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Estimated reading time — 11 minutes

There are three men standing at the intersection of a sewer. One of them is very lean and very tall. In fact he looks too tall and seems to sway on his feet, as if ready to topple at the whim of a strong gust. He grips a burlap sack in his left hand. The tall man has provided the firepower.

Next to him is a greasy mustache. The mustache belongs to a stocky Mediterranean-looking fellow with shifty eyes. He digs into his backpack with concerned intent. The mustached man has provided the intelligence and the tools.

Standing apart from the first two men is the clown. Wrinkled columns of green-yellow-blue support an ashen face of sweat and greasepaint. He wears a white glove on each hand. Thick locks of crimson explode from his head, aggravating the sweating. His face is on the verge of melting. The clown has provided the distraction, but he does not look happy.


The three men face a brick wall with a hole in the center. It is less a hole than a black gaping chasm, maybe a couple feet wide and stretching to infinity. Mustache maintains that this will lead them directly beneath the bank.

Clown is not so sure. He questions the men’s collective planning. Tall Man did not bother to load any of the handguns, ensuring them that a show of force will be more than enough. Mustache has apparently forgotten to bring a single flashlight, and curses. And Clown himself wonders why he chose to dress in full clown regalia <i>before</i> venturing into the sewers.

The sewers are filthy, as sewers ought to be. A noxious gas of human excrement floods each nostril with every breath. Layered above this stench is something more, something sickly sweet. Barely noticeable, but there. Pale green light bounces from the drainage channels as rats and other scurrying things patter along the rim. Clown stumbles on the walkway in comically oversized shoes.

Tall Man avoids the sight of Clown. He harbors a lifelong distrust of clowns, a distrust so deep it ventures into the realm of irrational fear. To make matters worse, this particular clown’s breath smells like sour milk. It’s nauseating so he keeps his distance. From the corner of his eye he thinks he sees Clown glaring at him. Glaring, or smiling? Tall Man can’t be sure in this dreary dungeon. He, too doubts the wisdom of Mustache’s plan.

Mustache defends the strategy. There were bound to be setbacks, he says, but the hole in the wall still offers the best chance for a clean escape. They will have to enter one by one and crawl on hands and knees to see the other side. Once inside the tunnel, turning around will likely be impossible. Tall Man asks how long it goes. Mustache answers that it should be long, but not too long. Tall Man asks how they are supposed to see anything in the tunnel with no flashlights. Mustache answers that they don’t need to see anything, they just need to crawl. All the same, he does have a book of matches which he offers to Tall Man.

Tall Man interprets this as his cue to go first. Something about the tunnel bothers him, but he would rather get on with it than suffer the continual glares (or smirks?) of Clown. He accepts the matches and faces the hole.


A soft breeze and low howl whisper from the opening. Behind him, Clown stares while Mustache runs some fingers through his oily hair. Tall Man teeters for a moment, turns around, and retrieves three 9mm pistols from the sack in his hand. Easier if you take these now, he says. All three men tuck the weapons into their waistbands. Not weapons, Clown reminds himself. Merely a show of force.

Tall Man turns back around. The bricks in the wall are the color of money. The water flowing through the channels is the color of money. Even the stripes in Clown’s suit are money-colored. Tall Man sees money everywhere, except in that black hole yawning before him. That is the only way to the actual money. Lots and lots of it, the kind you can touch and smell and trade for things that make you happy. Money is the prime motivator for Tall Man, for all of them. It is worth crawling through a slimy stinking hole for, he must tell himself.

Still, he hesitates. The black circle is so sharply defined it seems to hover in front of the wall, detached from its surroundings. Tall Man stoops. And stoops…and stoops some more. He stoops down until the black circle frames his face. He raises a wiry leg until the knee can rest on the lip of the hole. With a push from the other leg he slowly enters.

Funny: when the whole of his lofty body finally wriggles its way inside, the gentle breeze dies. The low howl changes too. Earlier it was constant, but now it pulses rhythmically in his ears. Low, deep, like a distant generator. The hum-hum-hum tickles Tall Man’s brain. He crawls on.

The ground is cold, chilling to the fingertips. His knees scrape along the smooth surface. His blind hands grope their way over cement and puddles and slime and gloom. All around drip invisible drops. Drip, hum, drip, hum, scraaape: the only sounds here in the belly of the sewers, intensified by the utter lack of visual stimuli. When that word, belly, comes to mind, Tall Man begins to perceive his environment as a living organism. He begins to feel like a piece of chewed meat sliding down a giant’s intestines. Drip, hum, drip, hum, scraaape: an organic symphony of endless digestion. He crawls on.

The air grows stale. Tall Man’s knees are wet and aching. He has lost track of time and can’t tell how long he’s been crawling. A good five minutes, at least. Still there is no light at the end of the tunnel. How much further? He needs to rest just a moment. He stops crawling.

The air is heavy, stagnant, waiting. The drips and humming sound muffled now. Tall Man retrieves the matchbook, tears off a match, and tries to light it. Nothing – it’s a dud. So is the second one, and the third. Tall Man starts to panic. He wants light, needs light, <i>now.</i> He fumbles with the fourth match, anxiously swipes it along the striking surface. A fizz of sulfur spells success. But that magic spark of life reveals something astonishing.

Mere inches from him stares a pallid face, smeared with gruesome makeup. Blood-red worms burst from the head. No…not worms but curls of hair. It is Clown’s face, lurching from the darkness disembodied, every muscle locked in rigor mortis. The eyes are dim and cloudy, but fixed upon his own. The match’s flame throws drunken shadows across the peaks and valleys of the ghostly visage. It alternately smiles and scowls at Tall Man, without really moving at all. Tall Man is stiff with incomprehension. Fear tip-toes down his spine and snuggles into his guts. He feels sick. The two faces stare frozen in silence for a brief eternity.

Suddenly the clown face leans forward and blows out the match. A whiff of sour milk fills the air. The abrupt return to total blackness shocks Tall Man’s senses into operation. He immediately scuttles backward, away from the face in the tunnel. His pants begin to shred at the knees but he doesn’t care. The only thought is retreat. Faster, faster, retreat. Hands and knees splash and scrape against concrete. He imagines the clown head gliding silent through the black tube after him, smiling yet scowling. The splashes and scrapes become a frantic staccato as he goes faster, faster. His knees must be bleeding now but he doesn’t care. Retreat, only retreat matters.

And then Tall Man finds himself falling backward out of the hole in the wall, landing at the feet of Mustache and Clown. Clown, who was in two places at once. They ask what happened, and when Tall Man finally calms down he raises himself on two shaky legs. Teetering, he blurts out his story but the two men do not understand. Mustache laughs while Clown regards Tall Man with suspicion. Impossible, they say, you only spooked yourself and were seeing things that weren’t there. But Tall Man insists there is a second Clown in the sewer tunnel.

Mustache strokes his namesake with two fingers. Fine, fine, he says, I’m going through and I’ll show you there’s no damned clown in there. Tall Man almost protests, wants to tell Mustache not to leave him here with Clown, but keeps quiet.

Backpack hoisted onto both shoulders, Mustache scrambles up and stuffs his body through the opening. He begins crawling. His speed is surprising in these tight quarters. They watch his figure rapidly dissolve in darkness down the tunnel. The instant he disappears from view, the sound of his crawling stops short. After a moment of silence, Clown and Tall Man hear a steady scraping, like something heavy being dragged across concrete. The sound quickly fades down the stretch of the tunnel.

Clown got him, clown got him, mutters a wide-eyed Tall Man. Clown tells him to shut up. Then what the hell was that, squeaks Tall Man, what was that sound? Clown doesn’t answer. The two men wait there in the sewer for any sign of Mustache. None comes.

After many minutes pass, Clown has grown eager and starts to fidget. Enough of this, he says. He must be on the other side waiting for us – I’m going through. The lust for money and a penchant for rational thought have clouded his intuition. He remembers he is mildly claustrophobic, but this fact also gets swept aside by his greed. Tall Man pleads with Clown not to go, says they should call the whole thing off and leave now. Don’t be ridiculous, replies Clown. I’m going through and you better not lag far behind me. He grabs the matchbook and faces the wall with the hole. He struggles with his big shoes but finally gets a good grip and hoists himself through. Tall Man does not follow.


What greets Clown in the hole are drippy wet echoes, a hum-hum-humming, and an uninterrupted dark. Clown crawls on. The humming and dripping are a hypnotic beat in his ears. The blackness is disturbingly uniform. It is a blackness smothered in blackness ad infinitum. It tugs and tugs at the eyeball that would try to pierce it, coaxes it from the socket with false hopes of a murky shape just ahead. The only respite is to close one’s eyes, for at least then smoky phantasms float beneath the lids. This blackness is a solid wall upon which nothing floats. So he closes his eyes as he moves forward.

Clown wonders if he might indeed meet his doppelganger in this strange subterranean place. He hopes not and crawls on. Gradually he becomes aware that the drips and humming have changed. They sound duller, muffled. The air has changed too. It hangs with the dead weight of a dozen corpses and sticks to his skin. He crawls on. Clown’s white-gloved fingers detect a third change. The ground no longer feels like solid concrete. It is softer, putty-like. His fingertips seem to sink in ever so slightly.

When he thinks he hears a faraway scraping sound, Clown’s eyes snap back open. They throb in their sockets with anticipation, starving for some speck of light to materialize in the distance, but it never comes. As his bloodshot eyes go hungry, his mind wanders.

He thinks of hordes of rats carrying a lifeless, mustached body down the tube before him. He thinks of thousands of little teeth gnashing into greasy flesh. He thinks of soiled clown suits clogging sewer drains. He thinks…he thinks he needs to stop thinking and start crawling. But he can’t. He advances no more than two feet before hitting an obstruction.

It feels like a wall. He fishes the matchbook from a striped pocket and tears off a stick. Three failed swipes later, he tears off another. It ignites on the second attempt and shows him a solid brick wall blocking the way. This isn’t supposed to be here. How is it possible he never ran into Mustache? The sight of the bricks is unnerving. Clown bangs his fist against them, tries to wriggle one loose. They do not budge. They stand there in the orange glow quietly mocking his proud logic, daring an explanation. Clown has no explanation. The match is almost spent so he drops it and moves backward. It is the only thing he can do.

Progress is slow and awkward. The ground is more malleable than he remembers. It feels like his knees are leaving small impressions behind. He crawls as the tunnel drips and hums at him. When his feet touch another wall, Clown gasps. He draws another match, lights it, twists his head around to look. What he sees isn’t a blocked path but an intersection. Two new passages branch off to the left and right, where before there was only one straight tunnel.

It makes no sense. Then comes incoherence. Anger. Most of all, indecision. Clown must choose a path. But which one? Which one? The right. It’s as good as the left. The match dies as he scoots back to face the new chasm, then crawls ahead. The dripping, the humming, the putty floor, the breathing…the breathing? Yes. Clown swears the tunnel is breathing now. He can feel the gentle inhalation, exhalation all around him. Somewhere far off the scraping sound comes again. He crawls, and crawls, and hits his head against another wall. Another match, another intersection revealed. This one looks smaller. He squeezes his way into another right turn.

The breathing changes now. Longer and slower. And there’s the scraping again, a little closer this time. He crawls. His body sinks into the gummy floor. A few paces forward, and another intersection, another match, another right turn. A few paces more, and another. The junctions keep coming, and soon Clown runs out of matches. He always chooses to go right, but it keeps getting smaller. At one intersection Clown turns around to retrace his path and try to find a wider opening. The maze does not care. It continues to breathe and compress. As Clown crawls blind through the network of tubes, the roof begins to scratch his back. It matches every movement with a downward push, regardless of his direction.

Incoherence. Anger. Most of all, claustrophobia. Before long Clown finds himself sliding on his belly. He slithers through endless corridors even as they threaten to crush his body. He has to keep going. Keep going, it makes no sense but keep going and get out. Hopeless. The ground is sticky and holds him in place as the walls close in from every side. Clown grits his teeth.

Tall Man stands alone at the intersection. He gazes at the black hole in the wall, transfixed. Every muscle quivers with expectancy. Yet he sees nothing and hears nothing save for a low steady howl. He blinks. Shakes his head. Looks up toward a grate in the high ceiling. A sinking sun casts down shimmering motes of dust which drift in odd patterns. Tall Man sways on his feet, covered in filth and bleeding at the knees. That sickly sweet scent from before is stronger now. He turns and bolts out of the sewers. He does not look back.



The story doesn’t end there. In the next several years Tall Man will abandon his life of crime. At first he will try to make sense of the events in the sewer. He will research a variety of paranormal topics: everything from ghosts and cryptozoology, to bilocation, to the hypothetical existence of “hot spots” on Earth where alternate dimensions are said to bleed into one another. The search for answers will yield nothing but further questions.

In a strange twist of fate, Tall Man will eventually get a job at the very bank he tried to rob. Before closing one day he’ll be asked to fetch some old documents kept in the basement. He will walk down the rickety stairs and search through boxes of poorly-kept files. Amid his searches he is going to find a rusted iron trapdoor hiding under a box. Curious, he will lift the squeaky door and discover a ladder descending into a small concrete room. He will feel compelled to climb down to this space which the basement light struggles to reach.

Once there, he’ll find a bricked-over hole in the wall opposite the ladder. The implications will come in a flurry of breathless recognition. My God, he’ll whisper. At last, the other side. The mortar will be crumbling, the bricks loose. Without quite knowing why, Tall Man will begin to remove them, exposing the black hole little by little.

The fear will be gone, replaced by his long-lost thirst for answers. Tall Man will be surprised to find himself crawling through the tunnel with nothing but his lighter to guide the way. He won’t remember climbing in. It will be like a dream, with the dripping and humming ringing in his ears as before, asking him how he can be sure he ever left at all. He will crawl on.

Only when the air in the tunnel becomes leaden, only when the sounds deaden, only when the sour milk wafts through his nostrils will the creeping chill return. Then the lighter’s timid flame is going be snuffed out with a sudden rush of wind. Peals of crazed laughter will erupt from somewhere in the dark and rattle through his skull, so loud he’ll have to cover both ears. It’s so completely unexpected that he won’t be sure the shrieks weren’t his own, or an outright hallucination. Nonetheless, it will be enough to send him scurrying backwards.

The tunnel will seem different – sticky, sighing, angry. Tall Man will feel it contracting around him as he moves in reverse. Faster, faster, as before, as in a dream. Looking behind, he will finally see the dim light of the aperture. It will be closing.

At this point Tall Man’s memory will muddle. He’ll vaguely recall his escape from the writhing hole. It will feel more like being disgorged than anything. A regurgitated piece of meat, he’ll think. Tall Man will run to the ladder, turn around for one last look, and see something that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Witnesses will later tell him that he ran from the bank screaming a blood-curdling scream unlike anything they’d ever heard. He won’t remember that part.

He’ll pray that what he saw was the product of temporary insanity. He’ll try to forget the whole thing ever happened. But every time he closes his eyes, every time he dreams, the same image will come to him with terrible clarity: the hole in the wall shrunken to the size of a quarter, from which a single white-gloved finger pokes, squirms, points – and beckons.

Credit: Alapanamo

This story was submitted to by a fellow reader. To submit your own creepypasta tale for consideration and publication to this site, visit our submissions page today.

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

83 thoughts on “Crawl”

  1. I cant say i fully understand this story but its undoubtedly well written and spine-chilling, 9 stars!!

  2. I remember coming across this one on the site’s old Monolith forums. Definitely a favourite of mine. It used to have a little note at the bottom stating that it’s based on a dream the narrator had.

  3. Could’ve been a lot better. The idea that they’d forget something as important as flashlights when they know they’ll need to SEE in order to loot the vault is completely incredible — it would’ve been perfectly believable for them to forget fresh batteries. That the clown would be in full costume in the sewer BEFORE he’d played his part as the distraction is also too ridiculous to believe. The postscript feels totally tacked on. Still, in the end, the sense of claustrophobia is really unnerving and effective, especially during Clown’s turn.

  4. LAWL wtf is going on in comments’ section? hardcore sex? no offence to admin/mod but one’s name is
    Edit : but I didn’t like the paste…the beginning was lame…I look at beginning or I just use “TL;DR” method.

  5. This right here is one of my all time favorite creepypastas, and is very well written. I have suggested it to some of my fellow pasta lovers and they all agree with me that this is truly art. the capturing of emotions, and making everything come together in the end, without really giving us any facts that tell us anything we as readers wanted to know. It should be further recognized. I personally believe this is better written and erier than most other stories here. I can’t wait to tell others about this magnificent story. thank you.

  6. Is it bad that i couldn’t stop picturing the Tall Man as Luigi, Mustach as Mario, and the Clown as Wario. >_>
    I mean it kind of fits, the character discriptions/personalities and the Sewers (not really the plot all to much, though)
    But, it was a really good creepypasta; I loved the strange claustorphobia feel that the tunnle gives off. And the way that some discriptions are just, i don’t know how to explain it, slightly childish? It gives stuff to the imagination.
    Loved it!

  7. ShaggyDonahugh

    Fantastic! Did anyone else picture Mario, Luigi, and Wario as the three that went into the tunnels, and it was Waluigi that was the one waiting for them?

  8. Scary as hell! I’m not really scared of clowns ,but being trapped in a tunnel’s a slight phobia of mine. The descriptions of Clown being trapped in an endless maze with the pathways becoming more and more constricted…it freaked me the fuck out! The thought of being squeezed to death in someone’s intestines is truly horrific. Clown’s excerpt was definitely the most disturbing imo. 10/10

  9. Oh, you found me! Hahahaha, but you got it wrong, they didn’t sink. They floated. We all float down here.

  10. when I was reading this..the only thing that I could think of was “don’t call me clown, moustache” from Impractical Jokers LOL

  11. I love this. Best way for me to describe it is like this:
    Eerie with a dash of horror, a sprinkle of irony, a grain of humor, and a bushel of awesome. Mix together, cook for (however long it took to write) and enjoy thoroughly.

  12. Wow great story. For me, this story really conveyed a sense of cloustraphoboa that made me feel almost uncomfortable while reading. The ending could have been a bit stronger, but still a well written creepy story none the less. 8/10

  13. As soon as I read the line “This blackness is a solid wall upon which nothing floats.” I instantly thought of Pennywise and shit bricks o.O

  14. I loved the story itself and the way you wrote it. All around great. If I have one problem it’s that we didn’t find out what happened to “mustache man”. 8.5/10

  15. I love it, it really reminded me of IT, as many other people have said, but it had a really special feel to it that made it your own, very proud

  16. Okay. So correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m thinking tall man and clown are facing their biggest fears. If that’s the case, then what happened to mustache?

  17. Really good imagery.
    Really creepy too, it scared me for real.

    The only thing is, ‘A breif eternity’?

    That makes no sense.

    1. It’s supposed to be figurative language; the time itself was short, but to him it felt like an eternity because of how much he didn’t want to be there

    1. Here’s a link from the author’s deviantART gallery that shows the story was posted there a full month before it ended up on the creepypasta tumblr:

      Posted in the gallery on July 1st 2012. Posted on the tumblr on Aug. 30th 2012. So if anyone stole from anyone it was the other way around.

      And, by the way, awesome story. It felt like watching a Twilight Zone episode.

      1. Happy Taco Penguin

        Whooa man, calm down a bit.

        Just trying to make sure it wasn’t stolen. I didn’t see on the tumblr that they said they pulled from wherever; I’m on mobile pretty much all of the time.

        I apologize for being wrong, I’ll definitely say that much. But I didn’t think that questioning the source to make sure it wasn’t stolen would be such a problem.

        Note also that this isn’t aimed at “derpbutt,” with the clown face so much as the aforementioned commenter, as well. Derpbutt seems to be rather rational, from what I gather.

        It had also been published on creepypasta wikia, but he/she seems to have addressed this and I can assume that’s where the tumblr had pulled it from.

        1. What exactly did I say that was so terrible? I posted a link that proved alapanamo posted this on deviantART before it showed up on the tumblr page. And I complimented the story. That’s it.

          And, just so you know, accusing a writer of plagiarism is serious business and incredibly hurtful if not true. It took me twenty seconds of research to find out the facts in this case. What would have been appropriate was to use the “Contact Us” form to approach derpbutt in private, especially if you weren’t sure. You were the one who decided to make your accusation on a public forum.

        2. Happy Taco Penguin

          I never said that you said anything terrible; I said don’t get too worked up about it. It’s the Internet; relax.

          While I wasn’t trolling- I was genuinely mistaken- there are people out there who throw out accusations like candy. Best not to let them get to you. I’m not trying to sound condescending, I’m really not- I like the community here, I don’t want to start any major bull shit.

          I apologized for my mistake. I’m not going to grovel; I’ll apologize and move on.

          So here I go my final time:
          I’m genuinely sorry; I was mistaken.

  18. Happy Taco Penguin

    Mmm.. This wasn’t written by him. It was featured on a creepy pasta tumblr first, and it had been titled tunnels.

    Alapanamo literally copied and pasted it but changed the source. ._.

    1. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had authors accused of stealing from themselves. Can you show me proof that it was written to someone else? The tumblr you linked to specifically noted that they just pull pastas from whatever’s floating around, they don’t claim to be the author.

      Sorry, I just need some sort of concrete proof (ie, it being credited to someone else) before I remove this. More often than not, it turns out the author was just posting their stuff elsewhere as well and people jumped the gun on “plagiarism!”.

      The author can also step in and give proof that it’s his/her work as well.

  19. oh yeah andanother thing i can see my roommates comment as soon as i click on the comments to put mine in… and that’s why i said i dint agree with hers… so next time you think you know something you should really figure it out before assuming ur right… that iz all… ill letmy roomate deal with creepypasta from now on since ahe thinks ”every story is awesome”. ill just go to reddit non dickish people there..

    1. You all share an email address, too? Must be really close.

      I think I know how my own site’s comments work, thanks. I was just trying to help you succeed with your future attempts dramabait, no need to be so hostile.

  20. This was absolutely fantastic, the claustrophobic descriptions and the increasingly sinister nature of the tunnel, the unsympathetic characters and the description of the brick transforming into a living organism – even the line where the Tall Man wonders if he ever even left the tunnel, it’s all completely chilling. Nice work!

  21. ahhhhh.i went to the circus a few years ago and this clown (who definitely needed to retire!!) wouldnt leave me and my boyfriend alone!!! and his breath smelt like spoiled milk!!!! i just got the creeps all over again -_-

  22. 1st off we live with 5 different females (college) 2nd off 3 of us use the same email because we all have the same classes its easier that way… anyways as i was saying 1radchic stop being a grammer nazi, we arent in class and you’re not a english professor… SERIOUSLY correcting people is rude…

    1. ẠbracadaveЯ

      … I’m not even gonna start on the punctuation and… the rest.
      But I had to do it. You were asking for it.

  23. The clown idea is reminiscent of IT, but the whole vibe of the story read more like the Twilight Zone to me. Mainly it’s the detached narrator describing everything in a really clipped, almost scientific way. It added to the sense of unease because it is so distant, even when describing the horror these individuals faced. It was a pretty immersive story for me, and the way things were described also came across as really dream-like. There were some sections where the descriptions didn’t make sense, almost conflicting, but it worked because it is presented as the absolute fact of the experience by the narrator. I also liked the simple description of the characters as Tall Man, Clown, and Mustache. They remain distant, indicating the point of this story is not them. The tunnel is the main character rather than our three people.

    It plays really well on fears of the dark, claustrophobia, and even some of that idea that maybe you’re just going crazy. These are all implicit in the story telling, the characterization of the tunnel as a living and devouring force. I liked it a lot, and I find few flaws personally. I wish the formatting had worked, since the broken tags kind of pull you out of the story, but that was minimal and more of a tech error than anything else. I give it a 9/10, because I really enjoyed it and the imagery it presented.

  24. I actually really loved this one a lot. I really liked the writing style quite a bit and a good sense of creepiness was acheived at the right times. Very good job.

      1. The tunnel is an entity rather than a structure. It feeds off of the pain and suffering of others by making their greatest fears come to life(tall man: clown) (clown: tight spaces) (mustache: probably rodents)
        In the end it also gives you a glimpse that the entity keeps its victims trapped(well their souls) for eternity by adding the two fears colliding(clowns pipes got to the size of a quarter, tall man sees clown)
        Truthfully, I adored the story and thought it was a twisted work of art. Well done!

    1. If you read it through, you would realize that Mustache had forgotten to bring the flashlight.

  25. i.dont agree with 1ratchic at all it was drawn out and exhasting at times to read. it reminded me of sum cheesy IT movie

    1. I feel that I should make you aware that prior to admin approval, the only person who can see your comments is you. Might keep that in mind (and changing your email?) the next time you want to argue with yourself.

      1. POWER LEVELS!!!

        hey derpbutt i submitted a pasta, well actually 2 pastas, that were the same story, the first was the ruff draft i sent by mistake and the second was the finished project will you reject it because i sent the same story twice?

        1. This is answered in the FAQ/Submission page. Please don’t clutter up other people’s pastas with questions that are already answered, thanks.

    2. Fyi, thatgirl is my username. Wouldnt want to be confused with someone who doesnt enjoy such quality pasta.

  26. its *1radchic and its *exhausting and *some.. and i dint put my opinion there for you to agree with it was for the author =)

  27. i dont agree with 1ratchic i thought this was so drawn out and exhasting to read sometimes. it reminded me of a chessy IT movie or sum shit.

  28. What the fuck amazing story but what the fuck… I don’t think I’m going to get any sleep tonight or ever again but that was an amazing story very well written and I love it!!! 10/10

  29. clowns have always been creepy to me!!!.. well written… i will say the end with the finger sticking out of the wall made me laugh.. but i still liked this one.. good job =)

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