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I Can Hear Them

Estimated reading time — 3 minutes


Before I say anything, I need you to understand something. And make a promise.

I know…what I’m about to say is gonna make you want to throw me into a nut house – and I can’t blame you, I get it – but first I need you to know that I wouldn’t be telling you this if I wasn’t desperate. And I need you to promise to hear me out, okay?



I can…hear things. Bad things.

It first became apparent when I was six. Right after my dad left my mom, my sister, and I for another woman. It really hit us hard. My mom had to get a job to support us, we had to get on food stamps, and – I didn’t realize it at the time – she started taking money out of her retirement fund. We sold the house we were living in and moved a couple states away because she couldn’t stand to be anywhere near there.

Ahem. Sorry, getting off topic.

They started out as nothing but whispers. Small noises that I could pretend I didn’t hear. Whenever I asked if others heard and they said no, I just kept my mouth shut. I don’t like drawing attention to myself.


It took a couple years before the whispers started making sense. By then, I was eight or nine, maybe ten, I don’t remember. But I do remember the day it happened like it was just five minutes ago.

I was in the living room with my sister watching TV when I heard them. At first, they were the mumbles I was used to, and I could ignore them, but they slowly started making sense. Started actually making words.

“It’s no wonder he left you. Why would he stick around for someone like you?”

Immediately, I knew it was talking about my dad, and the words felt like a punch to the gut. Tears sprang to my eyes, and I was about to yell back at it, but its next words hit me even harder, hard enough to steal my breath.

“He has a better wife now, one better than you. Besides, how could he love you? A sniveling little girl who didn’t even have a job, constantly begging for attention. Pathetic.”


At first, I was confused. But when I looked around for the source of the words, my eyes landed on my mother, and I could see it immediately. I could see past her smile, past the little tune she hums when doing the dishes. I could see the pain in her eyes and I knew. I knew those were the thoughts going through her mind.

Now, understand, I can’t read minds, that’s not what this is. I can just…hear people’s demons, if that makes sense? I know everyone’s doubts and anxieties because they’re broadcasted to me, and I can’t stop it.

It got worse as I got older. At first, the voices came only every once and a while, and kept to people I hung out with. But then they got louder, broader, and soon I could hear everyone. It was – is – exhausting, terrifying, it drives you insane. Just this constant thrum of darkness and pain, choking you, and you can’t get rid of it no matter what you do. It hurts and it’s sad and you just want to give up–

…There was, uh… A time where I was willing, y’know, to give up. Especially after I started seeing their manifestations. Thick, black clouds of oil sticking and hanging to people. They clung like a disease, weighing the person down while it whispered its poison into their ears. Some were bigger than others, but everyone had one if they were over the age of nine or so. And their eyes… Inhuman, blood red pools that bore into me. They knew I could see them. It was nauseating. I just wanted it to end.

I avoided everybody, all the time, as much as I could to keep the voices at bay. It was lonely, but it was better than having to hear those goddamn voices all of the time. I needed to end it.

But I was too much of a coward. I could never actually bring myself to..y’know..


Ahem. Sorry, I– …just…give me a second.

I eventually ended up marrying after I learned to deal with everything, and we had a daughter. My little girl, the light of my life. So sweet and innocent, with no doubts or fears. She is my one solace, my one pride, and my reason for living. She’s six years old now…

A-And that’s why I’m asking for help. That’s why I need you to listen to me, to believe me. I don’t care what happens to me, but she–

… A couple days ago, she came up to me… and asked why there’s a black cloud clinging to me.

Credit To – apocalypseHunter

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

12 thoughts on “I Can Hear Them”

  1. I’d just like to point out that if every story on here was creepy you’d probably have a brain hemorrhage… This was a BEAUTIFUL story, and THIS is something that is actually pretty possible and common. There are people who have sensitivities that no one else would think possible. The only reason no one really knows about them is because most people think of it as either a disability or a mental illness. This was great.

  2. What a moving story! It certainly is a hefty dose of sad, but I was really drawn in by the narrative voice and tone you created. Sad, resigned, but desperate. I’m a sucker for a good psychological piece, and I think the ubiquity of such inner demons, plus the burden of living with everyone’s darkness, is really well handled. The daughter’s comment really cements that feeling in place. The description of the monster was a bit stale and cliche, and you could have probably removed some ellipses to clean it up. But I still enjoyed your storytelling and the idea. Not a traditionally creepy story, but one that is a creative take on voices. And it will certainly leave me thinking. Thanks for the great read, and happy writing!

  3. I really love the writing and tone of this. My absolute favourite types of stories that manage to communicate the character’s emotions, personality, everything within the writing, things like this. The concept is great, as well! Arguably more sad than creepy, but still amazing. 10/10!

  4. If this is a story great story line..could go into a book. If its her to train her “hearing” and focus her mind. Yeah I know this stuff actually happens.


    I loved it :’|
    It was well-written, original, beautifully brilliant, and hooked me. I’d love to see a possible elaboration on this specific power. It would make an excellent novel.
    My compliments to the author!

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