “son” part. It reminded me of being a little kid and playing pretend, and forcing the words to make it feel more real when it only does the exact opposite. Nobody talks like that. Or at least rarely.

    The three bullies. Wow. You went so over-the-top with their personalities. I just don’t believe all three were such awful, violent kids and that all three were up for pulling out their knives on other people so readily. And to do it twice. In front of people.

    And that’s another thing. You’re trying to convince us that none of the parents stopped the children fighting at the party? That’s retarded.

    Still more, you had these four preteens (well, one’s 13 but still) fighting in this fantastic combat that even most adults wouldn’t engage in? Lol. That’s not believable at all. It’s not believable in general, but to make them so young makes it all the more dumb and all the less plausible.

    The way he became crazy was so silly. And for him to kill his brother too, it made no sense. Psychopaths can care for a handful of people. And you made him care so much about his “bro,” only for him to kill the kid so soon.

    I thought this feeling you kept making him have was whenever he felt annoyed with someone, and that you’d expand on that as the foundation for his mentality, rather than: four kids battle Matrix style, three killed, none of the numerous adults step in, and one goes crazy. Lolwut.

    By the way, you could’ve just had his eyelids burn off. And his hair would not singe to another color; it’d burn off.

    I could go on, but you get the hint.

    Jeff being an enigma is creepier. If you were successful at executing this, it would’ve been fine though. However, you were not.

  341. Wow…I didn’t even read the story. All I needed was to read the comments and see how many fucking assholes there are in the world. Don’t take this shit to seriously, god damn.

  342. Im gonna have to give pointers to this character,Jeff.

    One: like how he did that makeup.totally books realistic.
    Two: I liked how he made it look like he killed his own family,good acting by the way.
    Three: don’t wanna be nice (cause Im a cold hearted person) but how he looks is Ninja!
    I mean, really.I wish I had that look.that way I can stitch myself.
    (Hey,don’t fuckin judge me! I’m a cold hearted bitch.)
    So what I’m say in is he’s a awesome ass person.
    GO TO SLEEP!!!

  343. I remember this! It helped me see the world in a different light. XD I like some of the morales of the story and the circumstances that are connected. Thank Jeff, your a boss. :) I can see the world in dark and light.

  344. Ok for anyone who has seen the show “Killer Kids” this story could actually be true. Jeff was a normal kid that merged into an insane person that snapped and went on a killing spree and if the 12 year olds had weapons i dought the parents and other kids would try to stop it afraid of sumthing worse happening. But honestly i enjoy the story and if any negative comments you have then why commentat all.

  345. Alright, after reading and rereading this story I can give a critical thought relating to this story.
    Honestly I do like the direction you attempted to take with this story. You attempted to play on the insanity aspect of Jeff’s personality. Showing that he was always this way since he was a child and this did not begin when he was in his teens. Although, it does contradict other’s stories, ones that came before yours mostly, that push this story away. I do agree that Jeff has most likely been this way his entire life, but his age does not match up with his circumstances. This story should have played more on his age and his actions leading up to his teen years before he killed off his family and ran away. Also, let us be honest, a small boy holding a knife is not very threatening. A grown adult can easily overpower him with little effort.
    It is a good story, but it sadly lacks very key aspects and details that would have pushed it ahead of the others.
    I would give this story a 6-7/10.

  346. Geeky FanGirl of Everything

    The story sucks. I know that but yall have to agree that Jeff the Killer is a mused.He gave ideas to artest , arthers (dont care if i spelled this all wrong) and so many other people. So the main story sucks but he did so much in the world of art even if he wasnt real.

  347. I’ve loved Jeff the Killer for a while now, because my friend told me about the story, really well. I’ve just never gotten to the point of reading in until now! ^-^ This was really awesome, and truly creepy. I very much enjoyed reading it! <3

    The only problems were the name formalities and fighting style for kids. I can totally see the rest actually happening!

  348. How come people think these story’s are fake? We’re real, so watch out, You might want armor for your Kidney, cuz i’m coming for you. Jeff, want to hang out Saturday night? I have a HUGE gift for you. Come and get it Saturday….

  349. HelpMeKillThem428

    I really liked the story…But…I feel sad for him…His story is like art. Disturbs the comfortable and comforts the disturbed. Reading this story makes me think about my hallucinations. Just looking at the picture makes me think about the one I call Mr.Smiles. He likes to play with knives. :)

    1. This story isn’t disturbing or comforting, and it can hardly be called art. It’s just a very nonthreatening and pandering piece for those who want revenge fantasies. Is it good? Not really but it’s not supposed to be.

  350. Kieran the Killer

    I have to say this is one of my favourite pastas I have read and I cant wait to see what you write next bye!

  351. I love this story it’s so awesome, I think Jeff The Killer is real tbh, even though this is creepypasta, and creepypastas are just made up stories to scare viewrs :/

  352. Lol, when I read this story, I’m baffled by how people can think it’s good. Does it have potential? Maybe. Maybe if it had been written by a more competent writer who had some common sense it could be good, but then it would be a completely different story. I hate JtK and all the JtK superfans. 3/10 at best, at least the author put some effort into the story.

      1. its morons like you who are too blind to see that the purpose of this site’s comments are to comment on the pasta.

  353. I’m sorry a “thing” of bleach? Whoever wrote this completely shat all over good story writing. Sure the plot has potential but the execution and the details involved are in no way convincing and make the story completely unbelievable. It’s like comparing macaroni art to the Mona Lisa. Just another confirmation that our species is becoming more and more retarded.

    1. Kind of true, I did notice the “thing of Bleach” part, but nevertheless, it’s a good story to read if you want to get the shat scared outta you. XD

  354. I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH! It shows a lot of meaning even though he kills people in it. I am all in it for Jeff he is my BF. Find me on omegle and type in Jeff the killer and you might see me…… NOw GO to sleep…..

  355. I Like this story. And I also like Jeff. Sometimes dream that he’s in my room waiting to kill me, I ignore the fact that I’m being watched and just stay there in bed. Might seem crazy but that’s ok, Think and be creative ppl.

    1. “Is this legit”
      No! Any one with half a brain could tell that. SO I’m gonna assume you also don’t like Pina Coladas or getting caught in the rain. That you are in to yoga and don’t like making love at midnight.
      ‘I’m terrified”
      I agree with this guy cool guys don’t use periods and are into health food.

    1. I have been born again. For awhile I was avoiding both crappy and They were making a person I didn’t want to be. A snob, an asshole, and a critic of everything. So I stopped coming here until I realized that’s who I’m! I’m an ass! I’m a snob! And most importantly I’m a critic!!!! SO how will I mark my grand return by break down all these stupid comments sentence by sentence!!!!

      Let’s start with this one!
      “This is one of the best of the best pastas in history.”
      Ha! Silly kid you’ve never read Phyosicois, Bedtime, The art of Jacob Emory, The land of White and Black, or any other pasta on this site!
      Full Stop with five periods. Bold grammar move.

  356. MYSTERY:
    I agree I liked the story a lot but a thirteen year old boy doesn’t call their mom “mommy”

    I’m sixteen and I still call my mom “mommy”, your point is invalid
    As for the creepypasta haters commenting, if you think you can write a better Jeff the Killer CreepyPasta, be my guest and try. I know how hard it is to write a normal story, creepypastas are even harder without people telling you only what you have done wrong, I actually really liked this pasta. Yeah some parts are a little hard to believe, but so what? All stories have elements to them that are hard to believe why should creepypastas be any different?

    1. Okay, since you have challenged me to write a better Jeff the Killer story, I must take your challenge!Challenge accepted!

      Once upon a time in a world where cops were dumb you could get stabbed and it would be healed the next day, there lived a young girl named Sparkles! Since she was sooooooooooo special. Instead of worshiping over that boy band crap she obsessed over creepypasta.

      This would be fine if she didn’t only read ones with Jeff and slenderman getting married! She annoyed admins all the time with her stories that were borderline porn. But, one night was different. She was doing her normal thing at 1:00 in the morning. She was typing a new fan-fic called rake-twilight. When a bang came from her window.

      A man climbed through her window. A man more close to the age of 13. He was in a white hoodie covered in blood. He was also in black dress pants! It was obuisy this man had no fashion sense. Sparkles let a scream! Her mind raced, “Could it be my love!”

      She then saw his face! “Yes!” she gasped! It was indeed her true love! His face like white leather,… Wait that doesn’t make any sense why would his face be like leather and white leather at that? What the fuck! Okay, okay, contiuneing the story.

      His black hair. She jumped out of her bed. Ran over and hugged her lover. Jeff’s face looked startled. As she grabbed and picked him. Jeff was thirteen! She’s like 17! She a foot fucking taller than him. Pedo bear might just join the story?!

      Jeff struggled out of her hold. He lifted his knife then she exclaimed “But, Jeff I want to be your lover!”
      “Well make the most adorable babies.”
      Now, Jeff was surprised! He was use to screams of terry but, was she offering her self to live. Now, Jeff was thirteen! So he was about to jump at the offer.

      Until a noise at the door. The door swung open. It was Sparkles bitch mother. Sparkles mom gasped at the sight. She raised her gun that she has that as the rest of the world have guns sitting at every hallway.

      Sparkles exclaimed “No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
      But, atlast it was to late. Jeff’s gray matter explode against a chair. In that chair, maybe ironically, maybe not since I was not at that lit class a Jeff body-pillow sat. Sparkles broke in to tears. Her bitch mother exclaimed
      “You’ll get over it!”
      The mother slammed the door behind her. Sparkles latter went on to work McDonald for the rest of her days. And that concludes the great story of Jeff the killer.

      May the record show that this story is unforantly not cannon and also is not part of “The Time Traveling Dad” story line either.

  357. Anonymous:
    On a note, one of the most famous books in America literature, To kill a mockingbird, portrays an even younger child (scout being just 5) as using words quite like, if not even more advanced than those of the young narrator of this story.

    Have you ever read to kill a mockingbird??
    Scout is not using high level diction at all
    Granted the last time I read that book was my freshman year
    I know that she is using the dialect of her area as well
    That means shitty grammar and lots of contractions

    On a side note
    It’s not the fact that the child is using big words, it’s the fact that they were obviously shoehorned it to make the story seem like it’s not “basic and bland” but it just feels so unnatural.

  358. Garbage. Just garbage.
    A 12 year old in an Aeropostale shirt has preteen freinds that show up to birthday parties with guns? And parents just sit back and watch?
    Also, what country is this in? The United States? I’m not sure the person who wrote this has a firm grasp on the justice system in the US. Cops are not the judges and jury, they also won’t pull guns on you for having a knife.
    Actually, I’m thinking the person who wrote this is twelve, and anyone defending it because it’s “creepy” must be also. I get it, the pint was to create a freaky serial killer story with his origins. Has the potential to be cool, although it is a recycled story arc, but this version of it caters to the lowest common denominator.

    “A thing of bleach”

  359. Hollow Eye Sockets

    I can’t tell you how many times I have read this story, and everytime I fall in love with it even more.The plot is great, it has no flaws in my eyes.The fighting scenes could’ve been alittle more…action-y.They didn’t feel action-y enough.

    But the way you described his face was amazing! I can picture the way it looked like and felt like.But the main part of the story I liked the most was the newspaper article.I loved it! In all, I give this wonderful story 10 blood stains out of 10.

  360. The nightmare you can't escape

    Put yourself in Jeff’s place what would you do would you kill or be killed? I would kill I would risk my sanity and kill that doesn’t mean I’m afraid of death I think death would be peaceful but it means I won’t go out without a fight. Therefore I believe this story gets you to think about what you would do if you were Jeff and I don’t care if people think this story needs a “reality check” BECAUSE IT IS A FRIKING HORROR STORY! If you don’t appreciate horror stories don’t even go on this website anymore like seriously!!! .-.

    1. Horror stories need reality for them to be scary. Why would I be scared by something that would or could never exist? And don’t pull the “Well Cthulhu is unrealistic” or some bullshit like that! The Call of Cthulhu had good writing and it made since. People acted like people and not like robots!

      And why are you trying to say that if anybody thinks this needs a reality check can’t appercite horror? That makes no sense! I love horror but, a big part of loving a genre is pointing out when it fails. Many fans of Jeff the Killer say “I luv every creepypasta in da world.”

      And they never dislike stories. Hell even Slender Twilight: A naughty version they love even though it insults them. Because they automatically love it because it has the word creepypasta in it.

      If they read a horror great like Misery or Call of Cthulhu they would say it sucked! I don’t get your train of thought!!

  361. Hey, @Alexander :P I have a freaking cousin named Liu, and my dad calls my brothers ‘son’ all the time! And I call my mom ‘mommy’ all the time, and I agree, it’s rough around the edges, but I love the story!

    Sweet Dreams,

  362. Fuck these guys…it was great

    This is truly one of the most awfully written pastas I have read.

    The story does have potential, but the execution is awful! Why does the tense keep changing mid-paragraph?!

    I don’t know…

  363. you know what the person that wrote on my coment don’t hate because its true and I really talk to him . plz don’t hate or die

  364. jeeffry the killer is my hero i model myself around him
    shhh just go to sleeep hahahahaahaahhahahhahahahahahahhaahahah

  365. I love Jeff the killer. I wrote a story about him, slenderman, eyeless jack, etc. i soon will be uploading it. By by love you Jeff. BTW THAT WAS A FAKE PHOTO OF JEFF. A REAL PHOTO WOULD BE BETTER LOOKING THAN THAT.

  366. CreepypastaGod2000

    You know what? You guys are Cold. The Writer of this Creepypasta tried Their best to make a Creepypasta for YOUR entertainment. I happened to really enjoy this Creepypasta, and all You can do is Find every little Flaw about it. And Plus, There is some Really F$%ked up Kids out there. What if the Bullies had Abusive Parents? Also, Jeff kinda Reminds me of Myself. I have Been bullied Before and I also think the world for my Sister, Like Jeff thinks the World for his Brother. And also to Quote, I am 13 years old and I still call my Parents Mommy and Daddy Occasionally. And really any Reasonable Person will go Insane if They been Beaten up, Set on Fire, And Their Beloved Brother been sent to Juvy. So Stop Being Immature and Pointing out every Flaw.

  367. oh my god! that was NOT REAL AND NOT SCARY AT ALL. i think eyeless jack is real. no other creepy pasta i think is scary or real. i kinda think that jeffm the killer is real. KINDA THINK he is real.


  368. For everyone who is complaining about the story, that’s what it is. A STORY. Oh, and welcome to the 21st century. Kids have many ways of getting knifes and guns and they do bully kids like this sometimes. As for Lui covering for Jeff, he took a knife and cut himself so his brother would be safe. It’s called LOVE. And for his mother screaming when his face was revealed, it is pretty creepy but she got passed it, until she found out how psychotic he really was. And I’m pretty sure that when you finally go psychotic and killer like that, all you think is blood being shed. You don’t care who’s, just that your killing, because you receive pleasure from it. Have. You never watched Dexter?

  369. Reader:
    Well, it had the makings of a good story and I personally thought the ending was great (especially with the picture) it was a tad unrealistic in the fights and policemans reactions. But it was a story with potential.

  370. Hey if Jeff was real anyway I would love to see him every night I will talk to him In my mind tell him he is beautiful he is like an angel who fell from the sky I really want to see you Jeff. Can you save me from the monsters.

    1. …. I don’t know if you’re joking about wanting to meet a serial killer who would kill you if he set his eyes upon you, but if you’re not joking, then…. that’s really disturbing in my opinion. XD

  371. Ignore all the rude comments, this creepypasta is wonderful. If people don’t like it, they should keep that to themselves or rate it how they would like to. They shouldn’t criticize your writing through mean and nasty comments. You are a wonderful writer!

  372. I don’t get it jeff and his family move to a new house but jeff gets the feeling to only kill but the feeling isn’t strong until he goes insane at a little kid’s birthday party where he burns but doesn’t die and he never goes tu jdc. but he kills his whole family i would say this story is stupid and pointless.

  373. You guys are pathetic, this story is amazing. It has action, suspence, a decent plot, and tons of gory details. Plus, everyone loves jeffy.Hes one of the best creepypasta characters, and is loved worldwide.So just shut your pieholes, AND GO TO SLEEEP:P

  374. That’s harsh this was amazing
    Stop complaining and make.more of’s amazing and great picture

    Really?I mean REALLY?By far one of the best!?Sit down and start reading then, because this ‘creepypasta’ is the worst I’ve ever read.It belongs to the crappypasta section.I only finished it because I kept expecting it to get more and more ridiculous, and it did.Okay, I got past the thing that there are 12 year olds who carry knives and mug people on the street in broad daylight IN THE FANCY PART OF TOWN.Also, why do they look like cartoon characters?A fat and a skinny goon and the boss…That is how I imagined bad guys until the age of 5…Then the next day police came.Sure, nobody witnessed the actual fight or anything, but them running away, that’s something that ‘witnesses’ remember.Okay, no problem.Jeff admits it, then comes Liu(WHAT KIND OF A NAME IS THAT!?) holding a knife, and the policemen PULL THEIR GUN ON A 12 YEAR OLD WITH A KNIFE.He’s not threatening anyone, but two adult policemen who actually have a strict protocol restricting them when and where to even TOUCH their pistols.Two officiers aiming a gun at a kid for no reason at all could put their badge down for a lifetime.Then comes the party and the fight.Remember the first one?Randy’s wrist snapped, the other guy stabbed in the arm?They magically healed.In like a week.No need to plaster a broken hand, you can hit people with it.Okay, so these twelwe year olds decided that they’ll murder somebody who beat them up.If you think that’s how the world works, then you watched way too many action movies(instead of reading books).12 year olds beat eachother up constantly but they don’t bring guns to some party with 50 people to murder another kid in front of a crowd of people.What 12 year old would have the guts to do that anyway!?Again, we’re in the fancy part of town.And this is where we have to go back to the beginning of the story..A kid wakes up in the middle of the night, finds a monster in his bedroom, the cliché story we all know.In the middle of the night they start fighting the ‘monster’, but they are interrupted by the police who were called by a neighbour.So you’re saying that a neighbour was watching over their house all night waiting for the chance to call the police?They arrive pretty fast too, since it would have been easy for Jeff(he’s supposed to have super fighting powers fueled by some dark thing in his brain but the writer ‘forgets’ to mentoin it) to finish them off after he stabbed the kid’s dad in the shoulder.So again, when there was supposed to be no witness at all, someone called the police in the middle of the night, but NOBODY called them when they were fighting at the party?Jeff’s face was burnt and he spent time in hospital.Even though he ‘turned into an inferno’ right after he regained conciousness he could sit up and so on.Actually it takes months to heal from that.Without therapy you can’t even raise your hands and even if you could it would hurt like a bitch…And don’t even get me started on the face and the hair..Burn victims don’t have any hair left…Miraculously, his clothes were sewn back together as well, even though they are supposed to be burnt(they throw those clothes away in reality but whatever).So we arrived at the ending, he went nuts, okay.But why did he kill his family?Just because you go insane you won’t try to murder the people you love.He wasn’t a particularly evil kid or anything, nothing indicated that at least(maybe inserting stories about Jeff torturing helpless animals or some shit, jesus..).And when his mother found out about his insanity she immediately wanted to kill him.How does that make any sense?I notice that someone from my family is crazy and I shoot him/her?!What kind of a MOTHER could do that?This whole story is a ridiculous pile of steaming garbage, it’s so horrible I don’t know how can anyone write something this bad.It’s clearly a ‘Hmm, I wanna write something cool so I’ll just throw in some bloody scenes, fake psychology and shit I saw in horror movies and then I’m done before I get bored with it’.Obviously written in one sit.Horrible, just horrible.And the reason I’m so upset is that this is actually a famous creepypasta.

  375. The fact that his sanity just snapped like that scares mortals and humans the most by my research. And when people say “he is a killer he should die” or some shit like that, it gets me really mad because yeah, he kills people but his sanity did snap so he basically can’t control his actions anymore. I bet if their sanity snapped they wouldn’t be the way they used to be either. I mean, really -.- I probably sound like a total retard. And I’m not defending Jeff because I’m a fangirl, I’m not, I just think it’s pretty damn stupid that these people go around thinking they know everything -.- Now in my opinion, Jeff is badass ;D He’s like, the killer of killers or something XD

  376. I was excited to read this one after hearing about it here and there, but after finally reading it, I can tell you that this is not a good story. Kudos for trying, whoever wrote it, but the story makes absolutely no sense and seems entirely too forced. I’ve seen other son here talking about how creepy it is and how Jeff has his descent into madness blah blah, but no. There has to be substance in order for that to even start to develop. This story is not creepy at all and is just overall very poor. I’m very let-down by this one.

  377. 1/10
    This was truly dissapointing. I have no understanding of how this story acumulated such a high rating. My first point of disgust would be the enraging lack of skill in the composition. The entire story is scrawled out in a display of grammar and vocabulary that I haven’t seen anywhere outside of a 10 year old’s diary until now. There was obviously no editing whatsoever and there is such an atrocious style of stream-of-consciousness that I had to fight to keep reading. Appalling literary composition skills aside, the plot was pathetic. The trio of brats were two dimensional and their actions lacked any sense. The description of Jeff’s decent into psychosis was bland and childish.
    For a moment I felt a flash of hope, thinking the plot would make a recovery when Jef carved a smile into his face. Maybe, just maybe this would be an origin story about the Joker? But no, an opportunity was lost and it made the faliure of the story that much more enraging.
    On a website designed to submit disturbing and suspensful stories, this falls worlds short of all standards set by more skillfully written works.
    Horrible. I am disgusted this has a single rating above a 4.

    1. I’m right there with you. I saw this story being talked about so I figured I should read it. What a horrible let-down. It makes me wonder who actually reads this and feels creeped out by it. There’s is almost ZERO substance and just stuff happening to move the non-existent plot forward. Horrid writing and and even more horrid story.

  378. …Oh wow. This… is some serious shit. Serious. I will admit-I didnt hear about Jeff from here. I listened to the story read by Mr. Creepypasta. And coming here months later from the video… I was sure that people loved it- not saying that they dont, there is a fair amount that absolutely loves it- buuuttttt…. the other guys. Okay, im not going to protest like the others towards you. Decision is decision- and opinion is always there too. Bt the constricting has been taken onto levels that are HORRID. This is pointless guys, you KNOW you know you dont have to be completely pointless like that.
    For all you others that completely love the story, and think the ones who think different are completely substancial- there is nothing me or you can do about it. Dont get me wrong- Im on yojr side completely, I loved this story, but… dont overthrow this. It wreckful and pointless to the extreme.

    ~Vicious the killer

  379. Listen people! I know there are some things in the story that sound unrealistic but still it does not have to be more like a realistic story to everyone. Also you should always respect the writer of the story, he put in all his effort into making this, and I know there are lots of things that don’t sound highly possible in it but still if u want a better story try writing one yourself and see how long it will take you to come up with a greater story that is actually worth reading ok. P.S. Stop complaining and keep what u think is so stupid and dumb to yourself and stop trying to criticize every single detail of this story and if you can’t then just get the fuk off of creepy pasta and find some other website to criticize OK!

    1. Not okay. First off, I try to be as respectful to the author as I can, but when I fell the author ether put no effort or any logical thought into it then all and any respect is thrown out the window. Like this pasta. Second, writing a pasta(or any story) is hard but, when I can tell that pasta was written in an afternoon it’s is just disrespectful to the reader. Third, I would say read any story on the site and you’ll see that people can do better. Fourth what you guys get me really pissed off, “well if you don’t have anything nice don’t say it.” This is stupid. A huge part of this site is so the author can improve by knowing what they did wrong. Not saying they suck is worse than telling them they do suck.


  381. Anonymous:
    I can’t believe you made the young boy at the beginning use words like illuminating, ominous, horrendous, and the lest goes on. No kid talks like that, especially a young one.

    You had all your characters speak in ways that seemed unnatural. You either used formality (e.g., the parents calling Jeff “son”) or cliché phrases (e.g., “and that’s final”), and there were things of this nature I don’t feel like finding. It seemed forced, particularly the “son” part. It reminded me of being a little kid and playing pretend, and forcing the words to make it feel more real when it only does the exact opposite. Nobody talks like that. Or at least rarely.

    The three bullies. Wow. You went so over-the-top with their personalities. I just don’t believe all three were such awful, violent kids and that all three were up for pulling out their knives on other people so readily. And to do it twice. In front of people.

    And that’s another thing. You’re trying to convince us that none of the parents stopped the children fighting at the party? That’s retarded.

    Still more, you had these four preteens (well, one’s 13 but still) fighting in this fantastic combat that even most adults wouldn’t engage in? Lol. That’s not believable at all. It’s not believable in general, but to make them so young makes it all the more dumb and all the less plausible.

    The way he became crazy was so silly. And for him to kill his brother too, it made no sense. Psychopaths can care for a handful of people. And you made him care so much about his “bro,” only for him to kill the kid so soon.

    I thought this feeling you kept making him have was whenever he felt annoyed with someone, and that you’d expand on that as the foundation for his mentality, rather than: four kids battle Matrix style, three killed, none of the numerous adults step in, and one goes crazy. Lolwut.

    By the way, you could’ve just had his eyelids burn off. And his hair would not singe to another color; it’d burn off.

    I could go on, but you get the hint.

    Jeff being an enigma is creepier. If you were successful at executing this, it would’ve been fine though. However, you were not.

    Dude chill the fuck out, if you don’t like it make your own. I like the story, and yes there are some things wrong but this isn’t like a professional so stop with the upsurd critic. Gawd

    1. Probably because it’s written horribly, uses dated and forced dialogue, has unrealistic characters, rushes to get to some pointless “madness” ending, and reads like a 12 year old skater wrote it. That’s probably why.

  382. Jeff the Killer has that name you cannot forget no matter if you liked it or not! I personally like it; I even read Fan Fiction on it on my Wattpad! It has a good scary plot and I couldn’t help but be scared to death the night I read it!

  383. So I was thinking… there is no TRUE origins of Eyeless Jack, what if he is Jeff The Killer? I mean.. jeff could have decided to gouge his eyes out because he hated what he saw… his face, then he donned the mask and became Eyeless Jack. psychopaths have a hair-trigger mind, he can easily and simply change his mind. this is only my opinion.

  384. Jessica the fangirl

    Wow Jeff’s story was just….amazing I wanna meet him He’s so beautiful too. WELL I’LL MEET HIM Heh Just wait and If I die I’ll die in the hands of Jeff! and he’s my age too <3

  385. I just recently started reading creepypastas and without really knowing where to start, I started with the list of “most favourited”. The first one I read, Psychosis, was fantastic. Then I got to this. This is without a doubt one of the worst stories I’ve ever read anywhere.
    So now I’m wondering what’s going on here. My best theory is that there is some kind of elaborate joke to trick people into reading this horribly written nonsense. The other, far more terrifying option is that people actually enjoy it.
    If it’s the latter, are the people enjoying this a bunch of other children who fantasize about murdering everyone they know? Maybe some sort of warning system can be created that automatically alerts the authorities when someone favourites this story as a preventative measure; I can only assume at least a few of them are already planning a school shooting.

    1. It makes me not want to live on this planet anymore when I read a comment about someone actually liking this steaming pile. It’s like they’d pick up a copy of a Stephen King book, start reading, and wonder where all the retarded cliches are.

  386. I always adored Jeffy. *giggles insanely* We are all psychos at some point, now aren’t we? *starts to laugh insanely* Now, I can always get into details about who I am and where I come from but I’ll make it much more simple. Call me Jess. *giggles insanely again*

  387. Patrick:
    The only ting actually good about this is the picture at the end. It gives me chills super hard. The story though….uhm…needs work…to say the least.

    The picture seems scary at first, then I realized its just a really bad photoshop.

  388. fuck i dont care what every one else said, this scared the shit outta me. it scared me because 1)i thought Jeff was in my house and 2) i really think this would happen to me. maybe not the horrible disfigfurement but definitly the snapping of sanity. just, just great. i really liked this. a great pick for my very first creepypasta.

    1. Oh that wasn’t Jeffy in your house. That was me. *giggles more* Again, call me Jess. Yes, we can all loose our sanity….Like me…..But there’s no need to be scared of Jeffy. He’s nice….Sometimes…

  389. omg thts like a scary story and i didnt really no who jeff the killer was and then i read this story and it scared me now i no who jeff the killer is 0_o

  390. this was some bullshit. It’s not creepy it’s just boring. Plus i look like that everyday after waking up. Jeff be like “Just woke up no makeup?” on instagram? psht. please i think i could be friends with the kid and we friggin go on a shopping spree in hot topic and then burn the place after its been infested with ratchet nonsense -.- failed attempt? yeah pretty much.

    1. We’ll yes. It’s a sad thing but it doesn’t give proof to this piece of shit. Most school shooters had mental illness and or had been bullied to no end. And mostly in high schoolers who are dumber than 12 year old. (More hormones and irrational thinking) Jeff wasn’t bullied that much. Now stop being stupid.

      1. *giggles more insanely* Well I would have to agree with you on that point but poor Jeffy was bullied a little. Including he was getting beat by some other kids. He had the right to snap. Now that I snapped and went totally…Insane….*laughs insanely* I get what Jeffy was going through. And no need to call anyone stupid. That is like bullying which is…*talks in demonic voice* NOT GOOD

  391. NeonLazyLLama:

    i agree!!! I love this creepypasta.

  392. FightingSpiritsGirl

    I had a dream after reading this that Jeff was on top of me like he was to Liu and then he said “Youre already asleep”… i woke up crying i was so terrified

  393. Hi, I was wondering if I can re-write this on Wattpad? I will give you complete credit. I just don’t understand some of these things and I feel like I can make this (just a little) better. Overall, I love this story. I guess that’s the whole reason I want to rewrite it! I usually love to re-write my favorite short stories.

    1. I would say go nuts. No, one really knows who the original author is and even Seeaurs(The guy credited often of writing the story) Just came up with the picture and concept. And while I would say don’t do a rewrite because it just turns out fan ficy and bad from all the other rewrites. And because its me this story is bad.

  394. omg i LOVE this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like seriously im in love. i wish jeff was real, i would be that stupid girl that falls in love with him and ends up killed i the end

  395. Dante:
    Hey, a lot of the younger generation learn words like that, can’t really judge him on that part.

    How do you not believe the bullies were not violent? Pulling guns on others isn’t violent? Seriously though.

    The parents were probably keeping the little kids safe, plus, the other two bullies had guns, if they even attempted they would have been shot.

    Not all psychopaths are like that, this is a killer with NO sanity whatsoever.

    How does it not make sense to save his brother and not kill him later? Let’s see, as said, you have a killer with zero sanity, and his brother, Jeff wouldn’t care if it was his brother or not, HE IS AN INSANE KILLING MACHINE.

    Sure the whole “getting a strange feeling when around someone who you hate” Is a bit silly, but hey, it’s fictional, anything can happen.

    Having his eyelids burned off, in my opinion is too mainstream. The thought of him going insane and burning off his eyelids himself is a lot better.

    Again, it’s fictional, anything can happen.

    I give this story 10/10

  396. Hand over heart oh thank GOD jane did not kill Jeff. Jane doesent think about fan girls feelings!!!!!!don’t worry Jeff steal some dudes armore x o X o

  397. I can relates this story to me as well. I have also an urge to kill someone, especially if I hate them so much.

    Story: 10 out of 10 <3

  398. For some reason, I like these kind of stories. The story is not bad, but why did Jeff kill his family after everything is going a little bit good again except for his face? Did the medicine make him go insane, or was it the bullies? …or is it both? iether way its a good story.

  399. This is awesome! He is by far my fave creepypasta…
    I don’t know why people are giving you so much hate! Yeah, it’s a little un realistic but still, it’s grate!

  400. I listened to this with Animal i have become three days grace it goes pefect with him turning evil to killing randy then his family

  401. Fluff it im beautiful!

    – just herd it from some kids at school –
    My reaction: Huh, sounds cool.
    – Read this and saw the picture –
    OH STUFF! – falls out of chair –

  402. I had a huge problem with the part about the cops sayin Jeff would spend a year in juvie. Anyone who has been in school knows that it’s a judge or jury that decides that, NOT the police.

  403. I’m at loss for words, I truly can’t describe how utterly shit this story is. There’s absolutely no atmosphere, tension or immersion which is essential for a CREEPYpasta to be creepy. The story made no sense, I really could not give two fucks for any of the characters and the fight scenes/bullies were completely contrived and ridiculous; in fact the entire thing was. 0/10 I actually had a bad time reading it. Also lol at all the ten year olds defending it.

  404. This entire thing reads like was done by an 8th grade, anime nerd who just discovered Jhonen Vasquez and blasted Drowning Pool – Let The Bodies Hit The Floor during the entire writing process.

    1. I’m very sorry. My fat fingers acidently hit the thumbs down button. You are very right and once again I am sorry.

  405. This is an amazing story! I love it so much and I can’t believe how far it’s gone! I mean, Youtube videos, Deviantart fan pictures, fan pictures, fanfictions (nasty, I know), all that stuff! It’s so cool! I just love, love, LOOOVE this story! Keep up the good work!

  406. Alfred Frederick Dinglebottom

    Alright. Enough is enough, I can’t believe people are still arguing. I never thought I’d do this but…

    Deconstruction time.

    “Excerpt from a local Newspaper:

    Was there any need for the capital letters here? That’s instantly annoying and unnecessary.

    “After weeks of unexplained murders, the ominous unknown killer is still on the rise.”

    Wow, was “ominous” your favourite word that day? Perhaps you’d benefit from a thesaurus.

    “After little evidence has been found, a young boy states that he survived one of the killer’s attacks and bravely tells his story.”

    Your apostrophe in “killers” is in the wrong place. They’re the attacks belonging to the killer. “The Killers’ attacks”. You’ve written “he survived one of the killer is attacks.

    “I had a bad dream and I woke up in the middle of the night,” says the boy, “I saw that for some reason the window was open, even though I remember it being closed before I went to bed. I got up and shut it once more. Afterwards, I simply crawled under my covers and tried to get back to sleep.”

    How old is this young boy? Most people say “I got into into bed.” Not your freaky kid though, he crawls under covers which incidentally is a term I’ve always hated. No one crawls under the covers.

    “That’s when I had a strange feeling, like someone was watching me. I looked up, and nearly jumped out of my bed. There, in the little ray of light, illuminating from between my curtains, were a pair of two eyes. These weren’t regular eyes; they were dark, ominous eyes.”

    Another use of ominous except this time it’s being said by a child.

    “They were bordered in black and… just plain out terrified me. That’s when I saw his mouth. A long, horrendous smile that made every hair on my body stand up. The figure stood there, watching me. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he said it. A simple phrase, but said in a way only a mad man could speak.”

    This isn’t scary, we know that the child survived because he’s telling the press about his story of survival. This means that there is no tension built up. It’s just boring and feels like a story lengthener as opposed to relevant for the story.

    ““He said, ‘Go To Sleep.’ I let out a scream, that’s what sent him at me. He pulled up a knife; aiming at my heart. He jumped on top of my bed. I fought him back; I kicked, I punched, I rolled around, trying to knock him off me.”

    Again, if we didn’t know the child with a vocabulary far more advanced than his years was going to survive this might be good. Instead it feels boring and like you’re just trying to make your story longer. I also hate it when a story plunges you straight into action. All of my favourite stories have a slower build up. This allows you to imagine the characters and the location.

    “That’s when my dad busted in. The man threw the knife, it went into my dad’s shoulder. The man probably would’ve finished him off, if one of the neighbors hadn’t alerted the police.”

    How did the neighbour know to alert the police? Did the little boys Mother rush over there and inform them. Did they hear the commotion etc. These are little things I feel should be explained in a story that’s as well followed as this one.

    ““They drove into the parking lot, and ran towards the door. The man turned and ran down the hallway. I heard a smash, like glass breaking. As I came out of my room, I saw the window that was pointing towards the back of my house was broken. I looked out it to see him vanish into the distance. I can tell you one thing, I will never forget that face. Those cold, evil eyes, and that psychotic smile. They will never leave my head.””

    Pyschotic as a description is very clichéd and again slightly outside the normal vocabulary for a child.

    “Police are still on the look for this man. If you see anyone that fits the description in this story, please contact your local police department.”

    I think the police would reiterate the description and they’d also probably produce a photo fit. I bet it’d be a better drawing than the crappy photoshopped picture at the bottom of your story.

    “Jeff and his family had just moved into a new neighborhood. His dad had gotten a promotion at work, and they thought it would be best to live in one of those “fancy” neighborhoods. Jeff and his brother Liu couldn’t complain though. A new, better house. What was not to love? As they were getting unpacked, one of their neighbors came by.”

    Blimey, there’s nothing totally wrong with this paragraph. It should’ve been at the start of the story but I can’t mock it any more than that.

    ““Hello,” she said, “I’m Barbara; I live across the street from you. Well, I just wanted to introduce my self and to introduce my son.” She turns around and calls her son over. “Billy, these are our new neighbors.” Billy said hi and ran back to play in his yard.”

    That was riveting.

    ““Well,” said Jeff’s mom, “I’m Margaret, and this is my husband Peter, and my two sons, Jeff and Liu.” They each introduced themselves, and then Barbara invited them to her son’s birthday. Jeff and his brother were about to object, when their mother said that they would love to. When Jeff and his family are done packing, Jeff went up to his mom.”

    What sort of weirdo would invite complete strangers to her son’s birthday party. I live on a beautiful island that’s relatively crime free. We wouldn’t be that forward and weird with our new neighbours.

    ““Mom, why would you invite us to some kid’s party? If you haven’t noticed, I’m not some dumb kid.””

    Why would it matter if Jeff could speak or not? Okay, I’m being pedantic.

    There was another boring section here. It was reasonably well written though so I didn’t see the point in mocking it.

    “He walked up to his room and plopped down on his bed. He sat there looking at his ceiling when suddenly, he got a weird feeling.”

    Sexual healing… why would anyone sit down staring at the ceiling?

    “Not so much a pain, but… a weird feeling. He dismissed it as just some random feeling. He heard his mother call him down to get his stuff, and he walked down to get it.”

    Fair enough. I suppose he is a teenager, he’ll get used to those feelings in time. I suppose it was the thought of being invited to Billys’ birthday party.

    “The next day, Jeff walked down stairs to get breakfast and got ready for school.”

    I hate these sort of sentences. They’re so pointless. It just seems like you wanted a long story so you put in these sentences to fill space. I don’t care if he walked down stairs. You could’ve just explained that he got another boner at the breakfast table. That’s fine.

    “As he sat there, eating his breakfast, he once again got that feeling. This time it was stronger. It gave him a slight tugging pain, but he once again dismissed it.”

    Oh good lord. You’re definitely talking about erections aren’t you.

    “As he and Liu finished breakfast, they walked down to the bus stop. They sat there waiting for the bus, and then, all of a sudden, some kid on a skateboard jumped over them, only inches above their laps. They both jumped back in surprise. “Hey, what the hell?””

    How did the kid on the skateboard get enough height to jump over two people. Considering the fact that they’re both male they’d be sitting with their legs slightly apart and would be sitting far enough away that they wouldn’t touch each other. Were they sitting on the floor or on a bench?

    “The kid landed and turned back to them. He kicked his skate board up and caught it with his hands. The kid seems to be about twelve; one year younger than Jeff. He wears a Aeropostale shirt and ripped blue jeans.”

    Wow, look out ladies and gents we’ve got a twelve year old badass on our hands. This story would be somewhat more believable if the characters were a little bit older.

    ““Well, well, well. It looks like we got some new meat.””

    Oh no, Jeff gets his erections at awful times doesn’t he! Then again at that age I didn’t have a lot of control either.

    “Suddenly, two other kids appeared. One was super skinny and the other was huge.”

    Wow, good descriptive writing there.

    ““Well, since you’re new here, I’d like to introduce ourselves, over there is Keith.” Jeff and Liu looked over to the skinny kid. He had a dopey face that you would expect a sidekick to have.”

    Yes, I always think that when I see people. Oh look at his droopy face, he must be a sidekick. I think this because I am the fucking king of idiocy.

    ““And he’s Troy.” They looked over at the fat kid. Talk about a tub of lard. This kid looked like he hadn’t exercised since he was crawling.”

    Oh wow, let’s all stereotype the fat kid.

    ““And I,” said the first kid, “am Randy.”

    We guessed that from his opening line.

    There was nothing wrong with the sentence about bus fares. I removed it from here for that reason.

    “Liu stood up, ready to punch the lights out of the kid’s eyes when one of his friends pulled a knife on him.””

    They’re twelve years old. What sort of twelve year old carries a knife? This is stupid keeps ringing through my head.

    ““Tsk, tsk, tsk, I had hoped you would be more cooperative, but it seems we must do this the hard way.” The kid walked up to Liu and took his wallet out of his pocket.”

    Wow, he must be good at that. I struggle to remove my own wallet sometimes and this kid can just do it without Liu even struggling. Oh right yeah, twelve year olds with knives. How silly of me to forget something like that.

    “Jeff got that feeling again. Now, it was truly strong; a burning sensation. He stood up, but Liu gestured him to sit down. Jeff ignored him and walked up to the kid.”

    Oh no! Not the erection again!

    ““Listen here you little punk, give back my bro’s wallet or else.” Randy put the wallet in his pocket and pulled out his own knife.”

    Oh great another knife. What’s scrawny little Jeff going to do?

    ““Oh? And what will you do?””

    Hah, great minds and all that.

    “Just as he finished the sentence, Jeff popped the kid in the nose.”

    Oh good lord, he just doesn’t stop does he.

    “As Randy reached for his face, Jeff grabbed the kid’s wrist and broke it.”

    How did he break it? You need to describe this. Are you getting lazy.

    “Randy screamed and Jeff grabbed the knife from his hand. Troy and Keith rushed Jeff, but Jeff was too quick.”

    In what way did they rush him. How did he avoid them? These are things I’d like to know. I don’t give a shit if Jeff walked down stairs to have breakfast. I do care about something that is a major game changer.

    “He threw Randy to the ground.”

    Again, no descriptive narration to explain how Jeff through him the ground.

    “Keith lashed out at him, but Jeff ducked and stabbed him in the arm. Keith dropped his knife and fell to the ground screaming.”

    Yes as I expect you would do if you were twelve. That’s what makes this whole thing so stupid. They’re twelve fucking years old and they’re playing stabby stabby with a few knives. Who thinks this shit up? It’s like a blackhole formed and swallowed logic and reasoning up.

    “Troy rushd him too, but Jeff didn’t even need the knife.”

    There’s that stupid “rushed” word again. I assume it’s some form of slang where you live. It certainly isn’t where I live. If I rushed something it means I didn’t do a good enough job or I moved quickly. I think the only person who rushed Jeff here is the author. That would certainly explain the sheer stupidity of this surprisingly overused (not just Jeff) premise.

    “He just punched Troy straight in the stomach and Troy went down. As he fell, he puked all over.”

    All over what? Troy is the fat kid right? So Jeff punched the fat kid in the stomach. I’m amazed he felt it.

    “Liu could do nothing but look in amazement at Jeff.”

    Oh god, incest.

    ““Jeff how’d you?””

    Yes indeed Jeff, how’d you?

    “that was all he said.”

    Wow, I’m really getting a feel for his character now.

    “They saw the bus coming and knew they’d be blamed for the whole thing.”

    Well yes. Jeff stabbed a bunch of twelve year olds and made one of them “puke all over”.

    “So they started running as fast as they could. As they ran, they looked back and saw the bus driver rushing over to Randy and the others.”

    Rush, rush, rush, rush, rush ominous rushing rusher rushing rushly rush ominous rush.

    “As Jeff and Liu made it to school, they didn’t dare tell what happened.”

    Tell who what happened? Badly written sentence. I think they’ll be caught out. The “bullies” saw them do it, then a bus turned up. Did none of the children on the bus see two boys sprinting away from the scene of the crime? I put bullies in quotation marks because Jeff appears to be more of a bully than them. They’re a year younger than him and he just stabbed them all and made the fat one puke.

    “All they did was sit and listen. Liu just thought of that as his brother beating up a few kids, but Jeff knew it was more.”

    Pardon? Wahey, ding, ding, ding, ding. Another incoherent sentence. Congratulations.

    “It was something, scary.”

    Woah, I’m feeling all tense now.

    “As he got that feeling he felt how powerful it was, the urge to just, hurt someone.”

    There you see, bully. To the imbecile who claims that Jeff stands up to the bullies and “makes everything beautiful” he has an urge to hurt random people. He doesn’t sound very pleasant to me.

    “He didn’t like how it sounded, but he couldn’t help feeling happy.”

    What, did he fart?

    “He felt that strange feeling go away, and stay away for the entire day of school.”

    What? So it went and didn’t come back for the day? Did it keep coming and going? Incoherent sentence numero trois.

    “Even as he walked home due to the whole thing near the bus stop, and how now he probably wouldn’t be taking the bus anymore, he felt happy.”

    What? Another incoherent sentence but I thought this was a fucking masterpiece.

    “When he got home his parents asked him how his day was, and he said, in a somewhat ominous voice, “It was a wonderful day.””

    Yay! There’s that word again I was wondering when it was going to make another appearance.

    “Next morning, he heard a knock at his front door. He walked down to find two police officers at the door, his mother looking back at him with an angry look.”

    Yes because it took a whole day for fatty, droopy and horny to inform the authorities of the fact that they got stabbed. It also took a whole day for a bus driver and bus load of people to do the same.

    ““Jeff, these officers tell me that you attacked three kids. That it wasn’t regular fighting, and that they were stabbed. Stabbed, son!””

    She doesn’t sound as distraught as my Mother would be in that situation. She says that pretty calmly and smoothly considering that she’s just found out that her son is a stabby little fucker.

    “Jeff’s gaze fell to the floor, showing his mother that it was true.”

    Yes because when I look at the floor it means I’m being honest and it has nothing to do with avoiding dog shit.

    ““Mom, they were the ones who pulled the knives on me and Liu.””

    Yeah, like anyone would believe that. They’re twelve!

    ““Son,” said one of the cops,” We found three kids, two stabbed, one having a bruise on his stomach, and we have witnesses proving that you fled the scene.”

    So the police found them? The bus driver just drove off presumably.

    “Now, what does that tell us?” Jeff knew it was no use. He could say him and Liu had been attacked, but then there was no proof it was not them who attacked first. They couldn’t say that they weren’t fleeing, because truth be told they were. So Jeff couldn’t defend himself or Liu.”

    Thanks for explaining that to me. I didn’t have the intellect to figure this very simple story out for myself.

    Nothing overly wrong with the sentence that was here.

    ““Sir, it…it was me. I was the one who beat up the kids. Liu tried to hold me back, but he couldn’t stop me.” The cop looked at his partner and they both nod.”

    So Liu has come down stairs now then?

    ““Well kid, looks like a year in Juvy…””

    A year? For stabbing people. A fucking year? I don’t think the cop passes out the sentences anyway, they do that in court.

    ““Wait!” says Liu. They all looked up to see him holding a knife. The officers pulled their guns and locked them on Liu.”

    Oh Jesus Christ. Welcome to America. Teenager with a kitchen knife, shoot him! What do the police think he’s going to do? Stab everyone in the house with a knife then carve into his own face. That would be a stupid idea for a story.

    ““It was me, I beat up those little punks. Have the marks to prove it.” He lifted up his sleeves to reveal cuts and bruises, as if he was in a struggle.”

    Where did the cuts and bruises come from?

    ““Son, just put the knife down,” said the officer. Liu held up the knife and dropped it to the ground. He put his hands up and walked over to the cops.”

    Naww, he’s a good little boy.

    I took out this sentence as there was nothing wrong with it.

    ““Huh, poor bro. Trying to take the blame for what I did. Well, take me away.” The police led Liu out to the patrol car.”

    So Liu showed no reaction at all, not even a tear?

    ““Liu, tell them it was me! Tell them! I was the one who beat up those kids!” Jeff’s mother put her hands on his shoulders.”

    I think in reality, they’d arrest both kids until they got to the bottom of it. Both children would require a pyschiatric assessment etc. Huge oversight by the author here.

    “Jeff watched helplessly as the cop car speeds off with Liu inside. A few minutes later Jeff’s dad pulled into the driveway, seeing Jeff’s face and knowing something was wrong.”

    So what, the Mother didn’t even phone Daddy to inform him of the terrible happening. Oh don’t worry about it Jeff’s Dad. Your sons are just a bit stabby, we’re hoping it’s a phase.

    ““Son, son what is it?” Jeff couldn’t answer. His vocal cords were strained from crying. Instead, Jeff’s mother walked his father inside to break the bad news to him as Jeff wept in the driveway.”

    Sounds like a pussy.

    “After an hour or so Jeff walked back in to the house, seeing that his parents were both shocked, sad, and disappointed.”

    Good accurate portrayal of their emotions, well done. Was Jeff just weeping on his own in the driveway for an hour? His parents may be “shocked sad and disappointed but they’re still parents and they still have a duty of care to their Son.

    “He couldn’t look at them. He couldn’t see how they thought of Liu when it was his fault. He just went to sleep, trying to get the whole thing off his mind.”

    Yeah that’s good, just go to sleep.

    “Two days went by, with no word from Liu at JDC. No friends to hang out with. Nothing but sadness and guilt. That is until Saturday, when Jeff is woke up by his mother, with a happy, sunshiny face.”

    A couple of days after her Son is arrested she’s smiling with a “sunshiny” face.

    ““Jeff, it’s the day.” she said as she opened up the curtains and let light flood into his room.”

    It’s the day? I thought she’d wake him at night time.

    ““What, what’s today?” asked Jeff as he stirs awake.

    “Why, it’s Billy’s party.” He was now fully awake.

    “Mom, you’re joking, right? You don’t expect me to go to some kid’s party after…” There was a long pause.”

    I actually agree with Jeffs’ logic. I think most people probably would.

    ““Jeff, we both know what happened. I think this party could be the thing that brightens up the past days. Now, get dressed.””

    After an occurrence like this you’d have to be an extremely hard and resilient person to want to go to a party.

    “Jeff’s mother walked out of the room and downstairs to get ready herself.”

    Again, I don’t care if she went downstairs.

    “He fought himself to get up. He picked out a random shirt and pair of jeans and walked down stairs. He saw his mother and father all dressed up; his mother in a dress and his father in a suit. He thought, why they would ever wear such fancy clothes to a kid’s party?”

    They’re not thinking straight Jeff, they’ve just learned that one of their Sons is a stabby bastard.

    This was all boring. I really cannot be arsed to read an argument about which clothes to wear.

    I’m going to delete sentences that are reasonably well written. Otherwise this is going to be hideously long.

    “Jeff walked outside to a yard full of kids. They were running around in weird cowboy costumes and shooting each other with plastic guns. He might as well be standing in a Toys R Us. Suddenly a kid came up to him and handed him a toy gun and hat.”

    That sounds like a typical description of a kids party. Except it sounds as though the author is a whiny idiot. What’s weird about cowboy outfits?

    ““Ah, no kid. I’m way too old for this stuff.” The kid looked at him with that weird puppydog face.”

    What’s weird about a puppy dog face?

    ““Pwease?” said the kid. “Fine,” said Jeff. He put on the hat and started to pretend shoot at the kids. At first he thought it was totally ridiculous, but then he started to actually have fun.”

    Oh so he’s finally acting a bit closer to his age. Congratulations to author for realising that thirteen year olds aren’t typically violent stabby bastards.

    “It might not have been super cool, but it was the first time he had done something that took his mind off of Liu.”

    Yes, a few days later. It’s not exactly months later is it? I think that’s an unbelievable recovery. So unbelievable that it’s actually just stupid.

    “So he played with the kids for a while, until he heard a noise. A weird rolling noise. Then it hit him. Randy, Troy, and Keith all jumped over the fence on their skateboards.”

    Oh good, they got better quickly. They were stabbed and punched (till they puked) just a few days prior to this. Another remarkable recovery. Must be something in the water.

    “Randy got an angry look in his eyes. “Oh no, I don’t go for even, I go for winning. You may have kicked our asses that one day, but not today.” As he said that Randy rushed at Jeff.”

    Oh no, another “rushed” fighting scene.

    “They both fell to the ground. Randy punched Jeff in the nose, and Jeff grabbed him by the ears and head butted him. Jeff pushed Randy off of him and both rose to their feet. Kids were screaming and parents were running out of the house. Troy and Keith both pulled guns out of their pockets.”

    Oh Jesus Christ. Now they’ve got guns. What are the parents doing? Just running out the house or are they trying to remove their children from harms way? Where are Jeffs’ parents?

    ““No one interrupts or guts will fly!” they said. Randy pulled a knife on Jeff and stabbed it into his shoulder.”

    Why not just shoot him? This is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid. Twelve year olds with guns is ridiculously unrealistic and verging on hilarity. I don’t think this is what the author was aiming for.

    “Jeff screamed and fell to his knees. Randy started kicking him in the face. After three kicks Jeff grabs his foot and twists it, causing Randy to fall to the ground.”

    So even after he got stabbed in the shoulder he has the strength to do this? Do you not what your shoulder is made of? It’s all muscle, bone and ligaments, a knife going through these things would render it pretty much useless. I also doubt that a twelve year old would have the strength to do this.

    “Jeff stood up and walked towards the back door. Troy grabbed him.”

    So he just walked off? Where are his parents while all this has happened?

    ““Need some help?” He picks Jeff up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door. As Jeff tries to stand he is kicked down to the ground. Randy repeatedly starts kicking Jeff, until he starts to cough up blood.”

    So now he’s been stabbed, thrown through a window and kicked to the point where he has internal bleeding. He’d be dead. Throwing someone through a window is extremely likely to kill them despite what you see in the movies. He’d die from the internal bleeding as well.

    ““Come on Jeff, fight me!” He picks Jeff up and throws him into the kitchen. Randy sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Jeff’s head.”

    Yep he’d definitely be dead. If he wasn’t dead he’d certainly be unconcious long before any of this happened.

    ““Come on Jeff, look at me!” Jeff glances up, his face riddled with blood. “I was the one who got your brother sent to JDC! And now you’re just gonna sit here and let him rot in there for a whole year! You should be ashamed!” Jeff starts to get up.”

    His brother would be put away for longer than a year. The police think he stabbed people. Jeff would be incapable of standing up.

    ““Oh, finally! you stand and fight!” Jeff is now to his feet, blood and vodka on his face. Once again he gets that strange feeling, the one in which he hasn’t felt for a while. “Finally. He’s up!” says Randy as he runs at Jeff.”

    So he’s excited that Jeff is up then. He appears to have repeated himself. That’s good he’s running at Jeff instead of rushing him now.

    “That’s when it happens. Something inside Jeff snaps. His psyche is destroyed, all rational thinking is gone, all he can do, is kill. He grabs Randy and pile drives him to the ground.”

    How would he ever have the strength to do this? He wouldn’t have the strength to do this if he were 100%. This quote serves this well; “all rational thinking is gone”.

    “He gets on top of him and punches him straight in the heart. The punch causes Randy’s heart to stop.”

    Really? Would you like my email address. I could give you a quick crash course in understanding the human anatomy. I could also explain in detail how a thirteen year old wouldn’t have this sort of strength especially after being killed three times in one fight.

    “As Randy gasps for breath. Jeff hammers down on him. Punch after punch, blood gushes from Randy’s body, until he takes one final breath, and dies.”

    So what are the parents doing while he is killing someone?

    “Everyone is looking at Jeff now. The parents, the crying kids, even Troy and Keith.”

    Oh right. They’re just watching. I can view them now. Standing a few feet away eating popcorn. The kids are in the splash zone getting drenched in all the blood that’s flying about the place. Why didn’t fatty and droopy save horny?

    “Although they easily break from their gaze and point their guns at Jeff. Jeff see’s the guns trained on him and runs for the stairs.”

    Why didn’t they shoot him when he was killing their friend? This is stupid.

    “As he runs Troy and Keith let out fire on him, each shot missing.”

    I imagine that they would miss. They’re twelve the recoil from their guns probably broke their little fingers.

    “Jeff runs up the stairs. He hears Troy and Keith follow up behind.”

    I can’t imagine fatty is very quick up the stairs though.

    “As they let out their final rounds of bullets Jeff ducks into the bathroom. He grabs the towel rack and rips it off the wall. Troy and Keith race in, knives ready.”

    Oh good back to the very slightly less ridiculous twelve year olds with knives.

    “A thing of bleach fell down on top of him from the top shelf.”

    Yeah I deleted a bit. A thing of bleach? A bottle, a container etc. Very lazily written.

    “It burnt both of them and they both started to scream. Jeff wiped his eyes as best as he could.”

    Jeff would be blinded by the bleach. It would also enter his body quite quickly. At his young age that could lead to death.

    “He pulled back the towel rack and swung it straight into Keith’s head. As he lay there, bleeding to death, he let out an ominous smile.”

    For fuck sake. There’s that word again.

    ““What’s so funny?” asked Jeff. Keith pulled out a lighter and switched it on.”

    Why does the twelve year old have a lighter? How did he manage to conceal a knife, a gun and lighter? This story is stupid. It’s ridiculous, it’s unrealistic and is probably the most overrated thing on the internet.

    ““What’s funny,” he said, “Is that you’re covered in bleach and alcohol.” Jeff’s eyes widened as Keith threw the lighter at him. As soon as the flame made contact with him, the flames ignited the alcohol in the vodka. While the alcohol burned him, the bleach bleached his skin. Jeff let out a terrible screech as he caught on fire. He tried to roll out the fire but it was no use, the alcohol had made him a walking inferno.”

    He’s dead again.

    “He ran down the hall, and fell down the stairs. Everybody started screaming as they saw Jeff, now a man on fire, drop to the ground, nearly dead. The last thing Jeff saw was his mother and the other parents trying to extinguish the flame. That’s when he passed out.”

    He’d be dead. Four times in one fight Jeff would’ve died. This is so stupid that it’s incomprehensible how anybody could actually enjoy this.

    “When Jeff woke he had a cast wrapped around his face. He couldn’t see anything, but he felt a cast on his shoulder, and stitches all over his body. He tried to stand up, but he realized that there was some tube in his arm, and when he tried to get up it fell out, and a nurse rushed in.”

    It just fell out? They didn’t put the cannula in properly then.

    ““I don’t think you can get out of bed just yet.” she said”

    I think he just did though despite the fact that he’d be dead.

    “Finally, after hours, he heard his mother.”

    Most parents would be there until their child woke up. No wonder this invincible thirteen year old is so fucked up.

    ““Honey, are you okay?” she asked. Jeff couldn’t answer though, his face was covered, and he was unable to speak. “Oh honey, I have great news. After all the witnesses told the police that Randy confessed of trying to attack you, they decided to let Liu go.””

    There are no repurcussions for Jeff then? He murdered Fatty, Droopy and Horny.

    “Jeff’s mother hugs Jeff and says her goodbyes.”

    Jeff is mother hugs Jeff and says her goodbyes. Beautifully written.

    Jeff’s mother screams at the sight of his face. Liu and Jeff’s dad stare awe-struck at his face.

    Did they not try any reconstructive work at all? In reality they would. Another flaw in this supposed masterpiece.

    ““What? What happened to my face?” Jeff said. He rushed out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the cause of the distress. His face. It…it’s horrible. His lips were burnt to a deep shade of red. His face was turned into a pure white color, and his hair singed from brown to black. He slowly put his hand to his face. It had a sort of leathery feel to it now. He looked back at his family then back at the mirror.”

    Brilliant descriptive work. I can almost picture him now. Do you realise this is the first proper description of a character apart from; Fatty, Droopy and horny. Even then their descriptions were vague at best.

    ““Not that bad?” said Jeff,” It’s perfect!” His family were equally surprised. Jeff started laughing uncontrollably His parents noticed that his left eye and hand were twitching.”

    But they didn’t think about taking him to see a pychiatrist?

    ““Okay? I’ve never felt more happy! Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa,”

    This is supposed to be a serious story. You’re not chatting with your friends. hahahahahahaha is irritating.

    “What caused this? Well, you may recall that when Jeff was fighting Randy something in his mind, his sanity, snapped. Now he was left as a crazy killing machine, that is, his parents didn’t know.”

    So they didn’t watch him kill three people? They didn’t see his hand and eye twitching (everyone knows that’s an obvious sign of mental illness). You didn’t need to explain he had lost his sanity. Don’t assume your readers are idiots. Although actually on this occasion it appears that most are.

    “Doctor,” said Jeff’s mom, “Is my son… alright, you know. In the head?”

    Finally she asks.

    ““Oh yes, this behavior is typical for patients that have taken very large amounts of pain killers. If his behavior doesn’t change in a few weeks, bring him back here, and we’ll give him a psychological test.””

    He sounds like a shit doctor.

    ““This is what came in,” said the lady at the desk. Jeff’s mom looked down to see the black dress pants and white hoodie her son wore. Now they were clean of blood and now stitched together. Jeff’s mother led him to his room and made him put his clothes on. Then they left, not knowing that this was their final day of life.”

    Why would the hospital stich his clothes together? They were on fire, there wouldn’t have been much left. Did his Mother not think to bring clothes down. You’ve clearly never had a sick relative. Either that or you’re too young to have had to help out.

    “Later that night, Jeff’s mother woke to a sound coming from the bathroom. It sounded as if someone was crying. She slowly walked over to see what it was. When she looked into the bathroom she saw a horrendous sight. Jeff had taken a knife and carved a smile into his cheeks.”

    Oh the classic part of the story, it’s a good job there is no idiocy involved in this. He’d pass out.

    ““Jeff, what are you doing?” asked his mother.”

    Calm as ever. Oh don’t worry Jeff’s Mum, he’s just carving a smile into his face.

    “Jeff looked over to his mother. “I couldn’t keep smiling mommy. It hurt after awhile. Now, I can smile forever. Jeff’s mother noticed his eyes, ringed in black.”

    Okay, this is stupid.

    ““I couldn’t see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself; my new face.””

    As many people have pointed out in the past. Jeff would go blind. Your eyelids are there to protect your eyesight.

    “Jeff’s mother slowly started to back away, seeing that her son was going insane. “What’s wrong mommy? Aren’t I beautiful?”

    I think a normal parent would just break down and cry there and then.

    ““Yes son,” she said, “Yes you are. L-let me go get daddy, so he can see your face.” She ran into the room and shook Jeff’s dad from his sleep. “Honey, get the gun we…..””

    Good lord. You phone an ambulance or the police if you’re that concerned. Getting a gun so you can kill your own son is absurd.

    “Mommy, you lied.” That’s the last thing they hear as Jeff rushes them with the knife, gutting both of them.”

    I assume he didn’t get the gun in time then.

    There was a whole paragraph here detailing how Jeff killed his brother. It was boring and unnecessarily long.

    ““Shhhhhhh,” Jeff said,”Just go to sleep.””

    The corniest and most boring catch phrase in history. It’s horrible and clichéd.

    The picture at the end. Poor photoshop skills, it’s not remotely scary and looks somewhat humerous.

    3/10 for reasonable writing skills. I wouldn’t say this was that well written. Most of it is absolutely ridiculous. It’s unrealistic and full of annoying little errors. The use of a thesaurus would’ve helped (rushed, ominous). You’d also benefit from learning about the human body.

    Derp, I apologise for the length of this but I felt that it was necessary. I know I’m going to get a lot of hate for doing this but hopefully it might make a few people wake up and realise that Jeff the Killer is crappypasta personified.

  407. Seriously, guys. to anyone saying this Creepypasta is shit, let me just remind you that it is also one of the most popular and well-liked Creepypastas out there. so, shut the fuck up and enjoy the story.

    1. So I have to like it because it’s popular? and that somehow makes it good? Have you not heard of twilight?

      I mean hell, the guy who runs this site even knows the stories shit.

  408. I feel Bad for Jeff I mean if you think about it it’s another bullie situation that we have now a days and I feel really bad for his family (dieing of corse) but I think the bullies deserved to die

  409. There’s absolutely no hope for whoever wrote this pile of shit. And to think it received decent ratings and is part of a series? What the hell is wrong with people? I would be ashamed to have written something so horrible. To those of you who enjoyed this, please stay away from any and all literature in the future. This is a disgusting blemish on the face of the written word. I know education isn’t free, but this appears to have been written by some poor kid in a third world country. No…it’s worse than that. I can’t believe I’m even commenting on it. It is not worth anyone’s time to analyze and critique shit.

  410. this story is only hated on so much because its now famous. i mean, sure theres a lot of things that are unrealistic/ badly thought-out. but if this was a lesser known story it would be mainly praised because, lets face it, its some preeeety creepy shit. give it a break already!

    1. Not it really wouldn’t because there’s really nothing creepy about it. The storylines to jarringly bad that anything that could possibly creepy (Cant really find anything in here, nothings original, or all that scary in anyway) the story would just take away from it. It’s like twilight. Vampires and werewolves used to be scary monsters, but you see them in twilight and they dont instill fear in you because the story doesn’t promote that.

    2. Why would we even want to hate something for it’s popularity? There is no logic behind that? We arn’t listening to Miley Cirus.

    1. … Really?
      I don’t even… I can’t… Just… What?
      Jeff the Fixer? Seriously?! You have angered Great Cthulhu! Good day!

  411. While certainly not the best story ever written, it is one of the first things I think of when I hear the name, “Creepypasta”. The premise is an intriguing one, the story, while campy and unoriginal at times, is great. Heck, even though the picture still looks like a girl, it still scared the crap out of me when I first saw it. Overall, while corny in most parts, amazingly creepy in others. 7/10

  412. A young boy would not be able to describe in that detail, children that age are not that messed up, etc. this story is ovverated, and deserves a 4/10. Also, JEFF IS NOT CUTE OR HOT

  413. Anonymous:
    I agree with you in some things, like he cliche and the personaitys if the bullies, but it’s not your story and if you don’t like it go write one if your own; a better one. And I honestly think you could write a better one.

  414. I liked this story personally. I liked it ver much. Though I first listened to it read on youtube instead of reading it. Yes it has a few gramatical errors and yes it goes a bit fast but I really liked the concept. The story was great and I wish there was a movie that went deeper into it honestly.

  415. Guys… Jane Never Killed Me… Like It Says In The Jane Pasta… She Isn’t Even Real, I Also Never Killed Liu, He Survived And I Realized What I Had Done, And Called The Ambulance After Stabbing Him.

  416. tytiger10:
    *Getting up on my stepladder* *Clearing throat* You are an idiot! You fail to grasp any concept of how horror works. Horror has to make sense in it’s own world. Slenderman works because it often can work in it’s world for then it could work in ours which adds a huge level of creepiness into it.

    Jeff fails at this at every turn. They talk like robots. The police break the law. There are always a hero in a situation. Jeff’s insanity comes out of no where. The bullies came out of an after school program where all it takes to be a bully is to dress in Areopostal shirt and use a skateboard.(Just to name a few)

    It doesn’t feel real. In the story Bedtime I feel like the characters are there going through all of the terror and fear. But, here it feels like I’m watching a robot trying horrible to act out the emotion fear. *Get’s off stepladder* Good day.

    Alright, I’m not going to call you any names, because that my good sir is just rude. But all I was trying to say is, given the fact that yes, some parts do still need work, this is still a scary story. If every scary story out there were written in a way as to give it a real life aspect, they wouldn’t be entertaining. In my opinion, it’s when the stories break away from reality, while still managing to tap into the deepest rooted primal human fears, that makes it worth reading at all. People need to get off their high horses and appreciate horror for what it truly is. If all you are going to do is put an author down for dialogue that seems that it doesn’t belong, or because something is stereotypical, all I can say is this: write your own. Make your own scary story, make your own mythos, and when people start putting it down in the same fashion, don’t get upset. And as for how horror ‘works’, explain to me how ‘Herbert West: Reanimator’ works in its world. Or ‘The Call of Cthulhu’. Or ANY of the great horror stories. Again, it is when they break away from the laws of our known reality that they become a true horror story. If someone wants to write a story about a kid who snaps and turns into a homicidal freak, let them. This story is scary, and like it or not, millions of people agree.

    1. Okay apparently my step ladder was not enough. * Get’s up on a horse* Okay. You should of just of insulted me instead of trying to be the better man by not insulting me! You donkey poo! But, it is not scary. The only slightly scary part is that terribly photo shopped picture. But, beside that; the despertion for jeff is rather bad and thought it could just relay off that shitty picture.

      Now that whole thing where you think scary stories don’t have to be based in fact. While in the call of Chuthlu I believed that a giant tentacle monster could be real. I wasn’t scared! Sure it was a great story but, it made itself to unreal. Even being well written it still lacked that sense of realism to scare me. The same that makes Pet Semearty not scary. That is what makes Physocis and Bedtime the best at what they do. Because they were so real. I felt the chacters. I saw what they went through. I may be blowing smoke up my ass but, it made me feel as though it could be. Jeff misses everything that make stories scary. It is not written well. I don’t feel like a badly photo shopped kid who has the super strength of superman, running around stabbing people for his insanity that makes no sense. Fuck you on those last sentence. Millions? *Gasp* Bullshit.

      Not even a million people have watched that shit jeff mr.creepypasta video that was even shittier!! And if using the it’s popular card so it’s proff that it is good even if only proves that it is that the general public is retarded. *Rides off on the horse*

      Oh, and on an unrealted point. Derp it seems that only just lags. Like running into a wall for 5 straight minutes lag. It only seems to being this to How could I fix this?

      1. Is this still happening? I was trying to get it handled over the weekend and the host thinks they got it resolved – and on my end, it seems to be – so if this is still happening for you, can you please run a tracert & ping to the site and email it to me via the Contact Form? Thanks!

        1. Well it works on and off. Sometimes it’s running normal and then it starts lagging non stop. But, only happens on this site, so I believe it still is. And sorry.

          I’m not going pretend for 5 seconds that I know how these magic machines work. I tried googleing tracert and ping, but, not sure how to do it. If it’s not to much of an inconvenience could you please recommend a site to use for this?

        2. Google “how to tracert on [your operating system]” if you use something other than Win7.

          For Windows 7 (since I’m assuming most people have this) you’d open Command Prompt (under accessories) and type “tracert” and hit enter. Then you copy paste (not screenshot, since I know that the tech support for my server prefers copy/paste) the full result and email it to me through the Contact Form (NOT a comment; it will almost certainly trigger the spam filter); same for ping except the command is “ping”

          Basically, it helps to find out where the holdup is occuring along the path from the site’s server to your computer.

      2. I agree with this mortal completely. The horror genre is being completely lost in the unrealistic views of so called ‘authors’. Even dear old Howard Phillips Lovecraft failed to capture the true terror which surrounds me. I believe if he had built it up a bit more, or even lengthened and better detailed my actual rising, his story would have been much better. How this story was even approved, we may never know. How I have somehow managed to operate a laptop and secure a functioning wifi connection from here in R’lyeh, YOU may never know. Until the truth is revealed, keep in mind – Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn! Ia!

  417. The Demonic Hellspawn

    I am the demonic hellspawn, sent by satan to kill those who do not kill. Jeff, you are my favorite being, in a world of those who think they should not kill. But when your time DOES come, it will be from death himself. He kills those who kill, I kill those who do not. So think, petty humans. Are you safe from the Demonic Hellspawn?

      1. The Demonic Hellspawn

        Yeah I’m not a hellish demon. But other people are saying they’re phsycho killers, so dammit, so can I!

  418. i feel bad for him i cant beleve his parents took him to a PARTY after his BROTHER went to JUVI its retarded that they did that (no im not a phsycopath but) i problably would have gone insane too and im not just saying that cuz jeff is my fave creepy pasta im saying that because …… i dont kno because i can! rawr! anyways all u creepy pasta fans out there are awsome! just wanted 2 say that b4 i closed up

    1. Well you see that’s the sort of illogical thing that happens when you haven’t proofread your story and decide to submit the first rough draft.

    1. Naw, jane the killers a spinoff that may or may not be worse then this trife bullshit. I can’t really tell. They’re both horrible.

      1. Jane the Killer is a disgrace of a story. I read it and I couldn’t even finish it. It only left me with a headache and a distaste for the writer.

  419. You people disgust me. Do you really sit back and wait for somebody to post a positive comment just to shoot it down? Jeff is beauitful…Smiles and Lucy Lucy say so too..

    1. tytigers right you know. It might not be the most dignified, but there’s something cathartic about shooting down 12 year olds trying to defend this poorly written bullshit.

    2. There I can agree with. I am very tired of seeing cliche children, I’m sick of people trying to show that they are “deep” but there really crying about nothing.

    3. I think I might just take this first comment back as well. I suppose I was more angry about how it was all done, but reading through the comments, and seeing this ridiculous sea of fangirls. I have to agree.

      1. *Takes off hat to see better* *Clearly shocked at what I’m looking at* Rake! *Chocking up with tears* Rack! Rack my buddy I think we finally did it.Oh, all the hard work and we finally converted one!!!!! This day shall be remembered as the first victory!

  420. Good people of creepypasta. Please explain to me why this is so popular. Is it the picture? The whole”go to sleep thing”? I just really don’t get it,this is pretty good,but it’s not the best this website has to offer. And there are so many horrible copies that continue to spawn. I know,there’s a special place in crappypasta just for Jeff ripoffs.

    1. I’ll say it again, it’s 12-14 year olds who find it edgy and wanna be like jeff. They think it’s deep and meaningful and “so much like them” just read the positive comments, they all talk about how they’re like jeff, and how he’s so cool. They’re to young to have read anything properly written, or really even know what that means, and just at that age where they want to differentiate from everyone else (ironically by being the same as everyone else). Like the goth kids who are so deep and dark, this is basicly that.

      It’s a lot like how twilights popular with teenage girls. I’m sure the crossovers pretty big here actually. But they’re poorly written, bad stories, don’t make any sense at all, but as long as it’s edgy or already popular stupid kids will flock to it.

    2. Maybe it’s because in some ways these people can relate? Jeff was bullied to the point of insanity. No matter how mad the story may sound, some people want to feel heard and in there own small way Jeff screams it for us. Other’s may enjoy fear. I look at Jeff as an inspiration, destroying all of the bad and leaving the beautiful.

      1. They’re not relating, he didn’t destroy all the bad, or leave anything beautiful. He basicly just destroys everything and goes crazy for no logical reason. It’s very stupid, and what beauty is he leaving? Or are you another edgy 12 year old, der his crazyness and psycho freedom is beautiful! jeff beautiful! It’s illogical and stupid. You can’t relate to a situation that would never happen ever.

        1. Like I have said before, I have my reasons. And I’m not saying it would ever happen, that would be foolish, but fans of Jeff still appreciate the story errors and all. And calling it “A piece of crap” won’t do anyone any good, these arguments are way to heated.

        2. Ugh. A large part of me wishes that I could take back that last comment about these people relating. I began to read most of them, and they all just looked the same to me! They just commented about Jeff being so “hawt”. Can people just enjoy a story without commenting about a guys looks for once? There are way to many fangirls on this website. Can people even read for the sake of reading anymore?


          Seriously, though, I suspect it has to do with the preteen/middle school age group of most fangirls:

          -Fictional characters are “safe” outlets for their sexual attraction, since our society still stigmatizes girls who show any sort of sexuality even at the age where it becomes acceptable for their male counterparts. We expect guys to start getting into their dad’s Playboy stash relatively early, but we give young girls sanitized/desexualized boybanders or fictional characters like those Twilight dudes during the same stage of development.

          -The romanticized notion that they are special enough to “change” or “save” a bad character (Jeff is just the trendy one of the moment, older people will remember girls having similar fangirl complexes for Sephiroth, etc) – at the middle school age, everyone wants to feel special. Once again, this concept of “special girl saves a bad boy” is something that we’ve marketed very hard at their demographic, so it’s really not surprising that they buy into it.

          -Jeff is a suitably “edgy” character that he can be used as a reason for the fangirl/boy to feel like they’re different – you know, the “other girls: x, me: y” meme that’s so popular. “Other girls like One Direction, but I like Jeff the Killer” – it’s just a way for them to start carving out some basic sense of individuality, even if it’s not actually that unusual of a niche.

          TL;DR Society and the patriarchy is responsible for the critical levels of Jeff fangirlism. Burn it to the ground.

        4. Yeah derp! Burn everything. Political discourse! Anarchy! Anarchy is the only way to go!! It worked out so well for Somalia. No government, no society, no anything!!! Damn I’m insane! And bi polar. Socialism is the only way to go.

  421. Everyone is bringing up minute details that seemed to upset them, claiming that certain parts ‘need work’ and the like, but there is still one major factor that you people have yet to really acknowledge, and that is simply this:
    This story is meant to CREEP THE LIVING HELL OUT OF PEOPLE, and just judging by the amount of popularity it’s gotten, it certainly has done just that. Jeff the Killer is nothing more than a scary story. A myth. Something people tell their friends just so that they can have the pleasure of seeing them wet themselves in fear every time someone whispers ‘Go to sleep’ from a dark corner.What adds to the creepiness is the accuracy with which people are able to cosplay as Jeff. Seriously, go to Google and image search Jeff the Killer, and you get some stuff a lot scarier than the picture posted at the end of this. All in all, this story definitely lives up to its name as a Creepypasta, and I applaud the author for officially making me afraid to look around my room when I wake up on a dark night.

    1. *Getting up on my stepladder* *Clearing throat* You are an idiot! You fail to grasp any concept of how horror works. Horror has to make sense in it’s own world. Slenderman works because it often can work in it’s world for then it could work in ours which adds a huge level of creepiness into it.

      Jeff fails at this at every turn. They talk like robots. The police break the law. There are always a hero in a situation. Jeff’s insanity comes out of no where. The bullies came out of an after school program where all it takes to be a bully is to dress in Areopostal shirt and use a skateboard.(Just to name a few)

      It doesn’t feel real. In the story Bedtime I feel like the characters are there going through all of the terror and fear. But, here it feels like I’m watching a robot trying horrible to act out the emotion fear. *Get’s off stepladder* Good day.

  422. This is amazing!! It’s one of the best I’ve read. Though some parts could use a little more detail, over all it was amazing!!

  423. The Doctor's Companion

    Why are people getting so worked up about this? It’s just a story. It’s not going to be perfect. And the fact you added a picture at the end, just makes it so much creepier.

  424. While I don’t think the story is per say “perfect”, it’s still written pretty well. I could still imagine Jeff’s face before I saw the picture.It is still easy to notice the flaws within the story.

  425. Well… While it may not be an EXACT account, I see someone’s done their homework… And I did so enjoy the quiet life. Now I’m a celebrity… I wonder if I can sell the movie rights to anyone. Maybe the guy from Warm Bodies could be me… Or James Franco’s little brother, maybe. He definitely has the smile for it.

  426. Alot of people are commenting with things about how the dialog or how the characters talk, but honestly that is how most people talk. Maybe you don’t talk like that, but I certainly like to talk like that and so do my friends and family, sort of using older english words. Also in some areas of the wold thirteen year olds do carry guns.

    I’m thirteen years old and that’s my opinion on the subject.

    Also huehuehuehuheuheuueeueueuheuehuhueuhe

    1. Not in this area of the world, and when they do in this area of the world (incredibly rare) definitely not in that open or unrealistic of a manor, and no most kids that age don’t talk like that, and you probably don’t either. Not to be rude, but thats how a kid thinks looking back on situations they’ve had, they think they were incredibly eloquent and clever, but usually it was just a grammatical mess with a few big words they think they understand thrown in (much like this story)

      1. It isn’t just the use of larger from kids to young to use them, it’s that the dialogue is too fast, too sloppy, and it feels like the people talk like robots.

  427. You know people that stuff like that is hard to write and if someone told you all those bad comments, wouldn’t you feel like crap!!! And here is a little saying “If you don’t have anything good to say the don’t say anything at all”!!!

    1. The reason to post a negative comment is to let the author know what they did wrong so they can improve. I would rather get completely bashed about how bad my pasta is than a bunch of people not tell me, it’s bad because it may hurt my precise feelings.

      As a writer I care about everyone’s opinion on my work because it will help me improve.

      1. You have a point. its like when one guy was goanna make a movie, its not like he is only goanna care if one person doesn’t like it.

        1. That isn’t my exact point. They should care but, they can’t always especially like when making a movie. With things with huge audiences it’s hard to get everyone opinion.

  428. Guys Lay off. It was pretty good in my opinion. And I go to school in a “Rich” neighbor hood and some kid pulled a knife on a teacher! It’s not that hard to believe.Plus, it happens all the time…

  429. actually bleach is very strong it wouldnt take long for it to eat away at your skin and yes it doese indeed burn you

  430. Dude! Dude! That was awesome!!! I scrolled down to the end just to see how long it was, and I crushed the bottle of water I was drinking. Freaking Jeff!!!!!!!!!

  431. I think this story is truly creepy and you think that it is odd by using son and that’s final my mom and dad say that all the time and the kid saying big words he don’t know how old he or she is he or she might be 15 or 13 or anything.

  432. The plot itself was a good start but the story definitely had its issues. Now don’t get me wrong it could have been much worse (I’m in a college writing class so I see some of the worst things pass through our room), but the grammatical errors and way the author had the characters speak and act was just atrocious.
    Now if we put the terrible narrative, strange fighting scene and spelling aside, this is actually a quite plausable situation. Kids are terrifying these days. I’m from Oklahoma and grew up in a very rich part of town but even we had some terrible things happen around here. A few kids I went to school with when I was younger decided it would be fun to murder a homeless man and cut his finger off as a trophy. Then more recently in the state we had a group of kids decide they wanted to know what it was like to shoot a gun, so they went and shot this Australian man who was out jogging. They didn’t know him and just did it because they were curious. So I feel this story has a plausable feel to it. It has a piece of reality even though its written in an un-realistic manner.
    I give it a 6.8 out of 10 only for it’s outlandish nature.

  433. Holy hell, this scared the shit out of me. This has a lot of errors, a lot of unbelievable stuff, but if you just let your imagination go it gets better. “Now I can smile forever.” I meant holy FUCK!!!!!!!! Scary. As. Shit. Love it.
    And for all of those people who are hatin’ on it and saying it’s terrible, well fuck off. I like it. No, his hair wouldn’t burn to black. No, you can’t just automatically believe that 12-year-olds can walk around with guns and shit, but like I said; Let your imagination wander, and just READ. I like it. Change it a little, clean it up a bit, and it would be publishable.
    LaniBear, your fangirl extraordinaire.
    Because we’re all genderbent down here.

  434. Awesome story! Who cares with the gramatical we still understood it. It was really quite well writen. Yeah loved it my favorite pasta

  435. Where’s the proof that this is good, exactly? The plot needs work, the grammar needs work, the characters need work. The only thing that’s really good about it is the picture. Is that why you all like it? Where’s the evidence, people?

  436. The story was gory, which is good for stories of this type, but it didn’t have much more than that. In fact, it wasn’t much to look at otherwise. What makes a story scary is the possibility of it ACTUALLY HAPPENING. Most of the problems have already been pointed out, like twelve-year-olds shooting and stabbing each other, especially when they first meet, and Jeff killing his brother, whom he cared for enough to cry over just a year in Juvy, which, by the way, isn’t the same as a death sentence to most people, though he acted like it. I honestly can’t see this being possible, and therefore, it’s not scary. It might leave a burning image in my mind, but no nightmares here. It was well written, though, and I can’t wait to see another story of yours. Just put more research into it and stay well away from the fantastic and surreal. I suggest rewriting it, making the characters older, make the fight scenes less… impossible, and keep the fights away from other people in general, especially responsible adults.

  437. Miss. RetardedWalrusNarwal(Your name makes me think you are in fact a troll or a complete idiot) The reason to post a negative comment is to let the author know what they did wrong so they can improve. I would rather get completely bashed about how bad my pasta is than a bunch of people not tell me, it’s bad because it may hurt my precise feelings.

    As a writer I care about everyone’s opinion on my work because it will help me improve. And once again because I am an arrogant asshole, your opinion is wrong!

    1. Even so, isn’t it obvious that the author has done enough “wrong”? You obviously continue to fight against other’s after all.

      1. It’s pretty obvious, there’s just a lot of dumb people out there. I think the jump in recent years is the internet becoming more availible with less restrictions to younger kids. I don’t remember there being this much stupid/12 year olds on creepypasta when it was a newer thing. Not that thats a problem most of the time, just when they skyrocket something this stupid into extreme popularity past things that are well written, have deeper meaning than “lol kid bully, kid go crazy burn face, SO EDGY AND DEEP, jeff kewl, jeff sewww hawwt” A lot on here can really teach fiction and creative writing skills to the younger people that use the site.This story wont. It’s the equivalent of twilight in printed books. You get nothing out of it besides wish fulfillment (for twilight, romantics with a vampire, with this, being edgy and relating to jeff lol u crzy scare ur bully away, gonna snap and kill ur bully!)

        1. I will agree with that. Society is changing and twelve year olds are beginning to become into their sad versions of the “now”. I swear if I hear one more freshman or sophmore in my school, I’m going to lose my mind.

  438. this story scares me a lot….I can’t look out the window at night…but one thing….if he burned his eyelids wouldn’t he be blind from not blinking…oh well

  439. Only children would give this pasta anything above a 5/10. Im pretty certain it was written by a 10-14 yr old. This story was so carelessly written that I simply couldn’t finish. Worst pasta Ive read so far. Well….half read. Needs TONS of work. A good idea for sure, but very poor execution. Keep reading and writing.

  440. Rack and Johnny C. Listen! It is .7 from having the score of the best pasta ever Bedtime! This must be stopped! Go to all the computer laps, Library, and Starbucks!Give this one star it must be stopped!

    1. It’s very OMINOUS how popular this has gotten. That word isn’t the best choice for that sentence, but its a big word and sounds deep and apparently that’s enough to = good writing.

  441. RetardedWalrusNarhwal

    People hate Jeff because of his popularity and because of how it’s not realistic. Although,for his popularity, there are only 8 entries on the site about him. There are 25 of Slenderman, so go bitch on his pastas. Second, this is as real as toast if you compare it to…well…everything else on the site. I am aware there are hundreds of shitty attempts to rip him off. I am also aware of the english errors in this.

  442. i never understood why this story is so popular. its horrible. the writing is horrible,the storyline is horrible. is it because there is a picture that is supposbly real that goes with it? please someone let me know why this stupid story is so popular. there has been some awesome stories on here that have creeped me out and scared me (which is pretty hard to do) that deserve the top spot that “jeff” gets..glad some people agree with me

    1. All the twelve year olds who’ve apparently taken over creepy pasta think its edgy and deep and relates to them. Read through the comments, and how many of them are the little emo kids who think they could kill some one and there so dark and disturbed and misunderstood.

      Its like how twilight appeals to all the teenage girls who put themselves in bella’s place. This appeals to all the super deep emotional edgy 12-14 year old kids whose parents don’t understand them and they’re psycho like jeff!

      1. Wow. How disgusting. Yes many of the fangirls may be cliche children crying about their lives, but what of those that arn’t? Do you see me acting like a child? Yes I may be defending Jeff, and may say that I relate, but I have my reasons. I don’t need to scream and complain about them, but I have them. I respect the people that love this story, even if they say he is “hawt”. Even if you hate the story, why not respect the ones that do? At this point I have no respect for any of you.

        1. Well you think jeff is a relatable character simply because he was bullied, ignoring the fact that it’s the least realistic bullying that would ever happen (they meet him once then try to murder him. Wat. Im not even sure that counts as bullying, bullying happens over a long period) I mean shit, if you’re bullied you’re generally bullied for weeks, months, years, by the same groups.

          I was bullied as a kid. This shit is not what you need to be relating to if thats the case. There’s no realistic thing to relate to, its poorly written, it doesn’t make sense, it offers no solution to being bullied, and even if you’re bullied for years and you snap, it would never be this unrealistic bullshit (that happened after like a day). Find something to relate to that is actually relatable. Don’t force it on this shit story that makes no sense, and you’ll get nothing out of, just because it’s “edgy and jeff is sewwwwww hawt”. Because I don’t have to respect peoples opinions when they think one of the worst pieces of writing is good? thats ok I don’t need there respect either.

        2. I was bullied as well, but I resolved the issues at hand. No, I don’t fall to this story as an outlet though. And I’m a writer myself. Yes, I can clearly see the errors that were written in this story but that didn’t keep me from enjoying it no matter how badly I wanted to re-write it myself. This was a small, interesting story for people to enjoy. The writter even said thereself that it wasn’t done perfectly.

  443. oh Please jeff the killer is as real as Laughing jack his story is true police reports are going mad with rave about Jtk its easy to see that. ive seen jeff the killer but from afar gladly he didnt see me. after that night 5 reports of murder in my neighbor hood. scary as hell yes. but justification i have proof

  444. RetardedWalrusNarhwal

    I hate these retarded comments bashing on the story.You think you can do better,go write a novel.I liked the story,suck a duck.

    1. The ones defending it are more baffling. This isn’t a novel so that comparison is pointless, and clearly people can do better. This site is full of quality writing. This however is not quality writing.

      1. RetardedWalrusNarhwal

        So my opinion is wrong? Is it a scientific fact that Jeff the Killer is a piece of shit? The people who go on stories and videos just to say they don’t like it,in other words begging for attention,are dumb.Also,JtK is my favorite Creepypasta,and no,I’m not some kid who’s read 4 pastas.If it was not quality writing,I believe it would be on Crappypasta.Some of us have lives,you know.

        1. Yes your opinion is wrong (opinions can be wrong). From a literary standpoint yes it is a fact that jeff the killer is a piece of shit story. And those who go on them to praise it are any different? Our main problem with it is something so stupid and cliche and just bad got so popular when tons of quality writing with much deeper story goes unnoticed.You have bad taste then.

          It isn’t quality writing, you can see the comments on here, the guy who runs creepy and crappy pasta is himself confused at how this shit got so popular. But even he must see that this definitely belongs on crappypasta. You know its only him doing it, some shit is bound to slip through onto creepypasta (which it has, quite a few times, this being a more major example).

          So, liking this shit story, and defending it means you have more of a life then those of us not liking it and criticizing it? I mean it seems like that’d take probably the same amount of time. Great logic there buddy, pat yourself on the back for that one.

          Also anyone whose made it through elementary school should be able to see that this is not quality writing. Have you read it? Look at it? How is that good in anyway?

        2. RetardedWalrusNarhwal

          So because you and a few people say it sucks,that means it’s not good writing? I don’t understand how an opinion can be a fact. Maybe in your ‘I know everything’ mind,it can. But the fact stands that people who piss on stories/videos are dumb. I can agree that most JtK are either 11yr old kids or ‘JEFF IS HAWT *nosebleed* fangirls. But my opinion is my opinion,and if you can’t get your Blue’s Clues together then you shouldn’t be posting comments. Why even post a negative comment? It isn’t like he gives a shit about your opinion.

    1. How difficult is it for you to communicate? I swear I was getting a headache just reading this! What would it matter? Let people enjoy whether it is a myth or not. You disgust me, do you always try to shoot people down like this? What kind of person are you?

    1. Well it’s not a myth either. A myth is something that’s been around for a long time, has a bunch of different stories/ possible sitings, that sort of thing. Loch ness monster, chupacabra, some specific haunting sites. Those are myths. This is a really really shitty short story written on the internet thats a year old.

  445. I didn’t love it, nor did I hate it. This was simply an undercooked pasta, added with a dash of great concept, and some surrealism.

    For the people who claim, “this could have been real,” regarding the kids with guns, and the parents never stepping in etc.. It could not, no parents on the face of the planet would let kids with guns threaten their family like that, and kids don’t get arrested by cops with no evidence.

    I’m not hating, it was a decent concept, just not ready for serving.

  446. Ok so this may sound like a silly question to a lot of people. But my friend would like to make a video of Jack and Jane the Killer. And of course he wants to make sure that its ok with the creator first. So i’m asking for him pretty much. Not really sure how to contact you other then your comments. So would it be ok???

  447. I read this yesterday and thought it was pretty good but not perfect/rather unrealistic and such. Then last night I was having trouble sleeping and I swear I heard someone say “Go to sleep” and it seriously freaked me out and I thought it might be Jeff The Killer[although I know he isn’t real but] and I didn’t see him(I’m too much of a wuss to look). I think it might have been a dream though because he didn’t kill me and I could have just been hearing things(I really don’t know, I could have sworn I was awake but now I’m not sure). So I ended up just laying there all night hiding under the blanket whimpering and scared to fall asleep or look to see if Jeff was even there or do anything really and I muttered something like “please don’t kill me” but I just squeaked cause I’m too wimpy to say anything . I almost peed myself though….. :( I managed not to until my brother came into my room at around 8 AM telling me to wake up.

    Honestly I cried a little and (again)almost peed and once again I think I was imagining the entire thing so now I feel like an idiot and have to laugh at myself because I suck.

  448. Why do people say this story sucks and is unrealistic,then go read stuff with Slenderman and whatnot?J.T.K’s comment section is like a ‘famous’ youtuber’s comment section,with all the “this pasta is waaaay better” “someone already did that!” And then the random retards coming to it just to say it sucks.I love this pasta,and that’s that.

    1. Learn fiction. It’s unrealistic because nobody acts natural, kids don’t act like kids, and how you get from point A to point B makes no sense at all, and things that are physically impossible happen. Yes it’s fiction, but stuff like slenderman or ghosts storys make sense in the world they’re set in. People act like people, things happen in a logical story, if somethings supernatural it flows with the story, if its physically impossible its generally explained in the story by a super natural force etc. None of this happens in Jeff

      Now thats just the storyline get into the tense changes, grammar, and all around stupid and you’ve got why Jeff is pure shit.

      A good piece of fiction has to make sense within its own universe, this is set in some version of the real world, suburban bullys at age 12-13 are not that violent, would not try and kill someone a day after they met them, would have much harder access to guns, couldnt jump a fence on skateboards,if they were sociopathic enough to kill someone they wouldnt do it in front of a large crowd because even 12 year olds understand consequences, they’re 12 so they’d probably be shitting themselves the whole time, even bullys have fear especially at 12 when they’re going to murder someone (these ones aren’t people apparent, but ultra violent robot plot devices) and a whole crowd of adults would have none of that shit from a bunch of 12 year olds who probably don’t even know how to use a gun.

      THeres a lot more wrong with it, but thats the gist of it. It’s not people attacking this bullshit story that are the stupid ones, it’s all the idiots defending it for some unknown reason. Is it an edgy emo Kool Psycho character that all the 12-14 year olds wanna be thats doing it? Because they’re so deep and dark they wanna be jeff? that seems most likely. But its shit, it doesnt even convey that in any realistic way.

  449. I don’t understand how this story became so popular. There were so many problems with it. Firstly, there were numerous tense changes throughout the story, even between sentences, which made it hard to connect with the story. There were childlike descriptions – ‘a weird rolling noise’ and ‘thing of bleach’.

    The character dialogue seemed forced and unrealistic given the circumstances. There were so many plot holes too – The police wouldn’t have just arrested the kid because he ‘admitted’ to the crime. In a situation that serious, there would be thorough investigation to determine who actually did it.

    Also, the mother seemed so blasé about handing her child over the police like that. There was no sense of panic or shock, as there would be when you have found out your child nearly killed someone and is going to prison.

    The scene where Jeff was actually fighting them was not plausible at any point. There were 3 people against him, at least one of them armed. It felt too much like a typical ‘1 v many’ action movie scene, where one person is able to fight off a group of people who seemingly can’t attack at the same time.

    Another problem was in the birthday scene. It clearly says that the parents were coming out of the house, however none of them even tried to intervene. Yes, the children had guns (what) and were threatening to use them, but there was no description of the scene or how anyone was feeling, which made it seem rushed and unexciting. Even when they went upstairs, it was as if everyone else at the party simply vanished for the duration of the fight. Again, it was unrealistic how Jeff managed to face them.

    Yes this is a fiction and therefore the author can write whatever he/she wants yada yada yada… but massive plot holes and boring storyline aside, the actual writing style was poor. There was a distinct lack of description, consistency of tense, and an overall feeling that the story was rushed.

  450. zach [Last name removed]

    jeff the killer is my idol if you have anything to say about my comment text [Removed. It is absolutely stupid to try and post your phone number here. -Derp] and also who would win in a fight jeff or the slenderman

    1. Posting your phone number to defend a completely fictional, horribly written creepypasta? You must be 12 and new to the internet. That’s just a bad idea.

  451. Jeff the Killer is a creepy entity.
    However, this story is awful.
    The description was awful. The plotline was unrealistic. Past and present tense were both used erratically in the same story, what the hell?
    To be honest, JtK is one of the crappiest pastas on the main site.

  452. All around horrible story. From the cliché bullies on skateboards. To the Joker origin story ending. I don’t use this word lightly but totally sucky.

  453. This story was insanely unrealistic. A 13 year old boy gets attacked by a bunch of 12 year olds at a kids party and no one does anything about it. A police officer cant just take some kid to juvy on their own decision, a court has to decide that. There would also be questioning to if they did it or not. I have a feeling a 13 year old boy probably wrote this.

    1. Also they can all jump over a fence in unision on skateboards, at 12. Fences are high, most people who are quality borders cant jump that high unless theres some sort of ramp.

      I feel like this story was just a massive troll that somehow got insanely popular. Why this cliched mess of stupid is popular, I do not know.

  454. Sure Jeff’s dialog is a little far fetched for someone of his age, and who cares if there are some parts that are a little cliche? I personally think this is the best creepypasta on here. Not just because I’m a fan of Jeff the Killer, but because it was different. His appearance and his ending phrase “Go to sleep” is original, maybe influenced by media or maybe other creepypastas a little, but it’s the way he got his appearance, how he fought and the story behid it. The bleach, the fire and him cutting open his own cheeks and burning out his eyelids was the best idea I’ve seen. That’s what I find quite interesting. This has to be my favourite creepypasta so far, even though there are some that are a close second. There’s something behind his insane smile and how he killed his family, that I like. He’s probably the most well known after Slenderman, but who cares? This creepypasta made it this far so stop critiquing it so harshly.. The author is amazing, thank you for writing it. I enjoy it every time I go to read it <3

  455. Johnny C. Yeah sorta like that but, light bulbs would explode to much. More like a machine that could harness all of some one stupid thoughts and turned it into energy. It would be free energy for everyone.

  456. I just spent three hours reading the story, which is awesome btw though unrealistic BUT WHO REALLY CARES?!, and the comments. there are some stupid people in this world . . .

    1. You’d be one of them. It’s not that it’s unrealistic. Ghosts are unrealistic, yes we all understand that fiction isn’t real. But it has to make sense within it’s own world. Ghost stories make sense, they’re set in the real world, people act like people, kids act like kids, but there’s something wrong ghosts! Usually given a supernatural explanation, or just left to mystery, but it still works within the world its set in because the “normal” aspects are exactly that.

      Compare it to this story, it makes no sense. It’s set in some version of the real world (nothing is said to suggest this is another planet, or some ultra violent version of this reality). Kids don’t act like kids, things happen that are physically impossible, nobody talks or acts natural, and there’s no explanation for it.

      It’s not a good story if it doesn’t make sense within it’s own parameters. It’s amazing how popular this is. I did not realize how many 12 year olds read creepypasta.

  457. Hi jeffy :D *hugs*
    June the killer: GET OFF HIM HES MINE! *hugs him*
    Jane: -_- I hate you jeff YOU ARE RUINING MY LIFE WITH GIRLS!
    June and Jess: We love you jeff!!!!!!!! :D
    Jess: NO I LOVE YOU MORE :D!
    *They fight and stab and they both after hug you*
    Jane: I hate my life… -_-

    1. Derp, I just want to tell you never ever make me an admin(I know you don”t plan on making random people admin but, just in case.). Because I would probably ban all of these idiots. Use their IP address to track them down and……destroy their routers. So just keep that in mind.

      Ohh, and this guy above is a retard.

  458. How old is Liu? That was hard to tell at first he seemed about Jeff’s age and then he seemed younger and later he semmed older and by the end he seemed a lot younger than Jeff.
    It’s interesting how Jeff got this “feeling” I highly doubt all of this would happen in 2 weeks. With most killers the urges happen around yes, 13 but hes unlikely to go all killer until 15 and go “evil dead” on his face until about 16 or 17 and sometimes older. The shortest time this could happen is a few months like 3/4 of a school year.
    I am such a grammar freak (yes im kinda dorky) and so much of that was messed up but I was able to understand that anyway.
    I don’t think the mother would stay “stabbed son!” unless if its like a stereotypical “ghetto” family. Maybe “stabbed, Jeff!” or just “stabbed!” Jeff did this so he gets it.
    Also. how can Randy, Troy, and Keith beat the crap out of Jeff like that if they’re 12 and Jeff is 13? Jeff is probably taller than them and stronger. It would be different if they were his age or 14. But what sick stuff they did, Im assuming they would be 15 or 16.
    Honestly I liked the beginning of his series with his childhood or “teen years” before this, I thought Jeff was a screwed up jerk and now I feelsome sympathy for him. His urge to kill is probably because of the bullying but even without telling, I see that Jeff has no friends and doesn’t fit in. I have went through some of this crap like he did (exept the psycho killer part, the physical fights and the face issue). So I can relate to him.
    I know we can’t make suggestions right now but you should do a story on Jeff about 15 or 16 years old and doing all this killing and maybe meeting a girl (Like in any horror movie fashion of meeting) around his age or a year or two younger? Right there made me think: mad obsession like in the movie Hick where Eddie had an obsession with Luli but Luli never loved him in the way he loved her? (Watch the movie to understand or look for spoilers to understand.) It’d be interesting to see more of the psycological issues Jeff has.
    Anyway, this is a good story. Write more about Jeff!

  459. I agree that this story had a handful of major logic holes and it doesn’t use the best wording and that some of it was a little over the top and it even wasn’t creepy at all. However, I found this story to be entertaining nonetheless. I rather enjoyed the over the top action scenes even if it would never happen in real life. This, in my opinion, was a fair (note “fair” not “good”, “great”, or “brilliant”) fiction story.

  460. People here have been giving it constructive criticism, and I agree with them. This story is too inconsistant it’s annoying. Now some people have used the strawman argument that “it’s fiction, it’s not suppose to be real” but that misses the point.

    This is a creepypasta, and from the words, you would expect it to be terrifying. Bad grammar and inconsistances a scary story does not make. Let me explain.

    Killers and mass murderers are scary because they’re real, and have a chance of doing real harm to you. Now let’s take the concept of Jeff: he lurks around at night and kills his victums while uttering his phrase (that came out of nowhere. Nowhere in the story is anything relating to night mention, so this snap is another problem).

    A good creepypasta/scary story is doing it’s job when it would have its readers hiding under their blankets with a flashlight and adderall. It would relay on a fear of one thinking this can really happen to you. It would make you jump out of your skin at anything that resembled spheres, or any blow of wind in the dead of night. He’s looking for another victum, he knows where one lives, and that one is you.

    Sadly, though, it’s unbelivable and boring. When you see all the flaws and unrealisticness, both in our reality and “theirs”, it makes you laugh more than shiver. It relaxes your senses rather than exemplifies.

    Now if it was explained that their world was, more or less, one with different standards and morals, some things could be overlooked. This is why fiction like Silent Hill (video games) and Batman work. Instead, we think it’s current-day America, and a lot of things here don’t add up to the belief.

    Which is why this ultimatley fails as both a well-written story, a creepypasta, and an entertaining read. This is not meant to hurt anyones’ feelings, as we all need a different perspective sometimes. Being closed minded gets us nowhere, especially when being a writer. This is just another perspective that can help writers of Creepypasta.

  461. Wow. Just wow.
    This story was very long, but who cares!? It was entertaining
    Favorite lines:
    Mommy, aren’t I beautiful reaction- BITCH HELL NO
    Mommy you lied reaction-BITCH HELL NO

  462. Pasta is some what creepy if you read it without thinking, however once you put In the fact that Jeff cut off his eyelids he becomes less threatening, example IRL all the dust and shit getting into his eye would scar his retina rendering him blind and all his victims had to do to get away was throw dirt in his eyes. You could improve Jeff by giving him some way to see without his eyes, I’d recommend giving him supernatural hearing so he could track his victims via their heartbeat, but whatever it’s up to you.

  463. Alfred Frederick Dinglebottom

    Having spent some considerable time on crappypasta I thought I’d check this one out again. It’s awful and unbelievable. There are faults in continuity and a definite fault in understanding behaviour, speech and vocabulary for 12 year olds.

    I can’t believe so many people have tried to write their own version of this. There isn’t a single redeeming feature in my opinion. The comments section is littered with the young fourteen year olds that this story attracts.

    I hate that cartoony picture at the end. If the story had illicited any fear in me it would have been immediately abolished when I saw that silly picture.

    2/10 for at least spelling the majority of this correctly and for good grammar for most of the story.

    1. It’s both baffling and fascinating, the sheer enormity of fandom this pasta has generated. I mean, have you noticed the comment count on this page? Holy shit. The only other one that even comes close is the Candlejack pasta, and that one was posted in 2008. JtK was posted here in August 2012. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hit 1k comments on this post by the end of the month. It’s really just craz

      1. I think the thing that created the huge fandom for Jeff goes to Mr.Creepypasta. I mean think about. If you watch the original video he doesn’t use the Photoshop mess pic he edits it to look scarier and then he adds a creepy voice and creepy music and sound affects.

        Then it already had a shitty catch phrase. And most of the people defending it say they listened to it not read it.

      2. Alfred Frederick Dingelbottom

        It’s such a shame really. There are some beautifully written pastas on this site and they’re ignored for this. It’s a shame that all those kids that come here to read this don’t venture out onto other pastas.

        1. Agreed, however finding any good ones that don’t have to do with Jeff or slender man or video games is hard since they are mostly buried under a ton of pastas.

        1. Try searching Creepypasta on any art site or search engine! All you will see is Jeff the Killer. I am so sick of Jeff the Killer fan girls/boys! Their are even rather disturbing ‘romance’ Jeff the Killer pictures of Jeff and women/men. It’s really frightening how many people like JTK and feel like he is deep and dark. He is not deep and dark he’s a boy who goes psycho for no real reason.
          Rant over. Faith out.

  464. I thought the story was amazing…Best story I’ve read in a while…Could’ve done a little better but that’s ok… :) Great story…And to all those haters…Especially Jane…JEFF IS BEAUTIFUL!!! Now…In the words of the famous and beautiful Jeff the killer, GO TO SLEEP!

  465. After all the hype about this story, i was expecting a lot more. The story does have much potential, but honestly the writting itself is terrible. Your choice of words and lack of detail and realism were unfortunately appaling. Among other techniques. Ive read other short stories about Jeff that were briliantly written, and other peoples versions of the origional to. You lack the ability to give life to this story, which is unfortunate because i believe this story would be fantastic, if it was not written by a what i am assuming to be a 12yr old with average intelligence. I love Jeff, really i do, but this, the origional story, is appaling. I myself am 15 and could write a novel about the hitory of brick wall that would have better character definition and emotion than this story. Not to mention, it isnt exactly “creepy”. Im sorry but….ugh.

  466. I find out the truth between mystery’s just one thing and I have seen them but the only thing u can do is RUN!!!!!!!!!!

  467. THE BEST FUCK STORY EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  468. I think this was very well done! i was looking for some scary and/or creepy things when my dad told me about creepy pasta and i found this and it fit what i was looking for perfectly!
    i feel sorry for jeff but i doubt he wants any pity.

    i’m thinking of being an author when i’m older and this actually helps me a lot with making horror stories.

    well if you’ve actually read this thank you for taking the time to, even though i doubt you’ll really listen because i’m only 12.
    Thanks anyways!

    -keep writing

    1. He generally doesn’t expect pity. So I wouldn’t feel bad for him. It’ll probably just make him want to kill you more.

    2. *smashing head against wall. Why do I keep reading the comments here. I just keep losing my deposit. I’m going to try. Your dad told you about creepypasta(one word) That is sorta weird. THIS PASTA ISN’T GOOD!! There are a billion reasons why this sucks!!

      If I told every stupid person why this sucks I would be dead by the time I finished!! There are so many people who have explained go to the first couple comments they’ll explain why. You want to be a writer!

      That is sad.I don’t care what you wanna be but, when Jeff the fucking killer is your inspiration. If you want real inspiration read The bedtime series!!! I hate these people are from my generation.

  469. You want to know what makes this story so terrible?
    Bad dialogue, horrible plot progression, holes in the story, and basically the entire thing feels like a bad 80s horror flick. Normally I wouldn’t feel the need to make a post, but the popularity of it is even more annoying than mall goths freaking about Invader Zim.

    1. If I could ‘thumbs up’ this a thousand times, I seriously would. Written by a kid or not, the fact that it has become so “famous” just sickens me. It’s famed by children and mental-midgets alike. People want to cry when others critique the poor writing, terrible grammar, loop holes, bullshit ‘magical’ illogical possibilities, and flat out simply childish writing, but honestly, this story just sucks. It’s made popular by children who are easily influenced. Not a child, you say? Get an IQ test then. I couldn’t agree with the above commented MORE

  470. Jeff The Killer

    Of course I can “take care” of that son of a bitch and yes you can help but it has a price the price is to just GO TO SLEEP

    1. Jeff, just…you need a new catch phrase…the “go to sleep” routine is getting old and it isn’t scary. Not even in the slightest.

  471. Sonic The Hedgehog

    Hey Jeff if you wanna kill this hedgehog you gotta catch me BUT YOUR TO SLOW *dashes off at light speed*

  472. Hello Jeff I wanna play a game for decades you have killed innocent people for your own psychotic enjoyment now you must feel the pain you’ve inflicted on others in this room you will find a pit of poisoned needles and a gun. If you want to live go through the needles and find the key or take the gun and end it all. you have 1 hour. Live or Die make your choice. Let the game begin.

  473. I’ve read so many fan-fics of JTK I feel like imma go blind. BTDUBS, if Jeff, if you help @GoToSleep with that problem I WANNA MEET YOUUU O_o. I will attempt to turn Fangirl mode off. MUST MEET. I still mad at yew Anonymous. IT. ISHNT GARBAGE. Your face is :P Jeff’s is beughtiful. Yours ISHNT ^__^


  475. Umm….. Jeff I don’t think you would but I am being stalked by some tall son of a bitch named Slender Man could you “take care” of him for me? please?

  476. I don’t see why everybody is getting worked up over the fact that the story “isn’t realistic.” It’s just an idea that is meant to be shared with the community. Of course that most of the stuff that happened in this creepypasta would probably never happen in real life, but i still found it to be entertaining, and I enjoyed reading it. It was also probably written by someone who is young too, which is actually pretty good since kids nowadays just sit around playing video games. If you don’t like the story that’s fine, but don’t criticize it unless you are willing to make a better one. Just saying

    1. THANK YOU!!!! FINALLY!!! i bet the people who wrote bad remarks to this pasta didn’t even get HALFWAY through the story before making a mental judgement!!!

    2. A little part of me just died. An idea that is meant to be shared with the community. What community? Because it sure isn’t this one Mr.Anonymous.

      Here is the thing. Scary stories have too be based in fact and realism because if it isn’t then it isn’t scary. Sure some like slenderman aren’t based in truth but, many of the best aren’t based about a mad killer who kills for no reason or child killing entity.

      No there based around people who at least feel like real people get stalked not plain up murder stalked to a point where they question there sanity like a real person would do. And there it is less fouces on the monster and more of what the monster is doing.

      Jeff just says fuck that to that and does all the wrong things.And near the end you turned into a anti-video game person or something and promoted kids to write shit stories instead. Ok?

      And the thing that makes you look like really stupid. You said don’t give conructive criticism unless you can make something better. *Throws laptop out window! That is the 8th time this hour!!!Damn it!!

      This is my generation!!! * picks up phone. Yeah the league of super critics look like you are all out of a job yeah because some stupid person on the internet said so. Yeah I’m sorry. * hangs up. Yeah there pissed.

      YOU ARE RETARDED!!!!!*lighting flash!! So all critics are out of jobs in that theory.I’m so glad I can say this to all you little fucktard Jeff fans. Boom! Something better! God damn one of my many dreams have been completed.

      You are stupid Jeff is stupid and I’m stupid thinking this will change your mind!!

  477. That had to be one of the coolest stories I`ve ever read.
    I really injoyed the discription and how freaked out my couse got when i read it to him at night.
    Actully, just last night my little cousin scared me to death.
    I had been re-eading the storie and when i was done I was about to go to the fridge to get some water.
    I looked over my shoulder for I had heard a slite noise that sounded like heavy breathing.
    Of cource after reading this storie and seeing the ominis figure in the hallways end I practically freaked and jumped at least 4-5 feet in the air.
    By the time that my eyes got use to the darness once agien my cousin was already rolling with laufter.
    This is my favorite part about reading stories like this.
    It makes me as agile as a cat and as volnerable as a kid.
    The worst part is…my cousins 8!!!!

  478. I think Jeff the Killer is a good, stand alone creepypasta. I think the main problem I have with Jeff is that he changed from a psychopath to a unstoppable force of evil. Also, aside from Slenderman, he is probably the most popular creepypasta character.

    I mean, Jeff survived a fight with Slenderman. Jeff is a normal human(in terms of physiology) and Slenderman is….he just IS. Also Jeff is credited as one of the most realistic creepypastas. But in real life, Jeff would have died within a month of infection caused by burning his eye lids and cutting a smile into his already burned face.

    I do not hate Jeff the Killer, I just feel that it should end. I mean, one story did have Jeff and Jane have a kid. Have the kid kill Jeff. Or the source of his “feelings”.

    1. Alfred Frederick Dinglebottom

      Burning his eyelids would have cauterised the wounds. Infection would have been halted by this. Who’s to say that he didn’t treat the wounds made by carving his face. That would make the story even more boring.

  479. sleepy_assassin2

    I liked it im kinda new to this website but so far this is the best I read its unrealistic at times and liu is a Chinese word for flowering and a common name the fighting was unrealistic but I still really liked it like I said at the begging its the best I read so far thank you for your hard work thumbs up

  480. i love this story. it has so many details that make the story so much fun to read, Jeff the killer is probably one of the best scary stories I’ve ever read. i recently submitted my own story called jenna meets jeff. i really hope it gets posted so you all can read it. hahahaaaaa sweet dreams- love jenna

  481. You did a good job, love the story. Don’t listen to these jerks. It’s just their opinion, you can write a story however you want.

    1. You can write a story however you want, that is totally true. But that doesn’t mean its going to be good.. or make sense… or be legible… or be considered anything more then a bunch of letters thrown together.

  482. I think the story would be better if Jeff wasn’t so young. The part when they were at the kid’s birthday party made no sense.

  483. confused i think you need to stfu because this is a true story dumb bo. these ppl looked like this jeff the killer,liu, and smile dog is real. so…………………………………………… STFU I mean it and i am on a search on for jeff the killer,,liu(if he they are alive)AND SLENDRMAN. DAMN BELLIVE ITS REAL I AM TALKING UP FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME MAD. AND NO IT IS NOT A DAMN WIND UP BECAUSE I SAW SMILE.DOG(jeff’s dog)THROW MY WINDOW WHEN I WAS 9 YEARS OLD. AND MY FRIEND SAW SMILE.DOG 2 THROW HERE WINDOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM IN LOVE WITH JEFF THE KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS MY LOVE IDK IF HE IS DEAD I WILL FIND HIS AND HIS BROTHER’S GRAVE AND LOOK I MEAN STARE AT THEM FOR HOURS!!! THIS IS THE LAST

  484. I have seen jeff once i don’t remember where though, but what i know is I…I…I…. AM IN LOVE WITH JEFF THE KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARRY ME JEFF I WILL BE ISANE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL HELP YOU AND SMILE DOG!!!!!!!! (ruff ruff)

  485. Is this some sort of wind up?
    I don’t know how anyone can defend this story, its terrible. I’ve read most of the stories on this site and never felt the need to comment until now. Seriously… there are just so many plot holes and its so poorly written. The ‘fighting’ scene at the party in house… wow. The characters are awful, poorly written again and their actions are completely unbelievable… the mother not even slightly concerned her kids being taken away by the police, doesn’t even try to help him? Everyone in the story is unlikeable and unrelate-able, I just couldn’t connect with this story, its like the scribblings of a 10 year old trying to write an action/horror story to show his friends… and if the writer is a kid then its understandable!
    I don’t even think the basis for the story is good.
    And what was the point of the beginning?! No relevance what so ever.

  486. that was the most AWESOME STORY EVER!
    OMG – that was just amazing!
    even tough he is insane it was what he did with he’s eyes and mouth..
    okay that sounded weird O.O

  487. thomas shields

    oh yeh the parents just watched as jeff was beat half to death wasnt for them jeff wouldnt be a fucking killer and alsoi think even if they went insane you wouldnt ask somone to kill your son without a bit of remorse or care

  488. Elizabeth B Loves Creepy Tee Hee

    I love Jeff The killer, I find his story fun and yet scary. Scarlet Moon is someone I made I’m not sure if someone else made that name but Scarlet Moon really likes Jeff because I made her almost like him you know besides the smile and the eyelid thing but their close.

  489. This is my favorite story out of all the creepypastas, this is my favorite and I love all the other Jeff the Killer
    or Jeff the Killer vs anybody creepypastas their just AWSOME and i think Jeffery is beautiful and i love him :D

  490. Upon reading this creepypasta, I felt inclined to make what would be my first ever comment on one. I just had to make mention of how awful it’s been written and how unfeasible and just terrible the actual story line is. First, you have instances where you separate one word into two for no logical reason, for example ‘down stairs’ instead of ‘downstairs’ and ‘my self’ not ‘myself’. Next you used two terms of phrase I’ve never once heard anybody say, ‘plain out’ (I assume should have been either ‘flat out’ or just ‘plain’) and ‘on the look for him’ (again, I assume you meant on the look out). But what I struggle to get my head around the most is the way in which you end a sentence spoken by a character. Instead of ‘he exclaimed’, ‘she screeched’, ‘said Jeff’ etc, you have put things like ‘“Come on Jeff, look at me!” Jeff glances up, his face riddled with blood.’ had I taken a glance at that sentence without reading it in context, I would have had no idea who was saying this to Jeff, and on top of this it also feels as though the sentence is to an extent incomplete, almost like two sentences have just been merged into one. Even upon putting the god awful writing abilities at hand aside, I was still unable to find this story captivating as the whole thing is completely unrealistic and just plain absurd. If I am brutally honest (which I feel I have been already), this pasta is one of the worst, if not the worst, pasta I have read so far.

  491. i was wanting to know who ever created tis story.can i use it in a game to make a item like jeff the killer?wat it is i obtain rights from u if u agree and i would thank oyu very much if u let me make it.

  492. I don’t care if this story is unrealistic or whatever. I think it’s the best creepypasta yet, even better than slenderman! I loved it, classic with the bullies and the phsyco, but yet so original! And the phrase “go to sleep” is just perfect! What better to be the last thing u ever hear than just a few words that will definitely send u screaming! Thank u so much for this absolutely beautiful piece of true art, in a devious way. >:)

  493. Great moral. “Remember kids, if you’re getting bullied by some older kids, just murder them!”

    You can’t have an anti-bullying message and then support murder. Murdering the bullies makes you much, much worse than them

  494. The story wasn’t well written but the concept was great. I wish I could find a better version of Jeff the Killer.

  495. His name was not Jeff.

    His name was not Liu.

    We find it apropos that someone is keeping their world alive. Even if it is a second hand dictation, and only partial truths written from a perspective that never saw what these two saw or knew, twisting a tale of abrupt and enigmatic psychosis, as well as a contorted explanation of the circumstances that brought a young seemingly normal boy to become a supposed urban legend and boogeyman in darkness. It favors the fortunate that a story is woven to cause disbelief. The axiom is far worse, than the fiction.
    I remember you.

    “‘Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.”

  496. Jester the Joker 0U0

    Okay…. People…. Seriously just…. Why? First of all, Alexander (the one with the LONG ASS COMMENT!!!!!) just shut the fuck up -_- no one likes haters, and you sir are one annoying hater…. And to the rest that payed no attention to the real point of this story should also shut the fuck up. The point of this story was to show that anyone can go insane from traumatizing events. Who cares if the parents just stood there horrified? Would YOU run up to one of those crazy fuckers and try to stop them when they were holding a GUN?! Also those kids obviously have quite a bit of experience from PE and they skate board constantly, of COURSE they are pretty damn strong. As for the bleach, that stuff BURNS AND WHITENS and he was bandaged up for a while. So yes, of course he will have white skin. Plus I am sure the doctors used some sort of treatment that resulted in Jeff’s new (*cough*andbeautiful*cough*) face. And as for the violence, Jeff had this burning feeling in his gut (which I am oddly familiar with….) was his longing to murder so that is why he was so violent, as for Randy and his posse, they obviously watch lots of violent crime shows and are spoiled ass fuckers who believe they are better than everyone else. And as for Jeff killing his family, these days people do all kinds of crazy shit, like that Jodie girl who killed her boyfriend and TOOK PICTURES OF HIM WHILE STABBING HIM. So Jeff killing his brother was not unrealistic, and he killed his mother because she attempted to get him arrested, so he felt betrayed by her. And for those who are hating on Jane, you shut up too, she has a right to hunt down Jeff for what he did (not saying that Jeff deserves death. he knows nothing except keeping himself from losing the rest of his sanity so he shouldn’t be killed for that D:) And Jane isn’t killing anyone else, she is helping them! There is nothing left for her but burning hatred for Jeff. She sought revenge. So she went and did something about it instead of sitting on her ass and feeling sorry for herself. You call it wrong, I call it inspiring. Oh and as for Der Ritter vs Jeff the Killer, it is indefinite. They are both strong and practically invincible, so one cannot destroy the other. Now if there is no other complaints, I will be off~
    -Jester the joker
    (P.S. jesters gonna jest. Don’t like? Too bad~ *ignores hater comments* oh and yes, I notice my rude behavior towards all the hate comments, and all I have to say is I am so not sorry~)

  497. I agree that at certain points that this story was unbelievable but it still caught my interest and I stuck through the story till the end. I enjoyed it thoroughly even if it was excessive. I would give this story a 3/5.

  498. bioshock fan 619

    at the end of the story, I couldn’t help but stare at Jeff’s face. it somehow looks… FAMILIAR.

  499. Gosh. You guys are hateful. Although the writing may not have been the best, The plot was pretty good. In my opinion at least. It’s not always about the writing. The story is what matters. The beginning was creepy.

  500. when you create a story of fiction, you should consider the effect it could have on the real world. you never know if your story is something you made up or if someone put those thoughts in your head. I wish they were still alive but I know the truth, I killed them and that will never change. my parents will never be there to hold me during hard times, tell me things will be alright, or even scold me for doing something wrong. but I still feel the urge for more blood to spill. I just want to be satisfied, but the more i kill the more I feel the urge to kill.

  501. Realism is needed in a Horror genre story (if it is set in a realistic environment, and this one is) because that is what generally makes it scary. An unrealistic and unbelievable story is a lot less scary than one that actually seems possible. People who hate the story have sort of a right to (no they don’t deserve to abuse the author, but if they aren’t abusive to the author, they can say they hate the story). Yes, it is hard to write (for some at least) and we all appreciate effort. The story isn’t that bad, but its opinional. If someone hates it, thats fine. No need to get defensive because they aren’t a 3 time award winner and they didn’t “put all the time into making the story and don’t know what its like to make a story and have it be hated…” Honestly, though, MY opinion: It wasn’t bad.

  502. That's Just Stupid

    Really?I mean REALLY?By far one of the best!?Sit down and start reading then, because this ‘creepypasta’ is the worst I’ve ever read.It belongs to the crappypasta section.I only finished it because I kept expecting it to get more and more ridiculous, and it did.Okay, I got past the thing that there are 12 year olds who carry knives and mug people on the street in broad daylight IN THE FANCY PART OF TOWN.Also, why do they look like cartoon characters?A fat and a skinny goon and the boss…That is how I imagined bad guys until the age of 5…Then the next day police came.Sure, nobody witnessed the actual fight or anything, but them running away, that’s something that ‘witnesses’ remember.Okay, no problem.Jeff admits it, then comes Liu(WHAT KIND OF A NAME IS THAT!?) holding a knife, and the policemen PULL THEIR GUN ON A 12 YEAR OLD WITH A KNIFE.He’s not threatening anyone, but two adult policemen who actually have a strict protocol restricting them when and where to even TOUCH their pistols.Two officiers aiming a gun at a kid for no reason at all could put their badge down for a lifetime.Then comes the party and the fight.Remember the first one?Randy’s wrist snapped, the other guy stabbed in the arm?They magically healed.In like a week.No need to plaster a broken hand, you can hit people with it.Okay, so these twelwe year olds decided that they’ll murder somebody who beat them up.If you think that’s how the world works, then you watched way too many action movies(instead of reading books).12 year olds beat eachother up constantly but they don’t bring guns to some party with 50 people to murder another kid in front of a crowd of people.What 12 year old would have the guts to do that anyway!?Again, we’re in the fancy part of town.And this is where we have to go back to the beginning of the story..A kid wakes up in the middle of the night, finds a monster in his bedroom, the cliché story we all know.In the middle of the night they start fighting the ‘monster’, but they are interrupted by the police who were called by a neighbour.So you’re saying that a neighbour was watching over their house all night waiting for the chance to call the police?They arrive pretty fast too, since it would have been easy for Jeff(he’s supposed to have super fighting powers fueled by some dark thing in his brain but the writer ‘forgets’ to mentoin it) to finish them off after he stabbed the kid’s dad in the shoulder.So again, when there was supposed to be no witness at all, someone called the police in the middle of the night, but NOBODY called them when they were fighting at the party?Jeff’s face was burnt and he spent time in hospital.Even though he ‘turned into an inferno’ right after he regained conciousness he could sit up and so on.Actually it takes months to heal from that.Without therapy you can’t even raise your hands and even if you could it would hurt like a bitch…And don’t even get me started on the face and the hair..Burn victims don’t have any hair left…Miraculously, his clothes were sewn back together as well, even though they are supposed to be burnt(they throw those clothes away in reality but whatever).So we arrived at the ending, he went nuts, okay.But why did he kill his family?Just because you go insane you won’t try to murder the people you love.He wasn’t a particularly evil kid or anything, nothing indicated that at least(maybe inserting stories about Jeff torturing helpless animals or some shit, jesus..).And when his mother found out about his insanity she immediately wanted to kill him.How does that make any sense?I notice that someone from my family is crazy and I shoot him/her?!What kind of a MOTHER could do that?This whole story is a ridiculous pile of steaming garbage, it’s so horrible I don’t know how can anyone write something this bad.It’s clearly a ‘Hmm, I wanna write something cool so I’ll just throw in some bloody scenes, fake psychology and shit I saw in horror movies and then I’m done before I get bored with it’.Obviously written in one sit.Horrible, just horrible.And the reason I’m so upset is that this is actually a famous creepypasta.

    You know,complaining about stories is what makes you lose friends.

    I mean, what if it was one of them?

  503. When i look at that face it just makes my bones shiver,and i dont get the last bit that jeff says,”ssshhhhh,just go to sleep”.

    1. Don’t ever say nobody. Because when a bunch of people hold up their hand and say that they think\like what you said nobody thinks\likes it makes you look stupid.

  504. holy shit, this thing scared me. most likly because i read it a 2 in the morning but i enjoyed the story. i also read jane the killer and thought it was great to. btw anyone ever heard of james kinley his story isnt on this site not yet but it will be. soon. just wait for midnight thats all you need to do.

  505. heytheredelilah

    After reading this story I heard pet by a perfect circle for the first time in months and couldn’t help but think of Jeff the killer.especially when Maynard whispers “go back to sleep”

  506. Um…..Jeff?
    You killed you brother your bro…..
    Your family…YOUR FAMILY JEFF!!!!!!!
    They loved you alot your bro toke the blame to he fight and WHENT TO JAIL!!!!! YOUR MOM AND DAD,SET OUT THE FIRE!!!!!

    1. Mrs. Slendy the Killerette Widenouth-Bigsteine

      I look a lot like Jeff. I feel like I know him. I feel sympathetic and surprisingly no horror towards the fact that he murders people. Though I might not know his motives, I know what he feels like and have also had the impulsive feeling to stab something. I also have some mental disorders. I connect with Jeff the killer and do not fear him. Of course, unless you have net him personally many times, it is a little strange that you want to marry him.

      1. One. They have a cool thing called plastic surgery now, try that for your face.
        Two. Get help, cause we don’t need another murderer in America saying that they love Jeff and can relate to him.
        And Three. For the love of god… Jeff isn’t fucking real!

  507. I just want to say i love this I hope its true i would love to meet Jeff i wish i could meet someone that has the same emptiness i have that no one understands. If this story is true let me know.

    1. Jester the Joker 0U0

      No worries, you get used to it~ :) But I must warn you, this picture was also used in a jump scare gif. Watch out for those o-o

  508. Dear Jeff,


    From, person. Also, my friend says u hide in peoples closets and waits for them to open it. Im pretty sure shes wrong. But u are beautiful just da way u are<3

    1. Jester the Joker 0U0

      Ahem, excuse me but I was in 8th grade at age 13. Please remember those who started school at a young age, thank you~

  509. Jeff is boss, but I used to feel sorry for Jane. BUT NOBODY MESSES WITH SLENDY!!!!! SO U SUCK, JANE!!!!!!! Also, is it normal that im totally obsessed with creepypastas but im only 11?

  510. I love the author’s pathetic attempt at describing Randy, “He wore ripped jeans and an Aeropostale shirt”. Like if the audience is going to immediately think “OH SHIT WATCH OUT ONLY THE BADASSES IN 6TH GRADE WEAR RIPPED JEANS AND AEROPOSTALE SO HE MUST BE THE ARROGANT, EVIL 12 YEAR-OLD WITH VIOLENT TENDENCIES” and that would be enough to give his character depth.

    And then he and his friends jump over a fence with their skateboards… Seriously, I dare someone to say this isn’t the next Stephen King.

  511. This might be not that good in story line and how it was written, but it led to so many great ones. All good things start some where and this one started here and that is what makes it good to me.

  512. Artimis Arsonist

    I love the picture. Verry few things friten me but this did just that. However I do have a comment to make about the wrighting… First, it is a bit cle`shed and there had not been enough reason for the first attack. When the mother told the father to get a gun, it took whatever reality was left. The mother seemed to realy care for her children and would not harm them. I don’t think he would have killed his family, even in insanity people have a sence of love, trust, and hate.You were just in a hurry to wright this.
    I still love the photo:]

    1. Jester the Joker 0U0

      …. Okay you sir are a hypocrite. You shout crude language at others for stating why they did not like this story yet you go and do the same. For that, you shall get a taste of your own medicine: I HOPE JEFF MAKES YOU GO TO SLEEP!!!! *insert rage quit and profane language here~*

    2. Lol…wrighting…you’re using the wrong write. And…you don’t know what insanity is like, so how do you know what it’s like? what’s forgotten and what isn’t? Have a sit down with Jeff or me and you’ll find out what insanity really is.

  513. This is the best pasta by far but can i pair uminekø (shes a part of lavender town shes called uminekø because of her umbreon ears and tail and the reason i chose umbreon is becauseshe is only seen at night killing and such) with jeff? Like as her proxy?

      1. I’ve done my…tumblr research (unfortunately) and I don’t think she meant “pairing” as…dating? Er…I believe THAT is called “shipping”…or something.

  514. I just generally disliked this. It was a great concept but in my opinion, it was poorly executed. I can see why people would enjoy this pasta but it’s not for me!

  515. Am I the only one to find this super, mega, f*cking hilarious? God, I’m in stitches. Geez, I need help.

  516. my fav story. one that i heard of first and got me on creepypasta. i have millions of sketches of him and i personally think it should be the most top rated

    1. Artimis Arsonist


    2. Jester the Joker 0U0

      Congratulations for being a grammar nazi! Take this certificate of ‘No one gives a fuck’ as your reward! :D

  517. What the hell was that shit? THIS is the famous story of Jeff the Killer? I’ve seen grade school English papers that were more well-written than this.

    And all of the comments defending this garbage make me sick to my stomach, quite frankly. Have you people never read an actual BOOK?

    And the picture is just a really amateur Photoshop mess. Why is this crap so fucking popular?

    Also, if you don’t have eyelids, you’ll go fucking BLIND.

    1. Jester the Joker 0U0

      *sigh* Well looks like I have to deal with another mindless fool… You clearly do not understand that eyes dry out OVER TIME. If moistened then they are safe. As for the picture, how would you like to see that face on your computer, at night, in a pitch black room, and your back is facing the window? Or better yet, you wake up in the middle of the night and you see that face just above yours? Now what do you think of that pic, hmmm~? And as for your abuse to the other commenters with MUCH more intelligence than you, I say curse you and your tongue vile creature. You try writing a hit horror story, then we can talk. And you also must have never seen my class’s english papers if you think this is worse. And one last thing… Don’t look out any of your windows tonight~
      -Jester the Joker 0U0

  518. This was honestly awful. The idea of the whole thing was kind of alright, but the writing itself was just bad. Nice try.

  519. StormPheonix-Who cries Bloody Tears

    Great story-It gives me the shivers! Jeff the Killer is actually a real person, so I am going to keep my doors nd windows locked-He’s in this area…


    1. I think it would be more realistic if the characters were more believable, the fucking bullies weren’t so over the top it’s actually funny and if the reason for Jeff’s madness was more clearer.

      The name of the city this all takes place in is the least of the story’s problems.

    2. Jester the Joker 0U0

      You are indeed a dumbass aren’t you~? This author obviously didn’t include the city because Jeff doesn’t like to be tracked (and yes I am aware of the fact that he is fictional to most people so stfu) and there might be a few crazy fan girls who would attempt to find this city and find Jeff’s home so the author decided not to get their hopes up. And the irises are for the color of your EYE. Not for color in general. And just because you can’t see color doesn’t mean you can’t SEE. Hence the term COLORblind. Also if you are going to state your opinion HERE, then use proper grammar. Save that stupid shit for your Facebook and twitter buddies.

  521. Mark of the Bun-Bun

    This story isn’t terrible, but it isn’t extraordinary either. It’s inconsistent in some areas, lol-worthy in others, and a bit creepy. Reading it and it’s comments, I thought ( and this is probably just me) that one 1. This may be some strange tribute to M.Meyers 2. Jeff has the worst mother in the world 3. People really seem to have a problem with the name “Liu” and 4. The picture, the picture bothers me for one main reason. Why do his teeth fit his mouth? It’s enormous, and cut wide, the teeth would not just stretch along with the mouth. Teeth don’t work that way.

  522. This story isn’t terrible, but it isn’t extraordinary either. It’s inconsistent in some areas, lol-worthy in others, and a bit creepy. Reading it and it’s comments, I thought ( and this is probably just me) that one 1. This may be some strange tribute to M.Meyers 2. Jeff has the worst mother in the world 3. People really seem to have a problem with the name “Liu” and 4. The picture, the picture bothers me for one main reason. Where he cut his face, it looks like someone pushed in play-doh. There’s just…nothing there.

  523. heheeheheheh.......

    If I have more than 50 likes on that comment , I will say that sory is bullshit and the picture is crappy

  524. Lol! I used him in an rp as a camo. My friend made him come back saying ” I was babysitting this little kid! He is driving me crazy!” Lol….

        1. You seem angry, my friend. Calm down. Also, it’s not my fault that you were the idiot and read your own name and proceeded to type it.

  525. Hey, CanadianBroad, I got four words for ya.
    TAKE. A. CHILL. PILL. It’s just a story, so don’t work yourself into a frenzy over something stupid. Personally, I thought this pasta was very well written, and you don’t have to agree with me. Just don’t be hating on things that everybody else enjoys. Although, I am inclined to say that some of the things in your comment were true. But seriously, people come here to read creepy stories, not get a long lecture that nobody is going to even remember.

    1. See – this is the problem here.

      I don’t mind that the story is bad, to be honest. It’s actually pretty funny in a “Who was phone?” kind of way.

      What I don’t like, and don’t understand is this: WHY do you love it?

      It’s a trend I have never liked. People make crap popular and good quality becomes rare.

      And if one young person takes the critique to heart, maybe in a few years we’ll have another Poe, instead of 1,000 rip-offs of Twilight. (gag!!!)

      Crap is crap. Whether it’s a story on the Internet, or a book, or music, or a fashion trend.

      Being unable to tell the difference between crap and quality means crap wins.

      And this story was PUBLISHED – meaning it is put out there for the world to look at, not just for 12 year olds to drool over. If you don’t think that allows for criticism, then you don’t have any opinions or any freedom to think for yourself.

      That kind of attitude is creepier than ANY pasta, and will doom the whole world to drown in crap.

  526. No, no, and no. This story is NOT plausible AT ALL, and therefore NOT creepy at all.

    (The pic is creepy, the story is crappy.)

    1) Nobody saw what happened at the bus stop? In a nice, well-to-do part of town, NOBODY ever complained about children with knives? EVER?

    2) Cops do not just take one person’s (or three friends’) story as the truth. Nor does it come down to “their word against ours”. There would be an INVESTIGATION first. Talk to the kids, talk to the parents, talk to teachers, principals, other kids, psychs of various types, more interviews, MAYBE a thing called a TRIAL!?!? Ya think!?!? Cops don’t just got to someone’s house, grab some random kid because some other kids told a story, and sentence him themselves (WHAT!?) and haul him off. DOES. NOT. HAPPEN.

    3) Then the parents decide to go to some kid’s party? Why? Idiots.

    4) Then the “vengeful punks” show up. With knives and guns. And nobody calls the cops at all. From INSIDE the house maybe? Sheesh. “Oh they were scared!” Right. NOT!! Parents will do extraordinary things to protect their kids. And if they ALL acted, how would the kids kill all of them at once? And handguns are notoriously INACCURATE!!

    5) Then the “fight”. Right. Nobody intervenes at all. Hits the gun-toting thug over the head from behind, maybe? Trips him? Throws something at him? STILL haven’t called the cops?

    6) Then the fire. Okay, yeah, alcohol will burn like that, true. And maybe his clothes did catch fire. So … he’s terribly injured. However – if you get bleach in your eyes you GO BLIND if it is not flushed out very fast. Your eyes don’t change colour. If he got bleach on them – his black pants are NOT black any more. (Not to mention his clothes are now charred scraps and stuck to his skin.)

    6) Burns treatments take MONTHS. Months and months. Surgery, special bandages, rehab, psychs, plastic surgery, skin grafts, and on and on and on. Burned skin is NOT “white and leathery” – it is GONE. The car tissue is red/pink to start with, lumpy not smooth, and scars CONTRACT – his mouth would have been a tiny “o” shape, not a Joker-type grin.

    7) IF the kid was already a sociopath, there would have been a LOT of signs of it. Animal cruelty, arson, inappropriate emotion or lack of it. IF this experience unbalanced him, the doctors would KNOW. LONG before any bandages came off, long before he was allowed to look in a mirror, long before he laughed like a maniac.

    8) IF, somehow, the doctors were apparently all idiots and didn’t notice the kid was mentally ill – there is NO WAY a hospital would release a so obviously unstable and traumatised kid like that. NOT HAPPENING.

    9) Ever heard of a psychiatric evaluation? No, didn’t think so.

    10) Oh, so now – somehow – instead of being a fragile wreck from months of surgery and agony and rehab, he’s some kind of super-psycho? And his parents didn’t get him any help? Or even hit him quietly over the head, tie him up, and take him to the Emergency Department? If my eyes could roll any further they’d be in the next city by now!!

    I’ll give up here. The rest tips over to the supernatural which is inherently illogical and rightfully so. (If it was natural we’d understand it … Or someone would, anyways. And we could look it up or ask someone.)

    This is the worst popular pasta I have read. Totally implausible, no real world knowledge, no true to life emotions …

    WHY do you kids (I must assume it’s kids) like this so much? Revenge fantasies? You’ll GET that bully, so there!! Nyah!!

    I know pastas are supposed to be weird enough to be creepy, but the TOTAL lack of worldly knowledge in this story shows that it is written by someone very young. If YOU are a young author, and you want to write something creepy – Write about what you KNOW!! (This is a good start for ANY author!) If you do NOT know, look it up! Ask! Think!

    Yes, everybody’s first efforts suck. But that’s the NOT the point – I applaud the author for at least trying his hand at this genre – BUT – there is no reason for this to be popular.

    Kids – this is serious advice for anyone who really wants to write – READ. Read anything and everything you can get your hands on. Pay attention to how the author uses words, portrays people, and sets the mood. Think about what you read. Did it scare you? Why or why not? What did you like best? Least? Did something, somewhere, “break” the story? What was it? How could the author have avoided it?

    Seriously, start with Edgar Alan Poe, H. P. Lovecraft, M. R. James, Fredric Brown. Read Stephen King and Peter Straub and James Herbert.

    Expand your mind, expand your world, and then share it with everyone else. Have an adult critique it for you (and proofread it!) to help you improve what you do.

  527. Really? Is this really the revered Jeff the Killer origin story? Jeff the Killer who is arguably one of the most famous creepypasta creations?

    I don’t even know where to begin, the story felt rushed for some reason. The bullies were as many have said here over the top, to put the least.
    Yeah I might get past the idea that they carry a knife around with them, but you jumped the shark when you put a gun in their hands. I literally lol’ed when I read that. And that is a bad sign.

    And the argument that the adults wouldn’t intervene is also BS. Yeah they did say that anybody tries something guts will fly but the adults weren’t there to hear it, unless I’m not mistaken. And do you seriously expect me to believe that at the very fucking least Jeffs parents wouldn’t jump in? Really?

    The only child they basically have left atm, since they shipped the other one to juvey without even a single word of protest (nice parenting btw, not even trying to get to the bottom of this). Any parent worth their salt would jump in there regardless of any physical harm that may come to them. I just can’t get myself to believe that the parents would just stand their with their thumbs up their asses while there was a deathmatch going on in the living room.

    And I really don’t get Jeff’s madness as well. It was established early on that there was something deep inside him, and I have to admit that at first I kinda dug the primal rage or something dark that he doesn’t fully understand or control. But I also feel that this storyline was way underdeveloped. You basically just said that he hurts people and likes it which for me at least feel incomplete.

    Also, sure he was consumed by madness, but I still find it hard to believe that Jeff would just fucking maul his brother. You know the one he so very much cared about and tried to protect. Why? Why did he do it? You need to give some sort of a reason as to why, I’ll take anything, no matter how crazy it is, but I cannot accept ”For the lulz” or ”Just cause”

    Also, before anyone can throw their ”If you don’t like it, don’t read it/comment on it” whining bullshit at me. No. That is just wrong. I read the story start to finish and gave my opinion. I wasn’t just slamming the story or threw a half assed ”This shit sucks” comment out there.

    I have my opinion and you have yours, I can disagree with your opinion just as you can disagree with mine. But don’t ask me to shut up about it and keep it to myself, since I don’t ask the same from you.

    End rant.

  528. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…ok bye

  529. omg i love jeff the killer and before you say im just one of those fangirls well who cares cuz i dont!!! i also love ben drowned!!! go to sleep and you shouldnt have done that!

  530. well its funny how alot of people got so fucking mad if your not gonna comment something nice then why comment? anyways amazing story.. people need to learn to chilllllll and get a life… just saying… (‘:


    the scream of sonic.exe

  532. I’m disappointed, this one is mostly funny rather than scary. And not only is it ridiculous but we can see that unlike most other Creepypastas Jeff the Killer is obviously human. He can’t teleport or bash through walls, if he came to my house he would have absolutely no way of getting in. Admittedly seeing his white face looming outside my window would undoubtedly give me nightmares but a quick trip to my closet to retrieve my father’s gun would fix up that problem right quick.

    Also he has no eyelids? What even? How’s that working for you buddy?

  533. Let me just say for all the hecklers out there: you shouldn’t be criticizing. If you’re such a tightass why don’t YOU try writing a perfect pasta ya hypocrite! This is the pasta that first got me hooked on this site and still remains my favorite :)
    Go To Sleep lol ;D

    1. “Perfect Pasta!” PPPPHHHHHH thats a farting noise. But, a perfect pasta is Bedtime, Ickbarr, and other great pasta. But, Jeff no he is not perfect. Not even close. I’m waging a war against Jeff!!

  534. I nearly shit myself when I saw the pic at the end haha
    The story, however, was not believable to me. It seemed much too forced and unrealistic. I see what the author was going for here but it just wasn’t very good. Keep practicing your writing skills though, maybe one day if you rewrite this it will be better!

  535. DisturbedSilence

    I personally thought the story was creative. Yes, there were some iffy parts in this pasta, but we all aren’t perfect. Such as the fight scene. I believe that thirteen year olds carrying around switchblades is a bit too much, and how the parents/other adults were just watching the scenario go down. But, overall, the picture gave me chills along with the ending.

      1. wait a minute……where is Laughing Jack??? Why is he not here??? Dx WHY IS HE AND HIS FLUFFY HAIR NOT HERE??? not to be disrespectful to jeff……BUT WHERE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!!? CAN’T LAUGHING JACK COMMENT?!?!?!

        1. The world is just darkness awaiting for the light, so it can be captured, and gone. I am part of that darkness, and now you are too.

        2. The world is just darkness awaiting for the light, so it can be captured, and gone. I am part of that darkness, and now you are too.

  536. Ok Jeff was nice at first but it was those idiots being mean to them and his emotion got in the way he was never meaning to do anything bad intel the people burned him and I’m glad he beat there butts and I don’t like that Jeff cut into his pretty face before burned but the way they describe him he is so cute and if I was there I would stand up for people so ya the things Jeff did was good intel the killing but ya and there is nothing you can do about me

  537. I feel like people underestimate the writing skills of younger folk. Hey, I’m fifteen and I write horror stories. I use advanced vocabulary when conversing with my siblings or fellow peers. Also, I make a killer enchilada. Yes, you heard me…a killer enchilada.

    ….I feel the boredom taking effect…meh.

  538. Great pasta! Just 1 thing: you said that randy took 1 last breath and died. Later on it says that he confessed to attacking him? I understand that it takes a lot of work and effort to make one of these, and mabye someone has an explination or something that would help.


        (tytiger10 has crashed)

  539. I’ve got a question here:
    Why Jeffs hair didn’t burn but turned black? Also, I’ve always thought that when your skin burns, it turns brown/black/red, not pure white! But what do I know, under all that impossible stuff it is a nice story of someone going insane. (:

  540. This story is beyond ridiculous. Jeff is not an interesting character, he just randomly goes from a good, protective brother to a maniac who kills everyone and everything because… well it’s not really apparent. Not only that, but he seemed so happy when his brother was released from Juvenile Hall (from an already dead person’s confession) and then comes back so quickly and kills him. His parents are not shown to be abusive in any way, yet he kills them for trying to get a gun (which was quite a quick reaction to their son’s implied insanity) with no hesitation. The beginning was confusing and I can excuse the vocabulary of the kid, but it’d have better if it was paraphrasing instead of appearing as direct quotes. I understand trying to build the mood with it though, so its passable. Liu (is he asian?) being arrested with no trial or investigation was just absurd, cops don’t have that power even if there was a stabbing involved. The bullies are the biggest issue of the story, I don’t even know where to begin. First, their portrayal reminded me of something like Ed, Edd, and Eddy mixed with the most basic, generic villains of all time. These kids, who are supposedly from the “fancy” part of town, just quickly pull out a knife for what is assumed to be a small robbery (how much money could these kids have had on them?). The first fight was not easy to follow, but again that’s excusable due to the difficulty of illustrating a fight scene through text. The second fight scene, however, is just so over the top and absurd that I can’t get past it and it ruins the story. So these kids see through the fence/ follow him the short distance across the street (I guess knowing that this kid is having a party) to get revenge. Fair, but could have been better explained how they got there, which would be corrected with a quick scene change to the kids planning this out. Obviously they planned this out, because I don’t know any kids that age carrying guns around. There’s another issue, where did they get the guns? Did they buy from an arms dealer in the nice part of town? Did they go to a worse part of town? That’d be tough considering they’re too young to drive. The most logical explanation is taking it from their parents, which seems difficult but not implausible. I can almost give that a pass, but pulling out a gun at a child’s birthday party seems ridiculous for these young kids in a fancy part of town.Also, they jumped over the fence ON their skateboards? What the fuck, is this a 3 foot fence? Is there a ramp leading up to the fence and they’re pro-skaters? This is such an easy thing to explain, why did he choose such a fucking dumb way to get them into the party? Then the actual fight is absurd too. Why did no one call the police? Why did they just have vodka out at a kid’s party? Was it in a bar? Also, vodka is too watered down to catch fire like that. Were it Everclear, yes it would have made him a “walking inferno” (what the fuck is that, anyways?) but no, Vodka doesn’t work like that. Also, the bleach in the bathroom doesn’t fit. Bleach should be in a cabinet somewhere, especially if there are young children there. The action of the fight was fine but definitely over the top. Again, passable but still kind of ridiculous. The injuries he sustained weren’t believable. Hair doesn’t turn black when burnt, it comes off. Basic bleach to my knowledge doesn’t change skin color. How could he burn his eyelids off too? Controlled burning of eyelids seems pretty tough. That also seemed like a quick recovery being subjected to things that would kill 99.9999% of people. The end was dumb and poorly explained, just saying “oh yeah he’s insane now all he can do is kill” doesn’t work. Just not a well told story, concept is fine, plot was passable, characters sucked balls, the best part of this story is the picture at the end. It’s creepy; the story isn’t but the picture is. In all it could be good if they told it more effectively. But the popularity this has seems wholly unwarranted. Just such a poorly told story, I couldn’t give it higher than a 2.5 out of 10. Pretty dreadful.

  541. Is Jeff the Killer actually real? If he is, then I’m never leaving the house again. I can’t really fathom why I get terrified easily, but I hope that-Oops, I almost spilt a secret! Got to go, the Faeriefolk don’t wait around long…

  542. The reason no one helped Jeff at the party was because Randy and his gang would shoot Jeff if they did. If you read Jane the Killer: The real story. You would probably understand this story a little more.

  543. I like this story. The first time I read this, I was afraid. But this is the fifth time I’ve read and it still kinda freaks me out. Not as much as the first time but still.

  544. The Killer Known As Jeff

    Would the fangirls please tone it down a bit? Sam is frustrated with it, as am I. It’s annoying, stop.

        1. The Killer Known As Jeff

          Look who’s talking. You kill people you think you’re better than. It’s like you think you’re Batman or something.

        2. Woah, woah, woah. Let’s not play the blame game and get hostile. I know about your anger issues, Jeffster. And I don’t kill people because I think I’m better than them. I’m no better than them to be honest. It’s because it’s like I’m on display every time I leave my house. Just sick of it, is all. Oh, and I need blood for the wall. Y’know, that one that I showed you that one night.

        3. The Killer Known As Jeff

          Oh yeah…that…I forgot. I guess you have a legitimate reason behind it all…

        4. Yeah. That’s right. So don’t even start…or I’ll feed YOUR blood to whatever is on the other side of the wall.

        5. The Killer Known As Jeff

          Oh, please. I’m sure the thing doesn’t even exist. Just like those doughboys. It’s all in your head, Nny.

  545. I don´t think it´s written that bad, even when it´s not that realistic. The story is not scary or creepy. For some reason I think it´s..(this is when my insanity shows) well… a very beautiful story. Sad and crazy. And the picture is not creepy at all. It´s… how could I say this… hypnotic.

  546. This pasta is probably one of the worst written I’ve ever read. On top of that, the obviously shopped picture isn’t even that scary either. The fact that Jeff the Killer is one of the most widely known pastas really disappoints me.

      1. SAM SAM SAM.


        Oh, and I killed Jeff…JUST KIDDING. However, I do have him tied up somewhere in the bowels of my house…I would assume you want him back eventually…

    1. Phsyco Krissy NightKiller ;)

      I Do Enjoy This Story, And I Agree With Jeff, In Some Way He Did Have The Right To Do What He Did, And Who Wouldnt Become A Phsyco Killer, And Enjoy Killing After All He Has Been Through :P #TeamJeff! <3 And #TeamCreepyPastaFamily <3

  547. Don’t get me wrong, the story is captivating, but a lot of parts are unrealistic.
    And for the record, neither bleach nor vodka are flammable. Even 50 percent alcohol makes for such a slow burn that a quick pat would put it out. Nah, if it’d been everclear, Jeff would’ve been fucked.

  548. I love the story, I could actually feel Jeff’s insanity. It was well written, and I loved the personalities. Good job.

  549. Swirly Head Man

    Everybody here needs to realise that a purpose of Creepypasta is for aspiring horror writers to get FEEDBACK for their work. So if someone gives a list of what they found to be bad, don’t tell them off for being negative or mean. That’s like telling a talent show judge they’re being a dickhead for saying they didn’t like a performance.

    1. Oh my dearest Sam! I apologize, I have been killing off dead weight and I am now coming home. Smilies needs to take a chill pill, I will be returning to your place as soon as I can. I love you Sam! Stay psycho!

  550. Hello. I am Lucy, “Psycho Sam’s” best friend. I have been her best friend for a long time. It is true that people have never really seen my face. My skin is pail white with my hair and my face stays covered. But you would keep it covered too if a bunch of bratty highschool snots dumped a tub of bleach on you in the girls lockerroom shower! The whole right side of my face was “destroyed” my cheek had burned away and my eye was white. My parents didn’t except the new me. I thought it was an improvement. I thought it was beautiful. So I knew that I had to find Sam again. The only person who would except me and know my rage. She didn’t even flinch when she opened that door and I stood there happy to see her. But when I stepped into her house and she called up the stairs shouting “Jeff!” I was confused at first but when he walked down those stairs it was him! Jeff the Killer! I couldn’t stop myself from smiling as he smiled back and held Sam tightly. She was happy. And I was happy to. I was like her, we were into paranormal stories and we always told each other new things. Until I found Jack. Eyeless Jack, oh he facinated me the most. I did a lot of research about him and I loved it. I loved him. What a team we all are. And if “Jane” wants to stop us! Go ahead and try! Psycho Sam, Jeff the Killer, Lucy Lucy, AND Jack will be waiting!

      1. every little thing that happened……….every little disturbing detail……….im scarred for life……LITERALLY………

  551. *Yawn* This was so boring, not creepy at all. Definitely crappypasta material. And the worst part is, it’s not even realistic, yet some people love it! It’s an awful storyline. 0 outta 10. Would not bang.

  552. That was a surely good freaking story although looking at the picture and thinking about how he would sound and how he would look irl made me creeped

  553. Mwahahaha! I am beyond Minecraft and can’t be removed…and if you play it, I WILL COME FOR YOU, and thats not all….im going to haunt your computer bit by bit…so yours is next. wAkE<0./uP

    ~ HeRoBrine

  554. I love jeff~ randy,go die in a barricade. no one cares about you randy you suck :D JEFF IS GOD. *bows down to jeff*

  555. Well all I can say is, the story was ok… It had a a lot of parts that just made no sense… but holy crap, that picture at the end scared the shit out of me. O_o”

  556. Oh sweet Mary…I remember you. Thank you so much for telling my story as I requested. You were always one of the sweet ones. Yes my name is Sam. I am in love with Jeff, to me…he’s beautiful. I am just like him. He is my whole life, my inspiration. This so called “Jane the Killer” disgusts me. Her death will be my delight and I’ll be happy to end it for her. I have been beaten and bullied my whole life for my “conditions” and many people have called me “Psycho Sam” on a daily basis. I was sick and tired of it…so I ended all of that. With my best friends Lucy and Smiles by my side to support me it made things even better. She was the only person other then Jeff to understand my torment. Jeff gave me this new smile across my face and Lucy Lucy gave me the spirit. And Smiles, ohhh Smiles…what a fiend to have. Jeff…I will love you, forever and always.

    1. Oh my god! I never really cared for Jane the Killer. In fact I hated her. But Psycho Sam and Jeff the Killer? Oh my God AMAZING! :D

        1. Ahaha! Gladly! But unfortunatly it’s time for me to go out. Smiles is getting cranky, darlings.

    2. Oh Sam, you have always been the lovely sort, still loving the always amazing insane Jeff. Smiles has always been there for you and I, Love the new smile, love. Hope to see you soon, my dear friend. <3

  557. There was actually this girl that used to live in our town. Her name was Sam and she was eighteen was home schooled. She only had one friend that had white hair but people never really saw her face, I think her name was Lucy. People thought Sam was wierd and she had to take medication for countless things, so people thought she was crazy. She had long razory hair that she would dye red and she had bangs that covered the right side of her face. She wore black pants and converse all the time and she would wear either band shirts or a long sleeved white shirt with a hood. She talked about horror stories a lot and she would even talk to her self. Whoever she was talking to she called him Smiles? I don’t know who Smiles is but she talked to it A LOT. I’ve seen her around town a few times and in this local coffee shop close by to my house. She seemed very nice and very attractive but when ever she was around people called her “Psycho Sam” and she would have this horrific insane look in her eyes. There have been murders around town and nobody seemed to know who the killer was. Until Sam was seen walking with a guy about her age wearing black pants, converse shoes, and a white shirt with a hood. Ever since then multiple murders have happened around town and some of them have been my best friends. Psycho Sam…thats what they called her…Psycho Sam…is in love with Jeff the Killer…

  558. How the actual fuck has this got such a high rating and so much positive feedback, and how the fuck can people actually be saying it is realistic?
    I’m not taking about a few grammatical errors, a minor plot flaw or a few instances of poorly constructive dialogue, which is all forgivable… but this is SHIT SHIT SHIT from start to finish.

    1. Jeff lives in a fancy neighborhood, but kids carry around knives and guns and attack, even attempt to kill each other, with massive audiences?
    2. Talk about generic characters. The mother, the father, the bullies… every one of these characters is so generic and lacking in substance it makes me sick.
    3. Nice lack of understanding of legal processes. Cops don’t just point their gun at children, nor do cops press charges without trial or interrogation. Awesome how the mother didn’t even act shocked or questioning when Liu claims to be the attacker. Great faith she has in her children.
    4. Poorest dialogue EVER. Could you actually get more ridiculously cliche?
    5. At that kid’s party, when the bullies attempt to murder Jeff in broad daylight with a massive crowd watching, how come not one person steps in to break up these kid’s fighting?
    6. Jeff’s been in an intense fire accident, yet his hair is just singed while his face is deformed? Try again.
    7. You know nothing about psychology. Your describing of the descent into madness was TERRIBLE and unexplained. And then he just decides to slaughter his family, for fuck’s sake?
    8. The mother’s reaction at the end is possibly the WORST bit for me. Her son’s just mutilating himself brutally and she’s all ‘what are you doing?’ and then runs off to get a gun? What? She’s going to shoot her own child dead because he’s mutilating himself due to insanity? Sounds more like the MOTHER is a freakin’ psychopath.

    That’s 8 reasons so far. I think I’ve described enough about how terribad this ‘creepypasta’ really is. What’s sadder then the story itself is the fact people are genuinely impressed by it.
    You call it realistic? What, tell me, is so realistic about it?

    1. this story isn’t supposed to be realistic! this isn’t even the whole story! and when people enjoy a story, you should let them. don’t ruin it for them just cause you think its terrible!

      1. and…this story might as well be true…jeff is real! i know his last name and i have his E-mail address! that is proof!!!

        1. and….there is a newspaper article about the attempt of triple homicide! though it was only a double homicide. liu disappeared from the sacred heart hospital…alive.

      1. this story…..this is only half of it…….Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!! this isn’t even the whole story!!!!!!!! :D and im NOT the only one who knows it!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  559. This site is overrun with illiterate 13 year olds. Try jhonney the homicidal manic if you want some tasteful meaningless killing.

  560. This site is overrun with illiterate 13 year olds. Try jhonney the homicidal manic if you want some tasteful meaningless killing.

  561. Vampire_lover(not sparkleh ones)

    Personally,I love this story,Its my favorite one and I use Jeff In MANY of my RolePlays

  562. No one knows me but im the girl with black hair,pale face,dark eyes and dresses in black i was forgotten when i was 2 because my (rich) parents got a new baby girl and forgot me but i had a imagenairy friend and i dont need anyone els but rosco. Rasco is a fun,cool,nice,shy,funny firend but if im sad he is soft and cuddley but if im mad and filled with rage he turn to a huge devil and kills everyone and he taught me powers and now my parents will pay. All I wanted was a friend AND NO BODY WANTED TO BE MY FRIEND BUT ROSCO *calms down* why,why dont people love me? Why don’t people want to be my friend? But ill make everyone pay ILL MAKE EVERYONE PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  563. jane…..KILL JEFF get him because yah yah yah his smile and eyes and pale white face is buttifull BUT HE BROKE MY WINDOW LIKE REALLY WHY DONT U JUST OPEN THE WINDOW?!? I was a baby when i saw the rake(1 month) and 5 when i saw palegirl and 6 when i saw THE AWESOME JANE THE KILLER and 7 when i saw jane ever scence i saw jane i had the earge to kill jeff and i allmost did THAT MOTHER F***ER ILL KILL U SOMEDAY ILL GET U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  565. hey anonymous dude i am 12 and when i was 7 i used words like illuminating and stuff and it clearly states that by young it means 10-14 so yeah and a younger boy wouldnt have woken up so yeah again!

  566. I don’t care about the complaints, I love this story. I was facinated by it, and it even made me a little sad towards the end. Many people can’t grip what real insanity might be like but in this story they showed it. Like I said though I really liked it. I’m a fan of Jeff.

    1. YOUR INSANE?!?!?!! YAY!!!! IM NOT ALONE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  567. I just love this story and I love the fact that its based of a true story and has inspired me to write a story on quotev about a girl named Amity growing more and more crazy everyday and soon going insane and killing, on the way she meets jeff and they become partners in crime.

  568. Why can’t we be friends? xD
    I found this story sad the first time I read it. It wasn’t scary to me. Sure it gave me chills, but it’s not like I’m gonna be hiding under the covers at night.

  569. Nice creepypasta!!! Barely any cleshays, nice story, action, a twist ending, and pretty scary!!!
    10 out of 10!!!!

    1. Fuck! Why! Why do I come here? I don’t know!? Wait, I do! Because it is my duty! You are stupid. You botched the spelling of “Cliche” Which there are a lot of. I think it probable stole most of the concept from Carrie.

      What is the twist?! The shitty catch phrase!? That is no twist! And if your saying that he was the killer. Just no! You are stupid peace out!!

        1. The Killer Known As Jeff


  570. Sorry, but this story was just so ridiculous and difficult to get into. I’m supposed to believe that (from what I gathered) pre-teen children just so happen to be carrying knives and guns around with them. I’m also supposed to believe that these children take part in some sort of bruce-lee style movie fight scene where one child has the motivation to set fire to another child of the same age…

    1. I saw a video…..a sad video…..i cried…..i knew i would cry when i saw the name…..the name is….”Jeff the killer & liu monster” by Kishin Asura …….please watch and comment….the only reason i cried is…….what the video is truly about………im never ever ever gonna stop crying about disturbing things am i?

  571. What i want to know is if Jeff were set on fire and than burned his eyelids out why didnt he remember the day he got a new face i mean seriously
    P.S. im outside your window when your sleeping and im like this .3.

    1. The Killer Known As Jeff

      Do you want to rephrase your question? I’m not sure I understand. What do you mean by I don’t remember?

  572. I will kill you all. the last thing you will see is my hands ripping your skin off of your face. P.S. I haven’t seen Slendy in a while. has any one seen him?

      1. The Killer Known As Jeff

        Slendy, you anticipate attacking your victims too much, too often. So you lose them. They get away. Leave the killings to me and this guy.

        1. It’s fun to play with them though. Which is why I love all of my torture instruments so much.

  573. Anonymous shut up your just trying to look cool going up against a popular pasta on the front page. guess what your the exact oppisite you stupid noob.

  574. Insane Killer,Stabber,Torturer and other cool things...

    the picture is not scary ! its not called being creepy its called being FUCKIN BEAUTIFUL!!!! im sure if i show you a pic of my face you are goin to be scared .but WHY??? IM SO BEAUTIFUL!!
    ps; you have see nothing read nothing or i will find you and torture you (but not you Jeff you are too beautiful! <3 ^_^)
    bye…have sweet dreams.

  575. Wow i could imagine jeff being there instead of my dog when i wake up in the middle of the night… wait who’s therrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  576. Jeff, you may not know me, but i know you, i have been tracking you for a long time now, and I’m tired of waiting. if you ever want to find me, look for a man wearing a baseball cap (it’s blank) and sweater vest, he also has a scar under his left eye, if you see him, that’s me.

    prepare for the worst, because when I’m done with you, your son is next, good luck. >:,)

    1. The Killer Known As Jeff

      1. Okay, motherfucker. Bring it on; and 2. I don’t have a son. You sure you have the right Jeff?

  577. I really wanted to like this story…but damn. It was bad. The way the cops just took Liu to jail? Without any trail or hearing? Awful. Twelve year olds assaulting a thirteen year old, not too bad. Assaulting him with knives and guns? Awful. The parents just standing there as a twelve year old beats up their son? Awful. And where did this “sensation” come from? Why does Jeff just snap like this overnight? This is one piss poor pasta. Thumbs down.

  578. Wait, THAT’S what that picture is? Wow, I’ve been living under a rock, and here’s the thing: If you just show the picture to somebody who doesn’t know about Jeff the Killer, they will just think the picture looks weird. Seriously, just look at the picture and don’t think about Jeff the Killer. He looks like a clown without a wig or nose. He looks HILLARIOUS! Oh, and I like the story, it is very interesting and sad.

  579. i really didnt think that this made much sense. it was a good story. but it didnt explain why he went so crazy. people get beat up in the ghetto every day and dont turn out like that. it just didnt make sense, if you were trying to make it sound real. but i will say it was very intresting

  580. This happened to me once. I was walking to the kitchen when i thought I saw JEFF THE KILLER’s face in the crack in the door in my bathroom. Moral of story? Do not act all ga-ga for him. Yes, I am a girl…and i know for one to stay away from that creep. T_T why of all places the bathroom? the world may never know.

  581. i’m not gonna lie,that pic just scared the crap out of me.i got bullied before i’ve been called fat and became relly sick beacuse i loss weight and i was really skinny.i had to go to the hospital,i then went to theripy and got better.ti’ll this day i will never for give the people who bullied me.

  582. I seriously love this. Jeff is my favorite creepypasta. I can’t get enough of him. I don’t know how anyone could ever hate this.

  583. heh this reminds me of the time my friends looked up her dads first name(jeff) and she found jeff the killer and clicked on it and said”oohh this looks like fun” she told me and told me how confused she was so i had to explain it all to her and by all I mean all then she asked me why enjoyed reading it it and enjoyed explaining it and showing the pic up there and the rest just a bunch of rambling

  584. If I ever meet Jeff… i would kiss while he would stab me… after telling me to go to bed…. I would just kiss him and bleed at the same time…He seems misundertood…. I love him already

  585. That scared me really bad, but I give it credit for scaring me. Amazing. Great details. One question? Is he real? If he is im not sleeping tonight. o.o

    1. You properly could but
      you might still get killed because when he falls on the ground you you would properly think he was dead and not notice till after he stabbed you in the back before you actually checked him to see if he was alive

  586. 1. Nic try! That photo is of Jebb Loopy from facebook. XD
    2. I think that the child in the beginning has too mature a vocabulary for his “young age”.
    3. The only time I have ever heard of 12-13 year old fighting like that are children that are like, brain washed..


      1. jeff,have you ever tried to stab a hobo because they slapped you in the face with a banana….because i have….just asking out of curiosity.

    1. Ok, first off… do your research, please. Second off, Yes, Jebb Loopy has a pic of Jeff the Killer as his FB page picture. The Jeff the Killer picture is photo-shopped. Just because it is his FB picture doesn’t mean it is his actual picture.
      I am not wrong, I did my research.

  587. if liu and jeff go at it i want front row seats to see it so jeff please warn me when you and liu fight i want to see it :) :) :) :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. The Killer Known As Jeff

      Why in the world would I fight my brother? And he’s dead anyway. There’s no point to wait around for a fight that’ll never happen.

        1. The Killer Known As Jeff

          Yep. Pretty much. Tonight I think I’ll use Yamz’s bones as toothbrushes.

  588. I love this story. Some of the foreshadowing is forced and the words are unnatural, but it’s truly a creepy tale. Not scary, but creepy. Honestly, I think Jeff the Killer is the best CreepyPasta creation/tale, just because so many people have taken the character and given it a twist. It’s become a kind of trend, especially among the anime crowd, with fanart and roleplay. Great story!

  589. One of the only problems I have with this is that it says that Randy dies but then later it says he confesses. That was a little overlooked but I still like the story a lot. The pic creeped me out a lot too.

  590. All i can say is that jeff you need to watch out for jane she really wants you dead here some advice kill her first no regrets who would not want someone just like you dead

  591. Insane killing machine or not, if a 13 year old boy that had just got back from hospital after nearly dying tried to gut a fully grown man, he would get knocked the fuck out.

  592. I thought it was an interesting story but I don’t understand a couple of things like…

    1.I’m not a doctor or anything but I’m pretty sure his hair would’ve been burnt off and never grow back but I’m not sure correct me if I’m wrong

    2. how did the police get to the house so quickly again Idk how fast they can arrive plus IDK how long they were fighting in the beginning.

    But those are really the only things that bothered me and I’m not even sure if they are true so yeah that’s about it.nice job on the story (:

  593. AmericanVandalism

    Don’t you just hate it when people say they’re slender or the rake or jeff or someone, and post pathetic comments on popular teen fiction sites? Let’s be realistic, people. If you were multi-billion year old paranormal entity, wouldn’t you have something better to do than post hypocritical comments on websites you probably found surfing around the web, looking to pick up some forty- year old chick because you can’t do any better? if you are one of these people, i highly recommend getting a life and laying off all the fan fiction writing. It’s really rather… how should I phrase this? …”Odd”?

  594. Hello Kitty Time Capsule

    Love it or hate it, Jeff the Killer is now internet famous. There’s so much fan art, and even other AU/OC stories about or with Jeff the Killer. I mean, sure the story was very /believable/ but even so, Jeff has so much buzz on the internet. Fan pages, fan art, fanfiction, etc. The list goes on and on. Anyways, I just wanted to say to everyone who/s just plain hating rather than giving some constuctive critisim, grow the hell up. Jeff is internet famous now. Deal with it.

  595. :( jeff didn’t kill the fat kid that made him look like that. i thought the writer would’ve put that in the end because it was his fault all this ever happened.

  596. Hey all who has a problem with this has no creativity at all. And I know plenty of children that speak that way .And if you didn’t you can’t be smarter than a fifth grader. Keep up the creativity.

  597. I’ve been a huge fan of Jeff the Killer a long time now. I honestly look past all of the grammer mistakes and the other minor details and just enjoy the story, but that’s just me. Plus…Jeff is so fun to draw. :D

  598. Sorry, but I personally thought this story was completely unrealistic and terribly written. The characters are not believable in any sense and the grammar is horrendous. Going to have to agree with BreizhM that the picture at the bottom was the most scary/creepy thing on this page. Besides how many people absolutely loved this piece, that is.
    I mean, it totally has the potential to be really good if someone actually spent time developing a more structured, realistic storyline though.

  599. Logical Slender Man

    Okay the story is excellent! One question people say Jeff can’t die. But Jeff is human… It’s like saying The Joker can’t die. :/ Humans can die multiple ways Old Age…Getting Murderd, Suicide etc.

      1. I’ve tried every way possible…I can’t die. But I’m pretty sure I’m human. Well, I “died” but Satan sent me back to earth…so…I mean, does that count as dying if he brought me back to life? Nah…because I haven’t officially “died” yet. So, it’s possible.

  600. 1/10, not scary. A little disturbing, but mostly WTF. Also, who is telling the story? It’s like two stories (a news report of some sort and a short story) were mashed together.

    Seriously, though, man, when I first clicked on this story, I scrolled down to see how long it was, and BAM. Creepy-ass picture. Scariest part of the whole shebang.

    1. Why are you commenting whatever the hell you want? You have to be the most random fuck I’ve ever come across.

  601. i had a dream i was wondering through the forest…and i saw jeff’s house……and then….jeff ran out and tried to stab me……and then O.O……i yelled at him… exact words were “JEFF YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED! I SWEAR! YOU KILLED YOUR FAMILY WHEN YOU COULD’VE JUST JUMPED OUT THE WINDOW NEVER TO BE FOUND!…..NOW GO SIT IN YOUR ROOM AND THINK ABOUT YOUR LIFE!!!!!!” then i woke up…and started crying out of anger….i didn’t wanna do that…….. :'(

    1. IM SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. I had something to relate to Jeff. I was in a slumber. Then arose a rumbling in my parent’s room like an earthquake. I sprang from my bed and ran to my parent’s room. I swong open the door. They were fast asleep. that’s strange, I thought. then Oh GOD!ikccyycddqasenfoqp[ngh[hepl.;/xsdjkolxjbhp; h ;,nhwpdkkkkkkkkkkkk , bhh

    1. Hello Kitty Time Capsule

      If you’re 8 years old, you need to seriously get off this website. Or the internet in general. Go play outside.

    2. yeah like you could push Jeff off your house. your 8. he’s 14.
      i mean he took out three guys WITH guns AND knives. i don’t think you could do any damage.

  602. i hate unicorns……unless they’re really creepy…..and kinda demented…………..then they’re cute……….i don’t know why…………

    1. i can’t look at the picture…..whenever i do….i smile like an insane person that looks like they saw a unicorn….. O.o

  603. Wow can you imagine if this was real no one would ever want to go to sleep again oh and btw randon question but did jeff become sain again or just continue to kill people and remain insain

  604. Guys,Jeff the Killer and Jane the Killer aren’t real,Don’t fall for that comment the “jeff the killer” guy posted.

        1. Oh, c’mon, pal. You know I kid. I don’t aaaalways mean the things I say. Just most of the time.

  605. That Picture TRIPLE CREEPED M- Jeff: GO TO SLEEEEP Me: No! Not Now, Jeff! Jeff: Oh Its Time

    Me: OH MY GOD DUDE DON’T YOU DARE STAB ME!!!!!! *runs away from Jeff*

    Jeff: COME BACK!!!!!!!!

    Me: Nope!

    Jeff: COME BACK YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!

    Me: NO, I WOOOOOOON’T!!!!

    *shots Jeff with a gun*

    Jeff: Ow!

    Jeff: Oooooh

    Jeff: HELP I’M D-

    *Jeff dies*

    The End…

    1. Stop. Just, no. I am not chased by dough boys. They merely like to play with the feeble thoughts of my mind and manipulate me…constantly.

      Also, shut the fuck up, poser. You must be that Jimmy kid…no, wait…I killed him…still, shut your face hole, shithill.

  606. the creepy thing is that this seems like it could really happen and also the fact that the non insane jeff is like me and jeff is my first name

  607. The only thing that made me shat myself over this story, was the terrifying photoshop picture of his face. I still can’t get it out of my head. I would not judge this story for not being “Realistic” Common sense, everything on here is considered fiction. There is no realism, the content is. Anyways, this isn’t the best pasta I have read. I thought BEN was scarier.

  608. Alright. I’ve been reading creepypasta for quite a while, and I finally decided to read JtK, despite hearing many people call it crap.

    In my opinion, no, it’s not that creepy (except for the picture. Holy fuck, that picture.). BUT. It is rather action-filled, and quite enjoyable. More of an action-horror story than an actual creepypasta, but still, I liked it.

    Also, stop complaining that Jeff uses ‘aww too complex words for a 13 year old’. I’m 14, and when I was 13, I was using complex words like that all the time (causing quite a few people to mistake me for being 18 online). Complaining about it just shows how stupid you are.


  609. TheDayOfAllTheSlender

    Everyone saying “It’s not meant to be real or seem real.”
    The how else is it going to scare you? The unknown and the fact that it MIGHT be real is what is scary!
    Imagine if I told you there was a serial killer that doesn’t exist and it’s coming to get you. Scared? No.

    1. jeff(not the killer)

      the point that they are trying 2 get across is that there is realism in the fact that a bully can push a perfectly innocent boy and with all the bullying done to him cause him to snap turning him into more than a mentally broken boy but a monster

  610. OMG OMG OMG!!! MY FAVORITE CREEPYPASTA!!!!! I do a lot of Jeff fanfics cuz im a jeff pysco, and im proud of it. ;D

  611. I agree,the story could really use some work,the fact he went crazy and killed his bro after protecting him[yes he did and his brother didn’t say he looked ugly,he said it looked okay.”]. Also,I pretty sure he wouldn’t kill him as a lot of psychopaths care about their families even if they are crazy[I know this,I’ve seen enough cases to know this is true]. The last thing,the fact that he’s a kid and he can survive being hit over the head by a vodka bottle and stabbed and kicked multiple times,you make him sound like superman or something,that part seems so fake that it makes it seem less creepy and more dumb.4/10

  612. For all who are talking about the picture, it is from the 2006 David Lynch movie, Inland Empire. It is a photoshopped picture of the actress Laura Dern, who plays the lead role in the movie. It originally came from the movie, then appeared on 4chan, then became a part of this Creepypasta.

  613. Jeff:Go 2 sleep
    Me:i hve bin tryin 4 an hour >:● y dnt u lie down with me. (creepy smile)
    Jeff: . . . Ok.
    Me: *whacks him with my pikachu* Ur mine now. ♥

  614. JEFF! JEFF! JEFF! COM 2 MY ROOM, ME WNTY HUG FROM U!!! I LUV JEFF. :3 my tablet is filled with jeff. I draw him a lot and await th day 4 him 2 wlk in my room and tell me 2 go 2 sleep

    1. jeff(not the killer)

      STOP POSTING THESE, WE GET IT U WANT JEFF TO DO HAPPY THINGS BUT SERIOUSLY U SOUND MORE LIKE OVERLY ATTATCHED GIRL FREIND!!!!!!… (sigh) jeff if u really are real and out there i have experience with people like these

    1. Jeff we all know that you’re a psycho! When we went child hunting together you thought a car was a young boy!

  615. Jeff:GO…TO…SLEEP!!me:Thank god!Finally someone that agrees I need to sleep!*falls asleep on floor*Jeff:…Jane:you really need to get a better saying :3

  616. so how old is jeff? usually teenagers and children live with their parents and teenagers usually don’t say “Mommy” as they adsress their parents. and when he was at the party it proved he wasn’t a little kid so maybe 14? idk somebody reply his age?

  617. Creeped-out Conservative

    If you guys didn’t like the story because it was unrealistic I have your solution. Write your own version. Oh, and I’ve noticed that many describe Jeff having no nose. It’s never mentioned that there was damage to his nose. Must have originated from the picture removing the nose.

  618. I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Smosh :DDD

    I’m 12 and I use words like “ominous” and all the technical words the kid in the story uses,seriously, quit judging the story because you expect a kid to use simple words. And Jeff, Can I marry you? I give this story a 10/10

    ~Araya Bishir~

  619. Story wasnt horrible but it wasnt great. That picture will scar me for life however, its very very creepy. Like legit

  620. Now that is a great scary story to tell. Every time i read it, it feels like Halloween all over again. I just wonder if its true…

        1. i would help you out but we will need some things.
          1( a rope and net
          2(some insane pills
          4(and something really boring to put him asleep
          5(and a bandana to shut he mouth
          ps. we need to make sure we do not make no noise so he does not look at us and come charging

  621. At first I thought this was good but when I read it again I realized how god awful it is. It kind of ruined what could have been a good story.

  622. People, stop hating on Jeff- if you wanted a real stroy you should check Eye wittness news- not creepypasta, and ifyou thought it would be relistic- im sorry for you.

  623. I liked the story, but there were a few errors worth pointing out. The two main errors I noticed were:
    1. The huge word choice in the beginning (e.g. illuminating, horrendous) during the story told by a young boy, who would never use these words.
    2. Toward the end of the story, Jeff’s mom says that (paraphrasing) Liu was going to be released because Randy confessed to what he did. Earlier in the text it said, “The punch [that Jeff had thrown] causes Randy’s heart to stop. As Randy gasps for breath. Jeff hammers down on him. Punch after punch, blood gushes from Randy’s body, until he takes one final breath, and dies.” So wait, if Randy was dead in the middle of the fight, and the cops didn’t show up until much later, then WHO WAS RANDY?!

    All criticism aside, While the story could be better I still really enjoyed reading it. 7/10

  624. terrible. absolutely terrible writing. not even a bit scary. and extremely unrealistic. it sounded like a 12 year old wrote this..i mean really? using the word random to describe everything is a bit…lame…just like the story…ha! and i mean seriously what 12 yr old carries around guns? and why wouldnt the adults help at all? and dont say they were scared of some stupid kids. i wasted a whole 10 minutes of my life to read this shit, u should really put a warning at the stop that said “WARNING: U MAY FIND THIS STORY EXTREMELY STUPID” that would have been helpful. BUT i will say that the picture at the end was slightly scary. but the story, not so much. u might as well delete this story because it is GAY AS FUCK!

    1. You do realise “Gay as Fuck” makes zero sense, right? I apologize, I just find that part of your comment very stupid of you. As for your dislike of this story, I respect others’ opinions, however, you could you be less of a bastard about it. Perhaps the story could have been written better, but nothing is perfect. I personally think they did a good job, but an opinion’s an opinion. Next time, please try and have the slightest concern for others’ feelings.
      Good day,

  625. I was looking scrolling trought this story to look if the picture was there (beacuse that picture is frikin creepy!), and guess how high I jumped.

  626. o my gosh this story was amazing im using my dad’s usernme now but i still am amazed by how terrifying this story is

  627. Jeff: Go to sleep. *insane smile*
    Me: Umm… Well, I wasn’t really planning on i-
    Jeff: DO IT BITCH.
    Me: OkayokayyesJeff.
    Jeff: Call me Big Daddy.
    Me: Yes, Big Daddy.

  628. Would be cool to see what jeff ACTUALLY would look like, YOU KNOW with a burned face, no eyelids, sliced face. We all know the picture is just jigsaw!

  629. hey i wonder if jeff knows that meloDIE is going to help jane kill him even though my friends hate that fact because i swear they started a stupid fan-base or whatever of jeff+melodie and i hate it meloDIE hated jeff and jeff dosnt know meloDIE soooooooooo im ganna get angry and possibly hit my friend ……. its how friendship works for me :3

  630. You do realize that if your heart stops beating, you won’t bleed? You only bleed because your heart is pumping blood and it’s escaping from a wound.

  631. omg that was scary but kinda cool i read it again and thought it over but that face i just cant stop staring it. :0 its like im in a trance.

  632. DUDE SLENDER MAN IF YOU THINK YOUR SO CREEPY TRY FINDING JEFF THE KILLER AND SCARING HIM. i bet hell kick your butt and youll have a broken leg or get your head busted open jeff is way cooler than your stupid son but your cool too keep up the killing go to virgiana and kill people there or nebraska. your also old school not jeef rock on jeff. P.S.SHHHHH P.S.GO TO SLEEP

  633. jeff is way stronger than slender man jr. i wish i had a brother to fight for me. Just dont go insane on me ill kill you DOWN GOS FITO

  634. I really love this story can I have permission to try and have this made into a film?

    if you have any questions you can contact me on twitter at @laughingboy123

  635. Dear Author

    I really love this story can I have permission to try and have this made into a film?

    You can contact me on twitter at

  636. I really love this story can I have permission to try and have this made into a film?

    you can contact me on twitter @laughingboy123

  637. I thought that it was a good story, and I still do. It was original and creative, so lay off the guy. Even if it could have been written better it is still nice. Good job! Also freaky picture at the end. Hate to be that person.

  638. to be honest the only scary bit was the pic, the rest seemed like a mix between the matrix and scream, considering they were all below 13 yrs old, 5/10

  639. to be honest none of this is real,everybody just comes here for first i thought slenderman was real,but it says hes on this website.everythings FAKE

  640. WOW!!!

    I love Jeff! Okey, there is somethings that didn´t fit, like the fact the he got bruned and his clothes are okey. I love they way how he got crazy and stab his parents to the Death. (I always want to do that) :D

    I really,really,really,really,really,really,really, love Jeff! In fact, Jeff and I have a lot of things in common. (My teacher said that Jeff is my evil twin :D)

    Anyway, I love it!

    1. Um… You should’t be proud of that, and,if you want to kill your parents? (i may be overreacting) I think you are insane.

  641. Jeff do you remember that child you put the blade to and said I needed to see more life I told everyone but no one believed me so they put me in a mental hospital or in lamer terms insane asylum. I’ve grown and seen things I shouldn’t have seen but I think of you every night and when I hear "Jeff" I see your face over and over again in my mind. Every time I go to sleep I dream of your face and you maybe watching me grow but I scream every night. In case you don’t know Ivey’s don’t go down with out a fight and I’m ready for my nap now Mr. Jeff


    Something tells me the writer doesn’t fully grasp what the word really means.

    1. Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen?
      (I’m not the writer but I think they used it well?)


    1. While I understand defending your favorite story…at the same time chill. It is just a story, and these are just comments. Neither of which mean anything.

      1. What surprises me is that the comments liking or defending this pasta have dislikes, and the people hating on it get likes.

    2. They don’t have to be realistic, but they have to make sense in the universe they’re set in. Your stories set in the real world? (this clearly is) Then kids have to act at least mostly like kids, unless you have some supernatural explanation (this does not) It doesn’t make sense in its own universe.

      You sound about 12, so print this story out, go take it to your english teacher, and ask them what they think of it if you want some sort of authorities opinion on it.


    in all seriousness this is my favoritest creepypasta EVER.


  645. Love the story,It was good but to say the truth.
    12 year old kids running around asking people for their money to go on a bus?.
    Not to say they had a knife if the people wont give them the money?.
    Its possible some 17 year old will do that if he is a idiot
    But 12 year old kids? i mean seriosly who are the parents of those kids that they let them take wepons?
    Also not only that but ill tell you what you also typed:
    If its not a high fence they would have saw them coming
    but they didnt meaning the fence was high
    Also they had guns,all 3 of them
    Now seriosly where would 3 12 year old kids get guns?
    Even if they found the guns in the street they should not have any bullets in them
    Also in the fight why did no parent help jeff?
    Even if they are in danger will they just let him get shot?
    Also it says jeff went on fire and rolled down the stairs (do a barrel roll)but if he is on fire wouldnt the hosue set on fire to? like in the list one of the adults whould have called the police
    Another thing,even if jeff was crazy in the end why the hell would he cut his face so he always smiles?
    like even crazy people wont do that unless they are “SICK” crazy(he may have been like that but he was just 13 not to say he only had a burning injury that was bad).
    In the end ill say this pasta has a really really great story! but sadly the author didnt bother fixing all the wierd and small mistakes

  646. Seriously, am I the only one that sees the fucking puppet from the Saw movies when looking at that stupid picture?!

  647. This crap sucks! WTH Who seriously gets creeped out by this? I spent 30min reading this bull its stupid how could a damn 12 year old kill all these people for gods sake? This is crap

  648. I would simply like to say this was a great pasta, but it was more like a rough draft. I loved the whole basis of the story. I would just like to suggest to go back and update it maybe? Just take this and polish it. Good story though.

  649. Wow, super cool shit scary story… Just hard to understand why he turned like that after seing the guy watching him

  650. Aside from the incongruencies with this story and the fact that almost all serial killer stories are just repackages of each other, this story is almost exactly the same as Michael Myers in Halloween. A kid with a painful childhood finds himself abused by the outside world. He goes crazy, kills his family, then takes up a stone cold persona that happens to have an egg white mask and a haunting face. After he kills his family, the killer goes out to terrorize other families. Just change a couple names and, BOOM, instant serial killer story.

  651. Kat the Derserter

    This story plaeses the human need to alway know more and more about the things that go bump in the night 10/10

  652. Okay…I love Jeff the Killer, but your pasta is medically illogical. I’ve [mentally] edited it a bit:
    1. He gives himself a Chelsea Smile rather than severing the tissue.
    2. He clips and then burns his eyelids to a point where he can still blink, but his eyes seem extremely wide.
    3. The fire burns off his hair and eyebrows, but he uses heavy medication to make it grow out longer and faster in a short period of time.
    4. The clothes they returned to him would have been burnt. They would have had to do a lot more than clean it and stitch it up. They would probably just buy him the exact same clothes again.
    5. You can’t just have a bad feeling then go completely insane. It would have to progress over the minimum amount of time, due to the trama

  653. I don’t think the ‘story’ is really why this is a so called classic. He could of written ‘Chicken, chicken, chicken’ repeatedly and slapped that picture at the end. It’s a really great picture, and I think the guy who wrote this knows that.

    In my opinion, this is also why Smile.jpeg is so well received.

  654. I’m not gonna hate, just give some constructive criticism. To keep it organized, I’ll just write it in point form. If anyone has anything to add, or wish to disagree, feel free to reply!

    Bad news:
    – Work on organizing the story a little better.
    – Try not to switch between past tense and present tense.
    – Try to make the story a little more plausible (A 13 year old kid wouldn’t be able to stop someone’s heart by punching their chest, unless he’s built like Schwarzenegger.)
    – Separate the article at the beginning from the rest of the narrative.
    – Maybe change the personalities of Randy’s thugs. They seem like extensions of his hate towards everything.
    – Rather than having the fight with the bullies make Jeff crack, maybe extend the amount of time between when Jeff first sees his face, and when he snaps and kills his family.
    – Please rename Liu. I keep expecting him to shoot fireballs and bicycle kick the bullies.
    – Touch on a court case for Liu or something.

    Good news:
    – Great idea, completely original!
    – Nice photoshop for the pic!
    – A sequel could be good!

    These are just my thoughts. That will be all.

  655. I personally think this story is amazing and if everyone thought it was as terrible as some of these people, Jeff the killer wouldn’t be one of the most famous characters.
    you can make your comment as long as you want. it dose not make your opinion any more important that anyone else. So until you write a creepypasta with more votes… you cant moan.

    1. That isn’t the point. The pasta is physically and medically illogical. They characters talk like kings and queens, but the author talks like a child. The grammar kind of pisses me off, me being a grammar nazi. I myself am a author, not nessicarily of the creepypasta variety. I love Jeff, I’m a total Jeff FANGIRL. But this…this makes my face hurt from facepalming myself repeatedly. Jeff is famous because the picture creeped everyone out. That’s it. If it wasn’t for that picture, nobody would give a fuck.

  656. okay, I am a big fan of the IDEA of Jeff and I think it is a nice storyline. however, it isn’t well-written at all. The writing style seems too proper for the storyline which makes it all seem a bit awkward at times.

  657. i loved the idea of jeff the killer and i think that the person who wrote it can only get better at writing. he has really good ideas and the picture at the end scared me. people shouldnt dis this so harshly.

  658. Im sorry, I dont get scared about this after watching Black Butler ;D
    I love Grell ^3^

    Although, the picture is hilarious to look at… Im just waiting for someone to put a caption under it saying ‘Ohai dere’ or something :P

        1. ya he does have a point how in the hell did you get a computer or did you kill somone and got it.?????????



    1. Aww. Poor dear. i do feel so bad for you, and your brother. Maybe you will find a good friend one day. I know for a fact i wll be your friend Jeff. I’m not mad like you, but i will do my best to try to understand you.
      ~Black Ink

  660. He was a hero…but even heros fall… if i had known that my brother went crazy i would have killed him… in some way its all my fault, i let him loose… if i had stopped him, or if i had let him take the blame he wouldnt have gone insane at that god damned party… Even worse is my cousin jane was stabbed by him… and now HER lifes work is to KILL him… poor jane and poor jeff… ill miss you both you freakin psychopaths…and jeff… i forgive you you muerdurous dick head… by bro

    1. do not worry i think he is cute too and i am only 15 you got lucky he will properly see you frist because you are he age :(

    1. I am with you man we will get some coffe and stay up all night i am not scared of him but if you need some help beating his ass i am there.

    1. Do not be scared i am not scared not of jeff are no one my family thinks i was born without the fear gened but their are alot of killers and phycos in my family but just saying do not let fear get the best of you

  661. So a kid gets in a fight which his brother gets in trouble for, goes to a party, gets into another fight with the same people, gets burnt, and then he cuts his lips and eyes and kills people. To me this sounds like a kid who likes the Joker and Two-Face a bit too much. Lame.


  662. @Kittyboo :3 Serously your saying 11 year olds can’t use proper language? Says you who’s going all capital shit on every word you write… Pick better battles next time…. ;) Can I get a thumbs up???? P.S I actually agree Twilights just craaaaappppp.

  663. I'm Jeff's Teacher

    Congratulations, Boy! Finally your original story has been posted! Maybe you can have some training with real people now, make them go to sleep as I taught you!

  664. The fact the kid lost all his senses of care since those 3 kids ruin his life scar with the thought now he lost his sanity because he was burn the moment he looked at the mirror it snapped I feel bad for Jeff just because he kills it’s cause he snapped….

  665. The only scary thing about this post was how completely terrible it was. Have you ever attended an English class? Your horrendous grammar, punctuation, and spelling skills say that you clearly have not. Maybe creepypastas don’t have to be realistic, but for god’s sake, at least make it readable! I sincerely hope that Jeff will come and kill me, just so I will never have to remember this story.

  666. Holy balls, can you do the rest of the world a favor, and never write anything again? You write with the mental capacity of a retarded monkey. That story could have been good. But it wasn’t, especially due to the fact that the only word you spelled correctly was ominous, because you have a boner for it. Bad spelling, bad grammar, unrealistic fight scenes, unrealistic everything, barely any detail except for the things that didn’t need it. English teachers everywhere are dying right now just because of this story. And don’t defend him and say he tried and it was good, because there’s a huge difference in trying and not even spellchecking, along with using the writing skills of a child. Also, whoever is posting as jeff the serial killer is retarded. Because all of your posts sound like a teenage girl, not jeff. I don’t know why you think it makes you cool, go die. Holy balls.

  667. Fuck yall haters
    I dream of going of the loose end and going on a phycopathic killing spree, just the fact of a good story of a kid, losing his sanity is good enough for me
    i mean i wish i was him with his badass phycopathic rage and a crazily insane look, i think its perfectly fuck awesome

  668. this story was freaking weird and awesome. im kinda in between the opinions of people, and i read this before i went to bed . :( bad mix

  669. Just awful. I’m sorry, but the word Matrix has been thrown around on this comment thread and absolutely correctly. I have expected Randy to jump through a wall, or Jeff to rip a traffic sign out of the ground to beat the others to death.
    You could also have explained why Jeff got these feelings. Fine, a mole of reasonable intelligence could fathom that it had something to do with the first killer, who could have been integrated to the story better, I’m just sayin’, but how did the personality transfer? Was he impregnated or something?! Or do you have to look at him and that’s it? Again, ridiculous, especially considering that, if those powers did “swap” over and suddenly Jeff could take on 3 thugs with knives on his own, then how the hell couldn’t the first killer kill a 12 y.o little boy?!
    And did anyone else notice Troy, the fat kid who hadn’t “exercised since he was crawling” (wtf?!) sailing through the air on a Skateboard? How the fuck could a kid that fat clear what was likely a seven foot fence on a skateboard?!
    Then the guns. I was waiting for Randy to break out the Apache chopper, or at least the rpg.
    I am actually getting irritated writing this. Learn some basic english and some aestheticism in your writing. Otherwise, what you write will only ever be truly, heartbreakingly, infuriatingly ridiculous.

  670. Jeff the critical criticism killer.

    I wanna hear more about jeffs other kills…other than that I think this is a great pasta, I love how there is a back story to jeff

  671. had potential. but you didn’t seem to build on it. personally I’ve always like the creepy/evil children thing (ie Damien, Children of The Corn ect.) so i expected a little more form this. you kept switching between past and present tense. which honestly sir, one author to another (though no i do not have any of my stories posted here as mine are all anime fan fictions) is just bad writing. also i have a deep interest in criminal psychology, so i expected a lot more from this story, you could have build upon Jeff`s `feeling` and gone into the mental deterioration of a serial killer slowly caving into his buried desires, but didn’t. You could have expanded upon legal niceties and made the arrest and trail juvy process more realistic but didn’t. also to point out what many of the previous commentors have said, you botched the general speech patterns of human beings in modern times. you had people speaking in such stiff formal terms it felt robotic and dishonest and just not good. and i must also agree with past commentors, they`re prepubescent kids and they`re having epic battles to the death? in public? with absolutely no outside interference? now the lack of realism in the fighting styles of barely teenaged boys aside. had you had them fighting in a different area, rather than a home full of small children and protective parents you may have been able to play off bystander apathy, but once again didn’t. I’m sorry sir, but I just don’t know what to make of this, do I chalk you up as a bad writer? Do i write it all off as you were just too lazy to put actual effort into your work? or do i assume you’re one of the countless people on the internet that think they’re amazing and will try to voodoo me into oblivion for saying anything at all? personally i think it was laziness, you didn’t try, you didn’t care and it came out as an unimpressive, mediocre clusterfuck trying to pass itself off as a story.

    1. Your right the first time jeff attacked they said Randys heart stops which means hes dead so WTF but love you jeff the killer XD

  672. I would just like to point out that most vodka bottles are REALLY hard to brake over your/someone else’s head. Everything else i’ll let slide but that i could not let stand.

  673. Not meaning to sound too critical but this was a extremely average pasta at best. It throws off the impression that it was written by a pre-pubescent boy who has a mind full of cliches and a taste for excessive violence. You relied far too heavily on graphic, narcissistic story telling to try ‘scare’ us, the audience, when really, all it does is bore us.
    There was far too much ‘telling’ in this story and not enough ‘showing’. In almost all cases it is far more effective to give subtle hints about what is happening in a scene and letting the reader draw their own conclusions about what is happening than to just downright shove it in our faces. I.e ‘Well, you may recall that when Jeff was fighting Randy something in his mind, his sanity, snapped. Now he was left as a crazy killing machine, that is, his parents didn’t know.’ *barf*.
    The changing narratives in this story are poorly constructed and do not blend together well at all. In general, this story feels awkward and rushed. Scares were not had.

  674. A thing of bleach fell down on top of him from the top shelf. It burnt both of them and they both started to scream. Jeff wiped his eyes as best as he could. He pulled back the towel rack and swung it straight into Keith’s head. As he lay there, bleeding to death, he let out an ominous smile.

    who wrote this??? I don’t want to sound like a troll but honestly, this story is just bad. Its ridiculous for one thing, particularly the party fight. what the hell? Theres SO many inconsistencies and plot holes…. The writing is mediocre at best, and the grammar is simply wrong in places. “a Thing of bleach”?? honestly? “He let out an ominous smile” Really? could you show me what that looks like? I swear this person just whipped out a dictionary and tried to use words that weren’t in his vocabulary. Im sorry to people who like this, buts its bad. Ridiculous. This has such a fan following and its sort of sad. Honestly why do people like this? Its not even an original idea like people are saying! Lord Ive written better stories for school work….

  675. While I was reading the end where he cut the smile and got the black circles and stuff I was like oh hey so this is how the Joker got started


    1. Because they have to submit it it right after they wrote it at 3 in the morning? They can’t hold onto it and edit it so it actually makes sense?

  677. After seeing all the hate comments on this i’m not sure if i was to upload my stories on here. I reckon this storie was awesome! Sure SOME parts could have been written better but still it was good. I say ‘ Well done to the writer of this! It kept my interested. It was thrilling and gave me the goose bumps’.
    Instead of all the people who have been writing ‘this is shit, needs work’ It wouldn’t hurt to say it nice. I’m sure writers like feed back but not feed back like that!

    Well done, Jeff The Killer. (:

  678. Good story, you could of explained a few thing s a bit better, like why jeff got angry and you how the kids at the end knew jeff was to kill him but all in all really good and i enjoyed it “

  679. God this is bad. The grammar and punctuation is atrocious and the story is basically the much more shitty version of the Joker. Nothing about it makes me feel creeped out at all. Then the face at the end amounts to a 5th grader’s attempt at photoshop.

    Not fun to read and no terrifying pay off.

    Also I think I’m going to write a pasta about the mental disorder that makes KittyBoo begin every word with a capital letter.

  680. this was ridiculous. honestly, I don’t know why some of you are defending this garbage. a highschool english teacher would’ve given this pasta an F, for sure. And kids are not gonna use illuminate and ominous in everyday language, writing maybe, but not speaking. this pasta needs a lot of work. The plot was kind of okay, but it wasn’t all that scary and had lots of holes. Why did Jeff get so angry? That was never explained. This pasta was honestly not worth my time, or the right to be called a classic. The internet needs better taste.

    1. I know why! They’re 12 and it’s edgy and popular to be “crazy’ and “psycho’s” or physco as a lot of them spell it. I did not realize this site had so many kids on it before the comments section on this pasta. I went through my teens reading a lot of really quality writing on this site. Maybe I’ve just outgrown it.

  681. You People Are Completely Ridiculous.
    “Little Kids Like The One At The Beginning Don’t Use Words Like ‘Ominous’ And Such.”
    Bitch, I Was Using The Word Ominous Before I Was In The 5th Grade.
    This Story, I Love It. It’s One Of My Favorite Scary Stories Ever. I Read It ALL The Time.
    Also, This Is A CreepyPasta Story. Why Should It Be Believable?
    There Are Stories Out There About Werewolves And Other Stupid Ass Shit. Look At Twilight, That Ain’t Realistic But There Are Millions Of Fans. So Just STFU, Kay? If You Don’t Like It, Don’t Comment. Just Skip To The Next Story. And Have A Nice Damn Day.
    And With That, I Bid You Adieu. :D

  682. Why do people hate this so much, yes lot’s of flaws but I know a lot of smart 13 year olds who would use the worlds illuminate and ominous and all those big words. Sure it wasn’t scary but it was a classic, I actually liked the action part too where he killed the kids with a bath towel bar. But remembering that the kids were only 12 and 13 was quite stupid. I think this deserves a 8/10 from me.

  683. Despite the general, already listed many times, issues with this story english language wise, the idea is salvageable and could do well given a proper chance rewritten.

    One thing the writer needs to learn, however, is that if you want something to be ‘creepy’ then you need to get people out of their comfort zone. The creepiness that was hoped to be projected at the end with Jeffs family, was dampened because the audience had already acclimatised to the violence and fantastical earlier on. It needs balance. It was just more of the same. A firework is not so impressive if you’re already half deaf and toasty from an exploded a car.

  684. uhhh non ur business

    he doesn’t look too bad, i feel sorry for him. i would help him if he couldn’t kill me :S but he probably is

  685. Well Jeff The Killer is Real… He died In 1947 And most of the content in the Pasta is Fake He was a killer but he lived in Oregan So yeah :D

    1. what and i though he was a real 13 year old boy of this age in time i was so wrong but at least he is real that is all that counts :)

  686. Title kinda gave away the ending. Picture at the end made me shit myself and I’ll probably have nightmares now. Cheers buddy.

  687. I’ll be honest, I actually like this pasta.
    Unlike what some people have said, children at thirteen ARE able to use the words ‘ominous’ and ‘illuminating’.
    Young doesn’t mean stupid and incapable of reading literature or knowing the words in a dictionary. Some kids do actually pay attention in their classes.
    I didn’t see any major problems with the story other than the fight scene, and the only thing I saw a problem with was the guns. I would also think that at least one of the parents had the idea to step in, even if it was dangerous. That’s somewhat of an instinct.
    However, other than that, I really did enjoy this.
    Keep up the good work!

  688. Why are you guys looking for realism on a creepypasta website? It was a little creepy, and that’s all that matters. I enjoyed it.

    1. Hmm, you know what I might believe you, but I’m not quite sure do you have a scourge where I can talk to you about this, Mr. Man? Or would you like to be called slenderman or Joseph, dude if you think it’s alright to go on a perfectly fine Internet horror site and be a complete dumbfuck, then you’re not going to be everyone’s favorite person, please, just go to sleep…

    2. slenderman,YOUR PICTURE IS UNREALISTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

  689. wow!!! nice life story. you killed your own family and friend and in my opinion, if i was your mom, i’d call the cops, SWAT team, animal control and 911 first chance i get. and instead of a gun mom, get a bazooka

        1. TheDayOfAllTheSlender

          Slenderman, Slender Jr, Slender woman, slender dog, slender fucking tree, the Slender fish,
          wtf is with all the spinoff characters? Leave them alone!
          Your quest to pretend you’re actually worth a fuck is failing and ruining original characters!

  690. wow. isn’t 12 a little young to be set on fire, and already murdering. heck, this kid is the one who’s selling crack when he’s ten and buying beer when 6.

  691. That was pretty awful. I agree with OP anon completely.

    I also think the picture is terrible. It loooks like a nine-year-old was given My First Photoshop for half an hour.

    I don’t know. There was almost some potential in there, somewhere, probably, but it was lost in the muck of absolutely everythiing else.

  692. The story was ok. Needs alot of polishing though. Plot holes here and there, but over all I do like it despite it not living up to everyone’s expectations. Maybe someday the original author will rewrite the story and fix it, making it less over the top.
    .A Shy Burnette.

  693. Well, it had the makings of a good story and I personally thought the ending was great (especially with the picture) it was a tad unrealistic in the fights and policemans reactions. But it was a story with potential.

  694. Apart from the first commentors criticisms…. what bothered me the most was the fact that the brother’s name is “Liu”. Like, he went out of his way to use a Chinese name. At first I was like “cool, a mixed race family, that doesn’t usually happen.”

    But the rest of the names are “Margaret”, “Peter” and “Jeff”. Why did that brother have to be “Liu”? I couldn’t understand if I was right with the mixed race family or if I was supposed to be reading it pronounced like “Lou”…..???

    You may say “whats the point of that, get back to reading the story.” But the fact that my main comment after reading it was about the kid’s name, may say a lot about how the story was written :s

    1. Maybe the author meant it as a reference to the Mortal Kombat character Liu Kang? I mean, it’s a bit of a stretch, but not implausible.

  695. The only reason I find this creepy is because of the picture. It’s creepy-scary to me. Story, as said many times already, could’ve used some polishing and stuff. I liked it, for the most part.
    But that picture.
    It scares me.

  696. That Wonderful Chaos

    The pasta is quite a classic, indeed. Yes, I have seen the comments about this pasta. Yes, I know the things that are wrong with the pasta.
    In my opinion, I think it’s good. It’s just like my cup of tea, only a little colder.

    1. Jeff: GO TO SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP Me: Oh My God Dude, Could You Really Fix Your Freakin’ Face? Jeff: Why Not? My Face Is Fine! Me: O-O-Okay… This Is Really Getting Creepy Jeff: Alright Nosna, IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO GO TO SLEEEEEEEP Me: OH MY GOOOOD NOOOO NOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Jeff: What’s Wrong? Scared? Hahahaha!!! Me: OHHH GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -duh duh duh- *Jeff stabs me in the back*

  697. I am the first commenter.

    A story can be plausible, yet still fantastic. For example, it can contain paranormal characters and events without us poking holes in it. If the story’s actual premise is in a world that deals with unknown, that’s fine. It’s just in a world where that stuff occurs.
    BUT, that doesn’t mean you can make things implausible left and right. It has to work together.
    It’s not like I’m going to poke holes in Harry Potter, or the Avengers (weird examples), or whatever the hell else, simply because they have magic or superheroes. I WILL pick on it if there’s a stupid way of speaking and the characters have over the top personalities (such as the extremely violent kids), or fucking hopping over the fence to kill someone in front of a whole party where the parents don’t even try to save their son. Big difference.
    Look at that Campus Tour story. Do I believe it? Do I think the TV can turn on without being plugged in? Or that the guy on the bed disappeared? No, absolutely not. But those types of unrealistic details are okay. That story worked. It wasn’t particularly scary, but it fit nicely.

    And how you can simultaneously admit that I ruined the story for you, but defend it and say it doesn’t have to be real at the same time? If you believe that, it shouldn’t have ruined it for you.
    The author being so ridiculous with the plot does ruin it formost people though. Look at all my thumbs up. Most commenters said something similar to me.

    1. Not only that but in order to have the feeling of being watched, you must be looking at them because the iris reacts to human contact. Not sure on the whole thing but Vsauce did a video about it.

    2. Not only that but in order to have the feeling of being watched, you must be looking at them because the iris reacts to human contact. Not sure on the whole thing but Vsauce did a video about it.

    1. same :/ i thought it was a good story tbh but people are like ‘oh knife crime is bad!’ and stuff 0.0 am just like woo!! loved it! :D haha! i don’t see why every one was making such a big fuss?! it’s just a story am guaranteeing it’s probably not based on reality

    2. A Zerg Hydralisk (Wearing a TopHat)

      we should have expected it, this being the source of ALOT of author dumb-fuckery.
      seriously, too many JtK ripoff pastas are coming in, crappypasta is proof.

  698. The raw idea is there & the picture at the end was a nice touch, but in terms of the english, there is definitely something to work on. I see no need to elaborate on this point as it has already been mentioned in several comments above. This is definitely a good ‘first draft’, don’t be so negative and take the comments as constructive criticism.

    If you work on it I’m sure it’ll truly be worthy of being called ‘Famously Creepy’

    1. It’s difficult to take being called a fucktard and terrible writer, and essentially being called a pile of dog shit as constructive criticism. Some are constructive criticism, and try to be respectful. Still people are forgetting this writer was HUMAN, they aren’t perfect and they deserve a lot of respect and at least for someone to tell them they did well (I know lots of people are positive). But I know if I wanted to see what people thought all I would see were all these comments on how awful it was. It did have some errors, but this is all amateur writing, don’t expect perfection. This person has feelings and no one is perfect. Can anyone honestly tell me they’ve never made an error in their entire lives? If you respond with yes I am calling your bullshit now. So come on guys, be nice at least give them props for having the courage to submit it despite its flaws. Seriously.

      1. I don’t know, it just depends on your perspective doesn’t it? I would take the criticism as constructive, and try to make my work better, but that’s just me…

  699. The fighting scene was TOO much. It’s great that you wanted to explain everything, but the motion switches too much to try to explain everything. Also, bleach doesn’t burn when it touches you. It won’t whiten your skin either, unless you leave it there for a LONG time. You don’t switch on a lighter either. When your hair burns, it doesn’t change colour, it comes off. Also, who was telling the story? Change the point of view to something consistent, it began as a newscast, but continued the story as what? A anchorman following the kids? If so, why didn’t he help when the kids were being jumped? Too many inaccuracies in the story, but good idea. 4/10.

    1. (COUGH COUGH) You suck..(COUGH COUGH)
      although you hate it, i love how you point out EVERY DETAIL!, also bleach does burn when touched by fire most of the time, (COUGH) JUSTA BTW.

      1. Bleach doesn’t burn. It’s 80% water.
        And he pointed out EVERY detail? If that was every detail, then Jeff the Killer would be labelled as mediocre in my book. But alas, that is only about 4% of all the bad parts.

    2. Dude, his face was also covered in vodka, plus, he switched the lighter on and put it on his face.

      Did you even read the story?

  700. The only ting actually good about this is the picture at the end. It gives me chills super hard. The story though….uhm…needs work…to say the least.

  701. To the people like the first commenter, that think the story was too ‘unbelievable’: it’s a CREEPYPASTA. They won’t all be realistic, they won’t all feel like they actually happened, and you aren’t going to like them all. How would you like it if I took your favorite book, or movie, or whatever, looked at it, then poked a GIANT plot hole through the middle that made you see the story differently? Because now I can’t look at Jeff the Killer, one of my favorites, without seeing all these minor details that just seem… off. So thanks.

    If you din’t like the story, or noticed something wrong with it, don’t make such a big deal out of it. It’s fine that you don’t like it, but instead of ruining the story for the people that DO like it, go read something else. And if you don’t like that story, read something else. That’s why there are so many stories on here: so everyone can have a favorite. And honestly, all these people that are calling it ‘unorganized shit’, go ahead and write something better, get it published on the site, and MAYBE I’ll think twice. Even if you do get it up, chances are there WILL be mistakes, there WILL be plot holes, and there WILL be an army of trolls just like you waiting to make fun of you for it.

    Well. Now that I’m done ranting, I love this story. It is and always has been one of my favorites, one of the ones suitable to read at night, with the lights off, just before you go to bed, to give you that one last scare. Bravo, 10/10.

    1. NONE of it makes sense though. That’s the problem. Even the bad pasta’s work in the world there set in. In this, nothing feels natural. Kids dont act like kids, people don’t talk like people, physically impossible things happen with no explanation (super natural or otherwise) and it just doesnt make sense. It’s bad, there’s nothing classic, or good, or redeeming about it.

  702. You fuckin dipshit

    This crap is garbage and who ever wrote this must be a 4 year old.this is the most unplanned unorganized price of turd I have ever laid my eyes angry this is in the famously creepy section because the only thing creepy is how someone could write such a monstrous peice of dog shit.

      1. And for got to use capitals, I look forward to the time when people stop hating uppercase letters, I mean what have they ever done to you.

    1. Look- just because YOU can’t write this good doesn’t mean you have to hate on other Pastas. I’d like to see you write one, get it PUBLISHED, and become a Creepypasta legend. Think about it, and go to sleep, Imbecile.~


      Please, read this story. It’s pure literature. Why else would it be the TOP CREEPYPASTA (aside from slenderman)? Maybe if you actually read it you’d change your mind.

  703. Wow. I can’t believe the stupidity of all of my haters.

    “It was better when Jeff was an enigma?”

    This story is the classic, and possibly the original! It’s NAMED after me, and there aren’t fifty thousand pastas out there with the exact name “Jeff the Killer.”

    By the way, Creepypastas aren’t supposed to be realistic, obviously.

    I swear, you people would complain about a fairy tale because it’s so unrealistic.

    Anyway, still think this one is great… (although it’s not true)


    1. GO GET EM JEFF!
      Also btw, i’d be in line for his autograph, cause i know enough people like him to make a line, AM I RIGHT? if not thumbs down, but i don’t care, i’m standing up for what i like, and love, i’m part of the jeff army! Those who ain’t STOP POSTING WE DON’T LIKE YOU WE LIKE JEFF!
      although it was depressing when jane came in..
      -lesigh- shes pretty and all but ya’know.. don’t be hatin..

    2. *hugs your arm* I loved it Jeffy! ~<3 Its my favorite one on here!

      *mumbles* unlike that tall mother f***** who lives in the forest…



      -June ~<3

    3. June the Killer and Jane the Killer

      Hi Jeffy *hugs* :3

      Jane: -.- go fuck yourself


      Jane: -.-*

    4. The Plot Fairy Indeed

      Hi Jeff! I’m cosplaying as you next Otakon! ^u^
      And also, for anyone who was confused about Liu, Jeff killed him BECAUSE he was his brother. Jeff cared about him a lot, so naturally he was killed first. It’s like an honor…or something.

  704. It was a pretty good story actually. I mean sure maybe it wasn’t realistic in “some” parts but other than that, I like the fighting and when he snapped and everything. The only thing I might say is that I kind of wished that there was an indication of where the article ended and the story began. :) And the picture’s not to bad but I love a picture at the end of a story.

    1. I accuialy do not think this is fake accuialy I think this is an fantastic thing Ps go to [Edited – don’t post your home address on public websites, kids] that is where my owner Sierra is but don’t kill her only scare her a bit and tell her to go to sleep she wont DO NOT KILL HER I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU BASTARD IF YOU FUCKING KILL HER!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways I just want you to scare her ONLY FUCKING SCARE HER!!!!!!!!!! If you fucking kill her i will cut your insides appart and MAKE THEM COME OUT YOUR MOUTH YOU ASS HOLE I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU KILL HER just Scare her and do what she wants..Ps…. I think you are awsome and I am typeing with paws….. o.e

  705. The story coulda used some polishing and whatnot. Its not THAT bad….there’re much worse posted on here but it can use some improvements. By the way I’m too scared to glance at the pic….is it scary??

  706. The first thing that caught my attention was the dialogue. Here’s what the boy started off with:

    “I had a bad dream and I woke up in the middle of the night.”

    Ok. Next:

    “There, in the little ray of light, illuminating from between my curtains, were a pair of two eyes. These weren’t regular eyes; they were dark, ominous eyes.”

    Uh, what? An average 13-year-old couldn’t write that for his end of the year essay. Either you thought you were writing the memoirs of an older person or you have absolutely no clue how people speak.

    The last point I’m going to get to (because there’s so much more that I could) is the realism of the situation. The cop literally says ““Well kid, looks like a year in Juvy…” Whaaaaaat? It’s automatically decided that it’s either Jeff or his brother that’s guilty? No argument for self defense? Not even Miranda Rights? Please indicate in the first line of the story that this takes place in North Korea or some other fascist country, because that is absolutely ridiculous. This site is becoming a joke now.

    1. will everyone please shut the fuck up with there complaining… it’s a story, they talk that way to give most of the details you’d need to understand it. And they immediately say Jeff or Liuis guilty is because they need to make their point and get on with the story. Damn.

      and the only reason it’s ‘becoming a joke now’ (WHICH IT IS NOT) is because pissy people prading on other people’s work.
      thank you and have a horrable day you bitch.

      1. Jeff the killer is one of my favorite creepypastas and I totally agree. I’m not saying this because its my favorite but because you guys are all ASSHOLES!! >:(
        I go to school with judgemental people like you and get “that feeling” when I’m around them. So fuck off its fictional. Why would you just go on the computer and say “hey who am I going to piss off today?” And yes I go to school with those people too. I know the story could be a little rough around the edges and you can let it be known in a nicer way. Have a nice day!!

        1. Theemperorpaulchen

          Frankly I think people I just getting worked up over construction criticism, because that’s what it is. It’s to help the author improve.

      2. It was a dark night. Jordan sat down on his couch and turned on his T.V. As the screen flickered on, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It appeared to be a hooded man, wielding a knife, but as soon as he saw it thee thing disappeared. Cautiously, he stood up and looked out his window. He couldn’t see anything, except for the tree lying in his front yard.

        Jordan returned to his spot on the couch. The
        program on the television was about a killer who was known to be at large in the area. Suddenly, there was a loud crash coming from the garage. He warily stood up and walked to the door leading to his garage.

        A boy with a black hoodie and a skinning knife faced Jordan. Jordan screamed and dashed to the living room. Jordan tripped over a magazine lying on the floor. The child pinned him and silently whispered “Go to sleep..”.

        A crackling sound came from the kitchen. Startled, the two both looked. A portal spawned near the table, and out appeared a frail man wearing a black suit. Across his shoulder was a shotgun; engraved on it was “Pacemaker”. The peculiar figure casually reached for a cigarette from his suit pocket and lit it. “I’ve had enough of your shenanigans, Jeff. Your time’s come”.

        The boy, supposedly named Jeff, leaped off of Jordan and pulled out his knife. “Try me, old man!”. As Jeff jumped towards him, the man lifted his shotgun and fired. Jeff was blown back several yards. Jeff slowly rose and snarled, “Ha! Your weapon can’t harm me!”. The man rolled his eyes and walked away. Jeff looked down and noticed something; his legs were disintegrating into small letters and rubbish. “As you can see, ol’ Pacemaker doesn’t use ordinary buckshot. It dissolves terrible stories like you into what they are: piles of nonsensical words and rubbish.”, explained the old man.

        Jeff tried lunging at the man, but at no effect. “Who are you??! I will kill you and your family!” Jeff screamed. “Me? I thought it would be obvious by now”, said the man. “I’m Time Travelling Dad”. As he said this, Jeff’s body wore away, and eventually his head. Jordan stared at Time Travelling Dad as the portal opened back up. Before he left, the man said “Stay safe, kid.” Jordan tried to mouth the words he wanted to say, but couldn’t. Time Travelling Dad stepped into the portal and vanished.

        1. Not bad, but not as funny as Yossarin’s Time Traveling Dad story or as high of quality. But not bad kid not bad at all.

      3. The hating does need to stop! Disliking and making slight criticisms is fine. But NO NEED for the hating! The creator made a story they thought was good and I think they did a great job! So if you hate it that much, then just leave the page and leave the creator alone ok?

    1. They could’ve followed him and jumped the gun when the time was right. Yes, I know this story needs a lil’ work, but still, it’s creative and it’s more realistic than most of the other Jeff The Killer pastas, if you think about it.

    2. this is so fukinng scary but fucking awsome i love this but you should check out jeff the killer vs jane the killer and jeff if you read this i am a huge fan

  707. “Hey, guys? Wanna go to a party armed with guns and knives and try to kill that Jeff guy?”

    “Okay, but what about after the fight, won’t we get caught?”

    “I dunno.”

  708. Wow you guys are assholes. Jeez, the guy makes a story and you just completely trash it? Fuckers.

    Look, this story needs some work, but I’m not going to say it was awful. For one thing, it keeps shifting from present tense to past. And the dialogue could have been better. Still, it was an original idea (something that I think these previous commenters would have a real hard time coming up with).

    I’m not going to comment again or have an argument with a stranger about my opinion. Keep working on your writing.

        1. Totally agree! It just needs a few touches here and there. But it is still a good story! :D Don’t be bashing on someone’s creativity.

  709. fuck you, that's why

    Ugh, I hate this pasta. Not because it is scary, but because it is stupid. >.> Everyone worships this garbage like it’s so fucking scary. Tbh, it’s lame as hell and I’m tired of hearing about it. SHAME ON WHOEVER POSTED THIS CRAP.

    1. WOW NOOB, id like to see you do anything better, this is one of the classic pastas, its scary, its interesting, just stop being a hater for no reaosn

      1. It’s written like shit and it’s a year old. How is that a classic? Classics are dated, this is 1 year old. The godfathers a classic, it’s 50 years old, even if we shorten the timespan for the internet age, a year is still not enough for a classic.

        It’s also pure garbage.

        1. Um actually, the original JTK Creepypasta was posted well over 5 years ago, in 2008. Know your facts, dumbass.

    2. Come on dude it aint that bad.I mean come on I know it sounds foolish but come on let his imagination run loose this is a site for creepy stories just let him be

      1. I know right? I liked Jeff the killer and the story because how creative the person tried to make this. I understand if some people don’t like Jeff but there is no need to start an uproar about the grammar and lack of logic. Who says horror stories need to make any sense? While I admit there may have been fans that ruined the character somewhat, I still like this story since it was the first creepypasta I ever read and the character is awesome to me. And like Jake said, just let him be.

    3. Well the person who posted this “crap” was Mr.Creepypasta. So shut your mouth about this story. If you hate it, DON’T SAY ANYTHING. People don’t want to hear your hateful shit about the story. And those of you who agreed to that comment, Fuck you.

      1. First off Mr.creepypasta didn’t post this. If you would have looked it is sessur. Second I want to hear his hateful shit about the story. Third you are being a little hypocritical. I mean you said if you hate something don’t say something and you said you hate him and you said something so….. Finally do you want to fuck me or what I’m confused.

      1. I shuld be a slender! Im pale white (i mean like PALE PALE white) i like have black hair and no face (litterly but dents were the eyes nose and mouth shuld be) and i allways wear a black dress and i make a noise when im around anyone that kills them…also i have these things that some out of my back that are black but i make people go into a black hole that kills them. If you don’t beleve me than f*** off cuz it is TRUE ITS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! gotz it?

  710. Finally, the classic has been added to this site!

    I believe that it’s one of my victims’ finest works… in case you didn’t know, the original author went to sleep a few days after I read this for the first time.

    Jeff the Killer.

    P.S. Some people have been asking, and yes, I do know Jeffrey Dahmer personally… or, at least, I knew him. He wasn’t fast enough to avoid capture, but I’ll never die! Sweet dreams.

    1. I don’t think you’ll find me or anyone Jeff. I think it’s time for you to finally..Go..To..Sleep. Sweet Dreams.

      P.s I’ll be waiting.

      1. Jeff will never go to sleep. Why do you feel the need to piss people off by insulting them on purpose for no reason? I’m surprised you haven’t “gone to sleep” yet. I’m awaiting the day with a closet full of cake, balloons, and streamers. And Jeff I think your awesome no matter how weird my family thinks I am. :)

    2. He is the author and he did make you up…Dumbass… Ps Pretty stupid of you to kill your brother and Whats with your emo hair it sucks. Have a nice day asshole :D
      lol jk but really why did you got through all of that just to kill your brother and i mean just getting caught on fire doesnt make a good explination for you to go insane.

      1. you don’t go insane everyone is born insane its just that its deep inside of them and they just need to let it out like me im insane im able to control it though and he probably went into shock like the doctor said and that caused his full insanity to come out insanity is like an emotion its inside you and you can’t completely get rid of it

        1. Well Jeff can die because he’s only human. He’s just good at NOT dying, while Slendy, on the other hand, is a (in my own nerdy class specification system) Class 2 Poltergeist. Therefore he cannot die, only be expelled from a household via some sort of ritual. So I would say Slendy.

      1. Well that’s a rather stupid question.
        First of all, neither of them are invulnerable to physical damage, (Neither of them is a ghost, demon, spirit, etc. All though you can’t be completely sure what Slendy is because the stories relating him vary. Let’s just say he exists in the form of flesh)
        so that would mean that they could both be hurt.
        Secondly, Jeff has an unusual set of fighting skills, meaning he could break bones and such quite easily, BUT, Slenderman is more of a “magical” entity, so he most likely has supernatural powers. He also has tentacles. He could rip Jeff apart in mere seconds.
        That at least, is my opinion.

        1. Pix, I’m now your biggest fan. YOU’D WIN IN A BATTLE BETWEEN JEFF AND SLENDY.

      1. scares of the past…
        murder of your own blood…
        mystery if you will ever get captured. Jeff, dont get too full of yourself.
        You are now a ledend.
        Be careful.
        And Jane, stay out of Jeff’s way.
        You may not get out alive.

        ~Black Ink

        1. Fuck off Jane!! I’m sure there are plenty of kids who have had their parents taken away (no offense to those people it’s pretty sad) and I’m sure they’re just as devastated. But seriously, you let yourself become just more evil than your parents would have wanted. Is that how you want them to die knowing you? An evil little bitch that gets in everyone’s way?

        1. Regarding your opinion on the “story” of how I became a serial killer, I have decided to rest the enigmas of this case. It is NOT fiction. It is the true story of how I became what I am today. If you had a single shred of sanity left (unlike me) you would have not wasted your time commenting about the errors and flaws of a true story told by me, backed up by the police, and confirmed by 5 intelligence agencies world-wide. A story as true as this is not to be taken lightly, mocked or ridiculed among the archives of creepypastas, as I understand you have intention of doing. Have you never felt that killer instinct like I have before? Have you never just wanted to KILL someone so badly that if it were put off for any longer your brain may explode? Now, I just have to kill. If I don’t kill someone twenty-four hours from my last murder, now I just lose what is left of my mind until I finally plunge my knife into them and laugh as they die. I am even out in the open world, hidden among the many people, my face kept hidden until such time as I kill again. In the last week I have claimed the lives of over 120 people, and try all had one thing in common. They tried to defend themself. My twenty-four hour kill period is nearing it’s end, so for now, see you in hell. I’m off to kill my next victim.

        2. I can understand the psyco-family-killing. I can understand the loss of sanity. I can understand the killing other people at night. But how in the hell did you manage the flame retardant hair? Even more so with the bleach and alchol!

        1. Wooooooaaaaaaah scarry his face scared my soul out of me,I mean really his smilee……..0_0
          And his eyes
          Whats seen will never be unseen that picture will leave a huge scar in my memory

        2. Wooooooaaaaaaah scarry his face scared my soul out of me,I mean really his smilee……..0_0
          And his eyes
          Whats seen will never be unseen that picture will leave a huge scar in my memory

      1. you cant go after people just because the are creepy. that is just wrong. to me Jeff’s look is totally cool.
        ~Black Ink

        1. I got to agree with you but really have you heard of Jane the killer she has to go after Jeff the killer

      2. Jane, you know what? You can’t get Jeff because their is one more killer out to get you. And thats me. The reason why I’m out to get you is because when I heard that you almost killed Jeff, it got me mad. I’ve killed many people and they don’t call me Robert the Killer for nothing. I’m a mix of both you and Jeff. My lips are black like yours, but I cut a smile into my cheeks like Jeff, my hair goes down to my mid back like yours but its greasy and black and a little bit spiked up to the side like Jeff’s, my eyes are only black like yours but I burnt off my eyelids, leaving my eyes bordered in black like Jeff’s. If you want to kill Jeff you have to go through me first. Also, whats make me a killers is that I stab people in the heart, rip off their skin, dry their skin in the sun, then I eat the skin. So, yeah, your gonna get fucked up by a guy who’s sixteen, killed his mom and dad, and has two brothers(one also named Robert and my other brother Max). So you better get ready, I’m coming for you. But, in the meantime I think your cute, I’ll take my time with you before I kill you. See you in hell!

        1. Okay, the whole “i eat people’s skin,” was far, like.. mighty fucking far, but anywho, yea Jane, piss off, Jeff is the best person in the world and you almost killed him, that was a jerky thing to do.
          (if only i could meet jeff if he was real.. andd wouldn’t kill me.. but dreams kill.)
          anywho, Jane

        2. Robert seriously, If your trying to become a new mystery or trying to be cool or something? Because you fail at it.Eating people’s skin? Really? That’s slendy’s job. If you want to write your own creepypasta go ahead. But stop trying to be better than everyone else. >:( Sorry if I sound like a real bitch, I’m just in a bad mood right now. :(

        3. Hey Robert,
          U r awesome for standing up for what u believe in!!!! I bet u would make a great motivational speaker!!! U would make a great rowl model one day!!! Good luck with what ever what u want to be!!!!
          Animal lover19

      3. …Jane, I really like you, but if your out for my jiffy… well…

        YOUR DEAD MOTHER F****! ^^ can I braid your hair now?

        *smiles holding knife behind my back*

    3. for some reason i cried during the story……….and for some other reason i smile in a really creepy way when i look at jeff’s pic…….O.o

    4. Hey baby where are you? I’m going to kill you anyways, so you might as well tell me……..
      ;) You remember the hotel? Yeah that was fun,But you fell asleep and I wanted you awake when I killed you not asleep and horny!

      With Love, JANE THE KILLER

    5. pffft,as if your really jeff.your probably just one of those peeps fakin to be jeff.i mean,really.but if you ARE jeff,then come visit me sometime,kay? :)

    6. Hey Jeff! :D :D :D

      If u really are him….. COME VISIT ME HERE IN MISSOURI!!!! Since ur a serial killer and all, I bet you can find my house… :D
      Ur #1 fan…. And a possible serial killer also
      L.J <3
      P.S, I think ur smile is sexy. :D

    7. Insane Killer,Stabber,Torturer and other cool things...

      i like the way you kill… Personnally,I choose to see the fear in their eyes while they are slowly and painfully die in their own BLOOD….. that makes me happy….hahahahah!
      ps:im a gurl. (super not important detal so,forget it -_-‘)
      bye and see you….maybe….

    8. sweet deadlyshadow

      Sweet dreams? Since when does Jeff say “sweet dreams” sound more like Jane when she kills him on the mine craft mod. O btw for those who haven’t herd Jeff the killer vs Jane the killer Jeff ends up dieing. ^_^ hope the last sentence helped all the babies out there sleep. ^_^ Hmm I could real go for some blood right now ^_^

      1. You’re wrong. Jeff didn’t die. Jane did.Technically Jeff DID die but then he came back because he’s immortal.

    9. Jeff? Can u plz tell slendy that i luv him? Hes my hero and i want to meet him. He can have me as his slave! Ill do anything to meet him in person! Ill giv him 20$, hugs, and ill give him ideas 4 his nxt victim! =3 plz? 4 mii? =3 oh! And ask him if he can use his deamon powers to make other people have deamon powers? That way we could team up together and rule the world with fear! Thnx! =3

      1. how dare u i love jeff and u want him to tell slendy ur feelings!………oh well at least u dont love jeff

    10. A Zerg Hydralisk

      this “classic” caused one of the worst fangirl outbreaks that has ever existed! do you know the pain derpbutt, operator, craphunter, MYSELF, ect. have gone through trying to find a good story and running into some of this shit?
      god damn it people! why wont you understand?!


  711. Pretty sure there would be more of an investigation before Liu was brought to juvenile detention right off the bat.
    Randy and his friends must have some sort of record seeing as how their tempers are so short anyway. Just saying.

  712. I can’t believe you made the young boy at the beginning use words like illuminating, ominous, horrendous, and the lest goes on. No kid talks like that, especially a young one.

    You had all your characters speak in ways that seemed unnatural. You either used formality (e.g., the parents calling Jeff “son”) or cliché phrases (e.g., “and that’s final”), and there were things of this nature I don’t feel like finding. It seemed forced, particularly the “son” part. It reminded me of being a little kid and playing pretend, and forcing the words to make it feel more real when it only does the exact opposite. Nobody talks like that. Or at least rarely.

    The three bullies. Wow. You went so over-the-top with their personalities. I just don’t believe all three were such awful, violent kids and that all three were up for pulling out their knives on other people so readily. And to do it twice. In front of people.

    And that’s another thing. You’re trying to convince us that none of the parents stopped the children fighting at the party? That’s retarded.

    Still more, you had these four preteens (well, one’s 13 but still) fighting in this fantastic combat that even most adults wouldn’t engage in? Lol. That’s not believable at all. It’s not believable in general, but to make them so young makes it all the more dumb and all the less plausible.

    The way he became crazy was so silly. And for him to kill his brother too, it made no sense. Psychopaths can care for a handful of people. And you made him care so much about his “bro,” only for him to kill the kid so soon.

    I thought this feeling you kept making him have was whenever he felt annoyed with someone, and that you’d expand on that as the foundation for his mentality, rather than: four kids battle Matrix style, three killed, none of the numerous adults step in, and one goes crazy. Lolwut.

    By the way, you could’ve just had his eyelids burn off. And his hair would not singe to another color; it’d burn off.

    I could go on, but you get the hint.

    Jeff being an enigma is creepier. If you were successful at executing this, it would’ve been fine though. However, you were not.

    1. I absolutely agree but I still injoyed it. This inspired me to take all the criticism from theses comments and make a better version of this story. Its going to be a lot longer but Im hoping when its finished I can upload it and it’ll be better than the original. I’m also calling it just "Jeff" and Liu’s name is being changed to Louis. Lou for short. So I’m hoping for the best and I hope you guys are to.

        1. Jermiah_FizzlBear

          you should have read the pasta, why go to a creepypasta site and not read any of the creepypastas? that is dumb!!!

        2. Yologuy_I_Dont_Care_

          I only came for the comments, but the pic came in front of my face and scared the life out of me! :^(((( LOL!

        3. It scared the living crap out of my sisout and when she saw the picture she said “Oh god now I’m going to have nightmares

        4. hmmm… Its not scary at all. I envy such look and characteristics! Call me crazy all you want, I’m the only sane one in MY family.

        5. It’s especially not scary considering it’s nothing more than a picture of someone with the brightness and saturation set to max due to a failed (guessing) first attempt at PhotoShop.
          They didn’t even know the blur the removed features in the nose region. There’s smoothing tools and almost countless resources to pull off a blank face like that, and somehow this awful photo is the thing that’s been giving nightmares to kids on the internet for years?

          I’ve see Kardashian photoshoots with more professional PhotoShop which provide a more horrifying image.

          This just stupid.
          Oh well.
          We can’t all be 13 I guess.

        6. Jeff is so creepy and his story is creepy that even made me get scared at night. I was always not scared at night but this night is creepy. Jeff is my fav creepypasta but now he realky creeps me out in his story

        7. I\'m beautiful.

          My nose, it is gone, my hand, it is gone. I am beautiful. But my mommy can’t see that. Her eyes are gone. They look better on me anyways.

        1. Really?I mean REALLY?By far one of the best!?Sit down and start reading then, because this ‘creepypasta’ is the worst I’ve ever read.It belongs to the crappypasta section.I only finished it because I kept expecting it to get more and more ridiculous, and it did.Okay, I got past the thing that there are 12 year olds who carry knives and mug people on the street in broad daylight IN THE FANCY PART OF TOWN.Also, why do they look like cartoon characters?A fat and a skinny goon and the boss…That is how I imagined bad guys until the age of 5…Then the next day police came.Sure, nobody witnessed the actual fight or anything, but them running away, that’s something that ‘witnesses’ remember.Okay, no problem.Jeff admits it, then comes Liu(WHAT KIND OF A NAME IS THAT!?) holding a knife, and the policemen PULL THEIR GUN ON A 12 YEAR OLD WITH A KNIFE.He’s not threatening anyone, but two adult policemen who actually have a strict protocol restricting them when and where to even TOUCH their pistols.Two officiers aiming a gun at a kid for no reason at all could put their badge down for a lifetime.Then comes the party and the fight.Remember the first one?Randy’s wrist snapped, the other guy stabbed in the arm?They magically healed.In like a week.No need to plaster a broken hand, you can hit people with it.Okay, so these twelwe year olds decided that they’ll murder somebody who beat them up.If you think that’s how the world works, then you watched way too many action movies(instead of reading books).12 year olds beat eachother up constantly but they don’t bring guns to some party with 50 people to murder another kid in front of a crowd of people.What 12 year old would have the guts to do that anyway!?Again, we’re in the fancy part of town.And this is where we have to go back to the beginning of the story..A kid wakes up in the middle of the night, finds a monster in his bedroom, the cliché story we all know.In the middle of the night they start fighting the ‘monster’, but they are interrupted by the police who were called by a neighbour.So you’re saying that a neighbour was watching over their house all night waiting for the chance to call the police?They arrive pretty fast too, since it would have been easy for Jeff(he’s supposed to have super fighting powers fueled by some dark thing in his brain but the writer ‘forgets’ to mentoin it) to finish them off after he stabbed the kid’s dad in the shoulder.So again, when there was supposed to be no witness at all, someone called the police in the middle of the night, but NOBODY called them when they were fighting at the party?Jeff’s face was burnt and he spent time in hospital.Even though he ‘turned into an inferno’ right after he regained conciousness he could sit up and so on.Actually it takes months to heal from that.Without therapy you can’t even raise your hands and even if you could it would hurt like a bitch…And don’t even get me started on the face and the hair..Burn victims don’t have any hair left…Miraculously, his clothes were sewn back together as well, even though they are supposed to be burnt(they throw those clothes away in reality but whatever).So we arrived at the ending, he went nuts, okay.But why did he kill his family?Just because you go insane you won’t try to murder the people you love.He wasn’t a particularly evil kid or anything, nothing indicated that at least(maybe inserting stories about Jeff torturing helpless animals or some shit, jesus..).And when his mother found out about his insanity she immediately wanted to kill him.How does that make any sense?I notice that someone from my family is crazy and I shoot him/her?!What kind of a MOTHER could do that?This whole story is a ridiculous pile of steaming garbage, it’s so horrible I don’t know how can anyone write something this bad.It’s clearly a ‘Hmm, I wanna write something cool so I’ll just throw in some bloody scenes, fake psychology and shit I saw in horror movies and then I’m done before I get bored with it’.Obviously written in one sit.Horrible, just horrible.And the reason I’m so upset is that this is actually a famous creepypasta.

        2. DONT........NOOOOOOO!

          dude SHUT THE FUCK UP!is this your story? no? didnt think so! just shut up read and enjoy if you dont enjoy give it a shitty rating also kids like that are possible they have terrible and abusive parents and ig you get stabbed in the arm you can still use it may hurt but still usable and i will agree some things are messed up and stupid but some of the things you said are also stupid and maybe if you actually read it the kid or kids with guns said if someone intervenes gut will fly maybe the parents didnt want their children and/or themselves to be harmed also when he goes insane it makes sense for him to kill his family because 1. maybe he doesnt hold them dear 2. she did kinda betray him wanting to shoot him. plus if my kid went insane and was cutting and burning his eyelids off and shit like that i wouldnt want to see what happens next like what happened in the story she died. now i could go on a bit more but i really dont care and have already typed more than i wanted to so you enjoy pondering your idiotic thoughts. also just remembered this one but anyway the neighbor calling the police is totally possible maybe he heard a disturbance and screaming because pretty sure the kids dad would scream if he had a knife in his shoulder and the kid screaming trying to get him off of him. try to think more before commenting stuff that is actually possible. P.S. i believe i won :D

        3. problem is with Jeff is the fact there is no trauma to indicate parents did anything wrong or the brother, besides the bullying from the other kids, but physical trauma can cause mental disorders and psychological break downs. I have to agree with Alexander the story is not all there, I mean time to heal was way off and some facts and maybe instead of saying weeks maybe months to give time for wounds to heal and maybe making the kids older probably in teens like 15 to 17 of age, and being a fancy place to live can tell has no impact on how story develops. I mean Alexander is wrong in the area cause you live in a fancy neighbor hood does not mean you are going to have bully free zone. over all it was fun to read though and I personally thought it was creepy to a point but having that many errors also killed it for me. overall 8/10 cause the creepiness was good

        4. Old ass comment, but I can only assume YOU’VE never been stabbed in the arm or anywhere else for that matter.
          I took a piece of serrated sheet metal all the way to the bone in the knuckle of my right index finger, sliced through the tendon, and it was useless for MONTHS!
          Even now, five years later, I can’t make a fist without that finger bending any further than a 45 degree angle.

        5. Well, even though the story isn’t realistic in some ways, doesn’t change the fact that it’s still creepy. The reason why this creepypasta is so popular is because of Jeff’s character. At first he’s a fairly normal kid, but the way the story is written shows Jeff’s slow descent into madness.This creepypasta is also great because in the beginning he was pretty much a good person, it shows how even good people can become corrupted. I definitely wouldn’t say that it deserved to be considered a crappypasta but some of it sure could use a reality check.

        6. do you know how long it takes to write a story. my story is short and it took me almost eight hours of revising and writing! I would like to see you write something and then have all of us comment on it. sound like a plan? I agree with slenderman (comment section)… -Onyx Genocide

        7. I agree, but if this thing came at me sining the song ‘lamborghini’ I would shit myself.

        8. Oh boy this argument.

          that’s all I got from your comment.

        9. writing a short story is nothing I have done yet I more of a poetry writer, so yea i would say even in a fictional story facts still have to be accurate, make the story even better, none the less it does not take away from the creepiness the story gave to me as a reader. Really well played out and exceptional on that part. When writing poetry it does take a lot of time to think and come up with something creative and enjoyable, so I say it is no easy task for anyone write a short story, I could imagine the work and effort it takes since it takes a good amount of time to write a really good poem.Still I would try to make sure facts are equally as good and accurate as the thought of creepiness was put into it, just my opinion though.

        10. Some body sat down and wrote this creepypasta using their love for writing and creepypasta. All of you cridicts only care about making people feel like crap by hiding behind you computers and slamming people. All of you would make some pretty good creepypastacreepypasta characters because your rude and twisted. It was good. So what if the gramer was off, have you never watched anime. Most of them use that dialogue.

        11. Courtney Alexandra

          I am positive that if you gave this to an English teacher they would just ball it up and throw it away. Sure some people are rude with the comments but, at the same time there are many great pointspoints on things that didn’t make since. And I consider that constructive criticism not random douchyness

        12. Are you sure it was “effort”? I believe that the writer was SMART enough to put some effort in his story. If he actually is, well it proves my point!

        13. Come on, you have to know that this is some seriously bad writing, right? I mean, if you have read literally any other literary piece to compare to this you’d realize just how bad this is. The plot is cliché and horribly executed, the characters are all one dimensional, and Jeff isn’t even creepy. I find it really strange and kind of offensive that this is one of the better known, if not the best known, creepypasta because honestly I’ve read better plot lines written in sharpie on bathroom stalls than this. Pure garbage if you ask me.

        14. it’s not important how best, how cool names are, how lame, or how popular the story is. All that important is the creation of the story

        15. I think that your COMMENTARY IS LONGER THAN THE STORY AND BY THE WAY, I would LOVE to see you write a story! It is HARD. Even harder, writing a Horror story! So go along, write a story or get lost!

        16. jane the killer

          are you rlly slender man…..? and just askin cuz i also have a lot of repect for you

        17. I like pasta. Even when it is on spaghetti. And the FNAF community can get REALLY annoying at some points. I only like the famous creepypastas.

        18. Just because writing is hard does not excuse a pile of shit for a story.

          seriously, this person probably shat out this story in 2 minutes.


        20. hey alexander if you do not like creepy pastas maybe you should not be on this site because you are just an odd man out when you are the only one whou doesm’t like jeff the killer.

        21. Nah they aren’t the only ones who think this story is bullshit, badly written drivel. And just because I don’t like it, which is my opinion, does not mean I’m incapable of writing something decent myself. This story actually becoming popular just proves once again, the general public has really shitty taste in entertainment.

        22. i mean, his comment has 91 votes and there’s another comment that has upwards of 100 votes, saying the exact same thing. So….. I wouldn’t exactly call Alexander the odd man out

        23. I heard that all CreepyPasta’s (not all just most) were made by SlenderMan driven insane from the cycological aspect of his presence. However it went down I truly enjoyed the story. (2 and a half out of 5) hope this gets better.

        24. BRAVO!!! I totally agree with you on this one.

          What a load of GARBAGE. Seriously.

          And to add to all that – the COPS are judge, jury and sentencing panel all in one?!?!?

          This is CRAPPYPASTA.

        25. you do have a very good point, but this story is for entertainment, not for thinking everything through. I mean there are certain stories are not to be thought about.

        26. Nicola Marie Jackson

          Amen! Because it had such high ratings I saved it I couldn’t wait to read it. I felt Like a child on Christmas eve, who on hearing bells runs runs down to see Santa and instead finds his Dad, on his knees fellating a Morris dancer.

        27. You are too realistic… this is just a story to creep out people. If you weren’t so realistic about it and actually read it as if you were jeff, this story would of been pretty amazing. I understand, this is your opinion, but don’t always look on the negative side. Try to read it again and see how awesome this amazing creepypasta is! :D

        28. The Big Bad Wolf

          This story was created to scare people as you seem to acknowledge. In order for it to scare people it NEEDS to feel realistic if otherwise then it feels fabricated, taking you out of the illusion making everything in the story fall flat on its face,

        29. Amrita Chakravorty

          Jeff the Killer is my fav creepypasta no offence to anybody else who does not like him.

        30. Honestly, who cares if it’s realistic or not, people want to read it cuz it’s interesting. And, honestly, what creepypasta is realistic, like really , do you know a single creepypasta that’s 100% realistic?

        31. if your from chicago, the police will point their gun at 12 year old for holding a knife, gun, any weapons, or even fake weapons. This story isnt that bad its creative and probably made for 12 year olds to read. Just saying.

        32. Hey dude it’s just a story and you wasted all of your energy and time on it and if you like it or not keep it to yourself there are 10,000 people who like it and if you want it to be so real why don’t you write a realistic story

        33. Why are you being so rude about it? I get that you want to give your opinion but you could go about it in a very different way. This is SUPPOSED to be constructive criticism.

        34. Bell Tone Productions

          Chill the fuck out, man. It’s a story. Most stories aren’t realistic. Little Red Riding Hood? Hansel & Gretel? Hell, even the BIBLE! So dont complain that this story isn’t realistic.
          Im an atheist. Don’t ramp up on me, I respect all religion. You should respect my religion, too.

        35. Courtney Alexandra

          Or lack of religion… Don’t get mad not being rude I’m atheist as well. But the author wants us to feel like we can relate and I just can’t relate to a lot of this stuff while reading it. I caught myself continuously saying that doesn’t happen that way. Especially everything after the fire. I am a firm believer in not bashing other people but even the author said he was rewritting the story to fix it so why not offer up what needs to be fixed

        36. I really enjoyed this story, but you do have a point. And when I was reading your comment, I laughed my ass off. But other than the unexplained shit, I think it was pretty good. Could use some work but.. ( Okay, alot of work.. ) it was readable. Thank you Alexander for the smile and laugh of the day!

          PS author, if u are reading this, I think u should make a whole new Jeff the killer story just like this one, but with more ( how do I put this..?) common sense and more explaining. Sorry if I made u feel bad. Have a wonderful day and maybe consider a new story ? Thank you bye!

        37. See? guys. this is the example of how people should act on the internet. Thank you Angel Gosic. Guys, use this person as an example. Yall don’t have to be so god damn suborn.

        38. Maybe Jeff is telling the story. To the readers knowledge there couldn’t have been any witnesses to Jeffs actions while in hiss own home. Thus who would know the story of Jeffs life before insanity but him?

        39. Teresa Hopkins

          So, this is a story. Meant for entertainment. What is wrong with you people??? Where is your story? Did you submit one? I thought it was a great story for a campfire setting. My kids love it! If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. There is difference between constructive criticism and just mean for no reason.

        40. I don’t understand why you are so angry and annoyed. Nobody didn’t say anything bad about YOU. You cannot judge people about the things they like. I ABSOLUTELY love this creepypasta and you have no right to underestimate me bc I love this creepypasta. Btw I am NOT 12-13 years old, I am 16. You don’t know the age of who wrote this so you cannot judge him/her. That’s all what I’m gonna say. Sorry for my language btw.

        41. I love the part where the kid casually picks up a bottle and hits him with enough force to break it, and yet Jeff is all good.

        42. You hot that right on the spot.. Man you could join CinemaSins.. You gave the exact comment that I wanted.. And yes.. The kids are too young to hold such weapons.. Kids fight.. That’s natural.. But making this into an action style while evading all those gunshots and end up in a bathroom and the kid somehow got everything in his pocket.. (A Knife, Gun, Lighter) This story is so weird that it is so famous on Creepypasta..

          “Sshhhh… Just Go To Sleep”

        43. ummmm….Yeah, Liu is older than Jeffrey. Jeff is the YOUNGEST SON. Meaning that Liu is at least 14 years old. But some of the story’s facts really don’t add up.

        44. Allyson Hamby Hirschmann

          I could not agree with you more. This transcribes the very worst of every B-movie and leaves out the endearing campyness. 12 year old shaking down new kids at the bus stop? Bullies saying, “Tsk, tsk. We’ll have to do this the hard way.” Preteens involved in a shootout worthy of the OK Corral? Every adult calling Jeff “son”? Mom totally cool with her 14 yr old being hauled off to Juvy and when dad gets home he’s all, “Yeah. Sounds about right. Anybody hungry?” This is a horribly told, genre crossing, revenge story written by a teenager who was, sadly, bullied when he was younger and has gotten his virtual revenge by utilizing every low budget movie with Saw & The Matrix – like style fighting and gore. Even if you shed all the unnecessary verbage, edit out the bombastic stereotypes and tighten up the core of the storyline, it would MAYBE be subpar.

        45. You ripped this story apart and I applaud you. This was litterally the worst fucking thing I’ve read. Like ever. Seriously. I can’t. I stopped reading barely halfway in, just to read the comments looking for something like this that will give me the details but acknowledge how stupid this was. Great job person, whoever you are, great fucking job! :D

        46. well you know this all took Maryland, the story is mostly true, You may this it’s ridiculous because of the way the kids were described but it’s fluff. Every story has it. It’s supposed to reader interested. Though that is your n and I have no right to judge, I’m simply stating my opinion along with yours.

        47. this story is based of a real story so what you just said is useless and that what you just said is garbage and that (i say the word “that” and i make no sense at all i need to shut up) yo-couldn’t be stuffed finishing this comment. (bye)

        48. I agree I liked the story a lot but a thirteen year old boy doesn’t call their mom “mommy”

        49. samythepsycho

          I’m sixteen, neatly seventeen mind you, and I call my mom mommy momma mummy ma ECT. And he’s going insane, his inner child may be showing.

        50. samythepsycho

          I’m seventeen and I call my mom mommy, momma, mummy, mama, ma, mum, ECT. And he’s going insane, his inner child may be showing.

        51. samythepsycho

          I’m seventeen and I call my mom mommy, momma, mummy, mama, ma, mum, ECT.

        52. -MYSTERY I think it’s because he was going insane, cause when he was normal he called his mom, mom.

        53. This story was awesome and i loved it, and he went psycho those kind of people don’t control their mind and words…..why don’t you pay more attention to what is happening in the story instead of bashing it?

        54. Cole The'Killer

          its nice to read about the man i choose to fight one day, so i know the truth behind his flaws and mistakes, for all those who don’t know me…My name is Cole…. I’m a 14 year old pre-teen girl who just wanted a normal life…including the killing and all but we all know the real story behind everyone’s mistakes…..

          P.s- Stay awake, or die sleeping

          Sincerely, Your beautiful-lest nightmare

        55. jeff the killer

          no shes perfect way better than jane oh i wish to fight her to one day man shes awesome!

        56. Nicola Marie Jackson

          If your 14 then you are a TEENager and therefore not a Pre-teen girl. Jesus hula hopping Christ, have a think xx

        57. Uh…tl;dr. Sorry bro. Also, your English is shit. Read like, two words and was done. Fix it, then come back to your friendly neighborhood maniac and we’ll talk.

        58. This is truly one of the most awfully written pastas I have read.

          The story does have potential, but the execution is awful! Why does the tense keep changing mid-paragraph?!

          I don’t know…

        59. Alexander, Id like to see you try to right a good pasta. You cant even put a space after a punctuation

        60. I would like you to try to spell WRITE correctly. (: You can’t even use apostrophes or punctuation. How about you try to write one. c;

        61. this story is still amazing the wording doesnt matter because if you really enjoy a story you can enjoy it no matter the wording

        62. Courtney Alexandra

          That isn’t true. Grammer is a huge part of the story. That is why we have ELA(English Language Arts) classes

      1. I agree with you in some things, like he cliche and the personaitys if the bullies, but it’s not your story and if you don’t like it go write one if your own; a better one. And I honestly think you could write a better one.

      2. Richard The Hydralisk

        no please… no more jeff… we have too many fanfictions and fangirls as it is, i can’t imagine how Derpbutt must feel dealing with all these uneducated morons swarming the site….

        all because of you, because you had to make an empty shell, that ANYONE who thinks their life is bad can step in to, and make themselves a self-insert killer.

        I want to know how you personally feel as a person knowing that now because of you we have to deal with girls that have sexual fantasies about some bleached up, burned alive, psychotic killer.
        This story should have never been uploaded… it should have been written MUCH better, and that shell should have been sealed off with concrete made of good writing and details.

        I’m now going to say “Fuck you”, not because you wrote this story or had the idea, but the fact you didn’t put forward the effort to make it somewhat logical, and the fact that you spawned one of the worst fandoms to try and deal with.
        so now…
        Fuck you.

      3. I think this is a good idea. Here is a bit of advice from me;

        •Add a touch of romance. Maybe the antagonist could find a girl/boy they like?

        •Don’t be awkward with the wording. Please, just talk like you’re telling the story to another person.

        •Little stories in between. Add tiny little random stories, that could all connect in the end. It’ll get your readers thinking!

        •A lucky break? Save at least one character. Don’t try to kill them all. It’ll give you a good chance for a sequel.

      4. so if yall wanna like not talk bull shit about jeff id love that, you don’t know his life because he’s never told anyone, the witnesess sure but you don’t know the story directly from him, don’t say you know he, i catigoize him as a loving kid that got stuck on the wrong path, and if you say otherwise to me, i hope you know i honestly don’t give 2 shits what you say cause this is fact and opinion, you wanna make kidy shit storys like this about him, sure this could have been related to what it was like but like i said you don’t know it from his own mouth, i feel him watch over me cause i am like him and i cherish his well being and when he watches over me, re think what you know before you put it out there, and don’t bitch at me saying that i know his life cause i don’t eather but i sure as hell know this ain’t it

        1. I agree with Thomas on this one. Learn the English language before you try to ‘school’ a bunch of people. Another suggestion: Get your head examined. If you think fictional characters are ‘watching over you’, you’ve got serious mental problems.

      5. In the original story, Jeffs brothers name is Liu. I don’t just mean the one written here, but the actual original story (is it appropriate to call Jeff a modern legend?). However, when/if you write your story, it will be your story, so who am I to chsnge your characters names? Fire ahead.

      6. Sweet! I like your idea. By the way, this story is still awesome. I think i’d also be awesome to see your new-and-improved story. It’ll probably be even more awesome!

    2. DAMN…0-o But i do have to agree with all of that i mean he went through all that ot help his brother just to kill him… I mean wtf and i also agree with the hair it would definatly burned off. Story 7.5/10 Your comment 10/10 :D

      1. that was crazy im scared of his face now jeeze your discriptive.i was lost in his pic of his face i just stared at it frozen untill my friend changed the page.

        1. im scared of it too but it gave me the oppisit affect i cant look at it for more than half a second and even with that im going to have nightmares :'(

        2. A Zerg Hydralisk

          god damnit, is everyone here 5? that face isn’t scary at all! the only thing that would be scary is the fact that girls out there want to BANG that! (term: fangirls)

      2. hahahahaha! i am insane ~Twin 1~ and i am the other half of Twin 1 *Twin 2* we r the new creepypasta’s but r not know by the others…
        we r polar opposites but still get along. we both kill in different ways. I rip out their intestines and hang them with it ~Twin 1~, and I stab their eyes out and break their bones *Twin 2* we have not met Jeff, Slenderman, Ben, Sally and charlie, Bob, Masky and Hoodie, but we know who u r and its up 2 u if u want us P.S. I think Jeff would win against Slenderman ~Twin 1~ I think Slenderman would win against Jeff *Twin 2*

      3. i think you should all stop talking sh@# about the story and just enjoy it. i mean, if you wrote a story and people b@#$%&ed about everything you did and all of the flaws you put in. wouldnt you be really sad that people cant just apreciate a horror story. i mean, come on people! thats just f@#$ed up.

        1. If people don’t like a story, they’re entitled to say so and why they thought it was average/bad/horrible.

          And let’s say I wrote a terrible story, because my first few would probably not be well-received. I won’t lie; I’d be a little hurt, but I’d also recognize that I could use the negative comments to make myself a better author. Frankly, I’d be more annoyed if someone just said “Wow, really great story. I loved it. Keep it up!” to avoid hurting my feelings. Empty praise isn’t worth shit.

          I hate those “Gais if u dnt lyk d story dnt comment” messages, because you’re pretty much saying “This person typed words, so stop being mean to him. He should never have anything bad said to him.” or “Your opinion differs from mine so nobody wants to hear it.”

        2. Richard The Hydralisk

          listen, NO ONE will take you seriously if you;
          A.) tell people on a site where comments are for CONSTRUCTIVE CRTITSISM to not comment because they don’t like it.
          B.)think this awful shit stain of a story is good.
          C.) censor yourself

        3. Well, it’s better than sugarcoating something. I mean, if people sugarcoat your stories, they would be likely backstabbing you, and if you heard them, wouldn’t it be much more painful?

        4. Appreciate horror… appreciate would be the correct spelling. Come back when you’re not a teenager and see if this still entertains, creeps you out, or terrifies you. This is just down right terrible.

    3. Hey, a lot of the younger generation learn words like that, can’t really judge him on that part.

      How do you not believe the bullies were not violent? Pulling guns on others isn’t violent? Seriously though.

      The parents were probably keeping the little kids safe, plus, the other two bullies had guns, if they even attempted they would have been shot.

      Not all psychopaths are like that, this is a killer with NO sanity whatsoever.

      How does it not make sense to save his brother and not kill him later? Let’s see, as said, you have a killer with zero sanity, and his brother, Jeff wouldn’t care if it was his brother or not, HE IS AN INSANE KILLING MACHINE.

      Sure the whole "getting a strange feeling when around someone who you hate" Is a bit silly, but hey, it’s fictional, anything can happen.

      Having his eyelids burned off, in my opinion is too mainstream. The thought of him going insane and burning off his eyelids himself is a lot better.

      Again, it’s fictional, anything can happen.

      I give this story 10/10

      1. The point is kids that age, especially that live in the richer part of town, wouldn’t be that violent or stupid. Sure kids are violent. But wanting to kill someone? With that easy access to guns? In front of adults? And they can hop fences on there bikes? Honestly this story has just so much stupid in it, there’s just nothing redeeming about it. It has to make sense within it’s own universe, which this story does not by far. Everything was just way to over the top to be even plausible for kids that age to do.

        1. Remember, kids are humans. Humans of every age are capable of committing very horrendous acts of violence. Also, there were kids in my middle school back then who had drugs and one case of a knife at school.

      2. why didn’t the police get those violent twelve tear old before Jeff’s story began if they were mental enough to use guns? and how come it was those same idiotic kids who got Lui in jail? and how could large doses of painkiller make jeffy insane? and how is it normal then? and wasn’t he a 13 kid so why’s he called a “man” in the beginning/ hy’s it so typical?vit doesn’t make sense. a bit typical. not too scary. the pic looked like a shark.

        1. BlueMidnightSavage

          how many freaken books or movies do you see that have talking animals, is that realistic. look at two-face for example you think he could of survived what happened to him in real life no, and do you complain i didn’t think so. Leave this story alone its a great story it doesn’t need to be realistic. DAMN..people are never impressed!

      3. As a writer, one of the first things you learn is a little thing called, “suspension of disbelief”

        if you can’t keep a reader involved in your world enough to believe that crazy shit can happen, then you failed at suspending their disbelief.

        The word that this takes place in is supposed to be an average everyday neighborhood. However the events that take place in the neighborhood feel more like a fever dream or a cheesy gun safety ad. It’s so poorly written that when the TWELVE YEAR OLD jumps a fence and THEN draws a gun, it feels out of place and foolish.

        Trust me man, take writing classes, THEN read this story.

        1. I took an English class my sophomore year in HS with a published author as my teacher. We talked much about the “suspension of disbelief”. The thing about it is that it only works within the context of the story itself. This story didn’t make sense within its own logic and certain things have nothing to do with the suspension of disbelief but with the application of common logic. We can ignore the fact that he was healed so quickly after full body burns but it is pretty impossible to ignore the fact that his clothes would be completely ash, impossible to repair.

          Let’s just say that those bullies were just abnormally maniacal preteens, as a good storyteller, you at least hint at that with the way that they move or speak and giving somewhat of a background to why they are so damaged. We suspend disbelief when we accept that Jeff gets this random urge to kill people, but a good storyteller explains the urge, at least giving it a source, or relating it to something the reader feels, not just “a weird feeling”.

          Part of the flaw in this story is that its just overall horrible storytelling, he gives no background for anyone or anything. Suspension of disbelief is applicable in say, a movie like Interstellar. We suspend disbelief when we accept that a human can survive being sucked into a black hole, or when they travel through a 5th dimension, but we at least get an explanation of this logic in the movie. This is necessary to ask someone to suspend disbelief, at least in a good story.

    4. Listen, asshat, it’s called fiction, and in this fictional world, the author is it’s god, which means the author can damn well do whatever he/she wants to do with the story. Fuck it if a’int realistic and shit. That’s what fiction is all about. Fiction transcends the boundaries of real life.

      If it were, say, a real-life narrative, then, yes, your form of critique would work.

      Fuck off if you don’t like the story just ’cause some of the elements YOU expected weren’t present.

      1. xD lol asshat but i have to agree its not real because if this was real slendy would be real to so tell me have u seen slendy?

        1. I like your smartass retort sounds like something I would say…Of course. Who hasn’t?

      2. It still has to make sense within its own fictional universe, this one clearly does not. Learn how to fiction, asshat. This is clearly set in some version of the real world, nothing about any of this is realistic in anyway about how the children act or speak. You can explain ghosts easily in a story like this, you can’t explain kids acting like movie action heros or 30 year old prison thugs, without some kind of crazy world building details, and even then its a bit ridiculous.

    5. 1/10 on the story, 10/10 on this comment.
      The story was silly and not very believable. I felt like I was reading a goofy horror story from the 80s, where all you needed was mindless gore to make a story scary.

      I can buy how he killed his brother after “saving” him, because if you think about it, he didn’t necessarily attack the bullies to save his brother, he did it because his less sane side took over.

      I agree that the dialogue is contrived, especially when Liu says “poor bro”. Inconsistencies such as his hair not burning off bug me a bit, and I don’t see how anyone would be burnt like that and come out of it with bleached skin and shiny black hair. I mean I guess it makes sense if you’re Michael Jackson lol. But whatever, creepypasta is what it is.

      1. If you are the all-knowing God of CreepyPasta to the point that you can trash others work because they used certain grammar or certain elements in their story. Please. By all mean. Make something better, I want to see what you come up with.

    6. I have always thought that i mean the kid could say

      “I SAW SANTA!!!!!! and he tried to kill me and my dad but still…SANTA!!!!!!

    7. Kids are getting more and more violent these days, as you can tell from recent events. The fighting scenes do make sense though, the kids charge in with basic tactics while Jeff, with some strange sixth sense deal, has a natural edge towards fighting and easily takes them down. The bullies are shocked at it but come back to re-assert their dominance by attempting to kill Jeff. The parents couldn’t have intervened until the kids were upstairs because they had two loaded guns(unless you bring guns to a kid’s party). The bullies were winning at first, presumably because Jeff playing games with the little kids made him feel younger, more carefree, and less prone to the anger attacks that made him want to kill people. This can make the reader think about what would’ve happened if the kids had confessed beforehand and not returned to get vengeance, because Jeff would’ve stayed a normal kid. A few things don’t really fit like how Randy supposedly had his wrist broken and the other kid his shoulder stabbed and it’s unnoticeable a few days later.

      The eyelids couldn’t have burned off in the fire without at least partially blinding him( unless he pulled them off his face a bit and burned them intentionally), and if the people had extinguished the fire on his head(including his hair and eyes), then his hair could have just been singed rather than burnt off. Think of when you throw pine needles or grass into a fire, they don’t just turn straight to ash, first the oils on the surface burn, leaving a black tint and a fragile but firm strand(if you put force into it, it will crumble in your hands but otherwise it will remain whole. I grew up surrounded by pine trees and we had bonfires almost weekly so i know what i’m talking about). So he could just have fragile hair if his hair was just the right length, and if the fire had gotten to his hair last there could be a thin layer of ash stuck to his hair.

      Not all killers are the same, and he probably felt betrayed by his family because they all saw him as ugly after he had become what he thought was beautiful. He thought he was so beautiful that he couldn’t take his eyes off of himself and opened them permanently, and kept his smile perpetually smiling. After he’d done that they made it obvious they thought that he was ugly, and so he got angry, prompting his killing spree which took out his brother.

      It may not seem to make sense but it fits together if you give it a little thought.


      1. i was wondering that too, how could randy’s wrist be broken but then be functioning in two days?
        and personally, i can see how Jeff would have been cute after the hospital (minus the carved-in smile and burned-off eyelids…)

        1. BlueMidnightSavage

          then all he would be is white with black hair he wouldn’t be scary think about it if you saw a guy with black hair and white skin “maybe he has a skin condition” but add no eyelids with mouth carvings coming at them they would be like “shit were screwed”

      2. If you really spent so much time around fires you’d know that you don’t have to put your hand in the fire for it to burn the hair off your hand.Even though your comment is actually good(not the ignorant retard style), this story has way too many holes.This story is simply bad as it is.

      3. Kids are getting less violent actually, media coverage is just getting more prevalent and sensationalist. What 12 year old trys and murders someone with a gun? Not many even have access to a gun, and they can hope a fence on there bikes? No kid is that stupid honestly, in the rare cases 12 year olds do murder someone, its rarely with guns, and the kids are smart enough to do it at least hidden and not in front of 50 people at a party. They know the consequences and fear them.

    8. You make some reputable points, however this is a piece of fictional writing, and the author can choose to execute the pasta in whichever style he wants. The boy at the beginning could come from an aristocratic background, or is simply just a literate boy. I’m 13, and when I was around 9-10 years old (I’m guessing that’s how old he was) nothing less would’ve been expected from me. And as for the three bullies, children like that do exist, and it just so happens that three of them were conveyed in this story. The fact that this is a fictional story makes all of these supposed transgressions acceptable.
      I thoroughly enjoyed the story though, great work :)

      1. No kids are not like that, maybe in war torn third world countries they’d be willing to murder without fear of the consequences and have such easy access to guns. But not in the suburbs

    9. This story wasn’t made to be believable. It’s a work of fiction. Just sayin’. And I don’t think that was very good “constructive” criticism. You could have been a little nicer about it.

    10. Calm your tits, it’s just a story posted on the internet. You shouldn’t expect it to be perfect and professional.

      1. I dont think anyone does, its just nice if they actually make sense, especially when they get this popular. It makes us all look stupid when something that makes no sense gets as popular as the stuff that is written well and has a plausible (within its own universe) story.

    11. Also, didn’t Randy die in the second fight? How did he confess in the end? Everything you said is true and why this story sucks for me.

      1. Jeff the Killer

        No, Liu. The parents heard Randy confess of attacking us in the first fight BEFORE I killed him… And his friends. So yeah he’s dead. *realization* Wait, aren’t you dead? O.o

    12. first off i just wanna say your wrong about Jeff going crazy all of the sudden. it is possible for anyone to go psychotic after a week or two. i know because i get those “Feelings” all the time. i’ve had trouble fighting them for a while. i often think of killing my family.
      like i’ll walk up behind him and stab him in the throughout then, i’ll kick the back of her knee and stab her in the eye and so on. honestly i wouldn’t mind if Jeff came in the night and cut out my cheeks and lips. if the writer wanted to make Jeff more realistic then he wouldn’t have his eye lids burnt out. i mean try to keep your eyes open for more than twenty minutes. your sight starts to get blurry and your eventually go blind. his mouth and cheeks on the other hand, that is possible. i’ve thought about that and it would work. the only thing that would suck is trying to swallow stuff.honestly i wouldn’t mind if Jeff came in the night and cut out my cheeks and lips.

        1. Um yea cutting any part of the face could lead to infection especially around the mouth so please don’t attempt that… Ever.

        2. Richard The Hydralisk

          nice name

          yea, Derpbutt is pretty awesome. hes the site admin for fucks sake! he puts up with people who make awful stories or make stupid comments, AND keeps his sanity at the same time!
          Derpbutt you are awesome

      1. it’s a fictional story. and when people are truly traumatized, they can go insane in an instant and oh my god leave the dude alone. he wrote a good story so back off.

      2. If you legitimately had true intrusive thoughts about wanting to killing your own family, you would NOT be admitting it to the internet, never mind admitting it to yourself so blatantly. Sorry to disappoint you, but you’re not a psychopath.

    13. i think the way it was written was just fine. the bullies seem like the bullies at my school. they didn’t fight matrix style and the parents probably didn’t step in because shots were being fired. stop saying the things they wrote are “unbelievable” because it is their writing voice,not yours. don’t criticize the way they changed his hair color because the hair does get darker when burnt. it doesn’t always fall off. you have no idea what time the stories setting is in. they were happy with their word choice and i don’t see you posting stories that actually catch the attention of the reader. this story does catch attention.

    14. Okay let me get 2 things straight here. 1) yes, I could agree with you on SOME of these things but you don’t have to sound like you despise this person for messing up a little bit. 2) fuck off!! It’s FICTIONAL!! This is creepypasta guys! They’re just stories made to scare the shit out of people! You don’t have to criticize the person for not writing a five star novel! Even if you don’t like it or don’t think its scary, you don’t need to leave your shitty comments anyway. I personally don’t think it’s very scary or creepy at all except the picture and the fact that it involved sleep, but I think it is very interesting. And yes Jeff, your beautiful. I’m not lying.

    15. I really enjoyed this story, but that comment was probably kinda mean, like, how long do you thhink it took to make this story. If you really respect the guy who made this story, then you really shouldn’t be dissing it. And I know I kinda dissed you too, and I’m sorry, but when the OP read this I bet you it made him/her kinda sad or something.

      1. Like 10 minutes, he said how long he thought it took to right, it looks like this was the first draft of a really bad story.

    16. To everyone complaining about the people who are giving this story a bad review. They are giving constructive criticism. Sure, they could say it in a nicer way but if no one points out the bad things about the story, the author will never (ok, mabye not as quickly) get better as a writer.

      For example, if a kid makes a sandwhich and fills it with, say poop, (im not saying this story is poopy) and no one points out how it tastes like poop, then he will always make poop sandwhiches and never be a good sandwhich maker.

      As for the story, it can keep you captivated, has average grammar, and yes, a little unrealistic at times. Now, im not saying that a story has to be realistic, it is fictional afterall, but a little realism helps with the creepiness as you can be able to believe that it can happen to you or, in this case, actually happened. 8/10.

      Sorry for the long comment.

    17. not to mention that he got the same thing he was wearing earlier “cleaned and stitched” if he was on fire his clothing would NOT have been okay after being “cleaned and stitched”

      1. Nicola Marie Jackson

        I will have you know that staff nurse Lucy sat up all night washing and sewing his burned to fuck clothes, all so he would look all edgy and cool, because you don’t want to be murdered by someone in plaid, do you? So she ignored the cries of those gently bleeding to death in the ward just so Jeff could drive home looking sharp. She is this stories true hero and needs some respect dammit! xx

    18. i agree with that but that snapping actually makes sense because before he went insane he was already feeling crazy and wanting to hurt people. All he needed was an outside source to push his mental state out of control. True, Psychopaths do care for few people but remember that he felt betrayed by his mom which pushed him even more, But the preteens being punks like that was a little too much maybe if their age was increased it would be better plus the party didn’t make a great location. So the metal factors are accurate but outside characters need to be change a little.

    19. Agree with this comment completely. Yes, it’s a work of fiction but it still needs to make sense.

      Yes, some kids might use words like ‘ominous’ etc. but Jeff’s character didn’t really seem like the kind of guy who would. In fact, he pretty much had NO character. None of the character’s did.

      The dialogue was horrific. I couldn’t take the story seriously with comments like ‘poor bro’.
      Not to mention, the way the mother reacts at the end.
      She walks in on her kid horrifically mutilating himself and says ‘What are you doing?’ then proceeds to run off to fetch a gun? Are you kidding?
      Pfft. ‘What are you doing’… I mean, this is her KID, yeah?

      Also, are you SURE the legal system works like that? No trial, no interrogation? Just, you know, a COP says ‘Nah, you kids are lying. Not listening to your side of the story. Here’s your charge’. Now I thought there was a bit more of a process then that.

      Seriously. I kept hearing references to this ‘Jeff the Killer’ so I thought I ought to check it out, expecting something creepy or at least intelligent. Find this shit instead.

      You guys sure don’t have taste.

      1. Shut the fu ck up. If you don’t like the story from the beginning, don’t finish reading it! Nobody wants to deal with all of your hate and bad shit you say about this. It’s just stupid. I really liked the story and I think the author did a really good job on it. He probably worked really hard on it too. SO QUIT HATING.

        1. I bet they worked hard to build Chernobyl too. Working hard does not equal good results.

    20. He did not kill his brother. If you go to the begging a kid toll a story lingt to the end. I think they met liu was the kid at the begging

    21. Ok so this is unrealistic but really the only part “creepy” about it is like said the bullies would not be that brutal, psychopaths have some sense of sanity, so killing the only people they love is kinda true, but things usually have to set them off, parents, other kids, and cops would show up soon during the fight. I may not be able to write a story this popular, but not burning your hair off after burning your eyelids makes no sense. I really don’t want to look like a “hater”, but I feel this lacked quality.

    22. The news reporters probably chose those words to make the little boy more “understandable”. Thats what they actually do u know? =3

    23. Yeah I agree, and can I add on? I don’t think that his NOSE burned off! look at the pic to see what I mean

      1. If u have read the other stories about jeff, he fallen for a girl called wendy. She kissed him when he was about to kill her and thought that his lips betrayed him , he burned his lips and his nose as ‘bonus’. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!

      1. No. Joker is a rip-off of Jeff. Haven’t you seen the poster where Joker says “Why so serious?”? Yes joker came first, but now it’s starting to become ridiculous!

        1. Actually…

          The Dark Knight, which featured the Joker with the carved smile, came out in 2008.

          Jeff the Killer, on the other hand, came out three or four years later.

          Sooooo, yeah…

    24. Oh be quiet. If you hate the story don’t even bother to comment down here. I’m sick of all the haters saying that it’s ridiculous. Just keep it to yourself. The world doesn’t need to know you hate it.

      1. No, but criticism is always good. This is very poorly written. With criticism the author can learn, without and this stupid everyone deserves an a for effort! attitude, you’ll never improve.

    25. That’s just ridiculous. Is it your story? No. You don’t get to decide what people write. Plus, you aren’t insane so you don’t know if they care for people or not. If you don’t like it, keep it to yourself and right your own god damn story.

    26. uhhh….do u think its supposed to be believable?? ur reading this on a website not based on relisticness but on creepiness. i dont think the author was aiming for perfect facts to satisfiy critics like u. in my opinion they were aiming for a GREAT story line, which is what the produced. thank you and goodnight.

    27. I agree with the word choice part, but the reason he killed Liu was he just liked killing. And perhaps he did feel bad about it some time in the future.

    28. jeff the killers girlfriend

      i loved the story and because the author made it that way i love it its so unique…. i have no idea why people are hating this piece of beautiful work may sound over the top but that’s how i fell :)

    29. I know they probably don’t like children on here, but screw it, I don’t get nightmares easily. I’m twelve, almost thirteen, and I always talk like that. It’s normal if the child has a rather large vocabulary, which I do. In the story, Jeff is my age. Are you saying that we speak like nine year old? How despicable. Why don’t you stop judging children like they’re all the same. I know better, why don’t you? Also, “Illuminating” “horrendous” and “ominous” are all quite small words. It’s funny you adults think you know better. Not all children now-a-days shout “YOLO” whilst doing something horrendous. Or just say “SWAG” like they’re better. No, I want to either be a teacher, or a writer when I grow up. I do not believe in either “SWAG” nor “YOLO”. In fact the two disgust me beyond expectation. So, I have finished my rant. This small twelve year old who knows better thank others in her age group shall be on her way. Farewell.

    30. I have to agree that this is not a good piece of writing at all.
      Character depth is lacking. And any sort of believability is lost.
      It could have been a good enough idea, for a cheap scare, if those things were addressed but they’re just not.
      Firstly, the three bullies are far too generic. Along with that, is the fact that I don’t believe in them at all. They wield knives for stealing bus fares and then they turn up at parties brandishing guns, intent on using them and aiming them at a house full of people. What were they thinking? Maybe they would have just jumped the fence on their skateboards again and fled afterwards.
      The character Jeff seems too rushed. He seemed to develop these weird feelings and act on them almost straight away.
      Getting beaten up doesn’t make you start to have psychotic feelings. Might make you mad for awhile, but that’s it.
      His mental state towards the end didn’t seemed to match anything that was before. I know he had ‘feelings’ but that’s all. They should have been expanded on more. Maybe his feelings were just from fighting. Maybe he could have become a boxer instead of a maniac. But no, he went from enjoying feeling powerful, to trying to change his appearance to match his feelings? The feelings of being insane? Or the feelings of power? Because they are not the same.
      As for his ‘transformation’? Well, there’s enough been said about that already.

      Also, “A thing of bleach,” and “The bleach bleached,” aren’t exactly the best use of words.

      I don’t want to sound like I’m being horrible. I’ve put together some bad writing too, but try and look upon these criticisms as a positive to better your work.

    31. You have no idea almost every kid talks like that these days. My friend is 10 and is every scentence of our skype convesrsation is: fuck, damn, bitch, and shit.

    32. Okay, i am not happy with the comment someone posted… By the way the kid was most likely trying to explain it to get attention using bigger words then he most likely most likely said! And Jeff only killed his brother because he was going crazy! can you not read? You are a hater.

    33. HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?! This is the best story ever! And don’t get me wrong, the pre-teen violence thing was kinda wierd.. But I’ve seen 9 year-olds engage in junk more violent than this. This was the best story I’ve EVER read, and I’m the biggest book-worm in my school! And how you said that his hair would have burned off, that is WRONG. It is possible for hair to burn to another color, if it was tough. You are the biggest RETARD I have ever seen (or read) if you thought this was garbage. THE ONLY PERSON I hate more than you right now, is your mom. FOR GIVING BIRTH TO YOU. >:(!!!!

    34. I agree with you. It’s a good idea but it was very poorly executed. I was looking forward to reading it but struggled with the outlandishness of it all, and the grammar and mechanics were much more horrifying than the story itself. Switching tenses every ten seconds is jarring and irritating.

      It IS hard to write stories, and like I said the idea is great, but every writer benefits from constructive criticism and a basic draft, edit, draft, etc. process will always take your work to a higher level.

      I think people commenting and tearing others apart for expressing their distaste in a lot of basic elements of this pasta are good for standing up for the OP, but need to understand that even a modicum of revision and editing would have turned this into a good pasta. If the OP were willing to undertake more of the writing process than sitting down and banging out a story in an evening and re-released these as more polished work, they would be very creepy indeed.

    35. i completely disagree if you notice there family is a strict one and i know some strict families make them learn words like this or he may just have wanted to be a smart kid to confuse people in allot of ways Jeff is kinda like me I’ve learn those words when i was about 7 to 9 so don’t give any of that crap kids at any age can learn these words if they want to

    36. Umm… Okay, I have quite a few explanations for your problems. The young boy? You had a problem with him saying those words? Who says he was really little? By ‘young’ they could have meant that he was 11 or 12. Something like that.

      Your other problem, the cliche words. Using “son” and “that’s final” is perfectly fine. Maybe they wanted to use those words to make the story seem normal at first. Ever think of that?

      The bullies. You know, there could be kids like that. Not all kids are sweet little things. They tried to make them seem like jerks to make Jeff insane.

      The parents not trying to stop the fight? Randy and his friends said that if anybody moves, they will get shot. So, the parents couldn’t help. They didn’t want their kids to die.

      Another thing, psychopaths couldn’t really csre for anyone. They’re insane. They can’t really control it. (I know, I’m not insane. I’m most likely guessing. That’s what it seems like.)

      I don’t really know how to explain the other solutions so…..Yeah.
      I’m just saying…and I’m really wondering if you just came here to hate, or read the story.

    37. I’m twelve and I talk like that, I know bullies that act in unison and evil like that, all the kids were armed, we are not as wise as adults, Jeff was raving insane and had no feelings but hate, again, ALL THE KIDS WERE ARMED AND NO ADULT IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD STOP THEM, and finally, bleach will turn your hair from brown to black. The story had no holes if you had common sense of the real world.

      1. Actually, bleach will turn your hair a whiter color because it burns the pigment out of your skin. It was the fire that turned it black.

      2. Nicola Marie Jackson

        A good and loving parent would walk though fire to save their child. When I was a child, a young Dad tried to save his son who fell in to a canal while on a walk with his dad and brother. He couldn’t swim but he didn’t think twice because his son was dying. I remember other parents saying they would have done the same thing, because a parent who would do nothing as their child was in danger is a piece of crap. And the child was pulled out by someone who ran to the canal after hearing the screams but the Dad drowned. So unless they were all short listed for Shitty Mum & Dad of the year, someone would have stood up and risked their neck xx

    38. Alright, I suppose those things are true, but don’t you think you’re being a tad harsh? It’s obviously fiction, you don’t need to try scour out everything that could possibly be executed in a better or more rational way.

      The words you mentioned aren’t very big at all… You don’t have to be old to have a good vocabulary. Most people can be familiar with words like that at about age 8 or 9.
      I don’t think this is supposed to be believable…killing his brother and parents? Going completely psychotic in a matter or days? Perfect combat skills? It’s a fictional story. A horror story. A CREEPYPASTA. It’s a wicked storyline and a recognized Internet legend for a reason, dude.

    39. Good story, poorly written- let me point out the first fault. Little boys don’t talk like that. Work on your story telling skills, sweetie.

    40. This Story... Oh My God. -_-

      I also agree that this… this was just awful. -_- Try making up excuses that the characters could’ve gotten through rough shit, but no 12 year olds can pull those stunts off!! There are so many more cons than pros about this story, that there probably much to argue about:this story just plain sucked. Although, I give the writer props for having some creativity, but… oh my God. Enough said.

    41. The parents didn’t stop the fighting becuase the other 2 kids Troy and Keith pulled out guns I don’t think anyone wanted to get shot

    42. Don’t be hating on this story, it’s better than some of the others that you find on the web, have you ever read Buried Alive? WORST CREEPYPASTA EVER!

    43. I agree. Things like when the cop says “looks like a year in juvi” were kind of ridiculous. No cop would give “sentence” a child. That is the judge’s job. The cop’s job, is simply to explain why the person is being arrested, read said person his/her miranda rights, and to take this person to the jail holding. (As well as get a full hand written description of what happened.) The officer would have both boys write in detail their side of the story, and he would take both boys in for further questions if he felt the need to. This story in under researched. There were a lot of cliche’s, but Ender Wiggin killed another kid in Ender’s Game, and he was just as young as these kids. The difference between the characters in this story and in Ender’s Game, is that Ender’s Game was written by a professional, while this story appears to be written by a 14 year old. (Or a very sheltered young adult)

      It was a good story line. It has some definitive potential. If written right, and with enough detail, it could become a nail-bitingly, suspenseful novel. If the “strange feelings” are played up. If Jeff starts having dreams. If the characters start seeming more real. If a voice starts to tell Jeff that his new face isn’t quite right, or if there is a full chapter on the parents attempting to escape, and failing, and the character leaving the house to search for a new victim, then the story could fill out more, and really become something.

      I think the author should keep working on it. Basically, if you are going to comment about how you don’t like an author’s piece, maybe you could add some helpful constructive criticism, instead of being a little shit head.

    44. dude, really, this is how a good story is supposed to sound. even though he used words like that doesnt mean its a bad story.

    45. Hey! This is my favorite Creepypasta!
      1. Maybe the kid was a very smart kid, and a lot of parents use the words and Thats final.
      2. Bullies are like that sometimes. And I know that, because bullies like that killed my best friend.
      3. Maybe the parents didnt want to get themselves hurt. Or maybe they were trying to protect their children.
      4. Maybe these kids were taught to fight.
      5. Yeah, actually, it does make sense. He was crazy, so he killed his brother.
      6. Sometimes hair blackens.
      7. It’s supposed to be creepier.

      1. You said…MAYBE…Maybe is not used! If it’s a good story, you don’t need your own conclusions to make the story seem better!

    46. The author never specified the age of the boy so it’s your assumption that is causing it to seem unnatural.  Saying it’s a boy just means a male that is not considered an adult so the boy in the story could be 16 or 17, and a 16 or 17 year old should be at a level of english where they can use words like ominous, illuminating and horrendous.  Also the bystander effect is what would of caused all the parents to not do anything at the party during the fight between Jeff and Randy, and if you don’t know what the bystander effect is it is where no one does anything because they all think that someone else will.  The fact that they also had two guns drawn on them also makes the bystander effect more likely to occur.  Also when criticizing someone you can do it without sounding like an over opinionated dick head.

      1. He does actually, jeffs between 12-14. Thats pretty specific. Not much difference between those ages. from 12 to probably around 18 would this all seem unnatural, and jeff definitely fits somewhere in that age range.

      1. Right. Because 13 year olds with guns is soo threatening. But that brings up bigger questions. Why did they have guns? Why would they try and kill a guy they literally just met? How can they jump a yard fence on skateboards? If they were crazy enough to try and kill someone they just met, with guns that should be much harder to get (this is so so so unlikely already) Why would they do it infront of like 30 witnesses? The cases where kids do murder, it’s not infront of witnesses, they’re smart enough to know the consequences. No suburban bully would act this way, it’s just stupid, it makes no sense at all. Hell most bullies anywhere wouldn’t act this way.

    47. When you put a story on a site like this you’re putting it up for criticism. I agree with Alexander that the story was indeed unrealistic at a points. I think with a bit of editing this story has lots of potential. The concept behind it is creepy though. A part I’m a bit unsure of is the strange feelings Jeff had. I’ve read this story multiple times and haven’t quite figured out what you were really trying to say there. One last thing we all have our own opinions and tastes. Just because someone doesn’t like this story doesn’t mean you can be immature, start swearing and being an asshole to the one giving the criticism. To the ones giving the criticism you don’t need to be so rude about it. You can give pointers without being so mean about it. -BrandonRJ

      1. I think the ‘feeling’ that Jeff was having in this story, was his sanity slowly starting to fade. In my opinion of course.

    48. You’re really one of those people who just looks for things to say that are bad about the story? Wow. And who cares if its unnatural? This is CreepyPasta, and its not in the “Based on True Stories” category. I mean, CreepyPasta is supposed to be unnatural. But there are some things I could agree with you on. But it was a good story nonetheless.

      1. All the stories on this site are fiction, but they make sense in the world they’re set in. This does not. For a story to be good, it has to make sense and feel natural. If someone wrote a story where every parent in the worlds gotta beat there kid every night, and they just sort of mention this in passing, no explanation for why, or reaction to it, and then in the mornings they all cut themselves to get there day going. Say this happens, but the story starts off basicly set in the real world, or some version of it, none of those things really contribute to the story, they just sort of happen, no explanation or logical reasoning behind it. Would it not be a stupid story? That is jeff the killer.

      2. The errors in this story are like an elephant in the grass; you don’t have to look for it, because you’d be blind not to see it.

    49. I am also a TEN YEAR OLD. I’m not retarded. I use words like “illuminate” and such all the time. I am not one of those idiots that says “libary” instead of “library”.

      1. Since when are 10 year olds allowed to use the internet unsupervised? Thats some bad parenting right there. Lot of really twisted little things that, if to much exposure on the nerdy lonely kids who spend to much time on it (i.e. me when younger) Can really just warp your mind.

        and no you probably don’t, even if you do it doesnt matter you do, the majority don’t, and it is never once specified that jeff is some smart advanced kid or anything. If you’re going to have a character trait that’s so out of place and jarring from the norm, it has to be explained. Like any nerdy smart young kid in stories usually has some sort of reason for it, their lonely and spend all their time reading etc. It needs to be explained.

      1. But they’re not, not really, if they approach that kind of violence it’s not after knowing someone after a single day, and they’re smart enough to do it in secret and quietly. Kids that age understand the consequences of murder.

    50. I personaly hate jeff thhe killer. The writer of it is sick and I refuse to beleve he is a mentally stable human. Get a life O worthless writer of jaff the killer you need help. I totally agree with you. Most of the comments i have read already stated most of the mistakes I found but I still have a few. The people in the story don’t act like real people, like the speach and the fact that the little kids act like dragon ball z fighters on meth and burn people alive in broad daylight in a house full of adalts. At the beginning a little boy manages to fend off an armed assailant 2 times his sise who should not even be able to get in a house with all the security systems and screens for Windows.And some how jeff magically knows exactly where to go to escape and uses his body to smash a window and jump out.O I almost forgot jeff wold go blind without his eiylids in a mader of days so instead of a knife jeff might stab you with a fish or something.

    51. I enjoyed this more than the story and I was thinking basically all of these same thoughts while reading. Also I thought it was already going downhill quickly at the very beginning with the little boy not only speaking as an adult writing a story where he is the hero; but also a little boy fighting off a crazed psychopath while receiving no injuries the entire time. The police show up so quickly too, even in richer neighborhoods this is literally impossible. Everything feels so forced and generic it was just an awful read.

    52. On a note, one of the most famous books in America literature, To kill a mockingbird, portrays an even younger child (scout being just 5) as using words quite like, if not even more advanced than those of the young narrator of this story.

      1. Please don’t even try to compare this to mockingbird. Difference’s being this is written like shit, that is not, in mockingbird the child speaking that way makes sense, in this theres no explanation why and it’s jarring. In mockingbird the kid speaks naturally with those words, in this it comes off incredibly forced (because it is).

    53. mmmmm…..the story has so much unnatrual parts but I don’t agree you beacuse I know so much young people will talk like this and yong kids still can be violent
      like this.

    54. Ugh thank you I expected so much more to this. Is this seriously the original? Like I see Jeff the Killer everywhere and come to this. I had to skim through it. And I’m glad someone pointed it out and if someone has a better one please link it thank you c:

    55. Yeah, I know, i was thinking the exact same thing. I’ve been trying to get into this creepsmcpasta guy, but I have to say, he has pretty good storylines, but writes them in a way that seems unbelievable. I know there fictional stories and aren’t supposed to sound realistic, but, well, you know what im getting at.

    56. I am not trying to be discourteous, I am a twelve year old female and I happen to use words such as ominous or appalling all the time. Haha, I am not exactly a normal one as you might have pictured.

    57. your right about everything except the unlikeliness of jeff killing his brother. Crazy is Crazy man…(people like that don’t have limits). and also if you reread the story he has crazy reasoning regarding the mom and dad to kill the little brother. In his mind he is finishing what he started and probably getting high of off doing so.
      Also how is jeff not an enigma cause it sounds like you don’t understand why jeff behaves the way he does (making him mysterious and difficult to understand) or what an enigma is for the matter

    58. As of right now i am making a sort of sequel to this and the second story, which is in the Crappypastas. it made sense and i decided to write a series that includes all of the Creepypasta universe, with familiars such as slenderman and The Face. I hope you will enjoy these as much as i will enjoy writing them.

    59. As far as the way they speak, that can vary greatly by region. My dad calls me “son” all the time. I don’t see why you find it so rare

    60. Oh come ON. Give the guy a break. It’s a STORY. Not a biography! And for crying out loud, who CARES if the kid uses big words? You need to get a life so you don’t have the spare time to write a freaking ESSAY critiquing someone else’s FINE work. Thank you and goodbye.

    61. For your second paragraph in your comment, the author probably did that to make it seem like it was the perfect family in the perfect world, like nothing could go wrong, and then it does, showing that nobody is safe when it comes to serial killers and/or insanity, which -in my mind- makes this one of the best pastas I’ve ever read!

      Also, it never said that Liu dies. It says “He slowly raised the knife ready to plunge it into Liu. Liu thrashed here and there trying to escape Jeff’s grip.” Not once did I hear that Liu dies, or Jeff stabbing Liu in the chest. At the end, Jeff just says “Go to sleep”. End of story. Actually Liu doesn’t die. At least, not at the time. If you read the story of ‘Jane the Killer’ on CrappyPasta. It states that Liu escapes Jeff, goes to his friend, Jane. She answers the door, as Jeff sneaks in, who then kills the both of them. Jane is upset and wants revenge for herself and her friend. Sorry for spoilers, but that’s the truth. Mind blown? Most likely.

    62. You don’t know the meaning of a psychopath. Psychopaths don’t have feelings for others, they only pretend they do. Also, you’re complaining that it’s unrealistic and that every one is fighting matrix style. It’s a story! A horror story! You think it would be interesting if everything was completely like the real world and then boom, everyone dies, sounds great. *sarcasm*
      This is my opinion anyway, I don’t intend to just take away yours, if you don’t like it that’s fine, but still, just saying that some of your points seem a bit silly.

      1. First, off you don’t just snap and become a psychopath. It does not work like that! He might of went crazy, but he’s is not a psychopath that is for sure. Second, horror is suppose to be realistic! Let’s take the Conjuring. That was a very realistic movie and that’s why it was so scary because hell, every seemed like real people and the world felt real that may mean it could happen to me!

        That’s terrifying! Not scarier the audience with gallons of bloods or torture or bad Photoshop/CGI to make them wonder at night if that monster is coming for them!

    63. Look, I agree with some of the things you’re saying. But you’re sounding like that mean high school math teacher that criticizes everything. This isn’t the freaking New York Times, the is Creepypasta. I admit that you’re right about the language thing, and the thing about the bullies being too violent. (There’s no way they would let teenagers carry guns. You have to be 18 to own one.) But still, we’re not expecting William Shakespeare to be writing this. So everyone has their own opinion, but Jeff the Killer is the most viewed and most discussed Creepypasta. So obviously somebody must have liked it. Again, on many of your points I agree, just be nicer, okay?

      1. Nicola Marie Jackson

        Just because someone is underage doesn’t mean they can’t get guns. In England most firearms involved in crimes are illegally imported or modified but young kids, gawd bless them, still have them. But everything else I agree with. Personally I’m not a fan but oodles of folks are so I’m in a minority. I’m new to this site and love it xx

    64. Sasuko Uchiha

      For the record…I am not going to disagree with most things except for the fact that you stated that little kids don’t use big words, when In fact I did Just thought I’d point that out ^w^ *she puts in her headphones and walks off* Bye now

    65. Stop bein such a hater it is a creepy pasta story it won’t be complete perfection! #JeffdaKiller
      This is the first creepypasta I have ever read so…

    66. No offense, but you just seem like a kid hater.

      The adults couldn’t help out because they were protecting the young kids and the kids had GUNS.

      And kids get involved in lots of violence. Haven’t you heard all the school shootings/stabbings? They happen on almost a regular basis.

    67. All of these people saying “I wanna see you do better,” take note that you do not have to be a 5 star chef to say that the food tastes bad.

    68. umm… ur kinda right about alot of things, but jeff is known all over the world now.. and lots of ppl love him… so u were wrong on one thing out of idk how many xDD

    69. There is No age on Psychological Effect that an adult can get that a young teenager can get, there is no age on Psychological disorders, as I do believe that killing his brother was a bit unorthodox I like the story, maybe the writer could write a sequel and clear the rough edges up.

    70. To all of the people trying the justify the child at the beginning speaking like a fucking scholar, you need the remember that this child was almost a victim of a serial killer. If you had just been through a situation as traumatic as that, you wouldn’t talk like that. A child presumably under 13 would almost certainly be a complete mess after something like that and wouldn’t say ‘once more’ ‘illuminating’ and ‘ominous’. It’d be damned impressive if they could bring themselves to talk about it at all, let alone talk about like a fucking poet.
      Also, justifying Jeff killing his family just by saying that ‘he went insane’ doesn’t work either. That just doesn’t happen. There is no motivation for him to do that. I know that this isn’t real, but it seems to be trying to give a rational back-story to the character, so you need a realistic motivation. Where do these murderous feelings come from? Why does he act on them so quickly? In general, what the fuck is going on with this?
      Another thing, how does Jeff (a child of about 13/14) manage to burn his own eyelids off without totally destroying his eyes? Even if he didn’t burn his eyes out too, he’d definitely go blind within a few days due to exposure to air and dust.
      Believe it or not Jeff lovers, but this is badly written. You can still like it, but from an literary perspective, it’s dreadful and it needs criticism to improve it. There is nothing wrong with criticism. Without it we’d likely all be dead, because nobody would question anything anyone else says.

      1. Exactly. The point is not so much whether kids know those words or not; it is the fact that it does not ring true as *dialogue* from either a kid or an adult. I could believe that a kid wrote that sentence; in fact, I am pretty sure that a kid *did* write that sentence. But no one speaks that way off the cuff. The words are not as much of a problem as the way the supposed dialogue reads — too polished, not spontaneous.

    71. i think u are pulling some real chiz here. the author did an AMAZING job at this!!!!!! dont judge him/her because of cliche it was written in 2006 back then it wasnt cliche at ALL and the “son” phrase was used often back then. so please, shut up.

    72. Bravo, and thank you. This is just.. terrible. I can’t believe so many people enjoy this. I am growing more and more aware that this was most likely written by a thirteen year old and only enjoyed by more of the same age. Come back when you are all past your teens and see if you still enjoy this extreme mess of a story. If you are older than say… 18…. shame on you…. shame shame shame on you for not seeing the laziness in this writing.

    73. Do me a favor, go look at ten Pastas. Now, come back and tell me which ones are FRICKING REALISTIC!!! None? One? Two? Are they all completely realistic? Probably not.

    74. By far this is my favorite Creepypasta story.

      Even though the author does use very formal words (which are not commonly used by 13-year-old boys) It is still an amazing story, and I would like to see you argue against that.

      Stop judging a story based on one tiny thing. I think the author uses this type of language to make the story seem a little more eerie. If they had used words like “cool” and “dude”, it would take away some of the fright of the story.

    75. I completely agree about the fighting sequence. Kids don’t fight like that. Kids kick and punch and slap but they don’t know how to totally fight like adults do. Plus bullies at their age wouldn’t go as far as kill a kid in front of so many parents. I am revisiting this story because this is my first creepypasta I ever read. This makes me feel an attachment to it so I love this pasta for introducing me to this site.

    76. Actually, I had a very good vocabulary at that age, as my mother was an English teacher for a high school, so I grew up with a well-rounded dictionary of words…

    77. I don’t agree. The fighting parts it is possible that Jeff could do all those things. He clearly had anger issues and a taste for blood but masked them both. If someone with those two traits were to black out then they could easily do those things. I would know from personal experience that when one blacks out in a violent manner it’s basically an adrenaline shot. Also the young boy in the beginning could have said hings like that depending on how much he reads. Read enough and your vocabulary would spread a lot.
      One last thing. His hair could singe to a different color. I was searching through the comments and found some one (not sure if it was this site or another Creepypasta site) who had given a reasonable excuse as to why his hair didn’t burn.

    78. no matter those words were used, the story would still be good, mine uses simple wording, and it sound’s good too (at least for the people i know)

    79. actually I talk that way a lot and im just a young girl… I tend to even use words such as “Concillianormative” and sometimes even describe things as “ominous” just as the writer made Jeff describe things. I also have a friend who has parents who call him “son” and my mother says “that’s final”. I honestly believe that you wanted to post this comment just for feedback, but just remember, im 13 years old and I know for a fact that some kids that are just a tad more intellectual than others use descriptive words regularly. ALSO it is possible for preteens to possess such spectacular fighting skills, as I myself have been participating in martial arts since the age of six. I believe Jeff went insane the moment he beat u the kids at the bus stop and just didn’t know it right away. It can take time to really find out that you have a problem. You cant tell me you wouldn’t look at the world differently if you almost died! I know I would. sure, maybe I wouldn’t go absolutely insane and murder my family but still, I believe that you should have thought out your argument a bit more before posting it. On that same note, he cut off his eyelids because he wanted to be able to keep looking at his face. he didn’t just do it for fun or anything. If they burned of in the fire a whole piece of this story wouldn’t have been written-well typed in this case. however, I really hope that you do realize I don’t wish to argue but I felt the need to when I saw this comment. Jeff the Killer is a pretty good pasta in my opinion, if only you saw this story for what is, not what it could be -Onyx Genocide

    80. I think you are being a little too critical, sure the young boy might not use words like that but young boy could refer to anyone under the age of 18 really. Cliche phrases ARE natural, everyone uses them in everyday life. It’s a story, and has a fun storyline.

    81. It’s actually sociopaths that can care for some people, psychopaths don’t care for anyone and just manipulate them into thinking that they do, when really they are just waiting to make their move. Jeff’s mind snapped, which is why he was so ready to kill the three bullies and his family. As for the three bullies trying to kill Jeff, they were filled with anger and the humiliation that they got their butts kicked by one guy.

    82. well i don’t agree on this, and most of the people might not think the way i do. but i will say my thing with every paragraph that you made ok.

      paragraph 1. if the kid hear that word menny times it can actually talks like that. especially if the kid learn fast

      paragraph 2. if it was in the year around 1960-1970-1980-1990 yes parents did talk like that. they didn’t have the internet or the technologie that we have today so when it was final it was final.

      paragrath 3. as i say befor if it was around those part of the time or years. yes there was litle kids of 12 or 13 years old that can be that bad if there parents was as bad as them. but since we dont know about the 3 bullies parents personality we canot juge how they are acting. and question for the 5th tiny paragraph: will you do somthing if you have a gun in front of you? even if its a kid. i dont think so. i dont think you will try to help and get shots at.

      paragraph 6. we can all agree that its a story even thought that its only a legend. but if you think about it. its kill or be kill. dont think just act. so yes they might just have a verry skills about figthing. maybe his brother lue or someone else in jeff his pass show him some move for fun. we dont know the full story befor all this happen.

      paragraph 7. it wasn’t so silly if we think about it, jeff was always alone and got bullied a lot. we don’t know if he got bullied all is elementary school and snap at his middles school. and with all the news about some kids shooting everyone in a school it could have happen almost the same thing with jeff (look for some news at: ) and for killing his bro. should i make you remamber that he as been hit on his head by some of the 3 kids with a bottle of beer over the head, also as been burn by the fire and fall of the stairs. witch that could have unstable his brain and also with the shots of pain killers might not have helps his problem if his head was already effected.

      paragrath 8. actualy that one i will agree that comment is intresting but i saw a pic long ago. there was. well i think there was tiny piece of hair that was still on thop of his head and his skin was white but burn. the tiny piece left might be lack from the smoke or things like that. its possible that it wasn’t black natural. (in this video in 1:05 and clic pause. and look well on the pic of the fake news papper. it might make more sens: )

      and i will go on. why judge on a story when you know its fake? no one actualy cares if it is or not. its a fairy tale. there is some truth and some lies. look he was more successful then you are cuz seriously. that story is way more famous then your enigma thing cuz i didn’t hear from it. and even thought everyone as there on opinion but let me tell you this. dont say something when you know nothing about it. look i m done. no need to rely on my comment. there is no need i might not see it until couple month. and i m talking to the anonymous guy that write that 3 years ago. the other well ill see

    83. Yeah that’s somewhat shitty. the writer should’ve written it with sensibility. i’m not say’n that it not interesting anyways. well i imagined Jeff as a brown haired and blue eyed cutie when i first HEARD about him. i never saw him until one day i was soooo interested in this story that i wanted to see how Jeff looked like so i surfed the internet and saw his image. i admit it was pretty cute. i also wanted to see how he looked like before the so called ‘ACCIDENT’. He had blue eyes and brown hair. he’s seriously good looking and cute, i must say. i’m still confused at why he’d kill his parents and liu and for worst i’m confused about why he’d go insane after a horrid fight with those three bullies. maybe cause he freaked out when the bleach poured on him or because of the fire………….depending on the situation. WAIT!!! i noticed this line about Jeff getting a strange feeling. Oh and something inside of Jeff snapped too!! maybe because of those three idiots, the innocent cutie’s life got ruined. It was just an idea.

      Oh and I’m new to this site and i’m 12yrs old and soon to be 13 this year on 8th October 2015. hope to meet new people and get good ideas for you and from you! XD



      Rax……… ;)

    84. Depending on the perspective of the childs imagination . The author just incorporates a wide vocabulary using child . They are quite common in todays generation .

    85. First of all how did you know what kind of kid he is? He could be smart, plus why would a kid say on tv that I’m smart or something like that?

    86. Actually, speaking as one who did, many kids talk like this, although they are usually gifted in some way

    87. look. I agree about the fact that the language used is a bit inaccurate but about the rest… I’m going to be honnest. Is creapypasta really the place to be realistic? I didn’t think so.

    88. It is called fictional-not real-never could happen-writing, so yeah keep that in mind as you type what would never happen, it’s just a story for gods’ sake!

    89. If you’ve got a problem with it, keep it to yourself. This creepypasta is in the top 3 of best creepypasta (it’s acuatlly no.1) so I would shut up!

    90. Chanzu Mizuki Hayes

      Honestly, Who cares about crap like that when it’s a fictional story? Very few on a statistical stand point. I don’t want to argue but I think it’s only fair to tell you that this story is only for entertainment purposes so I’m sure many would appreciate it if you wouldn’t take it so seriously. I don’t wish to argue but I did want to state my opinion so I won’t respond further if this turns into a huge argument.

    91. I think you are wrong…so what if the way the child at the begining speaks,maybe he is more mature. My parents call my brother son and it is not forced, I think you are just one of those haters who want to hate for the sake of hating. How about YOU try to write a creepypasta and how about YOU try to deal with the hate. And Jeff’s hair could have been singed black,only if the fire didnt get deep into the roots then his hair would have “healed” which I bet the author was emplying. Maybe you should look at the pastas that have been writen that are actually bad, unllike this very well writen pasta which happens to be one of my personal favorites.

    92. This was a great story and I’d love to see you make one better! If you are going to make someone feel fucking horrible look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are in the right place to do so

    93. With the fighting bit you mentioned, my friends thirteen and he can fight like that because he’s been doing karate since he was 5 and he’s a black belt •~•

    94. Not to start a fight but the kid might not use big words but mainly more grown-ups read the news and adults use big words so yeah that might be why. The adults would get shot causing them to fall to the ground tone injured or be killed remember, “Nobody move or guys go flying.” Liu survived and Jeff did it.because when you psycho your mind goes blank you have no love or no feelings. Jeff was not in the fire long enough (like Jane) to have his burned off. Jeff did not burn out his eyelids.

    95. All the more reason that this story is creepy and weird but I love how it was written. You feel the dark atmosphere while reading the story.

    96. I completely agree although i do enjoy the entire plot of it, it took me a minute to fully find most of the mistakes you pointed out due to my mental auto-correct. but it was quite interesting to read.

    97. Yes! Thank you! Someone finally said it! I get that this is a horror story site, but in terms of stories, this has to be the worst executed story I’ve ever had to read. Another thing that bugs me is the constant changes in tense! Seriously, before you try to create a story about a well known horror character, learn how to write one! You totally killed my interest in Jeff the Killer. Thanks. T_T

    98. Not alot of it is plausible in my case. I see people get knives pulled on the all the time. And even i do it. And the adults either just dont care or think theyre wrestling. But the gun part was kinda rediculous. I do know one kid with a gun and i fight like that with people to

    99. These stories are not supposed to be realistic. Stories like these are exaggerated to make them creepier. And so what if they were using formalities? It’s normal for a mom or dad to call his son, son. You might not see people use formalities, but that doesn’t mean that nobody in the world uses formalities all the time. And kids can use big words. Are you telling us that kids should stick to baby words and not learn to use big ones? And it is just a story. Obviously they wouldn’t be fighting like that in real life, but that’s what makes the story more interesting to read.

    100. Well, it’s not supposed to be real. It’s just a story. But no, you had to make every little thing seem real. ITS A STORY


    102. No matter the circumstances I absolutely loved this short story, those big words you used surprised me. I pictured everything in my mind perfectly, you are a really fine author

    103. It’s a creepypasta. It doesn’t have to be even 80% real. If you don’t like it, mumble to yourself. Don’t complain about it here. No one wants to hear your whiny shit.

    104. Look, you may think it’s impossible, but a kid with 13 years old can have a lot of grammar knowledge and use “hard” words, so please, these critics aren’t really useful to know a kid more… By Jeff’s actions he might be a sociopath, and sociopaths are used to being very inteligent.

    105. I agree that it is somewhat cliché, but I believe that it still was a good creepypasta. (although a choice of words for the young kid in the beginning would be nice.)

    106. Its still good though… this is a famous creepypasta and we all know the flaws but we are able to look past all that because its just really really good

    107. I disagree. I was totally engulfed in that story from beginning to end. Awesome story from an awesome storyteller.

    108. Luka Skočibušić

      My friend, those are the elements that make the story scary and satisfying. I personaly felt bad for Jeff and Liu. Those bullies deserved to die. I would have done the same. Except the part where he turns into a killer and kills his entire family though. It may not be realistic, but it is still both moving and scary at the same time. My all time favourite.

    109. if you didn’t like put a thumbs down and move on. i thought it was good it was interesting and cool so leave and don’t post

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