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August Discussion Post: Best/Worst Creepypasta Categories

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Over at Crappypasta, we’ve been trying to find our footing in regards to how to categorize the submissions that end up there. We’ve been getting a lot of helpful suggestions, but one in particular gave us pause. Shogunfish suggested a ‘Ripoff Rituals’ category – you know, for those rituals that are all risk, no reward – which we liked, until it occured to one of the admins that… you know, we barely get ANY ritualpasta submissions anymore.

If you plunge really far back into this site’s archives, you’ll notice that for awhile, ritualpasta was probably the most common style of creepypasta – to the point where readers were actually getting understandably cranky about all the ritual spam – yet it seems to have fallen completely out of fashion lately.

In fact, almost every submission we get lately falls into one of two categories: Beings/Entities and Dreams/Madness, usually mixed in with Murders/Deaths.


Poor Locations/Sites, Rites/Rituals, Artifacts/Objects and Strange/Unknown get just about zero love from today’s Creepypasta writers – at least, those writers that are submitting to us.


So after this realization, August’s discussion post topic was born: Which of the Creepypasta categories is your personal favorite, and which would you prefer to see significantly less of – and why do you feel that way?

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45 thoughts on “August Discussion Post: Best/Worst Creepypasta Categories”

  1. I Mostly Hate The Bullied Differnt Kids Who Goes Insane For No Reason And Get Super Human Strengh And Goes On Killing People There Are Tons O f More Things I Can Rip On But I Am Not.

  2. Taylor Ann Ducharme

    Silence of the Lambs and shit. like I was watching it and my 3 year old comes up to me even before the part and says ‘It puts the lotion on Its skin or else It gets the hose again.’

  3. MIcropasta is my personal favorite, because not many people can write concise horror fiction in just a few paragraphs. I have never read a mircopasta that didn’t get me thinking.

  4. Dreams/Madness seems to be the most abused category at the moment, with all the “I got bullied so I went insane”-stories still floating around. A lot of the writers don’t even seem to understand what insanity is.

    My favorite category is probably Locations/Sites. There’s so much history and small details you can include there that can make a story intriguing as well as scary.

  5. I like artifacts, or stories about madness. There has to be a feeling of dread that builds up through the pasta to give it a good flavor, with a kick at the ending.
    I hate the ritual pastas. There’s no atmosphere, no characters, no payoff, buildup that goes nowhere, and no incentive to actually go through with any of the instructions. I don’t agree with the defenders who say “morbid curiosity” could compel you to do any of the inane things they tell you to do.
    The ONLY good ritual pasta I’ve read is about the clearing in the trees somewhere in the rockies where inside it’s as dark as a moonless night and if you camp there, it will become bright AND you’ll get to possess your heart’s true desire, but then everywhere outside of the clearing will have become as dark as the blackest night.
    There’s incentive: gain your greatest wish.
    There’s risk: Camp overnight in a scary place and ignore whatever monsters and avoid madness.
    And there’s a twist: Now the world is inverted. So you have to decide is it worth winning your deepest desire at the risk of possible madness and death?

  6. I always find myself enjoying Beings/Entities. My favorite is definitely Smiley Man; I mean the writing could have been better but otherwise the main idea was good. I myself, in fact, wrote a second Smiley Man that I’m still trying to get on Creepy Pasta. Other than that category I also really like the Dream/Madness section. Its super cray and way cool. So yeah that’s my opinion. To be honest I’m more into the macabre and gore. I think its a lot more scary, and I guess I could include the ones that are talking to you. Like more of a story where they are saying they ‘miss’ you or ‘will never forget’ you. Those ones that you read and go "Psh Whatever" Then later at night you think about it and loose sleep.

  7. Madness is not my favorite. I hate Rituals too. Lost Episodes are frequently awful as well as Haunted Games. However some Haunted games really creep me out a lot. I like Strange/Unknown and Beings/Entities. But I think everyone can agree that Mummified Head is in a fucking dreadful category of It’s own.

  8. I love and hate beings and entities. The cliché black eye sockets and pale skin is killing me. Sometimes there are amazing pastas in this category but most of them involve this typical monster. It’s almost like anyone can ever think of is the Rake. So this category is my least favorite and favorite hahaha

  9. My favourite creepypasta are the rituals, but I can’t write those very well. Although my old favourites used to be Beings and Unknown.

  10. I like most of the entries but the shock endings are my personal favorite for the simple fact that they’re surprise endings and (usually) well written. But ritual pasta is a close second and one that I would like to see more of, although some do tend to get repetitive, the good ones make me think ‘what would I do in this situation?’ and really get me involved.

    On the other hand, the mirrors section and dream/madness pastas are my least favorite. The mirrors seem to get too repetitive and it’s difficult to find original idea in that category. Dream/madness pasta is vast but does usually end in some expectable or cliche ending.

  11. I personally love ritual pastas. they express the extent people have to go to obtain power. rituals are written in a manner that plunges the reader into the world the writer creates. exactly where the writer wants them to be. simply because they are written in step by step directional form.

    But any pasta would do. especially the ones that hit home. the ones that get in your head. the ones that stay there and keep you up at night.

  12. I personally don’t like the Murders & Deaths section very much. Strange/Unknown ought to be my favourite, but I think it’s something of a loose categorization, since it ends up serving for whatever doesn’t quite fit in the other categories – every section actually deals with strange/unknows, right? So this one definition actually fits what’s abstract enough.

  13. In my opinion, every category has potential. As such, I have no one favourite section. However, I don’t have much fondness for Artifacts/Objects, mainly because of the possessed games and poorly written pastas about objects I would never come across in the first place.

  14. I really like the Strange/Unknown category. I can’t really say why, just some of the pasta’s give me chills. Im not really into the Artifacts/ Objects category, because of the haunted game pastas the creep up way to much. Now if people would write about actually scary games like Silent Hill, then you might have an actual hit with me.

  15. I enjoy the Rituals because they approach the ‘horror story’ in such an abstract manner. The rituals were like the obscure foreign films of creepypasta. There were some very well written ones, as someone mentioned, Gallery of Henri Beauchamp, and they provided such a random tour into weirdness. I’d hate to see the category go, and I’d love to see a revival!

  16. Murders/Deaths is my favorite category as my fear of death has no bounds, with murder being at the top of the ultimate fear list. Unfortunately, my favorite category has so few good stories in it. Most are overdone and cliche. But the scarce good ones never fail to keep me up at night.

    Least favorite is probably Artifacts/Objects. While there are plenty of well-written stories in that section, I don’t think I’ve ever been creeped out or scared by them.

  17. Witch King of Angmar

    I like a lot those Pastas about ‘Lost episodes’. They usually mess up with our memories from some old animated tv show. I loved ‘Candle Cove’, ‘Squidward’s Suicide’ and ‘Chukie’s Mom’. I would like to read some more ‘lost episodes’ pasta!

  18. The Five believe Artifacts/Objects and Strange/Unknown are the ones more deserving of intelligent content.
    At the same time, The Five believe that Haunted Games don’t belong on Creepypasta, rather, Crapypasta. They aren’t remotely creepy.

  19. Well, fornicate the haters then because, while I’m not decided on a *favourite*, Rites and Rituals is way up there for me. I mean, yeah obviously there are plenty of the formulaic, cliched, poorly written boring pastas for it just as there are for the other categories, but back in the golden age of creepypasta there were also plenty of absolute gems like the Gallery of Henri Beauchamp which were, uif not creepy, at least intriguing and mysterious and presented pretty damn interesting mythologies. To those that say “why would I do that…”, are you honestly going to tell me you wouldn’t be the least bit curious about the bizarre, paranormal, forbidden knowledge that is being offered? It’s this morbid curiosity at the heart of human nature that such a legend of the works of Lovecraft, and you’re fools to deny it.

  20. dreams&madness are the best one.Also beings&entities are good Knowing about something which u never hav thought of but seems logical real…… scares the shit out of u

  21. My favorite is dreams and madness, and my least favorite is rites and rituals. Rites and rituals got way too repetitive.

  22. I agree with most the people here; dreams/madness is an absolute favorite. It mindfucks you because in real life, it always has the potential to turn into a thing. Maybe not the scientific experiments, but that would only happen to a handful of people anyways… Unless it was a mass-population experiment?! Dun dun dunn! [You’re welcome for the story idea.]
    My least favorite is the beings/entities [except for Slendy, of course]. I guess because there’s no possible way to go about the whole “I see spirits” angle without a.] turning cliche, or b.] sounding like a tool. Also, artifacts/objects are a real piece. Reasons a and b apply for this category as well.
    Everything else I didn’t mention is a-okay and doesn’t need any special treatment.

  23. I’m rather fond of the Beings/Entities category, as well as Strange/Unknown. I have to admit that the Rites/Rituals category almost invariably bores me to tears…heck, even the famous Holders Series bored me to tears. I’m not sure why, really.

  24. Strange/Unknown.

    At their best they are utterly unpredictable and the uncertainty of it all leaves a haunted aftertaste of truly magnificent pasta.

    At their worst is the usual horde of cliches, yet still interesting as they leave you still with a yearning to know… well… what the fuck is happening.

    Yes I am aware the abrupt and “it’s up to you” endings can be used as a ‘cheat’ of sorts for lazy writers who can’t quite capitalize on their ideas, it just comes with the territory.

    But in my humble opinion “Strange/Unknown” contain the most interesting and engaging pastas I’ve yet sampled.

  25. I love Madness. It’s probably due to my obsession with abnormal psychology, but the fact remains.
    My least favorite pastas are Rituals. I mean, why would I want to do that stuff again? Is it really worth a fate worse than death to be able to see whatever or to get a gold ring that might not be worth a whole lot out of a toilet?
    Locations can be a little tiresome, but there are some good ones there.

    Creepypasta helps me get through my work day, so keep it up!

  26. I think locations and sites are the most interesting. They kind of make me want visit the places in the story.(if they exist)

  27. Honestly Rites and Rituals and Strange and Unknown are my personal favorites! <3 they always are more interesting to me,though Dreams/Madness are also up there because they always seem to keep my interest

  28. My favorite category is Dreams and Madness. Not only is it almost always interesting (hello, Psychosis), but it is the category most of my own horror stories fall into. Sorry about that.

    My least favorite category is Artifacts, simply because I’m tired of all the haunted games. Don’t get me wrong, there are some fantastic stories to be read in this category (Ben Drowned), but most of them aren’t Creepypasta-worthy.

  29. I simultaneously love and hate the Dreams/Madness category of creepypasta.

    I love it, because especially if it’s kind of mind-fuckish, it’s the kind of pasta that stays with me the longest. I hate it because so many people seem to dive into this particular genre with the same old tried premises and outcomes.

    There are definitely gems in this category, but I think its boom in popularity has led to a plethora of mediocre or just plain contrived and un-readable garbage.

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