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Estimated reading time — 5 minutes

If you asked me how long we’ve been down here, I wouldn’t know. We don’t see the sun, and nobody seems to have a watch. It doesn’t matter anyway; we don’t have anywhere to be. For all we know there isn’t anywhere left to be. The surface has surely been overrun with death and decay by now.

There are six of us left. Until just recently there were seven. Her screaming has stopped now and I feel relief. It was hard to sleep with those agonizing screams and the banging on the steel door. Huddled in my blankets, I look around at the other survivors; four men and a woman, all of us unkempt and haggard. At one point we all worked here, but since the accident it’s become our prison. The painfully low amount of food is in a pile in the center of the room, so we can all keep an eye on it to make sure nobody is taking more then we’re allowed per day. There’s enough food for three, maybe four meals. None of us want to think about it. We just stare.

There are no beds, just piles of blankets and paper that make crude sleeping areas. There’s one bathroom at the far end of the complex and it has running water. There are three other rooms, rooms we used to work in, filled with computers and lab equipment that has accumulated a fine layer of dust. We still have power somehow, so all the security cameras and lights still work. Unfortunately none of the computers work because they’ve been shut and locked, as per emergency protocol. Any contact with the outside world is non-existent.


We worked for the military, doing basic chemical research. Somewhere along the line a chemical was leaked, and the results were fatal. People who came into direct contact with the chemical succumbed to vomiting, mild at first, then intense, until they had nothing to excrete except for their own blood. Nobody lasted more then a couple hours once they had touched the chemical. It also spread through saliva, bile and blood, so those with the misfortune of coming into contact with even a single drop are doomed. We had to toss that woman out because we caught her vomiting in the toilet. She said she was pregnant and that it was only morning sickness, but you can’t be sure. Her fiancé, Barry, tried to intervene, calling us animals. We clubbed him over the head, then tied and gagged him to a thick pipe at one end of the room. He strains against the bonds and screams into the gag occasionally, a fierce and wild-eyed look on is face. It’s for his own good and the good of everyone here. He might hurt someone. He needs to be untied and fed eventually, but nobody wants to be the one to do it. So we just sit and stare at the pile of food on the floor that gets lower with each rationed meal. He’s another mouth to feed that we can’t afford.

Everyone is on edge, twitchy and jumpy. Every movement is watched intently, with suspicious and unrelenting eyes. Nobody talks anymore. They just stare. We all know we’re going to die, it’s just a matter of time before hunger or the chemical gets us. It’s all in the backs of our minds, eating away at our sanity.

It’s been awhile now since the incident with the sick woman. Barry died while I was asleep, and our food supplies have run out. I draw the blanket over my head and drift into a fitful sleep, filled with hunger pangs. I’m awakened some time later by the sound of whispers. I can see three members of our group huddled in a circle and identify them as Marcus, Daniel and Eileen. My stirring causes them to look over, piercing me with savage eyes. They start moving towards me with a hungry look on their faces. Their intent hits me with a sudden burst of fear, and I scramble to my feet. Marcus grabs me by the collar, and it tears as I break loose from his grip. Daniel grabs at my blanket and I shove him hard against the third attacker, Eileen. They go sprawling and I spring past them and into the computer room, locking the door as fast as I can. Dragging desks and cabinets, I make a crude and hopefully secure barricade. I see them banging themselves against the door and the windows, glaring at me with feral eyes. Something catches their attention down the hall, and they stop, heads snapping sharply in the direction of the bathroom.


The fifth man, Jackson, must have finished using the facilities, unaware of the intent of the other three. He approaches and peers into the window, a puzzled look on his face. I try to scream a warning, but all that escapes my throat is a hoarse rattle. It’s too late anyway, and his face is smashed against the glass by one of the others. I stare in horror as his face is smashed to a pulp, each thud resounding through the room like a slow heartbeat. Then his body is taken away and there is silence.


They’re gone for now, but they’ll be back. Hunger gnaws at my stomach and I search frantically for any morsel of food. With extreme luck, I manage to find a candy bar in one of the desk drawers and hungrily devour it, thanking whoever it was who had the sweet tooth. My bliss soon passes, and the hunger pains return. I try to sleep, but even the slightest sound jolts me awake. I have no idea how much time has passed but suddenly they were bashing the blood smeared window with a pipe. They’re going to get in, and I will need to defend myself.

There’s an emergency axe in one corner of the room, inside a glass case. I smash the glass and retrieve it, and it makes me fell a little better. My anxiety grows along the spider web cracks on the window with each passing moment. After God knows how many attempts, the window finally shatters and the wild, barely human face of Marcus peers in. I sit in a chair, with the axe out of view, and wait. I’m going to die anyway, so I might as well go out fighting. He climbs in, followed by Eileen and finally Daniel. They approach slowly, in a mini skirmish line. When they get close enough, Marcus raises the pipe for a killing blow. Before he has time to bring it down, I swing the axe and slice him in the chest. The pipe clatters to the floor and as I spring to my feet. Eileen lunges at where I was and crashes into the now empty chair. I swing the axe, catching Daniel off guard and delivering a blow to the temple. His blood showers me and stings my eyes, blinding me. Eileen lunges for me again and tackles me around the ankles, sending me to the ground. I managed to hang on to my axe, and as her hands clasp around my neck I slash her throat. The hands grip tighter for a moment and then loosen, and her lifeless body crumples on top of me.


Pushing her off, I stagger towards Marcus, gagging from the strangling I had just received. He was still alive, dragging himself through his own blood towards the fallen pipe. I stick my foot on his back and swing the axe onto his skull. My heart racing, I stumble backwards and am grabbed by hands from behind. The axe is wrenched from my hand and I feel a sharp prick on my neck. I lose all muscle control and slump to the floor. Through blurred vision I see men in hazmat suits all around me. I hear the sound of their voices, but they seem distorted and far away. Then the man nearest me speaks and the words register into my brain with horror.

“The experiment has gone on long enough,” he says, before I sink into total darkness.

Credited to Kilkenny.

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

148 thoughts on “Chemical”

  1. I agree about more detail. Don’t be concerned about it being too lengthy. The quality will keep us reading.
    If the reader doesn’t have the patience to sit through a couple extra paragraphs, they are the problem.

  2. Pretty good, although i couldnt get over that the chemicle acted more like a biological outbreak than a chemical exposure.

  3. Perhaps the “chemical” was a farce, to get the group to go into the dark. The people who’d died had weaker bodies, someone had the flu and those who didn’t get it were immune, the last lady to be locked away really was pregnant. I thought this pasta was delicious, I wish there was more to be consumed

  4. I really hate the fact that every time I gwyvso the bottom of a pasta is riddled with stupid comments about how you didn’t like t because so and .so 1. These people had been trained by the government in some things 2. The point in science is to if anything had changed

  5. Jeremiah Brown

    Despite the flaws that so many seem stuck on, I thought this was a great story. The twist at the end makes it that much better. Thanks for posting! Keep up the good work!

  6. I really liked this, it’s like wooooowwww this could happen! then moments later my friend(finishing reading) is like wow that could happen then highfived me.. thanks for making something creepy even creepier! Lolz

  7. “The painfully low amount of food is in a pile in the center of the room, so we can all keep an eye on it to make sure nobody is taking more then we’re allowed per day.” Than is spelled wrong. Stupid eye for detail lol, But it was a pretty good pasta.

  8. It reminds me of some movie I saw, The Killing Room. They took people in for “Medical Experiments” and end up having 3 of the 4 killed in an MK Ultra project. In other words-mind control.

  9. First third was great, second third was a hell of a lot like Evaporation, third third was good while they were fighting eachother, end was rushed, kthxbai.

  10. Not the creepiest pasta, but when the narrator is in the computer room, hoo boy, that was creepy. I like that it turned out to be an experiment. That was really cool.

  11. Delicious pasta. Loved how you described precisely how he killed all of the ‘infected’.

    By the way, I couldn’t tell. Were they infected or cannibals or something?

  12. I can’t believe some posters were harping on one little typo. At least the author managed to get his story across, and we understood it.

    I liked this one. First read it on the wow forums and remembered it since.

  13. why the fuck do people post stupid questions like ‘who was darkness and who was sweet tooth’?
    That is such obnoxious 10 year old behaviour. Is that supposed to be some sort of joke or something to make them sound cool?

  14. But then, who was Hazmat Suit?

    Pretty good pasta, though. Kinda reminded me of the Russian Sleep Experiment.

  15. @Nezumi
    If the chemical was real, wtf were they wasting time on experiments for?
    If the chemical was contained, why were they wearing the suits?

  16. This is one of theses stories where one suddenly realises that monsters aren’t that horrible compared to mankind

  17. not an anonymous guy who will scream ‘but who was —?!”. I will say that i loved this pasta. very delicious.
    nom nom nom. :3

    However, there is one small typo:
    ‘There’s an emergency axe in one corner of the room, inside a glass case. I smash the glass and retrieve it, and it makes me FELLa little better.’
    Should be feel* :D

    And the ending seemed a bit…idk, rushed?
    But still, one of the better ones I’ve read. <3

  18. @Hmmmmm:

    Obviously, they’re wearing Hazmat suits because the chemical is real — it’s just completely contained, rather than causing the mass destruction the scientists believed.

  19. I think the whole point of the “experiment” as it were, would be to see what WOULD happen to Govt. Officials if a chemical was released and they WERE locked down. Perhaps for future reference?

  20. @ BloodzombieBlood: There are plenty of places, mostly hospitals and offices that have windows looking out into hallways. Also, since they didn’t believe she was pregnant, it could have been in the early stages of the pregnancy and therefore nobody knew she was expecting.

  21. @velocityraptor:

    yes, its always nice to see someone go insane, isn’t it?

    Until you actually see someone going insane, like I did with my friend. he got bitten by a snake and the venom drove him insane, I think he got rabies. We had to tie him up, because he kept trying to bite people.

    His mouth was foaming and his eyes were twitching and he couldn’t speak, all he could do was growl and try to bite.

    Its always nice to see someone going insane, I know.

  22. This was pretty good. Up until it ended with a shiny, happy experimental setting. This isn’t creepy, it’s factual. Human experimentation is necessary for the advancement of our species as a whole.

  23. Why? Why would people do this to other human beings, you ask.


    Some guy was probably sitting in a lab somewhere and thought “I wonder what would happen if you locked a bunch of people in a building with no food, and the threat of a disease? How far will they go?”
    And they did it.
    And after the protagonist murdered everyone else with an axe, there was no point continuing, because most of them were dead.

    Awesome pasta. Scary with possibility.

  24. I have a few things that are bothering me 1: why would you be working in a military chemical lab if you were pregnant 2:Why be a greedy bastard and eat the WHOLE candy bar 3: why would there be awindow INSIDE 4: Why wouldyou apply a test to innocent people 1 who is pregnant and another who is getting married theres these Questions that need to be answered

  25. There’s a few movies that come to mind when I read a story like this. The whole decay of social order and we all revert back to our most basic urges type deal. Madness is quite contagious when you think your going to die, I suppose. o.o; Good story.

  26. yay, people moarning about the ending and shit, but in my opinion it’s just great. the climate, the madness, and then a striking punchline. very well done.

  27. Ehh, it wasn’t that good. Did a decent job with the Donner Party scenario, but the ending was weak and the buildup wasn’t satisfying. Thing is, I can’t really say what about it was bad, it just resounded as meh. 3/10.

  28. At first i thought it was a 28 days later sort of thing but i love the twist at the end! that was an amazing pasta! but it is creepy because chances are that some day the government will develop some chemical that could actually do that to us but that was just harsh locking those people up just for some experiment!(yes i know its not real but still)
    good pasta!!! XD

  29. This actually didn’t have any effect on me whatsoever, so I’m extremely confused after seeing everyone else like this pasta.

  30. Interesting. The “evil experimentation” angle is a little cliche, but I can overlook that on account of the beautiful writing and the author’s excellent job at establishing an atmosphere first and foremost. The story actually sounds like it could have been written by a trapped man, forlorn of hope. The narrator doesn’t fall victim to stupid, expository dialog, and the nature of the chemical is (thank god) left just clear enough to give the reader an idea of the threat it represents, but vague enough to imply that the narrator has no reason to go into specifics and doesn’t really want to (and rightfully so.) Perhaps an ending detailing him slumping back into a corner and staring into space, ignoring that there is literally no reason for him to go on would have been a bit more fulfilling than the ending shown here, but I would like to see more by this author. Bravo overall.

  31. Yes it does Yep, they were made to believe that the chemical infection had spread. If they knew it hadn’t spread, they wouldn’t have been down there in the fist place. That’s the impression I got anyway.

  32. La Muerta Blanca

    So the little lab rats that thought they were doing research on a chemical turned out to be the research itself, nice. I love stories like these.

  33. At the beginning with the part of how it spreads – that just reminded me of the part in 28 Days Later (?) where they’re at the army base, and the father looks up, to where there is a corpse that’s being eaten by a crow. There the blood drips into his eye and he’s turned.

    Maybe they wanted to see what would happen to people if you left them in isolation for however long. Why would they not feed them? I think that this would get the scientists charged with some sort of serious crime, maybe.

  34. no imposters thx


    This story shouldv’e been called “People killing each other in an underground facility because they’re hungry.”

  35. The start was brilliant, but the second half just seemed rushed and just killed the whole creepy mood you’d put up, in my opinion.

  36. great story, i really like stories where man is faced with harsh decisions that deprive him and everyone of logic. But what i would have done was after the first guy was killed, i would stop attacking the guy with the axe and just eat the already dead non threat with a huge axe haha

  37. Long-time reader, first-time poster.

    Pretty decent – but then, writing about a descent into madness is a subject that allows for a large amount of variation.The last bit should have been expected for a story of this type, but wasn’t, so I enjoyed the ending.

  38. Seems like a good setup for a survival horror game! The stinger surprised me, but in retrospect it seems a little obvious. Pretty good pasta though.

  39. Pretty luscious pasta. A bit pointless in the end, yes; also, the setting isn’t exactly new. Basically, it’s a stock environment, stock plot, stock protagonist – written particularly well.

  40. The ending sucked. Why would they wear hazman suits if it was just an experiment?

    if they stopped it after they started murdering each other, why not stop it AFTER the first murder, for that matter? or BEFORE the first casualties?

  41. ..interesting.. i think it was one of the better written pov pastas, but it was rather predictable… and i didn’t get the purpose of the experiment either..but meh.
    anyway.. tasty pasta is tasty, good job!


  42. Honestly, one of the best one’s i’ve read in a while. I’d have preferred spaces between the different narratives, and the author switched tenses once or twice, but the story was good and the twist was great. It reminds me of that episode of the twilight zone with the bomb shelter. Good stuffs.

  43. Pretty damn good pasta. Left a neat taste in my mouth. There were some things that were… odd, to say the least. But, if they are waterboarding, I guess our military wouldn’t give a flying fuck about watching some pregnant woman get murdered. Or about other people getting murdered, slowly starving to death.

    Vet, this story wreaks of the Stanford prison experiment. Wiki it, you’ll be impressed to learn that this… has already happened. In a way.

  44. The purpose this experiment might serve is what would happen if certain chemical agents were introduced into the human population, and how many people would survive to continue the species.

    But, that’s just my guess. ;)

  45. Finally, something not supernatural.
    Has a bit of an edge because it could actually happen, it’s not to unbelievable, and it reads like a survival story (which can be pretty scary)

  46. I think if there was more detail, it would have been better. However, this is Creepypasta, and the point is to have short stories. I would definitely read a book about this. Great story, thank you!

  47. I rather enjoyed this one. The ending was a little less well done than the rest of the story, though. One usually notices when a room goes from being empty for days and days to being filled with guys. Even if you’re busy murdering your coworkers, you should probably be able to notice Dr Killyourface sneaking up behind you after being isolated for so long.

    I did enjoy it, however. 8/10

  48. Wow, I liked this pasta. It actually kept my attention and was interesting throughout.


  49. @ Vet. Look up the Standford prison experiment of 1971, Or the German movie Das Experiment. Very easy to see this happening.

    A bit rushed, could have gone a bit more manic… But a filling pasta.

  50. a pretty good pasta
    It definitely was a good read, the ending came pretty unexpected
    The only thing was by the time you got there, you knew something big would change because it was so near the end. Maybe if this was done as a “journal” type?

  51. Wow. This was actually the first story I read on this site, and I’m glad it was yours. Creepy story, wonderful details, and what an ending!


  52. MisterVercetti

    This sorta reminded me of the Resident Evil movie, except with a lot less zombies.

    This was quite awesome, if I do say so myself. Believable, yet creepy as hell. Well done.

  53. Delicious pasta. Awesome ending. Best I’ve read in quite some time.

    The typo pulled me out of it, though. I was sad. Ninth paragraph, “and it makes me fell a little better.”

  54. Delicious pasta! Om nom nom. Nice to see an ending that isn’t ‘witness’; they are few and far between.

  55. Whilst reading this, I imagined the guy who’s narrating writing the pasta while he’s chopping the fuck out of Eileen, Daniel and Marcus.

  56. VelocityRaptor

    Quiet, Vet. This is amazing, it’s always nice to see a man’s descent into insanity and what they will become. This kind of reminds me of Cloverfield when they’re underground for some reason.

  57. Finally a good pasta. The ending was good, and it’s a bit more spooky because it could actually happen. I thought the idea of the chemical was kind of weird, and then…

      1. Its refering at the russian horrific experement i think.i dont know the exact name but its pretty similar

  58. Stupid.

    Why would they even need to do an experiment like that? What purpose would it serve?

    What a waste.

    1. I agree. Do they really need to do an experiment to know that humans will react like any other animal when desperate? It was much scarier when it was a chemical leak because it was more realistic.

      1. Kaos McPunchfist

        Thats not neccisarily true. But, if you see it that way, consider the it an experiment of how powerfuly urges such as hunger and survival are vs social interaction and moral standards are. sort of a wich-would-win-in-a-tug-of-war scenario.

        I think I actualy know how the idea for this story started. In middleschool, we had this teacher who liked to have us play guinea pig in social experiments. one was a scenerio where there was a chemical leak, and the only sa place was a square of paper. we had to decide who lived, and who died. each pertson was given a persona, such as a scientist who invented a cure for aids but had yet to write it down, or a military general, or a pregnant woman.

        it was interesting to see how people reacted to the situation, but this story reminds me of it.

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