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Don’t Ask Questions You Don’t Want The Answers To

Estimated reading time — 2 minutes

You know we’re here. We’re that presence you feel the thing that pushes you to run up or down the stairs as if the steps were made of hot coals. We’re the thing that keeps you turning around when walking down a dark empty street alone. We’re the thing that makes you cower under the covers. We find that useless. We’re strong enough to rip those blankets from your sweaty, fear filled grasp. But only if we wanted too, right now we don’t. If you continue to run from us, which you should, we won’t feel the need to get you. At least right now anyways. But if you try to confront us, befriend us you’re sorely mistaken. The only thing that keeps us at bay is the amusement we get from toying with you.

If you try something stupid, like walking slowly down a dark alley way with your head held high then we’ll find you. The people that find your bodies will be lucky if they can scrape up enough of you to be identified.

Or if you try something else, something riskier, like maybe using an Ouija board, we won’t need to find you. Because things far worse than us, with bright red eyes, will get you. Remember that girl who played with one? The one the police said ran away, because in all the years they hadn’t even found a body? Or maybe you know her from a friend, or perhaps you met her in a nightmare. The creatures that got her won’t even show as much mercy as we will, how could they show any remorse? They’ll be too busy picking your warm, sticky flesh from their teeth.


So next time you feel like being rebellious. Don’t. If you do, pray that we find you, and not the beings even worse than us. Things beyond your worst nightmares, things that will haunt your dreams.

So don’t look for us.

Or them.


And stop looking under the bed. Or checking the closet. Lastly, stop moving the shower curtain to make you feel safer. Because one time, when you slide the curtain to the side, someone will be there. And they won’t be friendly. You’ll want to know what they’re doing in there, or what they are.

But trust me, I’ve been a victim of that ignorance, you should never ask questions you don’t want the answer to. That’s right, I played a little game. It’s no longer a game, it’s life, and now I’m trapped endlessly. Forever. Inside the board that called my killers. You see though, I’m not dead. I’m here. I’m watching. I’m waiting too, just waiting to drag you down into the abyss in which my soul resides. So hurry along now, because by now you know too much, and by now they’re in your house. Watching. Waiting. Next time you look for them, they won’t hide.


AND REMEMBER. Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.


Credit To: MKS1894

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49 thoughts on “Don’t Ask Questions You Don’t Want The Answers To”

  1. I do all those things in one minute, i want to show them kindness they dont get from people. I dont care if i die

  2. I don’t have enough space for someone being under my bed, but just in case…..*checks under the bed* only a little kid, more of a totler to fit in since I have stuff there

  3. boo way to take a overdone concept. playing on peoples fears is not the problem, neither is using a cliche hear and there. its lack of originality. 6.5

  4. Cliched. Otherwise, it got to me. But you just HAD to put the shower curtain thing. It’s like telling a 5 year old who watched every single Friday the thirteenth movie and telling them that it’s not real. It doesn’t work that way.

  5. So much potential in this one, the intro totally grabbed me! Unfortunately paragraph 3 weakened the mood by jumping into the cliche ouija board bandwagon. Also keep an eye out on grammar, it can really pull you out of a good story. Other than that quite enjoyable, short and sweet 8/10

  6. You'll never know

    This is my new favorite pasta: 10/10 for using reality to make it seem more real. I mean, come on, who hasn’t run up the stairs like someone’s chasing you once in your life? The only thing I didn’t like was how you put the last line, I don’t know why.

  7. This was pretty nice.
    There were some things that I liked less (Because things far worse than us, with bright red eyes, will get you. – But only if we wanted too, right now we don’t. If you continue to run from us, which you should, we won’t feel the need to get you. At least right now anyways. – etc.)

    Still an okay pasta.

  8. Thanks I read this in the dark while I’m home alone, and I was already hearing sounds, so yup if I die, I’m going to blame you! And yes I am girl.

  9. Pretty inconsistent. The narrator doesn’t even seem too sure about what he is (let alone who), and contraddicts himself along the way (we don’t take you as long as you are wary about us, but stop being wary or you might be taken…)

  10. I wonder if its thoes people tht have there faces white and a cape… O well beside tht i love the story sooo trilling!! (^°.°^) but cool ^3^

  11. I got shivers reading this. I must admit, since I started coming here, my old fear of the dark has returned twice as badly as it was as a child.

  12. My only complaint about this would be that it isn’t specific about anything. I know it’s intended to make you question it, but there should be small details like
    “Remember the time you found a strange footprint in your house and wondered where it came from? But obviously you must have been the one to leave it, and you forgot about it. Good. Don’t question it”

  13. I always check behind the shower curtain because im kinda scared when im peeing something will jump out a me.Also, id rather know there was something behind there before i sit down rather than after… By the way Y U DO THIS 2 ME!?!?!

  14. Haha, I always pull back my shower curtain. When it said somebody will be there next time I had this look on my face: O.O and I said how’d you know? I don’t want to take a shower anymore. And I also look at my closet before I go to sleep hehe, yeah I know I’m scared o ft he dark I admit

  15. My dear the use of a Ouija board in your story made it seem a little bit mundane as the Ouija board was actually first released by the Parker Brothers as a board game so its actual occult use is very minimal.

  16. St. Bernard under bed

    Could you keep the cursing down, geez, trying to get some sleep!! Curse again and I’ll pee on you in your sleep.

  17. The reveal that the ‘feared creature’ was once a victim steals, even deflates, the developing story. You were cultivating a fantastic idea that simply went flat. It had decent flow and it connected with the reader right where they are. If you’re able to edit it a bit, I’d rewrite the ending for what would surely be a great little story with an impact that stays with you. Very good opening and lead in.

  18. Meh.

    Would be better without “I did and now I’m one of them that’s how I know this and I’m warning you because it’s a trap and now I’m going to get you and then you’ll be one of us” schtick.

    Otherwise, it was okay. I liked the “I’m a big bad monster, but don’t worry, I’m not as bad as the other guys!” thing. Cute. 7/10.

  19. Fuck my bed could fit a full grown st. Bernard under it great i needa piss and now i dont wanna fucking get up haha good story

  20. I enjoy how you can relate to the descriptions, just this morning I slid the shower curtain to check and last night I double checked every corner and shadow. It makes you nervous. It actually sounds like a responce from somebody noticing and watching you read it right at this moment…

  21. (FIRST)

    I liked this, now I know that nervous feeling I get while reading stories here has a source… thanks a lot!

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