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The Deafening

Estimated reading time — 19 minutes

Everyone knows that kid in school, the one who spends half the school year at home because their immune system can’t handle the massive amount of germs and viruses that tend to accumulate in an elementary school. I was that kid. I found myself getting sick every other week. Something in my body was always fighting off illness and fevers were more than common. My doctors didn’t know what was causing it, but since it never was serious enough to warrant a hospital trip, they concluded that I got the short end of the stick as far as my immune system went.

This did not make my mother’s life easy, given that she had recently divorced my father when I started first grade. She needed to be able to go to work and having a sick child made it very difficult. She reluctantly asked my grandfather for help. They had been estranged for years after a fight, but he agreed to take care of me and took us both in.

Moving into my grandfather’s house was a new experience that I had never encountered. It greatly outshone the small apartment my mother and father had lived in, a large Victorian home that had been in the family for generations. It stood three stories tall and had a large yard behind it, leading into a forest. It had fallen into some disrepair over the years as my grandfather had gotten older and with no other children to want the house, he’d stopped caring for it. The neighbors had offered him help fixing it up, but he’d rejected them multiple times vehemently, stating that he didn’t want people in his business.


From what my mother had told me, he’d always been a very cold and unfriendly man, including to her. It didn’t change even around me, always feeling as though he would rather be doing anything other than talking to me. That he even took us in though made me think that there had to be some good in this man, being an optomistic child.

It was shortly after we moved in that my fevers started up. My mother had to work and my grandfather was nowhere near as attentive as my mother was, so he left me to my own devices. They were mild, enough to remove me from school, but after a few hours sleeping past when I would have woken to leave for school, I’d get bored with laying in bed and wander. And for a six year old who spent most of their time alone and stuck in a bed, a huge house was the perfect place to explore.

My bedroom had been set on the second floor, next to the master bedroom so I was always near and able to hear my grandfather’s snoring. There were multiple bedrooms on the third floor, which made me wonder why my grandfather had bought the house when he’d only lived with my grandmother and mother. My first exploration would be of downstairs though.

The kitchen was large and made me wonder how much cooking my grandmother had done when she was still alive. The tiles were chipped in many corners and it was easy for me to hide in the large pantry, thinking that it would be a perfect place to jump out from if someone passed by. Even the oven seemed oversized, darkened with stains from meals past. My grandfather didn’t cook much, but he kept a steady supply of basic things to feed myself and my mother. I had never had much of a problem with foods with a few exceptions, which was surprising when you compared most of my classmates who spent most of their days living on chicken nuggets and sandwiches with the crusts cut off and only grape jelly.

The living room was a bit bare, the carpet worn down and rough to the touch. An old and torn couch stood in front of a television that barely functioned, looking archaic and rabbit ears bent in multiple directions. The scratches on the couch looked animalistic and I wondered if my grandparents had once owned animals and just never bothered to get it fixed. Outside of a set of dusty coffee tables, a flickering lamp and a grandfather clock that rang out with a distorted chime, nothing else interested me in this room. I didn’t imagine that it was used very often.

What was used often was the study. It was where my grandfather spent most of his time, looking over books and writing down words and numbers that were impossible for me to comprehend. Even as an adult, I still struggle with the cryptic poems and drawings that seemed to be his entire life’s work. He’d taken up most of the wall space with bookshelves and stocked them to the ceiling. The constant smell of pipe tobacco wafted out from this room and hung on his clothing. I learned very quickly not to bother him when he was in there. The look he cast to me when I knocked on the door was one of anger and disdain. When I asked what he was working on, he shooed me out of the room and told me to never go in there again, that it was not a room for children.


When the downstairs became boring, I made my way up the stairs and to the third floor. This one was even more empty, nothing but the doors to the bedrooms and a stained bathroom, along with a window that you could see the forest behind the house from. I struggled to see where the forest ended, looking like an endless sea of green and brown, darker as you tried to see further.

I checked the bathroom first. Again, everything seemed a bit oversized, but I was a rather small kid, so I wasn’t particularly bothered by it. The bathtub made me happy, I could practically swim in it. When I leaned in to look, it was stained dark on the bottom, darker than porcelain normally would be, but with how run down the house was, it seemed to fit. I turned on the water and the water came out reddish brown before slowly becoming clear. In older houses, the pipes still had a lot of minerals and rust in them, but it still looked a bit unnerving. Seeing the clear comforted my imagination though, especially when the sink did the same thing.

I did notice something a bit strange when I opened the cabinet under the sink. Far in the back, behind a few cleaning supplies, was a lone and dirty rubber duck. I found it odd because it didn’t seem at all like my grandfather to keep something this childish about, but concluded that it must have been my mother’s when she was younger and just abandoned. Feeling a sense of fondness, I took the duck from the cabinet and did my best to wash it off. The poor thing had been left there so long, when the grime came off from him, his yellow body was almost bleached white. His eyes, once black and shiny, looked grey and lifeless. I still liked the little duck though, and decided to take it with me as I explored.

The bedrooms disappointed me for the most part, looking long unused. There were three all together. The first was the most barren of the three, a long faded blue rug half crumpled on the floor and the bare frames of a twin bed in the corner of the room. The wooden slats on the bottom looked cracked and broken, as though someone had stepped on them or jumped violently on the mattress when it was still there.

The second had a bit more in it, barren bookshelves with a few thin books far too high for me to reach. Again, another abandoned bed frame sat in the corner of the room, missing its mattress as well and in just the same shape as the other bed. By now, I certainly wondered why my grandfather had multiple beds up here and who used to live in these rooms.

In the last bedroom, there was a dresser and eerily enough, a crib. My first thought was that this had been my mother’s when she was a baby. It was very small, a change from so much of the oversized objects in the house, just big enough for an infant. Off to the side of the room was what caught my attention. There was a door in the wall, a small square door that I guessed led to the attic. When I tried to pull the door, I found it was stuck closed fairly tightly. I pulled again and once more, but being out of bed and having been wandering up and down stairs had made me tired. I could feel my body begin to ache and decided that it would be an exploration for another day, dragging myself back down to my bedroom and laying down on my bed, falling asleep. The duck that I had kept in my hand stayed on the pillow beside me.
Someone had their hand on my head, feeling my forehead. There were whisperings above me, but they didn’t sound like my mother or my grandfather. They sounded like kids, people my age. I thought I felt a weight on my chest for a bit. Another hand touched my arm, a small hand. Having had many feverish nights, I thought I was dreaming until I could feel fingernails starting to dig into my arm. The whispers turned to snickers and laughs, something dark. I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn’t. Something had me pressed down and whatever was laying on my chest was pressing to my throat.

And suddenly…

It was quiet. The hands and whispers were gone. The weight on my throat and chest was gone. I could open my eyes again. When I did, I found the duck sitting on my chest, staring at my bedroom door. It was the evening now and I knew my mother would be getting home. A nightmare, I told myself. A fever dream. I’d had lots of them before, and knew none of them were real, this couldn’t have been real. I rubbed my arm where I had felt the nails, not bothering to see if they had been real or not.

My mother swooped me up when she came home, looking tired and worried, telling me how much she missed me. My grandfather had barely left the room all day and somewhere in my sleeping, he’d left me a sandwich and juice, not wanting to wake me. My stomach still was in a knot, but seeing them both in the house helped to ease my nerves.

I decided that night to take my rubber friend into the bath with me before I went to bed. My mother filled up the bathtub, making a comment of rust in the pipes as the reddish brown water flowed out and then faded into clear, and helping me in. It felt soothing and watching the little discolored duck float was amusing. It almost seemed to smile, being in use again. Remembering, I asked my mom when she got it. She looked confused at me.

“I wasn’t much for baths myself. I never had a rubber duck.”

I gave a small “oh” at her and looked back at it. It had been so dirty, it had to have been there from long before. In the middle of my thoughts, I could hear her cellphone ring.

“Ahh, sorry honey, Mommy will be right back.” She said apologetically, rushing off the get her cellphone and take the call.

Now it was just me and the rubber duck. All alone in the bathtub and not able to see my mother’s figure, the walls of the tub seemed higher and larger, almost growing. I felt like I was shrinking and brought the duck to my body, not wanting to lose him in the water that seemed to be expanding around me. I could hear the same noises from my dream earlier, the same snickers and whispers. The thought that I was still dreaming crossed my mind, or that I was getting sicker, but the sounds were getting clearer and clearer. I could make out two voices, a little boy’s and a girl’s, having a quiet conversation. The third made no sense. It sounded like a baby’s gurgle but it was much too…distorted and almost sounded like choking. They were getting louder. And closer to me. Until it felt like they were over the side of the tub. I felt as though if I brought my eyes up away from the duck in my hand, I would see them. As a hand touched my shoulder, I could contain my fear no longer and screamed for my mother.

Her footsteps stomped to the bathroom and she burst in, frightened and worried for me safety. When I looked up, there was nothing but her in the doorway. No children, no baby. Only me and the duck. I wrapped my arms around her and cried, scared and telling her that someone was there, that someone touched me. She held me and stroked my back, telling me that the fever was making me imagine things, that I was sick and she’d take care of me, make it better. I tried to argue with her, but she told me that crying would make my fever worse and to just breathe, that she was there.

She toweled me off and put me to bed, telling me how important it was that I get better, that she loved me and even though it was hard for her to be here, she always would be and if I really needed her, she’d come. I don’t know what drove me to, but I brought the rubber duck to bed with me. She didn’t seem bothered by it. She even patted its head and said it would be a good dream companion, keep me safe. It may have been my imagination, but when I looked at it before she turned out the light, it almost seemed to smile and its eyes darken a bit.

When my mother turned off the light and left me in the dark, fear gripped my heart for a bit. I had wondered if those strange whispers and creatures were going to come for me when I went to bed. I had heard them before, I was sure of it. Would they wait for me to sleep? Would they just come in the dark? What were they, were they human? I couldn’t close my eyes, I was too frightened. The noises never came though. I could hear my grandfather’s snoring on the other side of my wall and my mother’s softer sleeping sighs as well. I couldn’t stay awake forever, as hard as I tried. I set the duck on the dresser beside me and bid it goodnight before falling back to sleep.
I heard them again. I was sure of it. Footsteps heading towards my bed. I had awoken before they got to me and could hear them. My breath caught and my hand moved slowly over to my dresser, feeling the rubber of the duck and where its head was turned, facing me. I’m not sure what compelled me to do it, but as a kid, you get some crazy ideas of what might help and protect you. In a moment, I grabbed the toy from my dresser and pointed its gaze to the sound, yelling “Go away!”

To my surprise, I heard a pair of tiny shrieks and something move through the open door, small footsteps on the stairs. I panted, holding the toy tight. Someone was there. They were real, I wasn’t imagining it. I wasn’t going to waste any time. I jumped from my bed and dashed into the master bedroom, duck still in my hand.

“Mommy, Grandpa, there’s something upstairs!” I called out, shocking them both and my mother turning on the light. I ran into her arms and buried my face in her chest, telling her of the kids in my room, the talking, that I heard them run up the stairs. My mother tried to calm me down, but my grandfather seemed angry and ripped me from her arms, holding mine and telling me to stop this nonsense and go back to bed, stop telling lies. My mother looked cross at him and told him that I was frightened and should stay with them. He argued that there was no one in this house and I wasn’t going to learn to handle myself unless I stopped being coddled. Not wanting to keep an argument going that late at night, my mother got up and said she’d stay in my bed for the night and keep watch over me. Looking irritated, my grandfather grunted and curled back up in bed, telling her to turn off the damn light on her way out.

My mother held me all night in my small bed. I think she must have been uncomfortable, but she didn’t seem to mind at all. Her warmth was comforting and within minutes, I had fallen back to sleep.


She did this every night for the next three nights, particularly as my fever got worse. The whispers stayed away when she was there, and after the first day, I grew nervous about napping when she wasn’t home. It left me worn out and exhausted, aggravating my illness. I felt a heavy throbbing in my ears and the morning of the fourth day, I couldn’t hear at all.

The doctor had said I had a severe ear infection and needed a lot of rest and antibiotics. It was an unnerving thing, not being able to hear. You take it for granted when you can, all the little things you missed. I wasn’t able to hear the tea kettle in the kitchen, nor the creak of the floorboards as I walked up and down the stairs, nor the sound of birds in the forest out behind the backyard. During this time, the duck, who I had named Leonard, never left my side. Whatever those things were, they didn’t seem to like him. He seemed to like me though and as I carried him around, his eyes seemed to get darker and shinier.

My fever spiked in the night and I could barely move from my bed. My mother watched over me, worried. She wrote things down on a notepad so I could understand what she was saying. She talked to my grandfather a lot and even though I couldn’t hear, I could tell they were fighting by the looks on their faces. When he left, she looked defeated and wrote something down on the paper.

“Mommy will be sleeping in Grandpa’s room tonight. You just call if you need anything, okay?”

I nodded and she kissed my forehead, the little concerned wrinkle in her brow as she turned off the light. I was so tired, that once she left the door, my eyes closed into sleep.

It did not last long though. I realized shortly after I had fallen asleep. I couldn’t hear them! I couldn’t hear if they were coming into my room or not! My skin tingled and a cold sweat started up in my body. My hand scrambled about my dresser, but somehow, I had dropped the duck from its place beside me. It wasn’t there. It wasn’t there! Tears began to form in my eyes, thinking that I couldn’t hear the creatures that were coming in, that my friend, my only friend, was gone and couldn’t protect me. Even calling for my mother wouldn’t work, they’d get me before she got there.

My blood ran cold as I could feel hands, two hands on each arm touch me, hold me down. The pressure returned to my chest. They were here. They were here and there was nothing I could do about it. Tears dripped down the side of my face and something else did. Whatever was on my chest was looking down at me, its head over mine and dripping something thick and cold, putrid smelling. It smelled like the rusted water from the bathtub, but far worse. I could see it staring down at me, small head silhouetted in the darkness by what little light I could see. The ones on the sides were digging their hands into me, and I could feel how slimy their hands were, cold and disgusting. I was sure I was going to die. My throat was being constricted, tiny malformed hands pressing to my neck and choking me. Everything was feeling tighter and tighter around me. The pressure was growing stronger and stronger and their grip on my arms dug into my skin. A feeling of resignation and relief came over me as I began to pass out.

A bright light flashed before my eyes, two small screams could be heard and all at once, it was all gone. I sat up, gasping for breath and heard something fall to the floor. Quickly, I turned on my light and reached for it. It was Leonard. All his color had returned, but it looked as though someone had tried to burn him, black misshapen patches on his body. He looked happy though. I hugged the small toy to me and cried, cried harder than I ever had before. It woke up my mother. I told her I didn’t want to stay here anymore and begged her to go somewhere else, to move, anywhere. She held me close and cried with me and promised me that we’d go somewhere else. Maybe it was the way I was crying or when she saw what looked like dark dried blood on my cheeks and arms, she knew something was deeply wrong.

Thankfully, one of my mother’s coworkers had the kindness in her heart to take us in. We moved out of my grandfather’s house, who barely said a word to us when we left, walking back inside to his study, I imagined. I would not leave Leonard behind. He stayed with me on the move and still stays by my bedside, even as I have long grown into an adult. I did not hear any whispers or feel any more presence in the nights. After that night, my illnesses suddenly cleared. I was able to go to school and function as a normal kid.
When my grandfather died, I was a teenager in high school. My mother called me and asked if I would help move a few things out of the house, though she did ask rather gingerly. I said that I would.

When we returned to the house, close to ten years after we had left, it was in even worse shape than we had remembered. The windows were coming off the hinges, the roof had rotted and fallen in at places from heavy rains and the plant life was overgrown outside the house. We walked inside and the smell was horrendous, reeking of mildew and the vague scent of death. She cringed and asked me to look for anything that may be saved, otherwise to leave it. I don’t think she wanted anything from that house and would have burned it to the ground right then if she could.

I walked into the study and the smell of death was stronger than anywhere in the house. The chair where he had sat often was stained with something unmentionable. I imagined that was probably where he had died. A book lay open on his desk and I picked it up. The text was close to illegible, but I could read small words and dates, March 13th and April 2nd. They showed up repeatedly. I glanced through some of his other books and many were just the same, scattered drawings and journals everywhere. I picked up the ones that seemed the most important and left the room, happy to be out of the smell.
After disposing of the long rotted food in the fridge and pantry, I made my way upstairs, a sense of apprehension in my body. I’m not sure what I expected, it looked just the same as when I had briefly lived there ten years ago. The forest still expanded out into a sea of trees, and even as an adult, I could not see where they ended.

I remembered the second bedroom and the books that were on the shelf and went to see if they were still there. Indeed, they were and I reached up for them. They were photo albums and a journal. The photos seemed to go from the most recent to the older. I looked through and found pictures of my mother, going from a teenager to a child, to a toddler. When I got halfway through, I found other pictures that left me confused. They were pictures of children, a boy and a girl. They looked old and worn away, slightly distorted and black around the edges of it. They were mixed up, but the oldest they seemed to be was around 7 years old. In one particular picture, they were standing and waving to the camera with my grandmother in her younger years. She looked to be pregnant. In another picture was the boy in the bathtub smiling up at the camera. Holding Leonard.

My skin prickled as I stared at the photos. No one had said anything about other children. As far as I had known, my mother was their only child. Why would my grandfather hide this from her, from me, from…anyone? I closed the album and put it in the box with the journals, looking at the other book that had been on the shelf. When I opened it, a small envelope fell out. It had never been sealed shut. With a shaking hand, I opened it and pulled out the documents. They were birth and death certificates. The dates…1950 to 1957. 1951 to 1957. Causes of death, drowning. And…my grandmother’s. 1922 to 1957. Cause of death, suicide. Down in the doctor’s notes, it detailed her autopsy.

“The patient suffered multiple self inflicted wounds to the stomach and chest. The largest wound was created on the lower abdominal region and ruptured the uterus and small intestine. A brief blood sample and the expanded uterus lead to belief that the woman had been pregnant. Blood and amniotic fluid had been found around the woman’s mouth, as well as unknown flesh found in her teeth. No infant body was discovered with her and investigation is still in progress.”


This…was sickening. Was I reading this right? It was saying that…my grandmother had killed herself and tried to eat her own child? There was no death certificate for any infant in the bunch. Had they never found it? I looked through the book, searching for anything that would give me a clue about the children, what had really happened. There were places in the book where pages had been torn out. I searched the room desperately and found them having fallen behind the bookshelf. The writing was not my grandfather’s, it was far too neat and legible. The first page had the date of March 12th, 1957.

“They’re gone. I can’t…even believe it. My babies. He won’t even look at me. He thinks I did it. I turned my back for a minute. Just a minute….what a cruel world, to take ones so young. He keeps staring at me. Those eyes are burning holes in me, I can’t stand it. He’s looking at the young one in my stomach. He’s thinking I’ll drown it too. That man…he won’t hold me, won’t comfort me, won’t shed a tear for them.

What if he’s right though? The thought of my child coming into this world and losing them…no! No, I can’t let it happen! I can’t let them suffer, breathe in this foul air of the world, to be forced into existance just because I wanted another child…how selfish am I? I need…to help him. Save him from this world, but…I can’t bear losing another. What will I do?”

The second page seemed to be a letter. I was marked with the date of April 2nd. I tried to wipe off the dirt that seemed to be staining the page before I realized what the splotches and stains actually were: long dried blood. My body trembled and I feared what it would say. How long had my grandfather been hiding this? Against my better judgement, I carried on.

“my darling child,
i don’t have much time. i held you today, covered in my life and fluids, cut from my womb. you’re crying so quiet, i didn’t think you’d be so big, able to cry. i had hoped you’d be small enough to just sleep. even though you’re not ready, you look so beautiful. i made a mistake. don’t worry baby. i’ll put you back, then we’ll go together. i’ll bring you back in my body before we leave this world. then you won’t ever be alone. Mommy loves you so”

The letter seemed to cut off there and a trailing pen mark led off the paper, which made me guess that my grandmother had lost consciousness while writing it. My hands were shaking violently and tears had stared to form in my eyes. I dreaded the thought of showing this to my mother, finding out her mother was…No. I’d keep this to myself. She didn’t need to know. I put the letters back into the envelope and took the album and the book. I’d clear out the album when I got home, give her pictures and burn the others. They somewhat looked like someone had already tried.

The last room to inspect was the third bedroom. The roof had collapsed over this one and rotted wood and tiles lay scattered about. The crib that had been there before seemed to be missing. I was about to turn and leave, seeing nothing of value to take when I remembered and a chill went through my spine. The attic. I had never made it in as a kid. Given what I had found on the bookshelf, I thought of just leaving it be. I didn’t want to know. But…I knew I had to.

With a yell, I yanked open the door, feeling it snap at the top hinge. The smell of dust and dampness seeped out. I could barely see inside, but there was a light bulb hanging inside. My hand searched the side of the wall and found the switch when I crawled inside. What I found made me scream out loud.
The crib that had been in the room before had been put in there. The floorboards were stained all over underneath it. Inside the crib, the small mattress was covered with a red and black sludge, looking like it was slowly breathing, gasping for air. It moved and what looked like a misshapen and contorted face. It opened its mouth at me and let out that same gurgling cry I heard so many years ago.

I did not stay any longer. I scrambled out the small door, slammed the attic door shut and grabbed the box, running out of the house faster than I had ever moved. My mother caught me outside and asked what was the matter. I told her that something was living there, something that needed to die, that we needed to get away. She worked to calm me down and got me to the car, driving off as fast as she could to get us back home.

I never went back. I never stepped foot in the neighborhood again. My mother told me a few years after that, a storm had caught fire to the roof and the entire thing lit up and collapsed from poor care. I gave my mother the journals and took the photos of the children, my grandmother’s entries and the death certificates. I tried to burn them, but they would not catch fire, as hard as I tried, only blackening the edges. The documents and pictures are kept far away in a storage of mine, hidden there to be forgotten and abandoned when I die or for someone who knew nothing of her or our family to find one day, far off in the future.

I do not know or care if that thing…is still alive. What I know is that Leonard still remains by my bedside at night. His head is always, always turned to the door. My husband thinks I’m crazy, but tolerates it. I won’t let him turn on the radio at night. I can’t take the chance of not hearing the whispers again if they ever do return. He says he doesn’t like the silence at night.

He doesn’t know what the real silence is.

Credit: Ariane M.D.

This story was submitted to by a fellow reader. To submit your own creepypasta tale for consideration and publication to this site, visit our submissions page today.

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

84 thoughts on “The Deafening”

  1. Azathoth\'s Breath

    I honestly thought the Duck was going to be the bad guy here hahah The reason it was getting darker was because it was like, stealing the author’s life or something trite like that.
    Good pasta. I enjoyed it.

  2. Very good pasta, and we’ll written, I also thought the protagonist was a male to the end.. Also I think I understand this story a little more.. I think the grand mother went insane, because her children were being abused by their grand father.. Being the protector mother she was, she developed a mental disorder, a split personality that thought it wise to drown her children than allow them suffer from grandpa.. Also she cut the baby from her womb, and ate part of it to put it back inside herself, so they could be one.. I also think she didn’t succeed in killing all the children, so the one left had no memories from her past including siblings, and was under the fathers watchful eyes constantly to protect her from the crazy mother , that’s part of the reasons she still slept in his room… Entities in the house are ghosts

  3. Glad I’m not the only one thinking that the narrator was a boy. But technically, it still could be a boy. Just because the narrator has a husband, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a woman. I like the story better thinking it’s a boy so I’m just going to continue to assume that it was.
    I think there could definitely be a prequel to this story that could explain all the plot holes. Especially the part about everything in the house being large. I thought that was definitely going to play a bigger part in the plot. And it would be nice to have an explanation of when the mother was born.

  4. Swagesher Yolom

    Wow this truly was… A very boring pasta. Really though this story dragged on and nothing exciting ever came of it. The ending is also cliche. Waste of time. No explaination. Why do people rate it so high?

  5. I think it would fix a lot of issues if the house (that has been in the family for generations) had originally belonged to the protagonist’s great grandmother, who had killed herself/her kids there. And the grandfather was an older child when his siblings died, so he would be able to bathe by himself and avoid dying. He would remember this happening and try to hide it from the family’s history, and would be emotionally distant because of his childhood loss

  6. Inconsistencies aside, I loved it. There are a lot of open ended questions in this story. In my opinion, leaving things up to the imagination makes a story much more interesting. I don’t particularly like everything spelled out. It adds mystery. Intrigue. Like, I wonder what it was like for the grandfather living alone in that house? Did he experience any of the ghostly activity? How had that creature gotten into the attic, and why? Why did the duck protect the little girl from the ghosts? So much intriguing plot to speculate.

  7. The gurgling baby red and black sludge creature reminds me very much of Fullmetal Alchemist. They try to bring their mother back to life and instead create a horrible mess of vague humanness that gurgles and pukes blood before dying.

    Possibly the grandpa tried to bring the baby back to life? That’s what he spends all his time in his study doing, and why none of the writing is legible? (he wrote in code). Farfetched maybe, but in a story of ghostly children I’d say anything is possible.

    As for Leonard, I’d say that the grandmother hid him away after the children drowning. Rubber duckies are known to be a symbol of bath time security, so it would be pretty painful to look at knowing your two children had just drowned. Leonard’s apparent sentience and the children’s fear of him I’d say is attributed to the grandmother trying to redeem herself by protecting her grandchild from what she’d created(?).

    I still have no explanation as to where the mother came from. Unless she was old enough to have been moved out when the other children were born, and due to the “fight” that threw them out of communication, she never knew she had younger siblings. That would make the mother quite old, but it’s the only explanation I’d say.

  8. I found this story absolutely thrilling. It had me curling up in my blankets with goosebumps. I’m even still freaked out. I didn’t even notice the plot holes until reading the comments, and I thought everything was tied together fairly well at the end, save for the attic baby (how did the crib get in there?) I’m also curious about Leonard, and why his colors came back, and the bright light that burned him (?) Overall I would give it 8.5/10

  9. boo lu two shoes:
    I thought the narrator was a little boy the entire time. And like others have asked. who was the duck? where did the mother come from if the mom committed suicide and killed (ate?) the baby? or was the thing in the attic some contorted reminence of the baby? but still where mom come from? why children afraid of duck? why children after the narrator? how did the children actually die? I NEED TO KNOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    boo lu two shoes:
    I thought the narrator was a little boy the entire time. And like others have asked. who was the duck? where did the mother come from if the mom committed suicide and killed (ate?) the baby? or was the thing in the attic some contorted reminence of the baby? but still where mom come from? why children afraid of duck? why children after the narrator? how did the children actually die? I NEED TO KNOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m thinking that the children were afraid of the duck because it floats and they were drowned. So they can’t drown the duck or whatever?

  10. My guess would be that the child ghosts were afraid of the duck because, being a bath toy, it reminded them of their death, I too pictured the protagonist as a male throughout the story and am curious as to when the mother was born. I suppose she could have been very young when those events happened maybe only a year old or so, and has no memory of having siblings

  11. I thought the same? Same questions and I thought it was a boy too. Zak Yates u might be right, I thought the duck was the grandmother’s spirit? Protecting the grandson but why from her crazy drowned kids? It makes no sense. Maybe the grandfather was practising witchcraft n tried to bring a baby back explaining the thing in the attic bt there should have been a clue when the main character checked the study..
    Why did the mother sleep in her dads room?whaaaat? And where did the mother come from? How did the children die in the end? Was the grandma really crazy? I guess so..?
    Also, the animal marks in the living room were never explained, and why would the grandmother cut out her child then write “don’t worry ill put u back into my body” it was already in her body.. She cud have just stabbed her stomach n then her chest. It makes no sense for her to bring it out into the world (which she didn’t seem to want) and then eat the child..
    And in the letter she wrote “soon u will be inside me again” n her pen trailed off. Doesn’t that imply tht she hadn’t eaten her kid yet?

  12. Just so you know, I read this story last night and it freaked me out so bad I couldn’t go to the bathroom alone. This should be made into a movie. AMAZING work.

  13. Not but really why were the mom and grandpa sharing a room? That is really weird. There were two other bedrooms. And why was everything so large? Was it just because he was a child? There were a few hiccups but it was a fairly good pasta.

  14. things that i can gather are:-
    1. the mother can’t be the baby as the narrator could hear the ‘gurgling of baby’ thing along with voices of other two, which suggests the death of baby as he accompanies the dead siblings
    2. in support of above, the grandmother says she would take the baby ‘in’ which she does by eating it(taking in), which i suppose is the unknown flesh in her mouth.
    3.she couldn’t finish the baby and passed out, leaving baby alive but half chewed which could be that distorted sludge .
    4. the duckie had something do with the photographs and journal as someone had tried to burn it but it was only blackened a bit at few places just like the photographs.

  15. I thought the main character was a boy the whole time xD I think a boy fits better, anywho, even though the story was amazing.

  16. I would like to point out to all of those who believe the fetus to be the mom, that the author did say the fetus was never found. I’m pretty sure if it was mumsie, they would have known.

  17. Ok, this story confused me a bit. So, here’s what I assumed, just gonna sum it up: ‘k, the kid gets to his/her grandfather’s house. The tap runs red. Is that because of the blood of the little girl and boy? Or did the Red Thing From The Attic do that? Don’t know. The kid finds a ducky….maybe it has warding spells? Or maybe Things 1&2 (the older girl an boy) don’t like him because he was there when they drowned? Anyway, the kid gets haunted by ghost kids, then gets and ear infection, which really freaks him/her out. Oh, and the Gramps has a private study. Did he try to bring the kids back? The kid finds out that the grandma commited suicide/possibly killed things 1&2 I think she went crazy from the kids dying (happened to my g-ma, but she just forgot the kids existed….they also drowned….Is creeped out) I think she ate the baby to try and save it, by ‘putting it back in’. And the red sludge? Maybe the g-pa tried to bring one of them back with disastrous results, or it is his evil soul (maybe he drowned the kids….?) Or it is a manefestation of the grandmas guilt. I don’t know, just guessing. Oh, and the kid’s mom is adopted, isnt she? Or one of the kids, brought back to life? I don’t know. But great pasta, ten of ten.

  18. I was surprised at the end as well with the narrator having a husband. It’s entirely possible that it could have been a girl although I imagined a boy narrator. A few plot pieces missing like the mother not being killed. These can be fixed however without too much hassle

  19. It’s possible the mother was an affair child which would explain why the grandfather didn’t drown her. It’s never stated the mother was born of the “grandmother.”
    This story was written with a lot of room for speculation.
    Also I thought he was a boy.

  20. The duck killed the two children. Drowned them in the tub. Thats why they were afraid of the duck and why the water swelled when he was alone in the tub. His mother turned away. After that we only hear of him sleeping with the duck. The grandfather thought the mother did it, possibly may have cut the baby out to save it from the mother. She didn’t want to part with her surviving child. The flesh in her teeth lost me, maybe in the struggle or from fighting the husband. The sludge has lost me too, that could’ve been left out. Sounds like the ghost thought he was the surviving child and/or were trying to save him from the duck by ending it. The more he loved the duck the more its conditioned restored. The pics wouldn’t burn because the kids weren’t done.

    Idk about the mother sleeping with the grandfather. That’s a whole other creepy pasta

  21. Remember, the report said that there were no babies found when they found the grandmother. Maybe the grandfather had taken this baby away or maybe this baby WAS the sludge in the attic. I dunnoooo. Great story though!

  22. Great story, I like that many things are left unsolved.

    Would have liked if the time when the protagonist was deaf was brought back later in the story.

  23. My guesses: 1. The Mother was born after the two who died.
    2. The “attic thing” was a fourth child, there was reference to “he”, maybe an attempt to replace both the boy and girl whom had been lost when sanity finally broke it was the male fetus which was killed.
    3. The duck was the grandmother protecting her grandson as she was unable to do so for her own children.

    Just guessing.

  24. I narrated the whole story in a guys perspective. But to answer some of the questions, if you delve deep into thought..

    Not sure why mother slept with grandpa.

    Mother was adopted, that’s why she was born after grandma died, hence why grandpa dislike (fought) with her / disliked her kid.

  25. There were a few plot holes here and there, which made the story a little hard to understand. If the two children died and the unborn baby survived as the mother, then what is the sludge in the attic. It can’t be the unborn child and the other’s are dead, so it’s just a random red sludge gurgling in the attic with no tie to the story.

    I loved the writing style, only one grammatical error that I noticed and just a few part that you could worded differently to make more sense the first time over.

    And then there’s the hands. The small hands that held the protagonist to the bed and tried to choke her in the tub. They were children’s hands, correct? So wouldn’t that mean the two children drowned the baby, rather than the mother? But the two children drowned.. And the baby hadn’t been born, yet it was in pictures in the album.. The mother never recalled having a duck (though she may have been too young to remember) and I’m guessing the mother hadn’t been informed that her mother tried to murder her? It’s all very confusing. It was a great story, nevertheless, but it had so many inconsistencies that I don’t know what to make of it.

    Also, the grandfather wrote cryptic messages and had drawn many pictures, does this have anything to do with the duck warding off spirits? Does it have anything to do with the sludge? Did the grandfather pull an Elric and try to bring one of the kids back to life through witchcraft or some kind of magical property?

    So as far as I can tell,
    1. Two children drowned in the tub. That was blamed on their psycho mother.

    2. The baby was cut out by the mother who then passed out before she could kill it. (How do you explain the flesh in her teeth? Auto-cannibalism maybe?)

    3. The baby had a rubber duck that protected it. (Probably the mother since she seemed to have survived.)

    4. The grandfather may have been dabbling in or studying witchcraft. (The study)

    5. He may have tried to bring one of the children back, but failed and created a red sludge that gurgles in the attic. (wat)

    6. The mother was unaware of her siblings existence. She was probably unaware that her mother tried to murder her.

    7. The dead children try and drown people. (eh, not entirely sure here)

    With that said, my only advice to you, writer, would be to read over your story several times and connect the dots in your head and on the paper, because chances are nobody is going to understand what you mean unless you clue them into it. You may understand perfectly but, we the readers, are entirely at you whim here and we have no idea what you mean by all of this.

  26. Good fun story. The writing is pretty good, and the author had much potential, but my goodness what a mess of a plot. If my reading is correct, (and lord knows it isn’t always) the mom committed suicide before the protagonists mother could be born, and this is never addressed or reconciled, making this story somewhat of a joke. Why does the grandfather keep thus from everyone? Why does he demand his daughter sleep with him instead of her 6 year old child? There are multiple bedrooms in this giant house why did she have to sleep in his room? So weird. Also you have your protagonist HEARING things after he/she contracts an ear infection and goes deaf. The end is horribly flat and anticlimactic and feels rushed and unfinished, and is not satisfying at all, (at least not to me). Overall, wrll written, good idea, but such a mess. Needed an editing amd a rewrite and it could be a 9 or 10, but as is, 6/10. Lots if potential! Keep reading and writing

  27. Amy:
    So then how was his mom alive? The grandmother killed herself and all children. Where did his mom come from?

    From what I read she cut the baby out of her stomach then tried to put her back in again

  28. A very well done pasta. The only thing that bothered me was that the story transferred from the rising action to the climax too fast. But still a very well thought out pasta 8.5/10

  29. So, in my mind, the protagonist was a boy to, and as many said, it could still be.

    For the whole grandmother story I think it goes like this : the grandmother had two children that died, they drowned. We don’t know how, when or why they drowned, we don’t even know if it’s an accident or a murder. However, we know that the grandfather blames the grandmother for what happens, he thinks she did it. Meanwhile, she is pregnant with another baby and in a psychotic episode she cuts the baby out of her womb. In her letter, she says that she wants the baby to die with her, but de protagonist specifies that the letter ends abruptly, like the grandmother had past out or something. So, even if she wanted to kill the baby, maybe she didn’t because she passed out from the blood lost and so the baby survived and the baby is the mother protagonist.

    After that, i don’t know who is the duck or the freaky thing in the attic…

    Great pasta though :)

    *sorry for english mistakes, not my main language!*

  30. This was a gripping story! I think there are some significant plot holes as others have pointed out, but those could be fixed without too much difficulty. One thing that bugged me if how transient the hearing loss was. I feel like it’s inclusion in the story was somewhat random as it did not affect much, and cleared up so quickly. I think it is a scary idea, to lose an accustomed sense in a threatening place, but it did not seem to have a huge impact on the overall story. Also, prior to leaving the house, the narrator can hear again, as evidenced by the discussion with mother immediately following the passing out episode. I really liked the family history. Setting it in a huge house hinted at a dark family history, and I thought that level of mystery fit this story well. It does feel like there may be a few too many factors in this story. There are so many details, from the creepy children, the protecting duck, the deafness, the fevers, the dark family history, the rusted pipes, and the unburnable photos. I might trim back a bit to focus on those aspects that are really critical to the story. Or, conversely, lengthen it in order to give each component its opportunity to shine as an integral piece of the story. I really liked the narrative voice, because it did sound like the memories of a child. Sometimes it grew a bit wordy, but not enough to really bother/distract me. I really enjoyed this story, and it leaves me wanting more answers, which I think is good. I think it does need some more explanation and plot hole patching, but good story! Very creepy! Thanks for writing this, and happy writing!

  31. The crazy baby eating grandma is a bit of a overdo, nobody would do that unless suffering from intense brain melting schizophrenia.

    But otherwise great story.

    1. Just to be clear, most individuals with schizophrenia are not dangerous. It is actual a “protective factor” for future violence. I’m sure that’s not what you meant to suggest, but it is a painful and incorrect stereotype which causes a lot of distress.

    2. Just because someone is schizophrenic doesn’t mean they’re necessarily dangerous (while the possibility does exist). I mean, she could have been plain evil. Evil people eat children sometimes, I guess. Why she ate her children? No idea. I think it was subject to some sort of mental illness, but if so, the illness could’ve easily been identified and precautions could have been made in order to prevent something like this from happening. You don’t just wake up and, “Oh I want to drown my 7 year olds and eat my unborn child today.” That doesn’t happen. It would’ve taken someone with this much stress months, maybe years, to resort to such an extreme measure.

      Though I do believe she did it and then wrote to herself to suppress the memories and guilt of having done it. But I’m still left with the question, why didn’t the husband notice something was wrong earlier?

  32. This also bothers me…”They were pictures of children, a boy and a girl. They looked old and worn away, slightly distorted and black around the edges of it. They were mixed up, but the oldest they seemed to be was around 7 years old. In one particular picture, they were standing and waving to the camera with my grandmother in her younger years. She looked to be pregnant.”

    The two older children were standing with the pregnant grandmother. They would have all died not long after that picture was taken, but this was the grandmother’s “younger years.” She never had older years…

    1. That’s actually great thinking, that disproves what I was thinking. I thought that the mother was born inbetween the two older children and the suicide, but why wouldn’t she be in the picture? It leaves me to think that the mother was adopted maybe to fill some kind of void in the grandfather’s life. That would also explain why the grandfather isn’t so fond of the mother

  33. Very good pasta. As others have said though, the other siblings doesn’t really work cohesively with the rest of the story. The mother would had to have been older than the other kids. Unless she was a baby at the time, but why then would the grandmother not have killed her too? Other than that, the story was real good, kinda creepy. I’d give it an 8.5/10

  34. A logical explanation to the events would be that the creature, which seems to be a baby distorted by its insane mother, was distressed by the narrator’s taking its toy away. It appears that the events started on the day the duck was found and taken away. Other than that, not a bad story, far not the most impressive though. A bit too many descriptions of the interior of the house that do not contribute much to the plot of the story.

    1. But why would they be afraid of the duck? When she held the duck up,the ghost kids shrieked and hauled ddon’t think the toy duck was Thiers and they got mad bc she had it, although that was my first impression

    2. but the children were in the same room as the baby I think they found it first like before the grandfather maybe the grand father killed them. Actally she says “They’re gone. I can’t…even believe it. My babies. He won’t even look at me. He thinks I did it. I turned my back for a minute. Just a minute….what a cruel world, to take ones so young. He keeps staring at me. Those eyes are burning holes in me, I can’t stand it. He’s looking at the young one in my stomach. He’s thinking I’ll drown it too. That man…he won’t hold me, won’t comfort me, won’t shed a tear for them.

      So maybe since the bath tub was so big they drowned but not because of her. Any ways I thought the narrator was a boy too.

  35. The story about the grandmother and three children doesn’t add up, unless the main character’s mother is adopted.
    The whole story is told in a very gripping way, it kept me glued to the screen and kept pushing me to read more and more.
    Kudos to you for this mesmerizing mystery, but however the explanation of the background of the family should be made clear and logical.
    And if I may add some critics, that would be, to leave out the thing in the attic from the story entirely, it makes the whole thing unbelievable.
    Unless there is a strong background story to cause such a thing to exist, like voodoo, witchcraft or whatever.
    And the rubber duckie? No explanation to what cause it to have such power to repel spirits and can rejuvenate itself.
    The details in your story is marvelous aside from these things I mentioned above, maybe you left it out of the story, because you don’t have any idea what to write about it, or maybe your ideas were too many that you decided to put it all in one story without any logical transitions, and made the whole story seems segmented and detached from reality.
    But aside from that, it still made a powerful impact to my horror experience, with more cooking and spice it will perhaps become an amazing pasta.

  36. AllieInWonderland

    This is such a well written, well structured pasta. Been craving one like this for a long while. Came as a shock to me that the ending mentions a husband, though, I had been under the impression that the protagonist was a male the whole story (which is still possible, I have nothing against gay marriages). Overall wonderful. Please write more.

  37. boo lu two shoes

    I thought the narrator was a little boy the entire time. And like others have asked. who was the duck? where did the mother come from if the mom committed suicide and killed (ate?) the baby? or was the thing in the attic some contorted reminence of the baby? but still where mom come from? why children afraid of duck? why children after the narrator? how did the children actually die? I NEED TO KNOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. The story fell apart with the three children. The mother never knew she had siblings, but if she were older than them she would have to know about them. If the drowned siblings were older, that would be impossible, because the grandmother committed to suicide. Unless, she were the baby the grandmother cut out of her womb, but no, that baby is a freaky thing in the attic.

    1. Trying to make sense of this situation, I assumed that the mother was born after the two drowned children. I thought that the grandmother became pregnate after the mother was born, and tried to kill herself then. But it could be an entirely different story and the mother could have been adopted, or the grandfather could have been remarried. Also, the baby in the attic could have been a figment of the protagonist’s imagination, because after all the years, how could the child still be a baby and still be alive?

      1. Florence Gloriana

        The mom couldn’t have been the fetus tho, because the grandmother had tried to eat the fetus in order to return it to her body after removing it. She also called it her little boy or whatever. It still doesn’t make a lot of sense, but the only plausible timeline is older siblings born>mom is born>older siblings drown>grandmother eats fetus and then dies. Wow, never thought I’d type anything like that out lol

  39. Mrs. Creepypasta

    I really enjoyed this. You are an amazing writer! I’ll see if my husband will read it. You are very talented. Keep writing!

  40. So when was the protagonist’s mother born. There is mention of the mother in the photos after the grandmother killed herself. The grandmother killed her fetus at the same time she died. Was the mother born after the two children?

  41. The kid wonders why her grandfather bought the house when he only lived with his wife and daughter, but a few paragraphs before we are told that the house had been in the family for generations. It’s understandable that the kid doesn’t know this (although it isn’t something that absolutely must be hidden from a child), but it still confused me for a moment.

    The descriptions feel a little slow at the beginning and we are not given any clue as to the gender of the kid. Perhaps because I’m a male, I imagined the whole thing as a boy. We discover that the protagonist is a woman only until the last paragraph (unless I’ve missed something). I’d love to know how others imagined the gender of the kid.

    Besides the two things I stated before I liked the story very much. It’s very subtle, there is a lot of room for speculation. ¿What was the black thing? ¿What was the duck? ¿Was the mother abused on those nights when she had ‘to sleep in Grandpa’s room’? Overall good story.

    1. To be fair, that the protagonist has a husband doesn’t necessarily mean they are female. I read the whole thing picturing a male protagonist, and that last paragraph hasn’t changed anything for me.

      1. Nope, sorry. You are completely right. If we take into account that the protagonist married as a very mature (if not old) person.

        It’d be appreciated if the moderator didn’t post my previous reply (and in that case leave this one out aswell).

    2. I’m a woman and I envisioned a boy in the story also. And curious why the Mother was sleeping in her Father’s room too.

    3. You aren’t the only one. I am a female and I too subconsciously assumed it was a boy. But what I’m more interested about is when was the mother born?

      1. What I’m assuming is that the mother was an infant when her siblings drowned, so she was too young to remember them.

    4. I am a female as well and I imagined the protagonist as
      a guy. And seriously why was the mother sleeping in her father’s room? And when was she born??

    5. I thought it was a boy the whole time too, and I’m a female. It doesn’t tell you until the end the gender, but I was surprised to find out it was the daughter.

      1. Wait when was yhe gender revealed? They never specified. I personally envision them as male, but it could be any other gender.

    6. It’s pretty strange how I believe practically everyone envisioned the main character as a young male. I wonder why that is… It was very neutral, yet assumed for some reason.

      1. I think because part of the house was tearing at the seems. Or maybe, the grandfather didn’t want the mother to discover anything. Or even, the mother wanted to stay close to her daughter.

  42. A very well cooked pasta. The part about you being held in the bed and attacked made me so submerged in the story I screamed when my brother tapped me on the shoulder 0-0

    Some parts/phrases were hard to understand (correct in grammar, but so wordy), otherwise a very good pasta. 9.5/10

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