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Ben: A True Story

Estimated reading time — 4 minutes

I was with two of my friends Ben and Nick on holidays when it happened.

We were in an isolated part of Greece, somewhere that doesn’t show up on Google maps for some reason, travelling down a long stretch of road in our hire car in search of the next major city to party in. After initially planning on driving through the night, we accepted that we had lost our way and it was getting too dark to continue so we pulled into a gas station for directions on where we could stay. The old man handed us an old brochure of a nearby village and insisted we go check it out. Since we were completely lost, we were left with no other option. Something different we thought, but just how different we could never have guessed, as we took the next left turn and ventured into the headlight lit darkness.

The only form of lodging out there was in remote cabins, separated far apart from each other for privacy we guessed. The self-contained cabin had a bathroom, kitchen, queen bed and single bed; all that we needed for one night. Nick won the rock off for the single bed, so Ben and I would be sharing. Nick snores anyway, so I was cool with that.


One feature of the cabin that unnerved me however, was the large square curtainless window that occupied the entire area of the vacant wall. It bothered me especially now because night had fallen and the light was on inside, so it acted as a sort of two-way mirror. Anyone wearing black could easily look through without being noticed…

We made plans to go out that night to the village bar, have some drinks, tell stories and see where the night takes us. We discussed that would leave the key under the rock by the front porch, and if we were to split up, whoever came home first would leave the door open for the others to get in.

“Why don’t you say it louder so everyone can hear where we hide it,” Ben joked.

To which Nick found the pleasure in yelling it at the top of his lungs. Luckily our cabin was isolated out here and there was no one close by, I thought to myself as we drove off…

It was a surprisingly fun night at the bar. We had plenty of shots of the local drink Ouzo, until the bar staff informed us we had drunk their stocks dry; it was cheap though, in Greece.

The next thing I knew, it was late, the bar was closing, and we had lost Ben. He must’ve left without us, though I don’t remember him telling us he was leaving I thought, slightly concerned by him acting out of character. So we left without him, taking the car.


“I need to piss badly,” I adjusted in my seat, as the car headlights momentarily lit up the cabin and we turned into the driveway to the sound of gravel crunching under the tyres. We checked under the rock for the key. It was gone. We tried the doorhandle. Locked. “What the fuck?” we both looked at each other. Ben must’ve come home before us, and he’s locked us out!

“BEN! OPEN UP! We need to piss!”

“Hurry up Ben!”


We banged on the door. I heard a stumbling inside like someone literally crawling awkwardly on all fours out of bed. Damn he must be drunk!

“I can’t hold this piss in anymore,” I said, as Nick and I went to separate sides of the cabin to urinate as Ben finally opened the door. It felt good urinating, but that feeling was harshly interrupted by what caught my attention on the large window, sending a large shiver up my spine. There was this long thin set of handprints, only visible on the window from the mist outside. It looked longer than any human’s hand, but much, much thinner. “Holy shit,” but I quickly cleared my mind of the scary and irrational images it was creating, as it was certainly just a regular human hand that had been smeared, causing the illusion that it’s longer… Right? Either way, it occurred to me that someone or ‘something’ might have been watching us…

I hurriedly finished my business and rushed inside. We are NOT turning the light on I thought, to prevent anything from looking in at us. As I locked the front door and we went straight to bed.

Nick fell asleep instantly, snoring before his head had even hit the pillow. And after a few minutes of tolerating Nick’s inconsistent snore, my drooping eyes fell weary so I closed them. As soon as they shut, I couldn’t help but get the burning feeling that Ben’s eyes had opened suddenly and were staring straight at me…menacingly. My body rose in temperature and my heart beat quicker as I sensed this. As if Ben was holding his breath, vision fixated on me angrily through the darkness. Sorry if we hadn’t gone home with him, jeez… why would he be so angry? After a few minutes of calming myself from this irrational fear, I drifted off to sleep.

Knock Knock Knock “Open up, you said you wouldn’t lock it!”

THUD THUD THUD! It grew louder. “Open the door its fucking cold out here!”


This was the single scariest moment of my entire life. And the most paralyzing sensation swept over my entire body. It was Ben at the door.

Suddenly there was a movement in the sheets next to me… Something stirring.

I got up faster than I ever have in my life and ran to the door; Nick had awoken and come to the same horrific realization as soon as me, right behind me in kicking the door open and fleeing outside to the car, not once did we look back. I started the car and beckoned Ben to follow. But he didn’t know what had happened. Still facing into the room he turned on the light to see inside…

This was a true story. It really happened. You can ask Nick if you don’t believe me. But I wouldn’t ask Ben. He doesn’t say much anymore after the incident. And whenever questioned about what he saw that night, his face turns pale and expressionless and he will immediately shut the nearest curtain.

Credit To: Jack

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

184 thoughts on “Ben: A True Story”

  1. this actually really creeped me out
    i have to go somewhere tonight and I have my dads knife if my pocket
    remind me not to sleep tonight…

  2. Shiri the Hedgehog

    This is so cool! I kinda wish I could experience this sort of creepy thing. I’m severely losing my faith in these sort of things.

  3. I hate that eerie feeling when the lights are on inside thus preventing the ability to to see anything out the night filled filled window except your own reflection.
    Anybody could be inches from your face out there…and you’d never know. With only a simple, easily breakable piece of glass between you…and them. *shudders*
    I never allow this.

  4. If you were that drunk, your memory will shit itself so everything you thought happened, didn’t happen, but it did.

  5. is not bad :)
    make a youtube creepypast everone on youtube dies kk ill help if you need it
    I am on youtube my sam_bates123

  6. Holy crap! I was looking for the Ben drowned story and I found this! Okay, so the person in bed with the narrator wasn’t Ben? Or was the creature with long fingers the one knocking at the door?

  7. im gonna make some review when ever i talk to simsimi and cleverbot about ben drowend they say “have you met a terrible fate” that’s just one weird answer after reaserching about ben

  8. BEN DROWNED he drowned by his family. His father tied him up and threw him off a boat. I would know. I am an expert on it.
    Don’t believe me go ahead and google it. :-)Also my name really isn’t Tara.

  9. Ben stalks me on fb and is rly weird I just read the story and I don’t believe it’s true. Don’t believe everything the internet tells you

  10. lollipop_gestapo:
    I don’t think it was particularly well written. Not in such a grammar Nazi way, but the flow was slightly off. The idea of something walking on all fours really frightened me, though.

    I agree. Some punctuation errors but I’ve read far, FAR worse on here. Creeps me everytime I read it. I just.. Tell myself it was The Rake in that bed to ease my curiosity haha..

  11. good story but I think it would have been better if you would have said what happened to Ben and what the hell did he see!!!!!

  12. I really don’t get it ;c Well I get the whole story idea thing but I don’t get why they call Ben, Ben Drown! I mean did he ever drown? Or is it a nickname? Or did he drown in beer?

  13. I bet it was your mom :P but this did really scare me good job! all tho i probably shouldn’t have read this at 11:00 ._.

  14. *Closes curtains* I’ll tell you what i saw. I saw a thin boy, not above the age of 13. He had brown hair covering his forehead and plain green clothes. The creepy thing was that only one creepy eye was showing and most-. I’ve said too much. Sorry. I can’t tell anymore.

  15. My bed is right where the window is, to where one can crawl through my window straight onto my bed. I don’t even have curtains anymore, since the curtain rod completely broke off the wall, I have to use a bathrobe on shepherd’s hooks to cover up my window… Well, fuck.

  16. The story was very interesting. It didn’t really make me feel goosebumps or scared in any sort of way whats so ever. Over all I enjoyed it a lot and I would love to hear more from you and read more of what you have written so far!

  17. that isnt ben drowned that thing u meet was the rake if it had no hair walked on all fours and had razor like fingures then thats the rake

  18. I never truly under stood Ben till now… I guess this worked out to be the best. I still love Jeff and Slenderman the most though.

  19. I didn’t understand the 2-way mirror part. And if there’s a light on outside, doesn’t that make it harder to see inside, and easier to see outside?

  20. Can someone explain to me why this is one of the most popular pastas? Or anything scary story related? I’m a big fan of horror and I ind these BEN stories horribly stupid.

  21. that was a preatty nice story but u guys are lucky any way dint u thought tht u could take a pic or look back a lil. and poor Ben he dint know nothing but my guess with the long hand print ill say Slender man or The Stalker

  22. lollipop_gestapo

    I don’t think it was particularly well written. Not in such a grammar Nazi way, but the flow was slightly off. The idea of something walking on all fours really frightened me, though.

  23. in everymanHYBRID, green feathers name is Nick, and the guy who sent them the DVD of the hidden clips is called Ben( the best name ever).


  24. This was an awesome creepypasta and the only fault was you needed to discribe the people a little bit more, was anything wrong with "Ben"’s hands? ect.
    But otherwise great!

  25. I was reading this at 3:06 in the morning with the lights on and no curtains (they were being washed).

    I couldn’t decide if I was going to be more scared with the lights off or on, so I just booted up my laptop and moved to the bathroom!

    1. They were drunk and they didn’t turn the lights on. I assume as soon as it opened the door it went back to the bed, so they just went in in the darkness and followed suit.

  26. i always close curtains. it helps get rid of some of the paranoia of feeling as if something is watching. observing. what’s its purpose? why do they observe us so closely? are we truly so important?

      1. We watch you because you are fun to toy with. To watch how humans react to things is so hilarious. We enjoy chasing you, and watching your fear. Some of us, are kinder than others, and find other ways of entertainment. Some of us just hate your kind. I mean, if you were imortal wouldn’t you get bored of all the human mistakes you have to watch? All the evil that your race comits? It’s just depresing, and tortue to our sorry lives. Also, you humans are pretty pathetic. You’re powerless to every other species. And yet, you still believe you have power! The only reason some of us try to catch you, is because your race is so delicious! You have the best meat in the world! But only the demons eat you, as they already are in Hell. Now some of the new creatures-the newbs of course- think you’re interesting to mess with your lives. Not by their presence, but by controlling those that interact with you. I’m sure you human’s can think of a few of us that have toyed with you. In fact, I can name one right now that I’m absolutely sure you’re thinking of! But you already know what I’m talking about. Do you understand. . . humans?

        1. why would someone rate this negatively on a creepypasta? your reply was merely the theme of the whole idea of creepypasta!

        2. I’d be alot more uneasy about this comment if torture wasn’t spelled tortue. Good try though

        3. I’m sorry, I meant to rate this up and failed. That’s a negative vote that should be a positive vote.

    1. What if it was one of those things when it’s wearing someone else’s skin… Only it just has to see you to be you.

    2. People seem to be forgetting, these guys were PISSED out of their skulls. They drank the bar’s stocks dry. So, considering it’s plausible the thing opened the door and went back to bed, and they went in and followed suit, they could easily mistake it for Ben. Drunk, dark (didn’t turn on the light remember), easy mistake.

    3. Angelina(Naz Angel)





  27. oh man we went to the bar and got so wasted on the american bourbon whiskey. because it was in greece we only paid four dollars thirty for all the night. i tell my man, BEN! get out i’m piss so i go to urinate and feels good man. i must have made urination of 2,5 litres before i was done.

    1. Yup. Infact the part about Ben’s eyes staring menacingly, I couldn’t help but imagine the eyes on Majora’s mask.

    2. I saw a video on the haunted majora’s mask and i thought i was gonna read the source of the video. :( good story though love it.

      1. Exactly as soon as I seen Ben, I was like Ben Drowned. What have you done now OMG! But I want to know what was in the bed. WHAT WAS IT?!?! SLENDERMAN?

  28. This, man..This is the only creepypasta that’s every really…hit close, I guess you could say. I really enjoyed this one, though it was short. I enjoyed the ending, It was a complete turn and twist. The subtlety and twist made it awesome. Thank you. ^^

    1. Oh dear I accidentally downvoted this! It was an unintended click. So sorry; I found your comment quite amusing.

    2. *cue looking out the window and get scared because suddenly I see the branch of the tree moving and a guy on the window* Uff thank God it’s just my neighbor smoking… or is it not? *closes curtains like Ben*

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